Community > Posts By > Eljay

Eljay's photo
Sun 03/29/09 07:44 PM

God is omnicient, omnipitent and omnipresent. if you do not believe this this i shall ask you not to reply.

If you aren't willing to accept opposing views, you should not have posted in the General Religion forum.

That being said, Epicurus sums it up pretty well:

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”

However - Epicurus makes the fundamental mistake of attempting to quantify Evil. What is evil but falling short of Good? That is like quantifying darkness whch is defined as an absence of light - or cold - which is a varying degree of heat, but not definable without it. Therefore - Epicurus' premise that evil is a quantity is in doubt - and therefore his conclusion dubious at best. While it may be true to reach a true conclusion through a false premise - if the logic flows from an unacceptable premise, and is not flawed - the conclusion is unacceptable.

That's why he's called God.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/25/09 10:32 PM

Eljay wrote:

Actually - you've got your facts wrong. There have been more people killed under the name of "Atheism" than all of the religious wars combined.

That is a pretty funny statement for someone who continually states that "you can't blame the religion for the actions of those who abuse it"

Isn't that exactly what you are doing there?huh

Now let's take a "walk" through History.
The Crusades- Wars fought, by order of the Pope, to get the Holy Land back under Christian rule. Purely, a religious fight, and deaths in the name of "my god".

The Spanish Inquisition- People punished by others taking a literal translation to the bible.

The Witch Trails- Again, People punished by others taking a literal translation to the bible.

So that you don't complain about only Christianity being picked on:
Today's modern Jihad against all non-Muslims: Pretty simple, if you aren't one of them, they want you dead.

Hell, just look in that "good book" of yours. God kills many more than Satan does...

God kills EVERYONE Inkracer. You neglected to walk through Stalin's Atheistic regime - Hitlers holocost (and don't give me "He's a christain" nonsense, it's a disqualifying argument) and the shear numbers in the Atheist China regime alone would account for more deaths than all of the Holy wars combined.

But being a history buff - you knew that - didn't you.

Perhaps you should give up now before the abortion issue comes into play.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/25/09 10:28 PM

Actually - you've got your facts wrong. There have been more people killed under the name of "Atheism" than all of the religious wars combined.


I concede it's possible you _might_ be correct about this statement, in light of the statistic that 60% of the people who ever lived are alive today. I think it's far from a given, though.

However, what would you say is the minimum acceptable death toll below which it is morally acceptable to kill in the defense of/advancing the causes of religion?

Elsewhere in this thread I mentioned the recent court decision Kitzmiller v. Dover Area High School, which some have called 'The Scopes Monkey Trial II'. The judge in that case was a pretty conservative fellow who found himself needing round-the-clock protection from anonymous militant Christians making death threats.

I don't think I've ever heard of atheists making similar threats when court cases haven't gone their way. Shouldn't the moral compass the OP claims Christianity imparts yield better results than what is able to be documented?

-Kerry O.

Actually - I find the term "militant christians" to be a tad oxymoronic. To me, any "christian" making a death threat is a contradiction in terms. Perhaps we should question the part where they claim to be a christain before we question christainity itself. That's usually the first question I ask. I tend not to blame a philosophy for the actions of those that abuse it.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/25/09 10:23 PM

God is the SAME...

Yesterday, Today and Forever.


Then in that case, God is not the loving god that Christians make him out to be, Since he spent the OT killing people.
Also, if his word remains the same too, then all those parts of the bible that talk about stoning people to death, for various reasons, aren't just stories, they are what you are supposed to do.

Huh? I hate to be the one to tell you this Inkster - but everyone walking on the planet is going to die. Wouldn't that mean that God is killing everyone? And other than Stephen in the bible - where would I find examples of all this "stoning" going on? You're really big on this. Give us a few examples to support this theory of yours that God's got all these people "gettin stoned".

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/25/09 10:19 PM

I would like to hear a logical explanation for that one from a Christian who is still waiting for Jesus to come back and get them. Seriously.


It's called dispensationalsm. However - I don't feel the need at this time to point out to Abra that he's just a tad off in his biblical exegesis. A simple examination of the dozens of threads that Tribo posted on this topic will clarify it for him.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/25/09 10:17 PM

elijay, my words need no interpreter but what the hearer of each access them as, and if your profound insight, see contradiction, then this damn well should be pointed out, if you are choosing to to be responsible for how they are to be defined???

put your money where your mouth is, and speak out the contradiction???

if you speak for me, i shall speak for you???

that fair???

that equal???

i do not say what you mean to another, as this would be but childish on my part, and most even audacious, and if you deem so fit to do, then so be it, but if i speak for you, giving you back the equal you have given me, then my sting will have a more insideous effect, and sting from the inside out.

do we have a clear understanding, as equals, as to our positions???

do not do unto me, what you do not wish to come back to yourself???

that pretty fair???

what more does a professed christian and scholar as yourself practice anyhow???

as indeed, this be the very essence of what was written, that you heard not one word of.


Just getting the chance to catch up here - sorry it took so long.

In the OP's original hypothesis - we are to "assume" that He lives a life free from "all sin", and yet never follows a religion (okay - I'll buy that one for the moment) and has never heard of Jesus.

Well - since it is a sin to reject the Holy Spirit's testamony about Jesus - the ONLY unforgivable sin by the way - it is quite contrary to think that using the bible as our standard to determine what sin even is (Else where does the term Heaven come from as the presumed destination) than we are confronted with presumtions that are contradicting the boundries of the original premise. Since the bible says that ALL have sinned, te original premise is already defeated - but since it is an HYPOTHESIS (that is - assumed to be TRUE) it would naturally follow that given biblical parameters - it is hardly unlikely that he would be rejecting Jesus - given that he has NEVER sinned - so we can safely conclude that he HAS accepted Jesus, else he stands in self-contradiction and HAS sinned by rejecting Him. Since heaven is an eternity spent with Jesus and God - it is a fooloish assumption to assume that the original individual in the original hypothesis incapable of knowing who Jesus was.

One doesn't need to be a scholar to see this David. All one needs do is read the text. A child can reason this out.

WOW 'Eljay'!!!

Given your 'theatrical' background, and given the incredibly staged nature of this latest post, I suspect it could only be an attempt on your part to offer us a masterful parody, short of his signature punch-line, of our most beloved and missed PHILOSOPHER-KING 'George Carlin'.

If not an inspired 'theatrical parody', than I would be left with absolute confusion and disbelief in the statements that you have been posting of late.

Please confirm my 'theatrical parody' suspicion! Please '... TELL ME IT IS SO!!!'.

David wanted to know where the contradiction in the OP's original hypothesis was - and I gave the biblical example of it. Surely we're discussing an hypothesis centered on biblical concepts - or did I miss something in the OP?

Is this some Jesus or heaven I'm unaware of?

Enlighten me on this one. Perhaps it's the Islamic Jesus - then I guess the point is moot then, eH?

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/25/09 10:14 PM

Well - since it is a sin to reject the Holy Spirit's testamony about Jesus - the ONLY unforgivable sin by the way -

Well if that's an unforgivable Sin then I guess all Christians are doomed.

If the "Holy Spirit's testimony of Jesus is through the gospels then LISTEN UP!

Because this is what the Gospels SAY!

[34] Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

[30] Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

31] So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
[32] Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.

There we have it. To believe that Jesus did not return within the very generation to which he preached would be to reject the testimony of the Holy Spirit! The word of God!

So there you go. All Christians seem to be rejecting this, so they have committed an unforgivable sin.

But it doesn't seem to matter anyway because the rapture would have already taken place, and Jesus must have already returned and grabbed all the people he wanted during that rapture (which clearly occurred within that same generation of the people he had spoken to, if we can trust his words to be true).

So we have already been doomed long ago. Evidently we're just the descendents of the rejects of God. The people who were left behind after the rapture.

So we're doomed anyway. It doesn't really matter what we believe at this stage. It's a done deal, we're descendents of the unchosen people.

To believe otherwise would be to reject the Holy Bible and the testimony of the Holy Spirit.

That's what you're stuck with if you want to accept that the Bible is literally true.

And of course, if it can't be taken literally then what good is it? It's just a book of literature (a book of words). If the words can't be trusted, there's nothing left to consider. What good are "God's words" if the words can't be taken as literal truth?

The Christians claim one thing, but the Bible claims another.

The rapture is over according to the Gospels, it took place before that current generation passed. That's clearly what it states in no uncertain terms.

Christians keep preaching that we need to READ the Bible and so I do. What I find is that the Bible doesn't back up their religion.

So now we're onto dispensationalism are we? Didn't Tribo already cover all of this?

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/25/09 08:38 AM

To say all Atheists are not immoral is like saying not all Christians are good, or for that matter Christlike. In the last 2,000 years more wars have been fought and more people killed in the name of Christ. All religions claim to be the word of god and all others are false, so by that token all are true and false concurrently. When someone converts, all of a sudden what they once sincerely believed is now untrue. They may well be a creator of some kind somewhere up the spiritual food chain, but it’s highly doubtful it would be a capricious deity who demands loyalty from its creations. What tickles me is believers feel they have to do the work of god. Here was someone who supposedly created the heavens and the earth in 6 daze. Did god retire, or simply get lazy and decided its creations could carry the load. When are you going to start the construction of your new planet?

You may have discovered by now I am one of the noble 16% of nonbelievers. Then there was the bit about a reward in heaven. That was how they suckered the poor, illiterate masses to go off and fight and die in the Crusades. The powers that be will use any means possible to get cannon fodder for their wars of conquest, almost invariably over some natural resource. Islam has the 77 virgin thing, but that was essentially to get poor schleps to fight the invading infidel who believed god was on his side and his reward was forthcoming. I have no idea where they got 77, but perhaps the idea of a harem was popular in those daze.

Religions get started to try and explain who and why we are, but after a while, those in charge get a bit power drunk and that gives them the idea they can tell everybody what to think, feel and believe. All religions start out as a cult and Christianity is no exception. Romans were either Urbus or Pagus (sp?), city dwellers and those who farmed and ranched, known as the Pagans. The city dwellers were the first to accept a monotheistic religion since all that worship cut into the time they could be making money, but the Pagans believed in the gods and were appalled at the thought of a single deity and they insisted on no less than three, which was where the holy ghost originated. Another thing the Romans did when they conquered a culture was allow them to go through the motions of their beliefs, but they made up other reasons for why they did what they did and expected them to forget over several generations and say it was always that way. Someone remembered and passed it along by word of mouth for future generations.

Did Jesus eat the ears off his chocolate bunny rabbits at easter? There is no supporting documentation to prove anything in anybody’s religious texts, so there is no way to prove they were written by who they claim to be. When science supports religion, science is good, but when it doesn’t support religion, the same science is evil. When you insult those for not believing what you believe, that makes you just as big a fool as you call them.

Actually - you've got your facts wrong. There have been more people killed under the name of "Atheism" than all of the religious wars combined.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/25/09 08:31 AM

elijay, my words need no interpreter but what the hearer of each access them as, and if your profound insight, see contradiction, then this damn well should be pointed out, if you are choosing to to be responsible for how they are to be defined???

put your money where your mouth is, and speak out the contradiction???

if you speak for me, i shall speak for you???

that fair???

that equal???

i do not say what you mean to another, as this would be but childish on my part, and most even audacious, and if you deem so fit to do, then so be it, but if i speak for you, giving you back the equal you have given me, then my sting will have a more insideous effect, and sting from the inside out.

do we have a clear understanding, as equals, as to our positions???

do not do unto me, what you do not wish to come back to yourself???

that pretty fair???

what more does a professed christian and scholar as yourself practice anyhow???

as indeed, this be the very essence of what was written, that you heard not one word of.


Just getting the chance to catch up here - sorry it took so long.

In the OP's original hypothesis - we are to "assume" that He lives a life free from "all sin", and yet never follows a religion (okay - I'll buy that one for the moment) and has never heard of Jesus.

Well - since it is a sin to reject the Holy Spirit's testamony about Jesus - the ONLY unforgivable sin by the way - it is quite contrary to think that using the bible as our standard to determine what sin even is (Else where does the term Heaven come from as the presumed destination) than we are confronted with presumtions that are contradicting the boundries of the original premise. Since the bible says that ALL have sinned, te original premise is already defeated - but since it is an HYPOTHESIS (that is - assumed to be TRUE) it would naturally follow that given biblical parameters - it is hardly unlikely that he would be rejecting Jesus - given that he has NEVER sinned - so we can safely conclude that he HAS accepted Jesus, else he stands in self-contradiction and HAS sinned by rejecting Him. Since heaven is an eternity spent with Jesus and God - it is a fooloish assumption to assume that the original individual in the original hypothesis incapable of knowing who Jesus was.

One doesn't need to be a scholar to see this David. All one needs do is read the text. A child can reason this out.

Eljay's photo
Wed 03/18/09 12:11 AM

flowerforyou I have a question for anyone that wants to answer it.flowerforyou

:smile: How can you believe in science without believing in evolution? :smile: I have Charles Darwins book and I have read it with my own eyes.:smile: He used the scientific method.:smile: And I will say it again.:smile: He used the scientific method.:smile: How can a person dispute that?:smile:

he used the scientific method to what?

How can you believe science and insist that Evolution is science?

What is "scientific" about evolution?

Eljay's photo
Tue 03/17/09 09:08 PM

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. How many pictures are these words worth?

"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it." (Matthew 10:34-39 NASB)

"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple." (Luke 14:26)

"But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one." (Luke 22:36 NASB)

Ah... Excellant. Here we have a perfect example of Cultic practices - where an individual creates a premise that they want supported, and then grab passages from the bible to "support" their idea.

You have now demonstrated yourself to be of the same type of individual as Jim Jones, Charles Manson, The Reverand Sum Yung Moon, Joseph Smith, Mary Baker Eddy...

I certainly hope your disciples acquiesce to a better fate than their disciples.

Eljay's photo
Sun 03/15/09 08:47 PM

A man is born and spends his entire life free from sin, helping and loving others. He doesnt commit even one little sin. Never smokes, drinks, cusses, steals, lusts after another woman, etc... He doesnt even THINK about these things.

He is unaware of any religion, and therefore has no reason to repent or accept Jesus as his savior.

Is he going to hell?

Well there is no such thing as hell, so no.

The way I interpret the scripture is that Jesus = LOVE.

The term "Jesus" means the same as Love. There is no difference. Jesus represents Love. He is not a man or a savior. The savior is Love itself.

Live in love and you are saved. They only salvation is Love. Its very simple for me.

While I'm not going to try to argue a point that you're wrong - I would presume that the pretext of the original hypothesis is that one consider the parameters those of scriptural domain. Else there's no point of creating the hypothesis.

I believe he is attempting to prove a negative point with a rediculous hypothesis that has premises that are contradictory.

So - just play along.


Eljay's photo
Sun 03/15/09 08:42 PM


this indeed, could easily give way to the pretext of original sin, less one see only speaking a lie, is not yet knowing everything???

While we might find a scripture that says this - it is not the context of the topic of sin. Examining all of the passages on sin disproves this pretextual idea.

Eljay's photo
Sun 03/15/09 10:50 AM

Original sin is the most ridiculous sort of idea. It amazes me its taken seriously. Its circular and only makes god a hypocrite.

It is. I have no idea why this concept came about - it is no where to be found in scripture. The bible contradicts the Catholicism concept of "original sin".

How so eljay. What about Romans 5:12

What about it? This is not saying anything about the Catholic doctrine of "Original Sin". All this is saying is that because of Adam and Eve disobeying God - that sin entered the world. The result of Adam's disobedience to God was that we enter this world with a "sin nature" - not having already sinned because of the actions of Adam. This is the difference between the Catholic Doctrine and the context of scripture.

Eljay's photo
Sat 03/14/09 09:55 PM

When Santa Clause comes down from the north pole and smites the Easter Bunny, the great pumpkin shall be revealed as the tooth fairy. Then Jesus will resurrect and reveal himself to be the true buddha and mohamed will be so overwhelmed by awe he will fallow the true buddha to ragnarok to face Zues and Odin in the final war on earth. Hey if I keep posting this crap does it make it true.

Why don't you come back into this discussion when you gtow up little boy, and have something to offer. We've had many Trolls come and go with much better than this.
na this is much more fun

mad Who dares to bash my spiritual brother?mad

He reminds me of Rabbit. We haven't had a Troll in a long time. I guess we're due, eH?

Eljay's photo
Sat 03/14/09 03:56 PM
Edited by Eljay on Sat 03/14/09 03:57 PM

Well Eljay, the way I understand it, evolution does not happen overnight. I could be wrong. laugh

I've heard the same thing. How convienient. Sort of justifies the lack of demonstratable evidence to say it takes a few million years for this to happen. But hey - it's a fact you know. Just take our word for it. No wait... can't relly on human testimony. Now what.

Sounds like a religion to me.

I never said how long it takes. But you can see there are differences between these chimps compared to other chimps. Did you not read the descriptions?

I don't study the scientific theory of evolution. I know very little about it. I know that it is just science. I am not threatened by it. It does not shake my spiritual life or my foundations of faith like it obviously seems to do to some some people who worship the Bible.

It is the Bible you are defending Eljay, not God. Why don't you realize that?

Besides, people have posted plenty of evidence, you just don't read it.

I'm not defending the bible - I'm questioing Evolution.

If that is all you are doing then that's okay by me. Question away. But if you are really curious about it, you may want to study it a little and then you would be more prepared to debate the issues.

I have - extensively. That is why I'm asking the questions I ask - because I see all of these claims that there's evidence - but I'm not being told or demonstrated what that evidence is.

I would think if there was empirical "evidence" for evolution, that it would be pretty silly to have faith in the bible. But I've never seen, nor heard of anything about Evolution that is not conjecture.

Eljay's photo
Sat 03/14/09 03:45 PM

Well Eljay, the way I understand it, evolution does not happen overnight. I could be wrong. laugh

I've heard the same thing. How convienient. Sort of justifies the lack of demonstratable evidence to say it takes a few million years for this to happen. But hey - it's a fact you know. Just take our word for it. No wait... can't relly on human testimony. Now what.

Sounds like a religion to me.

The thing is Elijay, we have posted evidence after evidence, and each time you just brush it off, without actually looking at it.

For instance:

Also, the big difference between Religion and Science(and Evolution) is that religion is set-up for "just take my word for it"(i.e. Papal Infallibility, in layman's terms, if the Pope says god told him, you have to take it on faith as being true) In Science, you have peer review. Basically, you come up with a (testable) theory, it has to stand up to people trying to disprove it. Also, you have to keep in mind the Scientific definition of the word "theory", which, is basically, an idea that ties a group of facts together.

Inkracer...about your article:

ALL that is occurring there are mutations ....which is all still occurring WITHIN ITS OWN KIND.

It is still BACTERIA!!!!

In other words, the bacteria did not become something of an


It is still bacteria..still occurring within its own "KIND".

And btw, creationist have NO argument about the mutations occuring....

because in this case, the mutations did not mutate into anything other than what it already was.

So..that "opinion" stated at the end of the article , was just the author's "opinion" only.

Does any of this help make things a bit more clearer now, Inkracer?flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

You might want to read everything before you respond. The article isn't just some scientist's opinion on what they observed. Before a scientific article is written and published, the experiment undergoes a peer review. Before the article was written, other scientists tried to disprove the results, and couldn't.
I will always trust the scientists that are actually working on trying to understand the world around us, more then someone who uses a book that is approaching 2000 yrs. old simply has a weapon against learning, and reason.

So the question remains... Was DNA information lost - or added?

Because THAT is the true crux of the matter. Ever see anythin concerning THIS information given?

Eljay's photo
Sat 03/14/09 03:23 PM
Edited by Eljay on Sat 03/14/09 03:53 PM

Well Eljay, the way I understand it, evolution does not happen overnight. I could be wrong. laugh

I've heard the same thing. How convienient. Sort of justifies the lack of demonstratable evidence to say it takes a few million years for this to happen. But hey - it's a fact you know. Just take our word for it. No wait... can't relly on human testimony. Now what.

Sounds like a religion to me.

I never said how long it takes. But you can see there are differences between these chimps compared to other chimps. Did you not read the descriptions?

I don't study the scientific theory of evolution. I know very little about it. I know that it is just science. I am not threatened by it. It does not shake my spiritual life or my foundations of faith like it obviously seems to do to some some people who worship the Bible.

It is the Bible you are defending Eljay, not God. Why don't you realize that?

Besides, people have posted plenty of evidence, you just don't read it.

I'm not defending the bible - I'm questioning Evolution.

I only defend the bible when someone claims it says something it doesn't. Other than that - I don't feel it necessary, or my even being capable of convincing someone that it is evidentiary fact - no human can do that. I can demonstrate the logical reasoning I use to support why I think it's true, but I can't make anyone "believe" that logic, and despite how you may think it appears - I don't. I can only discuss what the bible itself says - and either it makes sense, or it doesn't. For me - it makes sense. To Abra - it doesn't. But I don't try to convince Abra that what he interprets is wrong, just when he's inaccurate with WHAT he is interpreting.

Eljay's photo
Sat 03/14/09 03:18 PM
Edited by Eljay on Sat 03/14/09 03:52 PM

Well Eljay, the way I understand it, evolution does not happen overnight. I could be wrong. laugh

I've heard the same thing. How convienient. Sort of justifies the lack of demonstratable evidence to say it takes a few million years for this to happen. But hey - it's a fact you know. Just take our word for it. No wait... can't relly on human testimony. Now what.

Sounds like a religion to me.

The thing is Elijay, we have posted evidence after evidence, and each time you just brush it off, without actually looking at it.

For instance: Also, the big difference between Religion and Science(and Evolution) is that religion is set-up for "just take my word for it"(i.e. Papal Infallibility, in layman's terms, if the Pope says god told him, you have to take it on faith as being true) In Science, you have peer review. Basically, you come up with a (testable) theory, it has to stand up to people trying to disprove it. Also, you have to keep in mind the Scientific definition of the word "theory", which, is basically, an idea that ties a group of facts together.


You have shown interpretations and observations. These are the "Testimonies" of eyewitnesses to current events. Witnessing bacteria going though mutations is NOT evidence for man sharing a commoon ancestor with Apes. And let's leave religion out out this because RELIGION IS UNVERIFYABLE (and you can quote me on that).

My point is - Evolution is unverifyable, and it's extrapolating claims. That - I'm afraid, is purely faith based - and you will not be able to demonstrate to me ANY evidence to the contrary. There has never been anyone who has - nor will there ever be anyone who will. And believe me - there have been billions of dollars spent attempting to verify this over the last 50 years alone - withZERO success. Get that. Not even a a one percent chance of doing this. Zilch. None. Rien. double O's.

So how - without even one example of one type of animal tranforming into another in the wild - can you even attempt to claim that it is Fact? What are you basing your conclusion on other than conjecture?
Don't send me to a U-tube presentation, I've seen them all and non of them offer evidence either. And making claims against Creationism is not evidence for Evolution. I don't need an Evolutionist to tell me that belief in Creationism is based on faith. That's what Christianity TEACHES! Of course it isn't going to have verifyable evidence. Only what is observed. I look at a tree and think God created it - you look at a tree and think otherwise. I don't know what you think it's origin was, because every time I ask you - you point me to someone else. As far as I know - you don't have an opinion that isn't someone elses.

I'm waiting for "evidence" Inkracer - not conjecture and extrapolation.

I'm waiting for someone to tell me what that fruit fly that evolved has now become. Other than a really messed up fruit fly.

I don't take anything the Pope says as truth. He's just another guy - why would I think any Human is going to be giving me truth since christain prophecy ended with Revelation? The Pope just see's something in the bible the way he see's it. That's between him and God. It has nothing to do with me what-so-ever.

Eljay's photo
Fri 03/13/09 07:51 PM

Well Eljay, the way I understand it, evolution does not happen overnight. I could be wrong. laugh

I've heard the same thing. How convienient. Sort of justifies the lack of demonstratable evidence to say it takes a few million years for this to happen. But hey - it's a fact you know. Just take our word for it. No wait... can't relly on human testimony. Now what.

Sounds like a religion to me.

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