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Post cards from Muskogee
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
It is an intriguing topic. I certainly am much more open minded about it than I was, and it is because of the involvement of the 9/11 families and all these engineers and architects. CLEARLY THEY KNOW MORE THAN I DO." ~ Geraldo Rivera See the Fox news interview here I started a thread called "Building what?"...great video. The duhniers will be on the run soon...I have NO idea how anyone can think they have a clue about 9-11 and then refuse to see that IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB. Here's how stupid some Americans are...see this pic? Think FIRE can blast a building out like that?...yeah okay. ![]() After Larry Silverstein ordered Building 7 "Pulled"... ![]() I would define ignorance on this topic as "believing that 767's flying at 500 mph and crashing into the upper floors of tall buildings had nothing to do with their collapse and that somehow people were able to plant enough explosives to bring down said buildings with no one noticing." I could go on, but reality does not exist on the truther side. It's about certain peoples hatred of Bush and their sad attempts to blame him and his family for every nefarious act ever perpetrated since ...oh about 1930.. 9-11 truth is not truth it's science FICTION.. Orwell would be proud.. "believing that 767's flying at 500 mph and crashing into the upper floors" LOL...yeah and these "pilots" were good enough to do just that huh? Pilot who flew 2 of the planes used on 9/11 doesn't believe official story yeah... Atta and al-Shehhi both had valid commercial pilots licenses.. Didn't think I would know that? This isn't the minor leagues, dude.. Any idiot who can Wiki could say that crap but I bet you overlooked the vid of the pilot who flew TWO of the planes used in the attacks, as well as any seasoned pilot that these guys could have pulled this off with any accuracy...just absurd. Ask any pilot...pfft. ![]() PS: Hey know these people are only opposed to a real investigation for political reasons right? Well of course... I don't need wiki to show that you are grasping at straws.. If you knew that they were licensed pilots you wouldn't have asked such a stupid question. That is.. unless the FAA issuance was part of the conspiracy. HMMMM... You can't even shill straight...see people, that's what shills do...they take a grey area and dismiss the whole concept. That's in Hannity's Can't even get a grey area right...patheticlly funny yo. You said: "Atta and al-Shehhi both had valid commercial pilots licenses.." Then said: "unless the FAA issuance" They were TEMPS! Certainly not commercial grade material! From Wiki: "Atta and al-Shehhi each received an FAA Temporary Airman Certificate, qualifying them as "private pilots". "Atta had approximately 270 hours of total " Bam, slam, smack...and he scores! ![]() |
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
Ya know believing the conspiracy also requires the belief that Baby Bush is intelligent enough to plan and execute an elaborate plan to make fodder for his wars. I just can't believe he is that smart. If he is, he is the best actor I have ever seen. Well, maybe in your research you may have overlooked the Neocon ownage of it. No, I am not going NWO on ya..that's for another thread but Bush was owned by the Neocons...but first you need to see this as a start to really investigating the founding of this movement and it's power to subvert us and impose their agendas. They are STILL around too...see: "GOP" Also you need to figure the Military Industrial Complex's power as well. It's a long story...that is WAY past being told. Start here: |
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
Ya know you deniers just crack me up. when we sit around at work BS'sn we come up with some stuff to talk about. I am often suprised at my coworkers guys I have known for over a decade talking about loose change the video about 911 etc etc. We are all good paid hard working union men raising families and putting kids through collage etc etc. 90% think 911 was an inside job. the only ones who dont are the ones who have kids in the militrary and need to justify their worry of their kids comeing home crippled in that they are doing good things. Most of you I am sure do not live in the same workd I do but i can assure you this 911 thing is going mainstream. It simply will not go away even after a near decade of non stop propaganda I don't have any kids in the military and I disagree. It was supposedly going mainstream the year after it happened. There is an underground conspiracy group but there isn't solid proof of the conspiracy so it can't go anywhere else. So why not investigate and be sure then? Simple question right?...another simple question is: why was NO ONE fired for the 9-11 security failures? Not ONE*...explain that away. *the only people fired were the ones who simply asked questions. I have investigated all the conspiracy information out there. It is not concrete, not verifiable, not consistent, etc... It is not enough for me to pursue it any further. ALL you need to do is set a cinder block up, set it afire (as hot as you want, you can even add steel reinforcement to be sure) and see if it does this: ![]() Sorry, I do love you but it doesn't get any simpler than that. I hate it but it's true... |
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
Bin Laden is not named as the perpetrator of 9/11 by the FBI: When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page (30), [Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI] said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” (31) "So we've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden [sic] was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming" - Dick Cheney. (32) To date, the only shred of “evidence” to be uncovered against bin Laden is a barely audible fuzzy amateur video that the Pentagon just happened to find "lying around" in Afghanistan. How very convenient, and how very fake. (33) Here's a pic of the guy in the video...the FBI discription does not match..OBL is left handed and this guy writes with his right hand..also OBL does not wear a ring. The guy in the vid: ![]() OBL: ![]() Any fool can see this does not add up... |
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
Ya know you deniers just crack me up. when we sit around at work BS'sn we come up with some stuff to talk about. I am often suprised at my coworkers guys I have known for over a decade talking about loose change the video about 911 etc etc. We are all good paid hard working union men raising families and putting kids through collage etc etc. 90% think 911 was an inside job. the only ones who dont are the ones who have kids in the militrary and need to justify their worry of their kids comeing home crippled in that they are doing good things. Most of you I am sure do not live in the same workd I do but i can assure you this 911 thing is going mainstream. It simply will not go away even after a near decade of non stop propaganda I don't have any kids in the military and I disagree. It was supposedly going mainstream the year after it happened. There is an underground conspiracy group but there isn't solid proof of the conspiracy so it can't go anywhere else. So why not investigate and be sure then? Simple question right?...another simple question is: why was NO ONE fired for the 9-11 security failures? Not ONE*...explain that away. *the only people fired were the ones who simply asked questions. |
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
It is an intriguing topic. I certainly am much more open minded about it than I was, and it is because of the involvement of the 9/11 families and all these engineers and architects. CLEARLY THEY KNOW MORE THAN I DO." ~ Geraldo Rivera See the Fox news interview here I started a thread called "Building what?"...great video. The duhniers will be on the run soon...I have NO idea how anyone can think they have a clue about 9-11 and then refuse to see that IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB. Here's how stupid some Americans are...see this pic? Think FIRE can blast a building out like that?...yeah okay. ![]() After Larry Silverstein ordered Building 7 "Pulled"... ![]() I would define ignorance on this topic as "believing that 767's flying at 500 mph and crashing into the upper floors of tall buildings had nothing to do with their collapse and that somehow people were able to plant enough explosives to bring down said buildings with no one noticing." I could go on, but reality does not exist on the truther side. It's about certain peoples hatred of Bush and their sad attempts to blame him and his family for every nefarious act ever perpetrated since ...oh about 1930.. 9-11 truth is not truth it's science FICTION.. Orwell would be proud.. "believing that 767's flying at 500 mph and crashing into the upper floors" LOL...yeah and these "pilots" were good enough to do just that huh? Pilot who flew 2 of the planes used on 9/11 doesn't believe official story yeah... Atta and al-Shehhi both had valid commercial pilots licenses.. Didn't think I would know that? This isn't the minor leagues, dude.. Any idiot who can Wiki could say that crap but I bet you overlooked the vid of the pilot who flew TWO of the planes used in the attacks, as well as any seasoned pilot that these guys could have pulled this off with any accuracy...just absurd. Ask any pilot...pfft. ![]() PS: Hey know these people are only opposed to a real investigation for political reasons right? Well of course... |
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
One thing I want to know. IF this was a conspiracy, who gained from it and what did they gain? Did you just arrive on this planet? No, but I don't live in that country and, believe it or not, the rest of the planet has stuff going on too. I know, I know, it's hard for you to believe but it's true! Without 9-11 would anyone think we'd have started these wars? Really? |
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
Edited by
Tue 11/16/10 05:31 PM
It is an intriguing topic. I certainly am much more open minded about it than I was, and it is because of the involvement of the 9/11 families and all these engineers and architects. CLEARLY THEY KNOW MORE THAN I DO." ~ Geraldo Rivera See the Fox news interview here I started a thread called "Building what?"...great video. The duhniers will be on the run soon...I have NO idea how anyone can think they have a clue about 9-11 and then refuse to see that IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB. Here's how stupid some Americans are...see this pic? Think FIRE can blast a building out like that?...yeah okay. ![]() After Larry Silverstein ordered Building 7 "Pulled"... ![]() I would define ignorance on this topic as "believing that 767's flying at 500 mph and crashing into the upper floors of tall buildings had nothing to do with their collapse and that somehow people were able to plant enough explosives to bring down said buildings with no one noticing." I could go on, but reality does not exist on the truther side. It's about certain peoples hatred of Bush and their sad attempts to blame him and his family for every nefarious act ever perpetrated since ...oh about 1930.. 9-11 truth is not truth it's science FICTION.. Orwell would be proud.. "believing that 767's flying at 500 mph and crashing into the upper floors" LOL...yeah and these "pilots" were good enough to do just that huh? Pilot who flew 2 of the planes used on 9/11 doesn't believe official story |
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
One thing I want to know. IF this was a conspiracy, who gained from it and what did they gain? Did you just arrive on this planet? |
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
Edited by
Tue 11/16/10 04:59 PM
It is an intriguing topic. I certainly am much more open minded about it than I was, and it is because of the involvement of the 9/11 families and all these engineers and architects. CLEARLY THEY KNOW MORE THAN I DO." ~ Geraldo Rivera See the Fox news interview here I started a thread called "Building what?"...great video. The duhniers will be on the run soon...I have NO idea how anyone can think they have a clue about 9-11 and then refuse to see that IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB. Here's how stupid some Americans are...see this pic? Think FIRE can blast a building out like that?...yeah okay. ![]() After Larry Silverstein ordered Building 7 "Pulled"... ![]() On the run... That's funny.. Until you have something better than Geraldo and missiles designed to look like planes, there will be at least one person that calls you out on the truther nonsense. But hey, at least I can leave the JFK conspiracy whackos alone while I'm dealing with the truthers.. Meh...keep pretending. Duhniers are as bad as the people who commited these crimes...ignore it and it will happpen again. ![]() "The 9/11 Truth Movement The 9/11 Truth Movement is comprised of 9/11 survivors and family members, building professionals, scientists, first responders, pilots, firefighters, police, scholars, lawyers, journalists and other media professionals, artists, politicians, intelligence and military personnel, whistle blowers, dedicated activists, citizens and many more. Every year since September 11, 2001, millions of people from around the world take time to investigate the discrepancies of the Bush Administration’s official story including reports such as the 9/11 Commission Report and the FEMA and NIST reports. As doubts grow and important questions remain unanswered, more people join the 9/11 truth movement each year. Is this surprising when both the Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, Thomas Kean and Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton declared in 2006 that “the 9/11 commission was set up to fail?” When many staff members and commissioners of that same Commission declared that the Pentagon’s initial story may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public? When much of 9/11 Commission’s findings cite intelligence garnered by torture? Click to read what 9/11 Commissionners, Senior Intelligence Officers, Congressmen and other government officials have to say about it (9th anniversary special article). Investigate 9/11 The questions we ask are serious. 9/11 has been used as a pretext for wars resulting in the death of far too many innocent men, women and children. It has also become the reason for unconstitutional laws like the PATRIOT ACT and other bills that were forced onto a blind and manipulated U.S. Congress. To ensure the word justice has a meaning for the generations to come, we demand a new and real independent 9/11 investigation. Please sign our 9/11 petition if you agree with us. Professional Organizations Supporting a New 9/11 Investigation ◦Architects and Engineers ◦Intelligence Officers ◦U.S. Military Officers ◦Journalists and Other Media Professionals ◦Actors and Artists ◦Firefighters ◦Political Leaders ◦Pilots ◦Scientists ◦Scholars ◦Medical Professionals ◦Lawyers ◦Religious Leaders ◦Magicians 9/11 Truth News Website and Citizen or Activist Organizations ◦World for 9/11 Truth ◦NYC CAN — New York City Coalition for Accountability Now ◦ ◦9/11 Blogger ◦911 Truth News ◦Visibility 9/11 ◦ReOpen911 (French) ◦9/11 Research ( ◦Journal of 9/11 Studies ◦Patriots Question 9/11 ◦We Are Change ◦Truth Action ◦Activist 9/11 (French) ◦FlyByNews ◦Infowars ◦David Ray Griffin Official Website 9/11 First Responders Support ◦FealGood Foundation Anti-War groups ◦Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) Worldwide 9/11 Groups United States ◦Anchorage ◦Aurora ◦Bellingham ◦Boston ◦Boulder ◦Carolina ◦Chicago ◦Chico ◦Cincinnati ◦Dallas ◦Davis ◦Denver ◦Durham / Chapel Hill ◦Fresno ◦Gators ◦Grand Junction ◦Greeley ◦Greensboro ◦Guerneville ◦Hollywood – Pasadena ◦Houston ◦Humboldt ◦Idaho ◦Kansas City ◦Los Angeles ◦Louisville ◦Maine ◦Milwaukee ◦Minnesota ◦Monadnock ◦Monterey ◦New York City ◦North California – Sonoma County ◦North Carolina ◦Northvale ◦Oklahoma ◦Orange County ◦Orlando ◦Ossining ◦Palo Alto ◦Pheonix ◦Pinole ◦Portland ◦Rhode Island ◦Sacramento ◦San Antonio ◦San Diego ◦San Francisco ◦San Jose ◦Santa Ana ◦Seattle ◦St. Louis ◦St. Paul ◦Tuscon ◦Vermont ◦Virginia ◦Washington International Australia ◦911oz Belgium ◦Belgium 9/11 Truth Canada ◦Canadians for 9/11 Truth ◦Montreal ◦Toronto ◦Vancouver ◦Ottawa ◦Calgary ◦Edmonton ◦Halifax ◦Kingston ◦Kitchener ◦Nanaimo ◦New Foundland & Labrador ◦Ottawa Truth Action ◦Quebec ◦Sarnia ◦Sherbrooke ◦Vernon ◦Victoria ◦Waterloo ◦Yukon Denmark ◦ ◦ ◦ Finland ◦uomen 9/11-toimintaryhmä France ◦ ◦ACTivist 911 Germany ◦ ◦9/11 Video Netherlands ◦DaanSpeak ◦Onderzoek 9/11 ◦Waarheid 9/11 ◦We Are Change New Zealand ◦9/11 Truth New Zealand Norway ◦Opprop for 9/11 Truth ◦9/11 Truth Norge Spain ◦Investigar-11s United Kingdom ◦9/11 UK Forum ◦London Truth Action ◦Bristol ◦Berkshire ◦London ◦Oxford ◦Skipton EXPLORE HERE: |
Geraldo Rivera Discusses 911
It is an intriguing topic. I certainly am much more open minded about it than I was, and it is because of the involvement of the 9/11 families and all these engineers and architects. CLEARLY THEY KNOW MORE THAN I DO." ~ Geraldo Rivera See the Fox news interview here I started a thread called "Building what?"...great video. The duhniers will be on the run soon...I have NO idea how anyone can think they have a clue about 9-11 and then refuse to see that IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB. Here's how stupid some Americans are...see this pic? Think FIRE can blast a building out like that?...yeah okay. ![]() After Larry Silverstein ordered Building 7 "Pulled"... ![]() |
I sure hope that guy was joking about Bush causing 9/11. I hate to think South Park is right and 1/4 of Americans are retarded. ![]() |
Building What?
Meh, Youtube doesn't know what to do with this video...comments and likes This on POX? Really?! |
Edited by
Sat 11/13/10 07:02 PM
"Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves," the posting reads. "The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin." Arkansas school official accused of anti-gay screed "LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A member of a northern Arkansas school board, commenting on a campaign to get people to wear purple to show support for bullied gay and lesbian youth, purportedly posted on Facebook that the only way he would wear purple is "if they all commit suicide." While I, for one, do not support abuse or murder of gays & lesbians. Nor do I endorse the idea of their resorting to suicide. I reserve judgement toward the school official's use of the term "sin" which is not indicative of his religious beliefs. The article doesn't label or mention him as being religious. The term "sin" nowadays is used rather loosely ... seeing that few acknowledge it's presence in a Biblical sense...It's surprising to see that the term was highlighted at all, except for propaganda purposes. [ Thesaurus ] sin (n) --crime, misdemeanor, transgression, misdeed (formal), wrongdoing, lapse antonym: good deed --wickedness, iniquity, depravity, immorality, debauchery, evil, turpitude (formal or literary) antonym: goodness Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. The campaigners refuse to accept any other view besides their own. This is forced allegience. Far from "liberty... for all" So "sin" was not a religious word he used in the context of demonizing gays? Yeah okay...keep trying to worm your way in protecting religion from owning up to it's influences that discriminate against people for they way they are born. earthling, Your hatred toward Christianity has blinded you as well as others It's your own doing that you are unable to see (((((( . )))))) Well shucks gosh darn it all yo, I am so sorry I missed this reply...been busy seeing things I guess. I was in DC seeing the Rally to Restore Sanity (an/or fear) a few weeks back, also saw John Prine in Tulsa the next week, saw a Thunder game and have The Wall to see in Dallas soon....also saw and spoke with a great Christian who opened the show for John...named Paul Thorn. Paul is touting his new CD called "Pimp and Preachers". His dad was a preacher and his uncle a pimp... Paul sings folk songs like this: I could give flying rats arse that people don't understand at least some realities. The problem with this organized Christianity is that in numbers they can impose their version reality and become dangerous...look how close we were to a theocracy in the 2000's. Look at all the BS issues people vote on that means NOTHING to recovering from the disaster they voted for in the first place...the lying torturing DIPPIC...your "god's choice" in play. Don't get me started... PS: Thorn signed my CD, "To L**, my favorite atheist"...and yes he used the small "a"...what a great person...a Christian worthy of respect. Again sorry, I was too busy SEEING things. THE WALL UP NEXT! Read about the cause and reasons for bringing back The Wall: See Something! ![]() |
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Fri 11/12/10 06:22 PM
Why is it always a choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich? ![]() Crap, that would have been Towelie.....nevermind. "Don't forget to bring a towel" |
Just like in the duplicate, "Burn Bush" thread, the only one who can give the go ahead on it is oBlowme and it ain't gonna' happen. Don't matter how much Libs beg him. BTW. Why are there two threads on the same topic???? No, this is a breaking story because Amnesty International called for it's head and also #10 said Bush lied our his arse off in his new work of fiction...but really sorry if they're in the way of the hate Islam threads. |
US asked to begin criminal investigation following Bush publication
"Amnesty International has urged a criminal investigation into the role of former US President George W Bush and other officials in the use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" against detainees held in secret US custody. In his memoirs, former President Bush has admitted to personal involvement in the authorisation of "water-boarding" and other techniques against detainees. Claudio Cordone, Senior Director at Amnesty International said: "Under international law, the former President's admission to having authorized acts that amount to torture are enough to trigger the USA's obligations to investigate his admissions and if substantiated, to prosecute him." Cordone added: "His admissions also highlight once again the absence of accountability for the crimes under international law of torture and enforced disappearance committed by the USA." In his memoirs, former President Bush focused on the cases of two detainees held in the secret programme. Abu Zubaydah, who was held at various undisclosed locations from April 2002 to September 2006, was subjected to "water-boarding" in which water is used to begin the process of drowning, more than 80 times. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was arrested on 1 March 2003 in Pakistan and transferred to secret CIA custody. That same month he was "water-boarded" 183 times, according to a report by the CIA Inspector General. After three and a half years being held incommunicado in solitary confinement in secret locations, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was transferred to military custody in Guantánamo, where he and Abu Zubayhdah remain held without trial, along with more than 150 others. Claudio Cordone said: "Under international law, anyone involved in torture must be brought to justice, and that does not exclude former President George W Bush. In the absence of a US investigation, other states must step in and carry out such an investigation themselves." Also see: "Waterboarding is torture, Downing Street confirmsNo 10 dismisses George Bush's claim in his memoirs that interrogation technique is legal and helped foil attacks on Heathrow and Canary Wharf" |
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Is masturbation a "sin"?
There have been songs written about it! |