Community > Posts By > northshore11

no photo
Sun 08/16/09 03:51 PM
Sometimes. Depends on the circumstances. For example, I might care less about some random stranger thinks about me. However I would be more careful about what I say at work. Because I don't want to get fired.

no photo
Sun 08/16/09 03:47 PM
When both people agree to become exclusive

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:57 AM
It would depend on the amount of money and how attractive a man is.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:50 AM
Edited by northshore11 on Sat 08/15/09 08:54 AM
Some possible explanations.

1. They might have been interested at the time. Then changed their minds later because of any number of possible reasons. They met someone else that they liked better. They were married or have a significant other. Not ready for a relationship.

2. Getting a woman's number was simply an ego boost.

3. Poor manners. Don't have the courtesy to be upfront.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:32 AM
Both looks and personality are important.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:31 AM
Bud light.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:29 AM
Not a big deal to me. Especially when this site is free.

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:27 AM

so i was wondering...

would that same attitude prevail if the person turned out to look better than their pictures? huh

If a person looks better than their pictures, then that is often because that person isn't photogenic or simply took poor pictures of themselves. I don't think there is any deception there. That is why I'm not that picky about photos.

no photo
Tue 08/11/09 07:44 PM
Hell no.

no photo
Mon 08/10/09 07:45 PM
I don't mind a basic profile. Provided that he is being honest about himself. I would rather see that over a profile where a person lies and lists exotic interests just to impress someone.

no photo
Mon 08/10/09 07:39 PM
Edited by northshore11 on Mon 08/10/09 07:39 PM
More Kindness and Less Violence in the world

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 10:17 AM
Maybe you need to change your criteria for selecting men.

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 10:16 AM
Some of the "nice guys" are just doormats who allow both women and men to take advantage of them.

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 10:14 AM
Yes. I have dated blacks and Latinos.

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 10:11 AM
If I liked the rest of his profile, I would ask him to further explain his interest in this topic.

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 10:08 AM
Edited by northshore11 on Sun 08/09/09 10:13 AM

I try to think of myself not as an optimist or a pessimist but a realist. I realize that if I do not find someone particularly attractive, then the relationship will not proceed anywhere romantically. It's just a matter of personal preference, really. Obviously, if somebody who is not "my type" messages me seeking just that, how do I let them off easily, without seeming shallow? Do you believe that such a preference makes me shallow?

In my opinion, if you are really struggling with this, it's best not to reply to them at all. If you ARE able to reply kindly without insulting the person, do that. But if you do, don't be so blatant in your rejection. There is no need to say "I'm not interested". I think the nicer thing to do is wait a day or two to respond, and then send a friendly, detatched email: "Thanks for your email. Hope you're having as much fun on Mingle as I am. Have a great day!" or something like that. Dont' ask any questions or say anything that requires a response. Most people will take the hint. If they don't, and they email you back, don't respond. If the person continues to send you unrequited emails, then tell her you are not interested.

I don't see anything wrong with stating something like "we're not a match" or "I'm not interested". It's not rude. It is certainly better than saying something like "you are too ugly or fat" or "I'm too good for you". I would rather be upfront ( with tact ) instead of giving the other person hints until they get the message.

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 10:01 AM
Water and Tylenol. Usually I would feel better after eating my first full meal the next day.

no photo
Sat 08/08/09 08:17 AM
Sometimes ( not always ) they lose interest because of reasons that have nothing to do with you.

no photo
Fri 08/07/09 02:31 PM
It could work in some situations. Depending on the personality of the friend.

no photo
Fri 08/07/09 02:26 PM

Really..that is very interesting. What if a woman shows acceptance of a mans situation at that time. I.E. his house is falling down around his ears and he still keeps her at arms length? What does that mean..."he's just not that into you."

If a man wants to be with a woman he will he will find a way to make it happen..or yep, "he's just not that into you".

Pretty much my take on it too.

I don't think this is always true. Sometimes people simply prefer to remain single because of any number of possible reasons that have nothing to do with the other person.

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