Community > Posts By > smo

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 03:06 PM
Rebates of worthless money, with no backing ,is not going to save our economy. First we need to get some real Constitutional Type money, Which means we need to get rid of the Private federal reserve fraud system, we need a solid foundation to build the economy on. Building on a fraud system since 1913 is how we got here to where we are now. This rebate system is a worthless band aid to sidetrack you from the real cause of it all,which is the (not) federal (no) reserves (non) banks system of crooks. I have often wondered how much the queen of england might own of the private (not) federal (no)reserves system???

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 02:45 PM

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 02:26 PM
YES, great to get rid of the TREASONOUS Patriot Act, now we need to get rid of the WAR POWERS ACT, and the federal reserve act, and restore the Original 13 th Amendment back into the Constitution where it belongs(it was passed and never was repealed) That would get rid of all lawyers out of govt , I guess technically they would not even be allowed to run for dog catcher in your county. It seems in some copies of the Constitution ,they will even try to slip the 14th amendment into the 13 th Amendment spot(criminal)

I am glad that things are looking up.drinker

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 02:13 PM
Mr Rabbit , I don't know what Ritalin is, but I don't think it should be forced on anyone's kids, I don't think that you should be able to decide for me whether my kids have Ritalin forced on them , since when? should any one play dictator on other people or other people's kids? That seems to be more the problem , too many dictators..Little dictators , big dictators. Leave the people alone, quit dictating, people are getting sick of the dictating. More Govt --LESS FREEDOM and Less govt -equals MORE FREEDOM REPEAT after me: Less govt --MORE FREEDOM,and More govt gives LESS FREEDOM!!!

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 12:06 PM
I think Ritalin is a drug making zombies out of the kids and then we just have more non thinking people (Zombies) I don't think there is anything wrong with the kids , but there is a whole lot wrong with the school systems(dumb the people down) I think these live wire kids are just high achievers being held back and bored by a bad school system. If they were occupied with worth while teaching and worth while subjects(learning a trade ,etc.)they would not be so bored and restless. They would be the highest achievers in the school. The problem is that these kids can think and are smarter than those trying to teach them. It is a sad thing going on with the Ritalin being forced on the kids(criminal).

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:42 AM
Yes it seems like some communism in there somewhere.laugh laugh Our Govt is supposed to be a republic. We have others we pick to Represent us. It kind of reminds me of Moses' Father in law in the bible. I guess for example : he told the people to pick representatives for themselves Starting from the Bottom up. Each group of 10 people were to pick 1 person to represent them, (chief of 10) then ,I think they were to take a 100 of those chiefs of 10, and those 100 would pick one out of the 100 to become their chief(chief of 100), then eventually up to a chief of 1000, and then maybe a chief of ten thousand and so on until everyone was accounted for personally. Now then, each chief was accountable to those under him, and could be removed anytime he was not representing them properly and be replaced.. But ,I think it should be remembered that: More govt equals LESS FREEDOM, and LESS govt equals MORE FREEDOM. I think the idea is the least amount of govt possible is best. Do unto others as you want them to do to you.(best policy)

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:03 AM
And the Media will not report that most of the people want all our troops home Yesterday, if not sooner. And that Clinton has very little support in this country.And the media makes it look like she is close. I still wonder about the MC Cain debacle, it seems to me that his own people don't even want him..HOW they trick the people so easy?? It seems like we can not think any more. The Media thinks for us(Tells us what to think) And then :that is what we think??AMAZING isn't it?

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:53 AM
It is a good thing that we have the internet, I think the internet backfired on those Media Guys , Yes, I hear that THEY CENSOR the NEWS HERE in AMERIKA!!! Did anyone in the media tell you today that Russia is getting ready for war against us because we insist on putting Nuclear missiles all around their borders (around Russia)To use to attack Russia with?? Our govt does not seem to know the meaning of the word NO!!!noway And our media is not allowed to tell us that!

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:28 AM

Government in itself is futile!! Who makes these rules??? Why is this world made of followers and not enough leaders that actually do something???noway

Only about 5% of the people make things happen, another small percentage of the people watch things happen, AND the REST of the people run around saying: What's Happening, What's Happening??

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 09:35 AM
Yes, our govt is the problem in this whole world today, they had an emergency meeting at the UN,(one world Order Headquarters:wink: )recently. It seems that Russia has warned our govt ,about trying to set up nuclear missiles all around Russian borders, but our govt does not know how to take NO for an answer, So I hear that Russia is preparing for War against us because of what our govt is doing to them. It seems that ours news will never report any of this, but thanks to the internet, the news will get out anyway. The Zionist Gentiles and the Zionist jews seem to be dead set on destroying this country, but ,I think that too many of us are onto their schemes and they will not be able to pull it off. But we Have to Stop all the wars immediately ,before this Country is turned into a smoking ruins in about 45 minutes. Russia has given our govt lots of warnings now, but they refuse to be peaceful. The Whole world has been trying to warn us that our Zionist govt is the PROBLEM. Our ONLY HOPE IS TO STOP THE WARS NOW!!!Bring all our guys home from everywhere they are in the WORLD!!

smo's photo
Sun 02/10/08 12:25 PM
The Guys I am talking about are not Semetic, They only pretend to be Semetic Revelation 2:9 And Revelation 3:9

smo's photo
Sun 02/10/08 11:46 AM
I agree with Mr Wasserman, about these Corporate NON NEWS Organizations. They definitely are not telling the truth about the wars, almost pretend that there is no war. I figure it is a big waste of time watching them.

I recommend the Contact magazine ,comes out once a month or so at 3 dollars per copy,1-800-800-5565 Best News Source I know of.

smo's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:33 PM
I recommend Obama over Clinton because I believe the Zionist One World Order is behind Clinton and Mc Cain both, they favor ISRAEL above America, that is why we are having the WAR. Obama is a Christian like we are and is one of WE THE PEOPLE. And is not in favor of the WAR. I believe that anyone who believes in the TALMUD is a SATANIST and they hate Jesus Christ. And they they hate your CHRISTIAN religion. But the Muslims do not hate Jesus Christ. But the FALSE JEWS hate JESUS , Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 The Zionists in our govt ,I believe are totally ruining this Country, selling us down the tubes(TREASON).(Conspiracies)They even took Christ out of xmas!Bad Dudes!!!They(TALMUD BELIEVERS) don't have any morals, they only believe in POWER< MONEY< SATAN!!They do not believe in the HEREAFTER, They believe in Money ,Power ,.and the ONE world Order. they do not believe(worship) in the God of CHRIST!!.

smo's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:10 PM
I think that both Clinton and McCain,are backed by Zionists, who are more in favor of Israel than they are in favor of the US. Whereas, Obama is one of us,WE THE PEOPLE. The Zionists favor Israel and are not WE THE PEOPLE. They favor the One World Order, The REligion of the One World Order is the TALMUD(SATANISM) The Talmud does not believe in CHRIST, and hates CHRISTIANS!!! There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian(oxymoron)(Impossibility) You might have seen those words together in print, but it is to trick you Christians into thinking that they believe in CHRIST TOO!!!ALL Talmud believers hate CHRIST. The TALMUD bunch(SATANISTS) are also the One WORLD Order Bunch!!!WAKE UP!!!(SERIOUS)The SATANISTS steal your kids!!

smo's photo
Fri 02/08/08 06:46 PM
Hey, I would say our economy is going down the tubes, courtesy of all your good federal reserve buddies, Also ,I hear that this tax refund scam is also part of the fall of the system, and that it is only a loan that has to be repaid in 2009, and that there will be no refunds in 2009, because 2008 has to be repaid. I just read this on

smo's photo
Fri 02/08/08 06:32 PM
Hey, Put Obama in there, Things are going to Change real soon.

smo's photo
Fri 02/08/08 03:34 PM
Hey, we don't have to be Doomed, The National debt is all a big fraud connected to the federal reserve fraud system. We need to cancel out the federal reserve and put them on trial if you can find them, my guess is they will be escaping to somewhere ,and you will not be able to find any warm bodies to put on trial. Russia has been having trouble finding their criminals too, I guess they been escaping to US, England, ISRAEL, and other places. I am guessing we will run into that same situation here. You Know,More of that ENRON type stuff, plus the Stock market and all your 401 k's will evaporate into thin air, and your pensions, too. We need to get our own WE THE PEOPLE money system soon. The federal reserve is not FEDERAL, :IT IS CRIMINAL!!!

smo's photo
Thu 02/07/08 09:08 AM
Yes, I heard our dictatorship plans on enforcing the the North American union on us , just like they plan on forcing the Jewish Talmud religion on us by Public Law 102--14 signed by Bush(Noahide Laws) in 1991 there will be a death Penalty for believing in Jesus Christ. Hey, these guys mean to do us in big time. Our Congress is in on all this!!(traitors) What is it going to take to wake us up?? We are not talking about the movies here.

smo's photo
Tue 02/05/08 12:42 PM
Hey, I can hardly believe it my buddy Zap chaser agrees with me on building shelters now.drinker

smo's photo
Tue 02/05/08 10:01 AM
I think there is a universe wide spectacle going on,and each of us is smack dab right in the middle of it.People have different ways of referring to it ,but it is all the same GAME!!Satan vs GOD or Good vs Evil. Heaven vs. Hell .Israel vs. the Whole Earth. The Serpent People vs. everybody else. I think what is going on here on the Earth right now, could be referred to as the Super Bowl Games of the Whole Universe. All the other planets are watching to see if we can win against the Serpent People THIS TIME, because we usually lose to the serpent people in most of the other civilizations. The Spectators are not allowed to participate in the actual game. The spectators are aliens who look exactly like us, they are our brothers,waiting to welcome us after we win against wickedness.I think this is the Prison planet, time for that identity to end,and become a free planet!!

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