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smo's photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:35 PM
What is happening in Serbia and Kosovo , would be EXACTLY compared to if Russia comes over here and starts making sure all the Indian reservations are free and at the same time build a few of his army bases on the Indian reservations within this country borders. This is EXACTLY what is happening there as we speak.

We are getting close to a hair trigger of losing this whole Country!!

Remember our thick headed Zionists(leaders) don't know how to take NO for an answer. But some nuclear strikes from Russia and China might Jog our memory a little bit. I hear we have just about completed a new military base in Kosovo. That emergency UN meeting could mean serious consequences for us and for Israel.

smo's photo
Sun 02/17/08 02:46 PM
I would not be worried if my neighbors had rocket launchers ,or tanks or missiles, or a string of powerful bear traps, or snares,or poison darts,etc. but ,I would be sure to be nice to all my neighbors, Love your neighbor as yourself.laugh laugh laugh drinker Under the Constitution the neighbor would have broken no laws until he harmed or damaged someone wrongly. Then he would to be put on trial before a jury of his peers.:wink: :wink: :smile:

smo's photo
Sun 02/17/08 02:05 PM
This another example of MORE GOVT equals LESS FREEDOM,and LESS GOVT equals MORE FREEDOM

smo's photo
Sun 02/17/08 01:47 PM
I really do love all you nice positive folks and even the not so positive ones tooflowerforyou drinker :smile:

I have to admit your site got me to grinning a little bit ,and made me want to ask a nice positive question.laugh drinker

Does this mean that you nice positive people just dearly love the way our war leaders are doing , and that you dearly love the way our economy is going , and our job situation is great too,and that our govt is doing so great that you don't see any problems and also would not want to change anything?? And maybe you don't mind if McCain would leave our soldiers in Iraq for the next 100 years , and you would have no complaints what so ever. Also, I take it that you are as happy as a possum in a persimmon tree, and are not worried whether your constitution remains in tact, and I guess you would be perfect happy if Clinton gathered up all your squirrel guns.

But ,if I have some ideas how to fix our mess, then I guess you think that I am not positive.

Any way ,Thank you for greatly amusing me , I hope you can get a smile from this too.

Anyway ,I have great hopes that we can stop the war and save this country, and our soldiers , I consider that to be positive thinking.

It is never my intentions to pick on any one of you, But only to get you to think about the solutions to our problems.

I also realize that we disagree on things but Can we disagree ,with out being disagreeable?? I respect every one of your ideas. And I can learn from each one of you, my brothers and sisters.flowerforyou

smo's photo
Sun 02/17/08 12:42 PM
I love America(land of Heaven) ,That is why I would like to put our govt on trial for War Crimes,and treason, and bring our Troops home NOW!! I would like to do this soon,before our leaders give the other countries more reasons to remove us off the map. I love this Country and want to try to save it.

Other countries are getting tired of us occupying more and more of their countries. That is what we are doing in these places, and they are hating us more every day. Why are we still occupying places like Germany??? Is it because we are their friends? Why are we building new military bases in many places, you don't suppose it is a way of occupying them??? Do you suppose the Common Iraqis want us building all those bases over there, Is it so that we can occupy Iraq for the next 100 years. I think it is called the Zionist One World Order!!(Israel Rule the World) Remember many countries call us Little Israel!! I hear that Russia and China will flatten America if they have to , in order to remove all Zionist trouble Makers. And those Zionists are hiding behind our American soldiers.The Nation of Israel is hiding behind our soldiers TOO!! I Love America , BRING our Soldiers home and save THEM and AMERICA(Land of Heaven)!!!Hey,I love America, if you don't love America and our soldiers, Why don't you LEAVEdrinker drinker :wink:

smo's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:21 AM
Leahmarie, I suggest you go back and read Marbury vs Madison: It has to do with anything that violates or is repugnant to our Constitution is Null and void from its inception!!!! This applies to gun control or anything that is repugnant to our Constitution !!!

smo's photo
Sun 02/17/08 09:16 AM
Leahmarie, I suggest you go back and read Marbury vs Madison: It has to do with anything that violates or is repugnant to our Constitution is Null and void from its inception!!!! This applies to gun control or anything that is repugnant to our Constitution !!!

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 08:13 PM
Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda, I think he is a Boogey man that was invented out of thin air. They had to try to come up with some kind of(terrorist) reason for a criminal War, that they have no reason to be involved in.(War Crimes). Israel was always good at causing trouble and then back out of the way and then say: Let's you and Him Fight! I Still believe that happened in 911. You don't have to believe that, but I still do.(Satan's people against God's People)

Hey,I still believe that they can not find those culprit roadside bombs, simple because they do not exist. I read that they are Israeli missiles and you just can not prepare for them because they travel faster than the speed of sound.And they kill both Americans and Arabs indiscriminately.(Let's YOU and HIM FIGHT) In other words ,let's make sure we keep this war going. Blackwater and all the war factories are making lots of money. Oh and Halliburton too.

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 07:46 PM
Our Politicians: By their fruits you will know them: Liars and murders. Put them on TRIAL!!

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 06:29 PM
Now really ,Who are the terrorists in Iraq?noway noway We seem to call anyone terrorists in Iraq who do not want the Americans there. Any one(citizens) who hates our illegal occupation are looked at as terrorists. But who Really terrorized Iraq in a wrongful Zionist WAR?? What business did we have to bomb and terrorize those People. I even remember Hussein saying that If Bush wanted to fight , that Let him and bush ,just the two of them fight it out. I just have to give Hussein Credit where it is due. Hussein was a puppet trained in American, He understood the Zionist crooks real well! I figure He told Dan Rather the truth about how it was. The rest of the world knows who the real terrorists are as well, that is why they want to put our leaders on trial for War CRIMES, and I do TOO!!

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 04:59 PM
I would like to take a guess at what happened?:wink: :wink: :smile:

Our friend :Israel supposedly destroyed an American spy satellite with in this past week that the Americans put up to spy on Israel. Of course you could not blame Israel for that if this is true and ,It probably is. I think they shot up a missile that was full of pellets that destroyed it. On the other hand if this is not the same spy satellite, that Israel shot, then it would be one that Russia disabled with electromagnet pulse weapons. Our news has never yet told us about the 1000's of manned space spheres (Cosmospheres)(weapons )that Russia has floating around all over above us and shoots all our spy satellites and anything else they like to target practice at when we misbehave ourselves. Which we regularly are misbehaving and are regularly getting punished. Wait till you find out the truth of those space shuttles some day. Russia doesn't like them either, their lifespan has not been very good either. The non news has been lying to us about them too. That shuttle just did not accidently fall out of the sky over Texas either. Russia does not like it when we(Zionists)try to sneak star wars equipment up in to space to fight against them(RUSSIA)(CHRISTIAN NATION) with. We don't have much luck with spy satellites either, since Russia don't trust our Zionist leaders. The cold war was never very cold either since the Zionists have always been trying to keep it(Russia) after they killed those 30 million Russia Christians after 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

But since 1976 the Bad guys have been escaping Russia by the planeload. Now, they lost control of Russia and desperately are trying to get it back. Why do you suppose the US warmongers have not yet attacked IRAN? FRESH out of SPY satellites??Hard to steer those missiles without those satellites?? Russia and China BOTH have been getting fed up with our Zionist leaders Lately, no telling what might happen now, if we don't call our Zionist dogs off!!AND STOP all the WARS NOW!!! Why do suppose lately we have been working real hard to surround Russia's borders with Nuclear weapons? Is it because we are out of SPY satellites? So we have to get closer to shoot and maybe use drones instead of Satellites??To guide the warheads?? What it is these Zionists days are numbered and the crap that they are pulling on other countries is about done, they are at the end of the LINE!!! They are using all their last resorts. And some how ,someway 2012 is probably involved??

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 02:22 PM
I think we are getting to be fascist nation,( already are ) totalitarianism, no longer abide by the law of the land(Constitution), the govt considers itself not needing to answer to the will of the people , which is the Constitution. I think our leaders are acting like dictators , both Democrats and Republicans in crime together. Even the Just US(justice) department is not following the Constitution. They need to be put on trial too. And I think they(Zionists) got us in this condition through the economy ,which is controlled by outsiders known as the federal reserve system. Was it not MR Rothschild who said something about : that he did not care who was in charge of the govt as long as he controlled the money system??? Well ,It looks to me like he STILL CONTROLS the MONEY SYSTEM. Time to kick him out of our money system, and put it back under the rules of our CONSTITUTION, which is the LAW OF THE LAND(AMERICA)(Land of Heaven)Get back to the constitution and our rightful money system , and we get rid of FAScism at the same time.(kill all those birds with one stone)Back to the Constitution , it is that SIMPLE!!!

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 01:21 PM
Mr Gardenforge, I think you explained that perfectly with perfect reasoning, I fail to see how an honest person could see it otherwise. Unless they are just not 100% honest. It is a simple matter of the Zionists wanting to take all our protection away ,so that they can make us complete slaves. More laws --less freedom,and less laws ---more freedom Hang on to those guns , there are more of us(NON Zionist) than there are of them.(Zionists) This Zionist(favors Israel above the US) govt can be upgraded to NON ZIONIST(AMERICAN) ,and FREEDOM!!!

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 01:00 PM
Why Did we go to War Daddy? Mr Madisonman: I think that is a perfect example of the ignorance and corruptness and reasoning of the people(Zionists )(favor Israel over the US)(TALMUDISTS)(SATANISTS) running this country today!

But, I would like to add a little to that nice enlightening article: Our little puppet man in Iraq(Hussein)Did not like the Zionists and their federal reserve money system, so he changed over to selling oil for Euros. That brought the Israeli and American bombers to Iraq on the double,(Remember our marines protect our corporations in all these wars) But on other pretenses. Also good to keep in mind that Israel's main business is WAR equipment and the ONE WORLD ORDER, so I have readlaugh laugh :wink: :smile: , and I have reason to believe that ,that is the case. Russia threw the SOVIETS (Communists) (TALMUDISTS) out of Russia(now is a Christian nation), and so many of them came here(many, many to New York City)(by the plane load)(Jew York) , some to England, and some to Israel. These are money people in high places(crooks), that is why Russia would like to put some of them on trial for all kinds of crimes. I think they still plan on putting them on trial,one way or another. But they have to capture them first. I figure they will get all of them before it is over. This is all tied together since the Garden of Eden , maybe even before that. It is called good against evil (SATAN's people against God's people) SATAN trying to take over the world(ONE WORLD ORDER under Zionism)( Also the UN ORGANIZATION under Zionists) That is why the UN is in jew York) There are many, many organizations working for the Zionist cause. Why did we go to war in Iraq Daddy? It is just part of the scheme of Talmudists to take over the World. (SATAN's people against God's people.) It is that SIMPLE!!! IF the people could figure this out ,RON PAUL, and DENNIS Kuccinich, and people like that (Constitutionalists) would be in our next govt.(God's govt) as opposed to what we now have in there.

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 10:37 AM
It does not seem to matter whether If it is Iraq or some other country that is controlled by American puppets, the Americans seem to have troops there in order to keep their puppets in power , but as soon as the American military leaves those many countries, then the American puppets will be in trouble, hanging from lamp posts ,etc. It is going to HAPPEN, that is sort of like the law of gravity you just can not just keep thumbing your nose at it and expect no consequences. The common people in all these countries just hate our Zionist(favor Israel above the US) American puppets and they know that we are getting spread too thin, and eventually they will remove all of our puppets from their countries.(these are Zionist puppets) In the 1300's, 1400's 1500's and 1600's the TALMUDISTS were kicked out of many countries because it was found that they are DISLOYAL(TREASONISTS) to all countries that they live in and always try to undermine and overthrow their hosts governments. I hear that they even refer to themselves as the SERPENT PEOPLE (SATANISTS) TALMUDISTS have no use for JESUS CHRIST ,they hate him and anything to do with Christianity.MOST secret organizations at the top levels are often SATANISTS. Watch out for all your little kids(stolen)

Bring our troops home from Iraq now, our puppets in Iraq are doomed and their days are likely numbered. They have a TIGER by the tail and don't know how to let loose of him. They can not hold him forever. So turn him loose NOW!!!

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 09:48 AM
It beats me why any one would want any of these parties. They only divide the people ,instead of uniting them. that is what parties do: DIVIDE and CONQUER!! that is what the Zionist (favors Israel above the US) govt does to us ,divide us up against each other, and conquer us and take our rights away ,one right by one at a time, so you won't notice it so easily. they ram a stick up your butt, then they watch and see how you are taking it,and if you don't complain too bad , they ram the stick further up your butt!! These Zionists are BAD PEOPLE, they don't believe like Jesus taught us to believe. IN fact they favor ISRAEL who does not believe in Jesus at all, not at ALL!!!(ZERO) The Zionists are the cause of the World's Problems Today!!All your World Problems. They are against everything that Jesus Stands For. LOVE your neighbor, LOVE GOD,and Do unto others as you would want them to do to you.

This situation in the world today actually boils down to SATAN"S bunch against God's Bunch, It is that SIMPLE!!

smo's photo
Sat 02/16/08 09:15 AM
Personally ,I believe that the Zionist ONE WORLD ORDER BUNCH are the ones behind all these gun control laws(don't really exist)( constitutional violations)(non laws)(Marbury vs. Madison) The Zionist One World Order Bunch is the BUNCH that set up the UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION to start with. The Zionists could take you over easier if you would ONLY hand your guns over first. America seems to be the only place left that is hindering these Zionists(favor Israel above the US) from realizing their dreams, of removing all the guns from all the people. These Zionists have got themselves a serious problem here in AMERICA( Land of HEAVEN) They want to keep chiseling all your rights away, even your right to protect yourself.(2 nd Amendment) They are totally against our Constitution and intend to ruin it(TREASONISTS) When they come to get your guns,BE SURE TO GIVE THEM THE BULLETS FIRST!!!laugh laugh drinker :wink:

smo's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:37 PM
Hey, time to put a leash on our Zionist (favoring Israel above the US)Warmongering leaders and put them on trial for WAR CRIMES and TREASON!! Get out of Iraq and quit torturing those innocent people over there. Quit trying to help Israel to take over the World, the rest of the world is not going to stand back and tolerate this foolishness. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WANT THEM TO DO TO YOU!! STOP THE WAR NOW!!! BEFORE THIS COUNTRY IS turned in to rubble by Russia and China , who also don't want us to help Israel get their One WORLD ORDER. The rest of the world knows what Israel is up to, but sadly ,most Americans have not figured that out YET!! But they will, hopefully before it is too late. Remember, lots of other countries laugh and call us,Little Israel.!!

smo's photo
Fri 02/15/08 01:01 PM
It has been my belief that the biggest terrorists since the early 1960's has been the CIA(sort of the presidents private,or secret, army)to overthrow and assassinate in other countries, but since I believe other alphabet soup agencies are just as bad(WACO),if not even worse now, and of course the blackwater gang probably now is the worst of the worst, most notorious, we have men in black running around in this country too. Time to call all these terrorists to account, Enough is enough ALREADY of this NAZISM!!(dictators)

smo's photo
Thu 02/14/08 03:45 PM
Exiting Iraq would save a lot of money and lives, but the stimulus package is just a delaying tactic to side track the real problem of getting rid of the federal reserve ,which we will have to come to eventually. Did you ever wonder if we beat England in the revolutionary war, then how come we were fighting them again in the WAR of 1812 about 20 years later??And they burned our Capital down in Washinton dc(district of criminals) Hey, let me say :IT was that: they were after our banking system. Why was Abraham Lincoln killed? He wanted to have US money system. Why was Andrew Jackson killed , He too wanted a US money system, Why was JFK killed , same thing he want a US money system. Hey PEOPLE WE have never really had our REPUBLIC YET: BUT WE ARE GOING TO GET IT SOON WHEN WE GET RID OF (ENGLAND"S) the federal reserve fraud system!!! Thank you for letting me think out so LOUD!!!drinker laugh laugh :wink: :smile:

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