Community > Posts By > smo

smo's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:47 PM
If a person's word is no good , do you think it will be better if he writes it down. They say that now over half the people are divorced, People sign mortgages and millions are not paying them either. So maybe it is a matter of morals???Maybe their word does not mean what they said. Govt sign treaties with Native Americans and don't keep them either. When we going to start having MORALS ? I believe in God ,but ,I don't in marriage papers anymore.(once upon a time I did)I don't believe God Wrote the bible either , the jews did. They say they believe in God , But I don't believe that either,because they do not believe in Jesus , but I do. I think it is alright to have the wedding feast ,but forget the papers.

smo's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:22 PM
Every week there is a new list of dead American soldiers in Iraq, doesn't sound like it is better to me.

smo's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:11 PM
Hey, I don't mind if you guys want to laugh at me, we are supposed to be having fundrinker

smo's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:04 PM
For some strange reason ,I always felt that Bush is sincere and actually believes in what he is doing,even though I do not agree with his ideas on the wars, and I think he is like a little dictator. I figure he is sincere , but still wrong when he breaks lots of laws, affecting our rights ,and he seems to love the war so much.

smo's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:04 PM
For some strange reason ,I always felt that Bush is sincere and actually believes in what he is doing,even though I do not agree with his ideas on the wars, and I think he like a little dictator. I figure he is sincere , but still wrong when he breaks lots of laws, affecting our rights ,and he seems to love the war so much.

smo's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:04 PM
For some strange reason ,I always felt that Bush is sincere and actually believes in what he is doing,even though I do not agree with his ideas on the wars, and I think he like a little dictator. I figure he is sincere , but still wrong when he breaks lots of laws, affecting our rights ,and he seems to love the war so much.

smo's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:04 PM
For some strange reason ,I always felt that Bush is sincere and actually believes in what he is doing,even though I do not agree with his ideas on the wars, and I think he like a little dictator. I figure he is sincere , but still wrong when he breaks lots of laws, affecting our rights ,and he seems to love the war so much.

smo's photo
Tue 01/29/08 12:04 PM
For some strange reason ,I always felt that Bush is sincere and actually believes in what he is doing,even though I do not agree with his ideas on the wars, and I think he like a little dictator. I figure he is sincere , but still wrong when he breaks lots of laws, affecting our rights ,and he seems to love the war so much.

smo's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:24 AM
I think marriage is a commitment between a man and a woman, don't need any papers, ever heard of common law marriages? I think the papers are Caesar(govt) sticking his nose where it don't belong.Are you marrying the govt too?(H--- NO!!!) 3 parties in your marriage? Tell Caesar to BUTT out!!

Besides have we not proved millions of times :THOSE PAPERS DON"T WORK!!!THEY DO NOT KEEP PEOPLE TOGETHER!!

HEY, my wife left me for another woman, those papers did not stop her from leaving me!!

Let me say it AGAIN, those papers don't WORK!!!And GOD does not need your PAPERS or your MONEY!!!HE NEVER DID!!!

smo's photo
Tue 01/29/08 08:04 AM
I don't believe in euthanasia(intentional killing)even if it seems to be for a good reason.I used to think maybe it was ok, but now I think we came here on this planet and so we should try to tough it out.(Smiles)I now think we need to play the cards that we have been dealt and try to see what we can do with them.

But ,I do believe that this planet is highly over populated, but I do not think we have the right to go out and start killing people off.(do unto others as you would have them do to you.)

But ,I think we need to come up with a way to limit the number of children each family can have,(Without killing) otherwise ,we will all start starving soon.

smo's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:06 PM
I hear that like the so -called 16th Amendment like the so called 17 th Amendment ,that neither of them had been RATIFIED and so both are actually nonexistent(Marbury vs. Madison)(FRAUDS)I guess in the beginning people voted for the Representatives of each State once every 2 years, so then the Representatives for each State picked the Senators for that State(one of the reasons we are a REPUBLIC)Now the representatives being more of them and being closer in relationship to the people in each locality are more accountable to the people that way, and have to give an accounting to the people sooner ,at least every 2 years.( MY personal opinion,elections should be real often, maybe once a year. No career politicians, more accountable that way or put them out sooner.)Now we are getting away from our REPUBLIC with the so called 17 th Amendment, going to democracy ,which is mob rule (two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner)(Socialism is next step) But under the republic the REPRESENTATIVES pick the SENATORS. People only pick the Representatives, that is why they are called REPRESENTATIVES. We need to get back to the Constitution and stop the MOB RULE(no LAW)

smo's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:36 PM
The 16th Amendment (income tax) never been Lawfully passed so it really don't exist . Marbury vs. Madison

smo's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:31 PM
I think our economic system is too far gone to help it now, unless we dump the Private for profit federal reserve system, and the IRS (PRIVATE COLLECTION agency) ,as both of them are totally unCONSTITUTIONAL, against the LAW of OUR REPUBLIC!!!(FRAUDS)The 16 th and 17 th Amendments are said to never have been RATIFIED and so some say that means that WE have not had a legitimate SENATE since that FRAUD!!! TELL ME THIS: How could about 3 men pass the federal reserve ACT during CHRISTMAS VACATION WHILE CONGRESS WAS OUT OF SESSION????(FRAUD????)

smo's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:14 PM
Hey, You can't fight the TERRORISTS until you FIRST figure out WHO the TERRORISTS ARE????

smo's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:11 PM
Let's You and Him Fight and let Israelites (Rothchilds and others)(BANKS) supply the weapons and lend the money for war for bothsides.

smo's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:00 PM
Hope you folks don't mind if I think out loud about what I read about those roadside _______ ?. There is no such thing ,thats why you can't find them, they don't exist . Those are said to be Israeli Missiles, they hit you before the sound gets there ,so you been had ,and there is no way to protect yourself from them. They say , that is Israels way to keep the war going ,and to keep Americans and Arabs killing each other. Americans thinks Arabs are doing that ,But-----? Israel always seemed to have a special type of warfare called: LET"S YOU AND HIM FIGHT!!!!

smo's photo
Mon 01/28/08 06:17 PM
Yes, I think There are all shapes and sizes of spaceships being seen often now days . I hear it is very common sight in Peru and that they even have landing places there for them. I also believe that our country has shot a few spaceships down,(possibly with nuclear)nice people that we are. I don't believe those stories about those spaceships wrecking out in the desert,But I do think we hit them with a nuclear warhead or something in that category. I also don't believe they are little green men either, I think they look just like us but maybe their material body is made a little different from ours.And I think some of them can not be(but some can be) kept captive because they can become invisible. I read and believe that some are being cloned to look like monsters to be brought out to scare us with,during one of these days ahead of us, and to try to tell us that the aliens are attacking us. Another use of those aborted Stem cells????Have you ever wondered why so many scientists seem to die young these days.(accidents, suicides, heart attacks,etc.)Spaceships are usually invisible and covered by a cloud, but on occasion are seen in plain sight. I hear our govt has been making spaceships too, but that ours are junkers compared to the real ones, because the aliens are not stupid enough to show us how to make the good ones. But I have a good suspicion that Russia has some better ones. Russia has some kind of ships called Cosmospheres, which seem to keep us and Israel, and England, from taking over the world(Smiles)

smo's photo
Mon 01/28/08 05:44 PM
Yes, I see that they are building lots of new prisons around the country, but for the wrong reasons.In my opinion, they are putting lots of innocent people in jail these days, for so called victimless crimes(non crimes). According to the Constitution ,if there is no victim ,then there is no crime, If you do not injure or damage someone, then you have committed no crime. Drinking ,smoking ,no seat belts,speeding , no driver's license ,and lists of so called crimes are not really crimes until you injure or damage someone. It is wrong to punish some one before he has damaged or injured someone. And yes, I think we now have debtors prisons again, which as one person said is un lawful practice, which means that our govt is breaking lots of serious laws, and it should be put on trial(the ones who are behind it),We have lots of treason in our govt these days against WE the people and against our Constitutional REPUBLIC!!!

smo's photo
Mon 01/28/08 05:11 PM
I think Dan Rather was fired for telling the Truth(censorship by the media owners ) I think before it is over this is all going to come back on the media, because they say that TRUTH STOMPED IN THE GROUND WILL RISE AGAIN!!! Both Clinton and Bush , I think are warmongers, but at the same time both were draft dodgers in one form or another, but they both don't seem to mind sacrificing our Kids to the GOD of WAR!! You ought to think on that a little bit, Or do you not have any kids ,or do you not care? We need to tell it like it IS!!

smo's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:37 AM
I believe that the handful of people that own the media are the same ones who are in favor of the war ,and so they will make it sound like we are winning and doing good there.and will never report the truth. I believe our news is very heavily censored. Now why do you suppose they would do that?So the warmongers could keep the war GOING?? YOU are going to have a hard time trying to convince me that ISRAEL cares about our KIDS(soldiers). Let's get them soldiers home NOW!!!! I understand that Israel's main business is war equipment. If Israel decides to attack Iran too(SOME say Israel's planes hit Iraq First) then let Israel pay the price , not our kids. We could have saved all our kids in Iraq too, Did not Hussein tell DAN RATHER that give him and BUSH each a gun and just the 2 of them could fight it out . That is what I think we should have done. Bush would have chickened out and then there would have been no war!!!The News should have reported that a lot more!!

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