EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 07:23 PM
headed to the land of nod...

but, am sending light, and good thoughts...

end you well, eh?
gather softness, and light
and, into you
be kind
feel everything, all of it
and, say "YES!"
I am wonderful...

be well, you.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 07:20 PM
hello, and goodnight,yawn lol.

Spent another evening with my daughter... and headed to bed.

Was a beautiful day! And, tomorrow promises to be just as excellent...
we so needed to sun, and mild warmth.

Make a good night, everyone...

and, those asleep... dream well.

Anyone rising on shifts, or another part of the globe...

Mornin' to ya. And, wellness be.


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 12:52 PM
lilly, I missed you againsad

damn it all, anyway.

wander away to do some updating, and lost threadslaugh

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 12:47 PM
good point, hon.

One thing Lene had pointed out to me on another site...
I did create several topic similar sort of poetry threads?..hoping other
would add to it...

Dunno why they don't.lol

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 10:35 AM
hey you...

absolutely.:heart: flowerforyou

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 10:28 AM
mother, sister, lover...

light and dark


pain in the ass



nature, advocate...

self, and all that implies, good and bad...

I dunno how decribe something that has one, more... lives lived, and to
do it in a small box...LOL!

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 10:14 AM
You're right.
Name calling, and meanness is not called for...
I will, and do try to remember that like in real life, or offline, not
one of us has ever NOT had days where they get so tired of crap that the
are more blunt, or just pissed. It's human.

I am curious about something, though.

Given most money, politics, history, are religion- based if you look at
it in depth- and, that now that we are seeing proofs of just how awful
organized religion treats humanity in any form from the very
Add in scientific proofs that most of what early peoples thought was
some unknown thing (space, over the oceans, biology...)...

Does it not seem that more organized religions of all sorts are
panicked? And, scrambling to hold onto outdated, disproved theories, and

I mean look at it all, really look.

All schools have had religion involved. And, even some made thier own
private schools separating themselves from public.

Now they want to cry about segregation? Now, they want everyone else to
be subject to religious beliefs?
Is it because more and more are losing money for private schooling
because more and more people have questioned?

I am curious.

Yes, folks have rights. But, those of us wanting nothing to do with it
all also have them.

As in history, religion causes arguments...

it's too bad when people don't accept others for being different.

Long time ago, I'd been burned at the stake.

go figure, lol.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 10:00 AM
This is off topic a little bit...

Neither myself or daughter are religious in the sense of organized...
There are school dances, with adults involved, here...

They have a blast.

One thing I am continuously proud of, is my daughter's integrity of

I'm not so sure anything will stop teens from having sex if they decide
it is what they are going to do. Whatever your religion... And, none I
know of have stopped it.

It's difficult enough to keep them safe, or try. And, to help them
through the roughest time before the 20s hit, lol.

Instilling worth, integrity, and paying attention, and being involved
without "cramping thier style" LMAO!

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 09:54 AM
wow! it's thursday and I feel I've lost two weeks somewhere, LOL!

make a good day, all...

would be lovely to see new freinds come say halloo, too.
flowerforyou flowerforyou

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 09:52 AM

And, what comes- or goes - around isn't always what we can see.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 11:08 AM
The problem with these things is religion and science are not even in
the same leagues together.

People have a hard time wrapping thier minds are the science of it all,
rather than blindly accepting some mythical being created something in
the likeness is of himself...

if this is so, then his likeness is raping children?

you can not have free will, then preach in his likeness..

makes no sense at all.

I want my children to go to school to read and write... become citizens
of the planet. Not mindless sheep.

I WANT them to question. I WANT them to explore ideas, and maybe just
maybe find answers.

All of this leads to persecution of those of us whom refuse to follow...
And, those of us whom hold proof other things exist...

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:40 AM
One reason I stay away from the religion thread is because those of us
that refuse to stand by and watch the lies, and self delusion based

Yes, we all have the right to believe what we do.But, no! we do not have
to respect it.

I do not respect any religion that tells us we must bow to men...when he
testaments are written in ways that backtrack the "laws" of a said

That's the reason these threads become such hot topics, yes? Because it
is based on a persons very deep belief system.

For instance...

I had gone to a clergy counsiling when I was in my 20s, believing I was
doing something wrong as a wife...
I was told to stand by my man. My husband.
And, I did. And, myself, and children we terrorized.

I got away. Asked help, and aide among the church charities...

Was told that the aide was for members of the church, and why did I not
believe in "God"
As a child, forced to live with a ranch family, mormons.

Go to church, pray for forgiveness, and go home and sin!?

Almost every war from history is a forceful tool to make people behave,
and believe one way.

We all have choices. We all have rights.

I will fight for the right not to be told I am a sinner because I
divorced my ex.
I will fight for my rights as a human being.
I will fight for my human right to be safe, and to follow noone.

All of these things causes debates, fights, and hard feelings among

In other countries (which, BTW there are...) acid washes in the faces of
women and female children.

Women told they are for one purpose

Men all over the world spouting "Praise be to "GOD", while cashing in on
elderly paychecks to build grand homes...

People all over the world, maimed, killed, and forced to do the will of
other based on religion.

gimme a break.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 08:21 AM
why can I never find this thread?

yuh. coffee number 3...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 08:14 AM
thought and light go out...:smile:

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 08:11 AM

wow, that's a strong feeling.

I do wonder how some folks will think later in life after they've used

As with anything to the extreme, it's one thing to be a part of a
culture. It's quite another to live it.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 08:03 AM
wassa matter, kariz...hmmmmm? lol


the hunt goes on
like he scent of fear
scavengers pulling
flesh, bone, and muck
like rabid vultures
never ending hunger

tricking blood souls
in all directions
scream for mercy
as the beast laughs
cacophony ringing thunderous
rebound, resounding
turn the bones to dust

skittering figures
speaking chatter
click, chitter, chitter
sweeping the dust
into skin bags
carry into dwellings
stench be thier music

mix our dust
with bottles of sweat
wrung from horrified beings
swilling, stirring
inside skull caps
then pouring out
feeding monstrousity vines



EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 07:52 AM

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 07:51 AM
xxxooo:heart: flowerforyou

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 07:49 AM
If anyone wanting to get close to me can't deal with reality, then they
can call it what they like...

There is no shoulda/coulda in some circumstances. There just is.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 07:42 AM
oh for GAWDSAKE!

lookig for a date?laugh