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Topic: From the Darkness-Shadows Be
EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:15 AM
Tread lightly
my thunder might rock you
Tread lightly
were that wrath come to you
Tread lightly
threefold, twice,it comes, more
Tread lightly
fear not that I break, but you
Tread lightly
taking care to watch you
Tread lightly
these bruises are yours

by me

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:16 AM
walking in the treads
of great men
and women
is an ease of which
we feel love
and awe

tread on those
which make you large
and later footsteps
are silent


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:16 AM
Wary the cynical cycles
shying from the hand
raised above
to curled fists

Closer is the dirt
bowed before
the dust settled
yet, sees under it all


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 01:08 PM
The warriors game
played honest, and true
different armor hue
the duels challenge
duelers ready...
honor be the thing
tainted warrior
highest honor is
the duel not the two
singular plan
treachery, and woe!
light falls on both
darkness meets these well
turning leaves by and by
the warriors tale
be a journey
of intent...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 11:25 AM
Holding you, bound in silky threads
this spiderweb contains the way
Arms, legs, mouth held tough
while the spider comes to stay

Crawling 'round, and 'round
'til meets you in the eye
Then sucks the very soul of you
'til you shrivel up and die


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 11:38 AM
oh, that! be death
so vain, and secure
in ends gets what wants


so playing with time
can stop, or rush
or, say you rock!

and smile...

playschool chum
now from day one
born along side us

full grown...

never a child
death sniggers allwhile
and believes in only itself

we pull...

and, push away tempation
run screaming, some patient
we are granted this time here


yet, to walk day to day
conversations with mirth
for the knowledge of us

wanted dreams...

we lunch at it's table
talk of the weather
and try not to listen to whispers



EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:01 PM
This echo screams
beats mind away
Scatters shards fly
all directions absorbed
Hide well, avoid these
all left me hollow
Long and long held in
now implosion reverses
And, complete self
personified confusion
Outward blast of me
sending pain
Away from myself, yet
empty hull is weak
No protection
from penetrating hurt
Recycle, deflect
as the echo sends
knives out again


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:35 AM
How many breaks does it take to bleed
all of the soul
to completely soak, and feed the wants
of those hungry scavengers
questions abound

Do you hear with your being
or with half opened ears
after the drums become scarred
by thumping nonstop
beats of life running on


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:36 AM
Take it, as it is Me. Your seething mind enters mine, and I Take it.
Grip your madness into chambers long locked. And, sweet pain you give, I
share again.
For this moment, you see... This moment you're me. And, when I swallow,
and close my eyes, we are we...

--This time of now. This moment, yet always.
While go day by day...
Nothing has substance that cannot be found.
And. found it is nothing. Void carries substance of nothing.
Life equals death, and dead renews more.
Take evil as dinner, and remember always.
Without shades of hues, we would not love, laugh, or feel...
Without darkness
light does not exist.


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:45 AM
Beasts Among The Masses-

Avenues of expectations
remain wide open
who walks this shadowed path
dares step into another
a life with many houses
rooms within walls
open doors, and closed
keys in hand by
won riddles
honored beast yells loudest
without honor, shrunken head
remain here awhile
story ends at ends
then, ahead...
revolvers tales
chambers loaded
chink in armor, facade
glass castle built
screams shattered souls
yet, tiny stone
brought it down
integrity, its name
step into the shadows, here
and, walk among the lives
of onlookers blank faces
one with eyes, and smile


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 12:31 PM
sweet muted patter
nature babes are thirsty
jagged teeth
not dulled by time
bite through and through
cells infinite
worlds upon pins
carry ALL

dampened hindsight
fore-gelled in time
illussional thought
allussional walk
in muddied puddles
to sink, consume, swallow
yet, call it cyclone
cycles, rotating orbits

this flow catches
then, flow not, yes?
capturing memories snatches
like wicked spilled words
thought shreds
grating to marrow cores
repeated again, always
all colors melt
to gray


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 12:38 PM
oh, wicked weaver
spin us a tale
puppet masters design
and yank rubber limbs
jagged line walkers
drunken wanders
on stiff boards
in wake of millenniums
put us in future
see with eyelids peeled
like grapes of wrath
mistaken pity for foes
done deeds
self fulfillment
prophets falsely accuse
by thier own shame and mud
slingshots stretch
and rebound the weaver
knotted in grit
of discontented ego


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 12:55 PM
Hope by the bucketfulls
led to not
and, banging heads, and hearts
the path you chose
no freindships kept
none made in absence of integrity
One can continue the tried methods
new, and more...
to give hope to the dead horse
and beat it without purpose
nothing worked
and you didn't
So, wish this day, someday
when you wake at night
the bitter pills you've
while attempting to swallow
us all down
may you see the bone you choke on
and live
and let


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 01:00 PM
Walking shells
find fullness ungiven
Search blind,
The small hull riding inside
fades to dust
To disappear unto endless time
No reversal,
no way back
Your infant unnourished
is the end


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 08:05 PM
Living alive, walking
peering white blindness
Frozen stare,
icicle spears
A remembered heartbeat
an idea of what it was
Flesh shivers, pales
so feeling exists
Living dead thing
just sleeping so deep
In hibernated waiting
for melting this cold prison
or, shatter with heated myth


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/14/07 03:27 PM
...just wait...

then reality hits you between the eyes
and given enough rope...

just speak. go ahead
talk and talk

ohh, that's the stuff, yup
oop! was that intentional?

oh, how things just fall
and spill into the open air

clear it is, ahh, clarity
simpler stuff

than smoke and mirrors
reflecting true you

tell a story
and lets see where it goes...


RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 04/17/07 10:17 PM
Blood Feast

My spirit hungers; You understood.
Such a craving; Deeper than blood.
Vampyres feast; I drink from the well.
True love rejoices; I hear their bell.

Come and dine; Dinner bell chimes.
Delicious morsels; Friends of mine.
Table set and prepared; Lets eat.
Use your hands; It is so sweet.

Succulent bites; Blood flows as wine.
Spirits intercess; Grapes from the vine.
Rage of angels; Rage of the unfed.
We are alive; The meat has bled.

Marrow so juicy; We lick our lips.
Tastes like chicken; Delicate kiss.
Blood dripping with life; So divine.
Manna from heaven; It is so fine.

Give so you can take; Feed me.
Eat up, famished one; Bon Apetite.
There is plenty; You can consume.
Plenty of guests; Plenty of room.

kariZman's photo
Wed 04/18/07 03:16 AM
thanks for the offer rainbow trout butt i dont think i could come to you
dinner party im a vegetarian and it would make me sick just the smell of
watt you put on your table.noway sick sick sick

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 08:03 AM
wassa matter, kariz...hmmmmm? lol


the hunt goes on
like he scent of fear
scavengers pulling
flesh, bone, and muck
like rabid vultures
never ending hunger

tricking blood souls
in all directions
scream for mercy
as the beast laughs
cacophony ringing thunderous
rebound, resounding
turn the bones to dust

skittering figures
speaking chatter
click, chitter, chitter
sweeping the dust
into skin bags
carry into dwellings
stench be thier music

mix our dust
with bottles of sweat
wrung from horrified beings
swilling, stirring
inside skull caps
then pouring out
feeding monstrousity vines



Jess642's photo
Tue 05/08/07 05:16 AM
A Private Hell

Shards of broken thoughts
Lie wasted on the path
Of temper
Held check too long.

Unleashed fury of history's
Scribed tomes.
Icebound deaths of dreams

Gritted jaw and blood filled eye
Seeking to defile.
Debris scattered to the wind
Silent howl grates harsh.

Inferno cauterise the wounds
Torn callous reality sated.
Stench of hypocrisy ripened
Heavy with contempt.

Sulphurous lies choke
Auditory heart.
Blind acrid faith
Abandoned in sodden trenches.

Avoided life, defunct belief
Charismatic destruction
Awaits softened soul
Willing to be plundered.


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