EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:31 AM
I know you're very aware of the issues, Lulu..

omg, yes!

The first time I allowed my daughter into yahoo kids chat?

adults everywhere! It was the last time, too.

She was smart, and typed MOO to anyone asking questions... but, it was
too much, and we shut it down.

Also, just for folks to keep in mind, there or trolls and lurkers from
near where you are...

yes, the folks in your towns.

just be careful, aware, and never think it can't happen.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:26 AM
I loved a phone because I'm sexy and I do what I want.

laugh laugh laugh

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:25 AM
it's absolutely beautiful out here!

wanna send it to all of ya.

well, we should send poor rivame some good drenching rains. They have an
awful drought.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:21 AM
Roy! LMAO!

believe me I DID try to call myself onceflowerforyou

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:20 AM

and, I find is wonderful for one to write apologies, heart felt...

hell, some days I blunder everything, LMAO!

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:13 AM
here's my thing... and, it could just be me...

When one uses a childs pic for thier main profile photo.

I come in random, and find a pic like that up in a sex thread.

Ummm... just too wierd.

As for folks sharing... as parents. I see no big deal, other than I KNOW
there are folks whom have to leave thier kids alone sometimes without
thought. And,if I knwo it, so do the sick ass preditors.
And,I also know of online preditors. I helped with one on messenger 5
yrs ago.

Just want folks to be careful

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:07 AM
Ahh, yes...

And the one finger poke...LOL!

I am constantly lost...laugh

And, those that make light of dyslexia and not seeing it right...
We who do have it... it is frustrating at times, oh yes, hehehehe.

Had someone ask me awhile back if I was drunk, or on
drugs...LMFAO!!!laugh laugh laugh

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 08:59 AM
hey you...

Err is human
forgive you
rest your head and heart
know we fall
and the crash clangs
within our being
more in ourselves

and, what then?
shall we burn?
imperfections born unto us
bowed head
shamed be breif
as darkness lives here
bruising the self well...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 08:53 AM
woohoo! good coffeehappy

good day on you all...bigsmile

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 08:49 AM
woops! sorry.


I studied it back when I knew I was going to have surgery... Mostly as a
way to curb hotflashes...
I found out about some pain relief, mood enhancers (and, aide to help
unblock)...and other uses, heh.

Some I ordered, are pure, and shouldn't be used by children, or without
knowledge of how harmful they can be...as with anything, too much, or
the wrong use can be deadly, or dangerous.
Also, some simple oils such as basil, and rosemary..can have bad effects
on those with high blood pressure or seizures... so, not to be taken
lightly, and I'd run it by a pharmacist, or doc. first.

Safer ones? Lavender, german chamomile, neroli...

I use peppermint alot. just not too much, or before bed. too

Herbs... dill for hotflashes...

just alot, lol.

like most things, I studied through the libraries... until I knew what I
was doing before using it on anyone...

Make a wonderful asie to any other treatments. Just be careful and ask a
doc, or pharmacist if anything you try will effect any medications...
you may have.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/21/07 08:40 AM

ok, dr.pepper waterd down... I do believe that's worse than
kool-iadlaugh laugh

Hell, Jane...LOL!

I don't bother anymore. By the time I've looked it over, and push
reply... afterward is the time I see the typos, and what does seem to be
quite gibberishlaugh happy

Am sending some of our sun, and warm your way...

light on you all...

and, take care of you, eh?

*secret?* Ever seen those little things called Teeny Drinks? I sooo
loved he lime best! Still do:tongue:

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/20/07 06:43 PM
hope it lifted you some?

and, I really do have watery kool-aid sitting here...

I have stared at the cup like it has betrayed me, LMAO!

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/20/07 06:40 PM
you've have once again skipped the meaning.

responsibility also goes toward to sayer...

many, MANY folks take NO responsibility for their actions and the
reactions as a consequence of... superiority, as was your opinion, has
nil to do with any of it.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/20/07 06:35 PM
hell, I added my own type in profile! Heavy set means something
different than a big woman, LOL!

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/20/07 06:24 PM
Are the feelings of horror, and loss any different in these two you
insist upon making an argument for?

And, I still fail to see anything coherent in your arguments, which seem
to me far off, and continuously questioning, and bordering on indignant
for the lack of understanding...

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/20/07 06:18 PM
what the hell?

would you make a pint, please?

Evil is a state of mind and though based on religion.

I believe is darkness and light...

black energies tend to be mischevous, and harmful.
There are no evil people. Just very horrible things.

Even Manson wsn't evil, he's just crazy as Jim jones was... it's the
followers and the techniques used...

Evil is a term to useto scare people. If this is a truth, then media is

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/20/07 06:13 PM
omg! LMAO!

I can't get the blender thing to do what I want, HAHAHAHA!

I'll keep trying... since it was the reason for buyig it last
summerlaugh laugh

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/20/07 06:11 PM
None of that addresses your earlier statements at all...


Yes, we can learn it!
We learn to eat what we are given to us, or what we can hunt.
and, people HAVE eaten each other to survive. It's been done.

It is only whatis put into your head, and ben put into the minds of most
all peoples through evolution that it is not okay...

Another thing, some of us DO know something about what, and where of our
energy after death, and the possibilities during ife...

Very interesting.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/20/07 06:01 PM
ummm, yeah... my mouth is wateringlaugh

could use one for my closet slave...sick :tongue: happy

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/20/07 05:56 PM
yes i do, lol.

tropical punch...

nope. still not doing anything but getting watery with the ice.laugh

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