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Topic: Someone Help Me Please
JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:17 AM
Just so I understand the concept or intent of the Religion forums, are
they to post and/or discuss belief and faith, whatever it may be, or is
it to criticize or ridicule one over the other? Discredit? Force another
belief process on another? Or all of the above?

Respect to all and what they believe.flowerforyou

aleacim831's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:35 AM
Ummm I don't think it was a place ment to push anything or disrespect

But then again religious people tend to do that

twosteper's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:40 AM
i agree jane

in my church we respect other churchs n we learn from them

we even have other churchs visit n we visit them(the whole church)

cuz we dont have all the answers but we are walkin a path to the truth

a quote

"The truth is not plain but a walk we all mst seek not by ideals or by
suggestin but by seekin the wisdom n knowlege of those who walked before

please respect all n ya wilbe respected

party on...drinker drinker drinker drinker

oldsage's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:40 AM
Seems like so amny want to argue & berate anymore.
Folks all of us are different w/different opinions & thoughts.
Acceptance is all that is needed, not agreement.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:42 AM
Discuss all the way if they must criticize they need to move on not all
have the same beliefs and never will. Respect others beliefs if you
don't understand then ask but do not be disrespectful of others and what
they believe in. bigsmile

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:50 AM
Thanks everyone. I think I'm going to write Mike and Van. I am
confused as to thier intent on having a Relgion forum. I came into them
with the thought that it was for belief, faith, discussion, even heated
discussion, reasoning, support, learning different cultural beliefs,
etc. A place for everyone and every belief, whatever it may be. I
respect and accept what I may believe in is not what the next person
does and their right to do so.

prussia's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:55 AM
That's a great question ... An ART to lead conversation and to have a
peacefull discussion are long lost, for the most people. Pity! We
should go to Asian countries and learn from them.

It seems like everyone wants to be heard or to grab more attention to
own persona. Quite selfish, arrogant it is. Sad

Morning my dear Jane * Smile and a Flower*

earthmom5's photo
Wed 04/18/07 09:14 AM
I never argue religion and see, I pracice the theory
that EVERYONE has a right to be WRONG!.....lolol

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 04/18/07 09:55 AM
Jane, the nature of these topics will naturally bring out all the things
you listed. Abracadabra said it best and it goes for me as well. I
will and can debate these topics, I will and can present facts whenever
possible and I do and will get heated within the discussion. However,
at the end of it, I can put it aside and see that you get to your next
Bible study class and I will work as hard as anyone, right next to you
when a need calls us to help others without thought or consideration of
their personal beliefs.

I think these topics are important to discuss. It sheds so much light
on the things many of us have never had the opportunity to discuss
openly with people of so much diversity. There are also those, who have
followed or been led for so long that they may see alternatives for
their thinking and thus become happier more productive poeple.

Further, beyond all this, there is so much education going on here on so
many levels, that a little bit of banter seems to me to be good for the
mind and for society as a whole.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 10:40 AM
One reason I stay away from the religion thread is because those of us
that refuse to stand by and watch the lies, and self delusion based

Yes, we all have the right to believe what we do.But, no! we do not have
to respect it.

I do not respect any religion that tells us we must bow to men...when he
testaments are written in ways that backtrack the "laws" of a said

That's the reason these threads become such hot topics, yes? Because it
is based on a persons very deep belief system.

For instance...

I had gone to a clergy counsiling when I was in my 20s, believing I was
doing something wrong as a wife...
I was told to stand by my man. My husband.
And, I did. And, myself, and children we terrorized.

I got away. Asked help, and aide among the church charities...

Was told that the aide was for members of the church, and why did I not
believe in "God"
As a child, forced to live with a ranch family, mormons.

Go to church, pray for forgiveness, and go home and sin!?

Almost every war from history is a forceful tool to make people behave,
and believe one way.

We all have choices. We all have rights.

I will fight for the right not to be told I am a sinner because I
divorced my ex.
I will fight for my rights as a human being.
I will fight for my human right to be safe, and to follow noone.

All of these things causes debates, fights, and hard feelings among

In other countries (which, BTW there are...) acid washes in the faces of
women and female children.

Women told they are for one purpose

Men all over the world spouting "Praise be to "GOD", while cashing in on
elderly paychecks to build grand homes...

People all over the world, maimed, killed, and forced to do the will of
other based on religion.

gimme a break.

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 03:18 PM
While everyone is free to post, discuss and debate, there is no need for
sarcasm, ridicule, mockery, cheap shots, name calling and the such.
It's spreading like herpes in here. I try to keep an open mind,
understand and learn from other's by what they post but only shut down
when people do that. I respect those that disagree or debate without
making another feel what they have, think or believe is worthless and
they are so right.

Understanding, acceptance, respect, and tolerance of another person and
what is important to a person, even if you do not agree with it. We are
each different. We each have our pain, sorrow, and hurt. We also have
our happiness, compassion and love. When people in society learn to
accept that the world would be much better off.

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/18/07 03:26 PM
i can understand why you would ask this jane

and everyone has the right to believe as they wish

but to degrade and ridicule someon or their beliefs is wrong

if someone has a statement to make

make it

and if ya wanna say why say why

no need to resort to preadolesant behaivior and belittle
anyone or their beliefs

you should be able to state why you feel like you do

and leave it at that

so upon saying this

can't we all just get along

Jess642's photo
Wed 04/18/07 03:32 PM
Jane wrote..

Understanding, acceptance, respect, and tolerance of another person and
what is important to a person, even if you do not agree with it. We are
each different. We each have our pain, sorrow, and hurt. We also have
our happiness, compassion and love. When people in society learn to
accept that the world would be much better off.


It is in the differences that make us unique, Jane, and when sharing
opinions, even when polar opposite, that people can perhaps learn more
about each other.

How we treat each other's opinions, also gives an indication of how we
may treat the person...sadly, some will not be as open, respectful, and
sincere as you...

Many big personalities here, diverse thoughts, beliefs, and opinions,
and it appears with some, there is a monologue, not a dialogue going

Re-actionary, gets us no where, and I am learning that lesson..

Volatile subjects, create volatile situations, and yes, it appears that
some people feel threatened in their opinions, hence the name calling,
and abusive posting starts...

We are all unique, we are all different, and respecting the differences,
needs to be more prevalent..

adj4u's photo
Wed 04/18/07 03:35 PM
yay yay yay yay

very good post lee

yay yay yay yay

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:12 PM
Jane, adj and jess, as I have stated many times, this is the first
opportunity I've had to have these kind of converstaions. I feel like
I'm getting to know people here, Sometimes when I log in and see
several reply's to a post, I feel like I'm hearing those people in
conversation. In fact sometimes I read so fast and have so much to say
I thing "I can't get a word in edgewise". Upon finishing my reads, I
may be anxious to get my post done, to say my piece, or I may even be a
bit ruffled, and frustrated.

What I'm saying is that in real life, if a room was occupied with these
exact same people, I can not even imagine the mud slinging that would
exist. I think it's actually pretty tame here, and what more, we have
this wonderful ability to apologise. We are not always given this
luxery in a real time scenerio.

I have done my share of apologies and I know exactly why and what I'm
apologizing for when I do. For this reason I often overlook the
passionate remarks one makes in the heat of the conversation.

I hope you all can too, because you have all made some good
contributions. It's good when we learn to apologise and it's good, at
least for me, to feel humbled sometimes by my own ignorant mistakes.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, who knows how nice I'll be
in the next one LOLflowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:17 PM
Foe me personally Red,

You seem so well thought out, and I have not once felt that you had
contempt for others in your posts, nor seen any defammatory name

If anything, you give cause for thought, you are so clear in your
opinions, and well supported in any claims that you have made..

I find your intelligence refreshing, and enjoy your posts..

No matter how different our opinions may be..

JaneBond's photo
Thu 04/19/07 05:41 AM
Thanks for posting. I am learning from past mistakes and do make an
effort, when I completly disagree with something, to be mindful of the
other person, or step off for a bit if that's what it takes.

I do not agree with or condone the atrocities being committed everyday,
in our own backyards or around the world. I do not agree with or condon
force feeding one's belief or faith onto another but we are each
entitled to what makes us feel complete and with a sense of warmth and
being. I am not speaking to the fanatic's, the extremists, those who
hate, harm, maime or kill in the name of their religion or their God.
We could fill volumes of forums with the horrific and tragic things that
are happening everday.

I guess my point is, there is so much wrong with the world today, tragic
and horrific wrongs, worse than someones faith, and we should be
respectful of eachother and not contribute to it further, but instead
learn to accept and understand eachother and work together, each in our
own small way, to change those wrongs, make this a better place not only
for ourselves, but our children, and their children and so on. If that
makes me naieve, then so be it. But instead of turning on a neighbour I
will continue to do what I can to make whatever small changes I can and
leave positive footprints behind. Even when I disagree with somone or

In regards to having the right to pray in school or the workplace, I saw
a special last night, there are religions other than Christian and
Catholic's that are force feeding their faith, and taking it to the
courts, for their right to pray and practice their religion but I don't
see anyone speaking to that, only against Christians and Catholics that
wish to pray in peace. Why is that?

Gryphyn's photo
Thu 04/19/07 07:46 AM
I like the way you think Jane, it is refreshing to see your ideas in
this forum. On too many occasions the bashing was quite prevalent here,
and Van and Mike put a stop to it. What you see is very Minor compared
to what used to occur here. At Times I miss it since it did make me
laugh quite a bit as to what was said. In time I believe people will
become even more considerate of others feelings, and beliefs.

In regards to having the right to pray in school or the workplace, I saw
a special last night, there are religions other than Christian and
Catholic's that are force feeding their faith, and taking it to the
courts, for their right to pray and practice their religion but I don't
see anyone speaking to that, only against Christians and Catholics that
wish to pray in peace. Why is that?

I wish I could have seen this show it would have proved interesting to
watch. It might have even proved my point of he who screams loudest gets
thier way.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Thu 04/19/07 10:14 AM
You're right.
Name calling, and meanness is not called for...
I will, and do try to remember that like in real life, or offline, not
one of us has ever NOT had days where they get so tired of crap that the
are more blunt, or just pissed. It's human.

I am curious about something, though.

Given most money, politics, history, are religion- based if you look at
it in depth- and, that now that we are seeing proofs of just how awful
organized religion treats humanity in any form from the very
Add in scientific proofs that most of what early peoples thought was
some unknown thing (space, over the oceans, biology...)...

Does it not seem that more organized religions of all sorts are
panicked? And, scrambling to hold onto outdated, disproved theories, and

I mean look at it all, really look.

All schools have had religion involved. And, even some made thier own
private schools separating themselves from public.

Now they want to cry about segregation? Now, they want everyone else to
be subject to religious beliefs?
Is it because more and more are losing money for private schooling
because more and more people have questioned?

I am curious.

Yes, folks have rights. But, those of us wanting nothing to do with it
all also have them.

As in history, religion causes arguments...

it's too bad when people don't accept others for being different.

Long time ago, I'd been burned at the stake.

go figure, lol.

grizz11952001's photo
Thu 04/19/07 04:00 PM
dont know about all the hatred think its better to love than to hate but
at times everyone dissagrees when they do i like it when they type in
the verses because sometimes i find stuff that opens a new light or
answers a question i have in my own life great to hear the good an the
bad . all ways in the same world evil an good. leave the verses that you
base your opinion on i might look it up an learn something.

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