Community > Posts By > quiet_kind_lady

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Thu 05/21/09 02:28 PM
Edited by quiet_kind_lady on Thu 05/21/09 02:31 PM
objective - subjective

make a list, calm down, quantify it later

then you have a better chance at approaching it fairly. if you still feel biased, get a mediator aka third party to give you feedback if you truly want to advocate for a non personal view

EDIT ADDED: You can never have a completely unbiased thought/action but if the subject is personal to you and you honestly cannot afford to make a passionate decision, a more rationale approach is best

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Thu 05/21/09 02:24 PM
my mother accidentally met a man online and they've been an item for over 10yrs now. (he'd like more... but he can't get it)

go figure.

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Thu 05/21/09 02:20 PM
chapstick is a must!

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Thu 05/21/09 01:41 PM

well I don't ever plan on breeding.. so the aspect of "it's for the children" will never ever ever be there

there are no rewards for another person when it comes to someone else's beliefs as far as I can tell... but I am suspicious of getting into a relationship like this and a situation I had is making me evaluate.

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Thu 05/21/09 01:24 PM
if men didn't go for all sizes... they wouldn't make size 44 wedding dresses. a good man is hard to find. a good match is hard to find. it's not YOU, who is the problem. Someone's physicality is definitely just one aspect of attraction and believe me... there really IS someone for everyone.

If that's your picture, there's nothing wrong with your looks.

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Thu 05/21/09 01:18 PM
If a religious person was interested in a non-religious person, is this an honest attempt at creating a relationship? or is this person eventually going to try to convert the non-religious person into the faith of the religious person?

opinions. be honest.

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Thu 05/21/09 01:15 PM
ya I can't follow this topic at all... to the original poster... what on earth are you trying to say?

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Thu 05/21/09 01:12 PM
better spoken about than typed.... but this is elementary, a total no-brainer.

hate is a type of passion, as is love. the common denominator is a strong focused passionate emotion driving the action and words. these two emotions are one in the same. the ying and yang of the heart, and only a few factors keep them separate.

love factors - respect, kindness, gratitude, courtesy, honestly, loyalty, constancy, honor

hate factors - disappointment, envy, advantage, anger, disgust, disrespect, resentment

keep the hate factors from your relations and you're pretty much going to be alright. there are more factors for each but you get the general idea.

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Thu 05/21/09 01:02 PM

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Thu 05/21/09 01:02 PM
moments like that always make me evaluate myself. I want a meaningful connection with someone and here was an amusing fellow and all that and there I am thinking to myself, "kinda cute but religion? no way." Makes me feel all sorts of shallow. Maybe I should change my name to "to my exact standards only, please."

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Thu 05/21/09 10:29 AM
1. Police involvement is good, they'll tell you everything you need to know and if you cooperate 100% with them ... there is a good chance that a non-serious stalker will be scared off by their involvement.
2. Restraining order - a must
3. Self Defense classes - always a good idea - regardless of age or gender

I know some very lethal ways to deal with an attacker, however I'm not posting them on the internet. Regardless of size, an unarmed woman can take down a man IF she's trained however luck is always an aspect and a person can never factor in everything.

It is best never to take a chance with someone you feel can be potentially dangerous/obsessive.

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Thu 05/21/09 10:07 AM
"that's how you got killed before" Elvis Costello.

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Thu 05/21/09 09:58 AM

Keats thought that in his life his actions would amount to nothing and that his name would be written upon history's stone in water... soon to fade and evaporate.

He was wrong.

I, however, have done nothing. I strive for nothing. I live for a boring and sedate life. If I have a legacy... may it be that my name really was written in water.

no photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:07 PM
tears I went out tonight...friend of mine had a function so I went along. Of course there are a lot of people there. Many I don't know... I stand around aimlesslessly... amusing myself listening to folks attempt small talk.

One fellow, who is somewhat decent decent looking but his behavior is FINE/normal/almost sweet... he comes up and starts with the friendly making. I endure it. It feels like sympathy at first. I'm thinking I look pretty pitiful standing by myself waiting for my friend to come back as she's gone off with her work pals.

ANYWAY, he ends up hinting I'm his "type".... sure. Right. This is after he drops several thousand references to a religion I don't follow and have no interest in. I politely tell him that I'm really am not his type... that maybe he needs to meet a nice person at his church instead. He doesn't get it. Instead of feeling like I could chatter with this guy I start getting frustrated and slightly panicky.

Eventually I escaped this person... however is there a polite way to tell someone that religion is one of those things that this particular female finds unattractive? I doubt it. I just felt like the meanest B_tch.

It's just not for me.

I mean it's okay... just it's not for me.

I don't want to start a religious debate. I don't want to go into my own belief system or anything because I think that should be personal and always kept to yourself.

Anyway... now I'm still flustered. I still feel like I was mean. I really tried to be nice about it, but ..... UGH Is there a NICE way to say it? Cause I just kept repeating that he would be better off finding someone with a similiar belief and that I wasn't interested.


I'll shut up now.

no photo
Wed 05/20/09 08:39 PM
the pic looks like your trying to hard.

lose the sunglasses... show the eyes. what color are they?

I know ... I should talk. I have no pic. I have not a camera yet. I'm working on it.

however... seriously.. you did ask....

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Wed 05/20/09 06:05 PM
Lamest Excuses I've heard:

"How should I know the socks are in the sock drawer? *I* didn't wash them!"

"I brought you because I know you don't drink. How else am I gonna get home?"

no photo
Wed 05/20/09 05:57 PM
we live more than one life in a lifetime. it goes beyond child, teen, adult, middle-aged, older-aged, and golden-years. these little lifetimes are shaded and defined by experiences, decisions, and influences such as our environment.

if things go on beyond our physical death.. then they were here before our physical birth. the unmeasured element? i leave all that up to personal belief and individual faith.

life in itself, is to complicated alone. in some ways i'm failing at living it. in other ways, i've exceeded my expectations. hopefully when i die, i'll have one moment of clarity if there is nothing else waiting.

if I get X amount of years? it'll be fine, because in that X amount amount of years... hopefully i'll have lived more lifetimes in this physical span. and even if it ends tomorrow... i've still seen enough

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Wed 05/20/09 05:44 PM
Hello you! Goodluck to you in finding the right person.

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Wed 05/20/09 05:34 PM
I wouldn't pay 125.00 for shoes like those. I've paid 250.00 for decent snow boots though... then again I live in the mountains.

I think in order to justify paying that much for them you need to consider just how many times you'll actually wear them.

Maybe I'm just overly cautious with my money.

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Wed 05/20/09 05:11 PM
I would wish for perfect health and perfect teeth for the rest of my life.