Community > Posts By > tribefan73
![]() ![]() Oh, my Hells YEAH - I absolutely LOVED it!!! I'm thinking it is somehow right outta the "Best of Twilight Zone" vault, yes??? What a superb film ... If ya find yourself in need a serious thriller fix? Settle in for quite a ride w/ this jewel, perhaps somewhat described as this millenia's new Matrix. It is both figuratively and quite literally bursting at the seams in its multi-layered storytelling ... w/ so much flavourful texture and delectable nuance. It is popping w/ fresh creativity and the provoking of the deepest impressions, thought and feelings ... It so perfectly performs the dissection of the phenomena that we call dreams! What if you could enter a dream, know you are dreaming and knowingly enter a dream w/in that dream, and so on ... What if you could architect the design in hopes of truly becoming monarch of all you survey? You would be at the intersection of Inception and ... ??? Who or what would be the legendary 'ghost in the machine'? How will you ever again know dream time from realtime? What is real time ... and when exactly is it, again? This baby delivers! Can't wait to dream tonight *Kate licks her whetted lips* That said ... Do not think to see on DVD, CInema ONLY - The power will NOT translate to a telly screen or sound system! Also ... If you think you do not fancy classical, symphony and such? Remind yourself while watching this how very much just such orchestration drives the majority of great films, setting and defining the tone and your involvement in the movie, classics right up to the present! I loved how much this flic was pushed to excellence via the film score! Edit: Sidebar: Anyone else note the scene that could have been taken right off the 'Shutter Island' editing room floor? Heheheee ... ![]() Most definitely a great flick. I called it "The Matrix" meets "The Heist". Loved it. I like to be intellectually challenged. |
I don't know if age has all that much to do with finding love. I think perhaps the older we get the more we know what we want and aren't really willing to settle for anything less. At least thats the way is for me. ![]() Agreed. We all have our preferences, but, we need to be flexible & realistic. Do the pluses out weigh the minus'? I do disagree that MOST older men are looking to recapture their lost youth, by dating some much younger honey. It's definitely not the case for this guy. I want that common point of reference as 1 pointed out. I do agree with another poster that there are times when there seems to be a lot venom thrown about. Enough of dwelling in the past. It's done & gone. Move on. If you can not do that, then stop trying to find someone who's willing to listen, b/c most are not. I believe that b/c my mother was unable to let go of her past, it lead to her untimely death at 54. |
I'm thinkin' that d24 A LOT of time on his hands. He damn near owns the thread. Most would condense those multiple entries into 1 or 2 posts.
Here's 1 from the past, Jimi Hendricks' cover of the Star Spangled Banner. It starts out slow b/c he's playing strains from Voodoo Child. |
Rapture or No rapture??
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Fri 06/18/10 09:00 PM
Didn't a false prophet coin the word Rapture and 2x in the 1840's claim when it was? Then when everyone sold and gave away everything they had the ch-rch decided to pick up this concept? Shalom...Miles Miles is right to point out in a, not so obvious fashion, that the term was coined by someone & that the scriptures do not call the calling of the elect, the Rapture. Speaking of false prophets, the Jehovah's Witness' have made several predictions of the coming of Christ & obviously have been wrong. And Cowboy., it's not so obvious. Please reread Matthew 24. The apostles asked Jesus a 3 part question. The question that everyone hangs on is what will the "sign" of your coming? Jesus doesn't deal with the specifics, in Matthew, like He does later on when revealing the end times to the Apostle John in Revelation. The better passages to read can be found in Thessalonians & Revelation. And as for the 7 years of peace of Israel, if you're pre-trib, we would not be here to witness the 1st 3 & 1/2 years before the anti-christ breaks the peace agreement. If you're post-trib, we will be. |
The decade that music died
![]() Can you say deep fried to a crackley crunch? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Boring or what?
But why is the rest of the world so nuts about it? I think it's because it's like a chess match to them. They're willing to sit through entire game for that "magic" moment. It's all about strategy & positioning. I think most in the U.S don't appreciate the nuances of the game the way rest of the world does. Plus, it truly is a world championship unlike the "World" Series or the Super Bowl. So bragging rights are involved as well. Instead of fighting in wars, they have futbol matches. |
Talk about your own faults
I'm too quick to latch onto to someone after dialoging only a few times, because I want to have relationship so badly. Not used to playing the field.
Your Favorite Sexy Song
Sleep On Alison Krauss Love Alison! ![]() ![]() |
Your Favorite Sexy Song
I had to pick a song. The whole cd flows like one song. It does it for me......... ![]() OK, understood. It's like the old days of FM radio where the DJ would drop the needle on 1 side of an album & let that side play all the way through. Sigh... those were the days. |
Rapture or No rapture??
Hmmmm...Will the rapture be Pre-tribulation, Mid-tribulation or Post-tribulation? I believe it will be Pan-tribulation....However it pans out,God will take care of me! Agreed! ![]() |
Rapture or No rapture??
I'm certainly not a theologian but I'm inclined not to believe in the rapture of the church - pre, mid or post trib. Like all followers of our Lord I look forward to Jesus' 2nd coming. Remember we've been in the last days since 70 CE with the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Then please explain what the Apostle Paul was referring to in 1 Thes 4:13-18. tf73 |
Your Favorite Sexy Song
I have to make
I think you will have better luck ringing the bull! Unless you are doing it in a bikini---they Jerry might let you No, we'll just let you do it..he'll stand still for that. [/quote Nope, I'm quite serious..he'd let you. Wouldn't ya Jerry? ![]() ![]() ![]() don't you ever go to bed ?? Unfortunately, without either one of us. ![]() ![]() |
Christian and gay
they're not found in the new testament, and neither is homosexuality I appreciate the fact that you're searching for answers & are willing to engage in dialog about this subject. One of the points as being a follower of Christ is to strive for sinlessness as much as possible, each and every day. As others have said if we continue practicing a particular sin, day in & day out, then we are at odds with God. It doesn't matter what the sin is, sin is sin to God. You see God is holy & sinless & that he will not associate with the sinful. But, when someone becomes a true believer of Christ, then His blood shed on the cross washes us clean & makes us acceptable to God. He doesn't see our sin He sees His Son, Christ. Now before I answer your question about verses in the new covenant vs. the old, I have to ask; have read or stiudied the bible at all? Or are you relying on what someone else is telling about the bible. You yourself to read & become knowledgable about God's love letter to us. The apolstle Paul wrote in the book of Romans 1 about the wrath of God against humanity that is to come. In these Paul points out the issue of sexual sin. I've included the previous passages so that it is read in context. Look particularly at verses 26 & 27. 18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. 21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. 26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. 28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. As for the validity of the old covenant writings, Jesus had this to say in Matthew 5:17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." He's saying that the old covenant writings are still vaild. The dietary restrictions had been lifted at the cross of Christ. And that fact was shown to the apostle Peter in a vision. The vision he had had a double meaning, the 1st about the cleaniness of previously restricted food & that the gentiles (non-Jews) were worthy of hearing about the saving grace of Christ. You can read about it in the book of Acts10:9-18. The dress code was about the Jews setting themselves apart from the rest of the world & is not a requirement because we do not need an outward sign for others to see Christ. It's the way we treat others, how we conduct ourselves at work, play, the grocery store, etc, that's supposed to set us apart. It doesn't mean we're perfect, far from it, it's our intentions & attitude that show our true selves. So to answer your question, I believe as others have said, not hear but elsewhere, that to continuely practice any sin daily is wrong. But, I believe that you can have those inclinations & NOT follow thru, as msharmony so bravely admitted, & be a believer. Paul called us to deny self honor Christ. It's not easy by any means. Finally, the choice issue, Christian therapists would argue it is a matter of choice. There is no homosexual gene, that's bunk. It's usually an abuse issue that happened at a early age, or an abandonment issue or poor role models or extremely bad relationship issues. Hope this helps, tf73 |
I have to make
Maybe with a whip to keep those mosey horned bulls in line? ![]() ![]() ![]() Let's see... You live near logging country, so how about a picture of you in some work boots, cut-off jeans, a flannel shirt tied at the waist & holding a chainsaw. Then this site would be perfect. ![]() ![]() |
I have to make
Maybe with a whip to keep those mosey horned bulls in line? ![]() Oh baby!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Wulf, Abra & Lady: Just because you don't believe it doesn't exist doesn't make it any less real. Outside of talking about money & how are to treat each other, Jesus spoke more about the reality of hell than other subject. He did so because He knows it's real, because He created it. As all things were created thru Him before He became incarnate. It was created for Satan & His fallen minions for eternal punishment. Not because Lucifer loved God too much, because he loved himself too much, thinking he was God's equal. Pride and arrogance caused his fall & unfortunately many humans as well. It's that kind of pride and arrogance I see in your postings about how you don't accept this or that or how things should be, not how it's portrayed in scripture, regardless of what ANY church may say.
God will not be sending people to hell, people will condemn themselves, merely by rejecting His only begotten Son. That is the grievance of the Holy Spirit sin that is spoken about that is unforgivable. Jesus himself said, "I am the way the truth and the light. No one comes to the father, except thru me." And that's not arrogance, that's truth. Lucifer is a condemned being & he knows it. Why do you think he works so hard to ruin people's lives, blind them to the truth, bust up churches, etc? Because misery loves company & he wants to take as many souls with him as he can. I can see his handiwork of blindness in the postings here. When folks use nebulous terms like "essence" just what do they mean? Are we an aroma that gets absorbed into the great creator sponge? If we become one with this god than what happens to our individuality? We no longer have an "essence". When we see the magnificence of the creation around us, how can we have the temerity to say that we are equal to this incredible power? And the "essence" & "oneness" concepts seem to neglect the fact that, here is this physical world, we have hierarchies to determine who's in charge. We need this for obvious reasons. Why would the afterlife be any different? We will never be equal to God. To think that is to put yourself in the same league as Lucifer & he loves it when he can convince humans that you can be God's equal. You see, we're a knockoff of the original. When we use the relative term "good" what do we really mean? In a fallen world such as ours how do we determine what good is? We can't look to ourselves as the standard for good is, because that's like looking for a perfect reflection in a broken mirror. We need a standard that is outside of us, the perfect good; God, Jesus & the Spirit. The problem with most folks is their unwillingness to accept that we humans as a whole are evil at our core. How do we account for the evil & misery visited upon the human race at the hands of our fellow humans? And it can't all be attributed to mental illness or demon possession. We humans can cause plenty of harm without any outside influences. Think of the things you've done to others. I am shamed at the thoughts of the things I've done. And Abra, you've already made your decision about your eternal destination by rejecting His teachings. If you & He really had the same "views" you would be His follower. He would walk beside you as a brother if you really listened to His teachings. When you don't understand the significance of the sacrificial ceremony that the Jews practiced in the old covenant, then you will not understand the necessity of Jesus freely allowing Himself to become THE prefect sacrifice for mankind, for all sin, & for all time in the new covenant. No human was wanting Jesus to sacrifice Himself for them. It was God, His Son & the Holy Spirit who wanted it to be so, because of their great love they have for mankind. If you want to talk about love, that's where you need to start. Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." And that's exactly what He did. tf73 |
Contemporary Christian Music
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Thu 06/03/10 11:25 PM
I love the newer breed of Christian music. It's such higher quality, and the lyrics poetically mask their intent so everybody can listen. I have many friends that are extremely non-religious, and even they can enjoy TFK, Five Iron Frenzy, Skillet, etc. Of course I do enjoy throwing on some DC talk or OC supertones! Keep it going man. Thanks for the encouragement. It's time for an update & since the previous poster mentioned Thousand Foot Krutch, how about we hear from them. FYI, they're from up Canada way. Please pray for our Canadian Christian brothers & sisters with the "PC & acceptance" movement going on up there, it has become extremely difficult for Christians to voice their views & objections in public without serious repercussions. I apologize for the intro in 1 of the videos. Just can't seem to escape them. "It Falls Apart" How about some vocal contributions from Trevor, their lead singer, on 1 of Manafest's songs, who is also from Canada. "Impossible" Finally, I can't help plugging another Ohio band Sanctus Real,"I'm Not Alright". Enjoy, tf73 |
I have to make
Absolutely not. I was attempting to come across as a seeker of truth & you provided the adjustment to my point of view, that's all. BTW, I dig the hat. tf73 the hat is kinda sexy, isn't it ?? Absatively it is. I'm telling ya MOFW, there are few things finer than a Tejas woman, especially in a cowboy hat with boots & spurs. Yee-haw, walk on my back with those on, please, LOL ![]() |
Your Favorite Sexy Song
Duran, Duran "Hungry Like the Wolf". Sorry about the commercial intro. |