Topic: Nostradamus | |
Skeptic or believer?
only word i can think of that best describes him is : Crackhead!
I wouldn't be so fast to discount him. I believe there are "seers" that can see into the future but it's not so clear in the seeing mind. Case of point: I had a dream...very true...very very vivid with colors and all.. this was dreampt the August right before the attack on the Twin Towers.
I was in a bus. The bus was rocking back and forth and people were screaming. A SHOT of FIRE came down from behind and struck on the left side of, in front of the bus, making the bus rock back and forth. The next 'shot of fire' came down over the top of the bus on the other side. The bus swerved, rocked, and I heard people screaming again. The colors were so vivid and the noise so loud that it awoke me from my sleep. I was on a motorcycle ride trip when I had that dream. The next morning I was telling my friends of my dream and they were...danmn, girl!...what did you eat?? I thought it was weird...but just another dream. This was my first experience at anything remotely close to expericing the future. The next month 911 happened. |
he seemed to miss the 1999 prophecy, about the new city and the war and all.... but the histor thing was pretty accurate
he seemed to miss the 1999 prophecy, about the new city and the war and all.... but the histor thing was pretty accurate I have heard about Nostradamas but have never read his works... Enlighten me on the '1999 prophecy'. Kinda interested since my friends have recently started calling me Nostra-dumazz. (i have no idea why). |
Nostradamus completed a total of 942 quatrains which he organized into Centuries - groups of 100 quatrains (one Century only had 42 quatrains). A quatrain is simply a poem with 4 lines.
The rhymed quatrains of Nostradamus were written mainly in French with a bit of Italian, Greek, and Latin thrown in. He intentionally obscured the quatrains through the use of symbolism and metaphor, as well as by making changes to proper names by swapping, adding or removing letters. The obscuration is claimed to have been done to avoid his being tried as a magician. Does this reference the destruction of New York City? By War? Earth Changes? At forty-five degrees, the sky will burn, Fire approaches the great new city, Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up When they want to have verification from the Norman (Century VI, Quatrain 97) In this phrase, Nostradamus refers to a great city in the new world of America near forty-five degrees latitude. Experts agree this could only be New York. The king will want to enter the new city, Through its enemies they will come to subdue it Captives liberated to speak and act falsely, King to be outside, he will keep far from the enemy. Garden of the world near the new city, In the path of the hollow mountains, It will be seized and plunged into the Vat, Drinking by force the waters poisoned by sulfur. (Century X , Quatrain 49) By fire he will destroy their city, A cold and cruel heart, Blood will pour, Mercy to none. Earth-shaking fire from the center of the earth. will cause the towers around the New City to shake, Two great rocks for a long time will make war, And then Arethusa will color a new river red. (Century 1, Quatrain 87) What will happen in July, 1999? - Century 10, Quatrain 72(1) Prophecies of Nostradamus: The Explicit Prophecy for July, 1999, and the Spiritual Deception of Mankind by the Antichrist. In the year 1999 and seven months [July] The great King of Terror will come from the sky He will resurrect Ghengis Khan Before and after war rules happily. Nostradamians interpret this prophecy as foretelling of World War III in 1999. The fourth line also reveals there will be war before and after July 1999. John Zachary's scientific approach to Scripture shows that 1998 could be the year in which the Antichrist reveals himself. The second line in the above quatrain speaks of a powerful king who comes from the sky. The book of Revelation foretells of the descent of a most powerful foe from the heavens to the earth. The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him (Rev. 12:9). What is the true meaning of this verse in the book of Revelation?(2) Is there a correlation to Nostradamus' words, "The great King of Terror will come from the sky!" According to a literal spiritual interpretation of Revelation 12:9, the devil is thrown out of the heavens to the earth and causes great tribulation and spiritual deception upon earth. Others believe and teach of UFO's with a super race descending to earth. The Antichrist - Century 2, Quatrain 62(1) Prophecies of Nostradamus, the Third Antichrist at the time of a Comet. Mabus will soon die, then will come. A horrible slaughter of people and animals. At once vengeance is revealed coming from a hundred lands. Thirst, and famine when the comet will pass. Nostradamians believe this quatrain foretells of the third antichrist, who Nostradamus calls "Mabus." Nostradamians also teach that Adolph Hitler was foretold by the name Hister, an ancient Latin name for the Danube River. Does the name Mabus contain a dire message for the 20th and 21st centures? This quatrain is intriguing since it speaks of a comet at the time of the antichrist. According to this quatrain, the antichrist will be alive when the comet passes by planet earth. The book of Revelation also foretells of comets at the time of the antichrist. The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. (Rev. 8:8-9). Is the earth on a collision course with a comet? Scientists have discovered that there were three close calls in 1989 between planet earth and uncharted asteroids. The recent fireworks on Jupiter from Shoemaker-Levy 9 also show the cataclysmic nature of such a collision(2). Adolph Hitler, Century 3, Quatrain 35(1) World War II According to Nostradamus In 1938, Max de Fontbrune, a Nostradamian in France, wrote about the coming war between France and Germany. Max de Fontbrune also believed that Germany would lose the war and that Adolph Hitler would be destroyed in the end. Max de Fontbrune was accused of Germanophobia by many of the French. After Germany occupied France, Monsieur de Fontbrune's books were seized and destroyed.(2) Did Max de Fontbrune truly understand the prophecies of Nostradamus and that Adolph Hitler would be the second antichrist? Let's review some of Nostradamus' most famous quatrains that may have foretold of Adolph Hitler as follows: Out of the deepest part of the west of Europe. From poor people a young child shall be born. Who with his tongue shall seduce many people His fame will increase in the Eastern Kingdom. Adolph Hitler was born in Linz, Austria, which lies on the Danube River. Another quatrain points to a personality that would originate from this area. Consider Century 4, Quatrain 68(3) as follows: In the year that is to come soon, and not far from Venus. The two greatest ones of Asia and Africa. Shall be said to come from the Rhine and Hister [Hitler] Crying and tears shall be at Malta on the Italian Shore. Hister happens to be an ancient Latin word for the Danube River where Adolph Hitler was born. Max de Fontbrune's book and the result of World War II brought Nostradamus great fame as the prophet of the 20th century. Apocalypse - Century 1, Quatrain 16 Prophecies of Nostradamus, Plague, Famine, and Death by the autumn of either the year 1999 or 2000. When a fish pond that was a meadow shall be mowed. Sagittarius being in the ascendant. Plague, Famine, Death by the military hand The Century approaches renewal. more at this website |
but he did miss the WTC by a year or two
Edited by
Fri 01/28/11 08:00 PM
Interesting read but not very informative.
Lots of using biblical statements to justify someones interpretations of what they felt the quatrains ment... Kinda like using the matrix to explain moby dick. |
Interesting read but not very informative. Lots of using biblical statements to justify someones interpretations of what they felt the quatrains ment... Kinda like using the matrix to explain moby dick. exactly, most quatrains are meaningless and very vague... |
Interesting read but not very informative. Lots of using biblical statements to justify someones interpretations of what they felt the quatrains ment... Kinda like using the matrix to explain moby dick. exactly, most quatrains are meaningless and very vague... Anyone ever try putting those quatrains to the Torah 'code' matrix? |
here is a website that has the quatrains, without the interpretation... |
I wouldn't be so fast to discount him. I believe there are "seers" that can see into the future but it's not so clear in the seeing mind. Case of point: I had a dream...very true...very very vivid with colors and all.. this was dreampt the August right before the attack on the Twin Towers. I was in a bus. The bus was rocking back and forth and people were screaming. A SHOT of FIRE came down from behind and struck on the left side of, in front of the bus, making the bus rock back and forth. The next 'shot of fire' came down over the top of the bus on the other side. The bus swerved, rocked, and I heard people screaming again. The colors were so vivid and the noise so loud that it awoke me from my sleep. I was on a motorcycle ride trip when I had that dream. The next morning I was telling my friends of my dream and they were...danmn, girl!...what did you eat?? I thought it was weird...but just another dream. This was my first experience at anything remotely close to expericing the future. The next month 911 happened. With all due respect, this is a logical fallacy: connecting and drawing parallels between two unconnected occurrences. IF you had dreamed of Muslim extremists hijacking planes and running them into the Twin Towers, that would be something--but you didn't. Nostradamus is a crock. His followers bend the quatrains to fit what they want them to fit. |
Edited by
Sat 01/29/11 08:16 PM
I wouldn't be so fast to discount him. I believe there are "seers" that can see into the future but it's not so clear in the seeing mind. Case of point: I had a dream...very true...very very vivid with colors and all.. this was dreampt the August right before the attack on the Twin Towers. I was in a bus. The bus was rocking back and forth and people were screaming. A SHOT of FIRE came down from behind and struck on the left side of, in front of the bus, making the bus rock back and forth. The next 'shot of fire' came down over the top of the bus on the other side. The bus swerved, rocked, and I heard people screaming again. The colors were so vivid and the noise so loud that it awoke me from my sleep. I was on a motorcycle ride trip when I had that dream. The next morning I was telling my friends of my dream and they were...danmn, girl!...what did you eat?? I thought it was weird...but just another dream. This was my first experience at anything remotely close to expericing the future. The next month 911 happened. With all due respect, this is a logical fallacy: connecting and drawing parallels between two unconnected occurrences. IF you had dreamed of Muslim extremists hijacking planes and running them into the Twin Towers, that would be something--but you didn't. Nostradamus is a crock. His followers bend the quatrains to fit what they want them to fit. I would really like to respectfully "ditto" that - however, people have all kinds of experiences for which there are no explanations. Yes it's true that our memories can be faulty, even from hour to hour, and yes we tend to relate things where there is no relation. Still, there are some experiences that defy explanation. Despite the fact that I am an atheist, and invariably look to science and history for information and answers, I also know what oddities exist in science. Current research into quantum physics, multi-demensionalism, string-theory, and even philosophies of mind/body that take into account scientific research, all bring up the possiblitly of explainations that we may not fully understand for several generations to come. I'm not saying that I believe in prophecy but if it turns out that there is some truth to the multi-dimensional state of the universe, then there just might be an explanation to be had for some of the more paranormal type activities people have experienced. OF COURSE - it WOULD entail a scientific explanation and the paranormal element would no longer be a consideration. In fact the more we learn about this universe and the interaction of all matter within and outside of it, the less dependent human will be on belief systems of mysticism. |
I wouldn't be so fast to discount him. I believe there are "seers" that can see into the future but it's not so clear in the seeing mind. Case of point: I had a dream...very true...very very vivid with colors and all.. this was dreampt the August right before the attack on the Twin Towers. I was in a bus. The bus was rocking back and forth and people were screaming. A SHOT of FIRE came down from behind and struck on the left side of, in front of the bus, making the bus rock back and forth. The next 'shot of fire' came down over the top of the bus on the other side. The bus swerved, rocked, and I heard people screaming again. The colors were so vivid and the noise so loud that it awoke me from my sleep. I was on a motorcycle ride trip when I had that dream. The next morning I was telling my friends of my dream and they were...danmn, girl!...what did you eat?? I thought it was weird...but just another dream. This was my first experience at anything remotely close to expericing the future. The next month 911 happened. With all due respect, this is a logical fallacy: connecting and drawing parallels between two unconnected occurrences. IF you had dreamed of Muslim extremists hijacking planes and running them into the Twin Towers, that would be something--but you didn't. Nostradamus is a crock. His followers bend the quatrains to fit what they want them to fit. Respectfully I "ditto" that. After reading some of his works I would tend to agree with your 'ditto'... One may be able (by some process) to glimpse a possibility of future trends... But to actually predict the hard future for 3000 years? NOT... The future is a fluid medium. It changes with the cross currents. |
Nostradamus completed a total of 942 quatrains which he organized into Centuries - groups of 100 quatrains (one Century only had 42 quatrains). A quatrain is simply a poem with 4 lines. |
I wouldn't be so fast to discount him. I believe there are "seers" that can see into the future but it's not so clear in the seeing mind. Case of point: I had a dream...very true...very very vivid with colors and all.. this was dreampt the August right before the attack on the Twin Towers. I was in a bus. The bus was rocking back and forth and people were screaming. A SHOT of FIRE came down from behind and struck on the left side of, in front of the bus, making the bus rock back and forth. The next 'shot of fire' came down over the top of the bus on the other side. The bus swerved, rocked, and I heard people screaming again. The colors were so vivid and the noise so loud that it awoke me from my sleep. I was on a motorcycle ride trip when I had that dream. The next morning I was telling my friends of my dream and they were...danmn, girl!...what did you eat?? I thought it was weird...but just another dream. This was my first experience at anything remotely close to expericing the future. The next month 911 happened. With all due respect, this is a logical fallacy: connecting and drawing parallels between two unconnected occurrences. IF you had dreamed of Muslim extremists hijacking planes and running them into the Twin Towers, that would be something--but you didn't. Nostradamus is a crock. His followers bend the quatrains to fit what they want them to fit. Respectfully I "ditto" that. After reading some of his works I would tend to agree with your 'ditto'... One may be able (by some process) to glimpse a possibility of future trends... But to actually predict the hard future for 3000 years? NOT... The future is a fluid medium. It changes with the cross currents. Thanks for your response but I have to tell you, I hit the wrong key and had finished my post yet. Please go back and read it all, thanks. |
I wouldn't be so fast to discount him. I believe there are "seers" that can see into the future but it's not so clear in the seeing mind. Case of point: I had a dream...very true...very very vivid with colors and all.. this was dreampt the August right before the attack on the Twin Towers. I was in a bus. The bus was rocking back and forth and people were screaming. A SHOT of FIRE came down from behind and struck on the left side of, in front of the bus, making the bus rock back and forth. The next 'shot of fire' came down over the top of the bus on the other side. The bus swerved, rocked, and I heard people screaming again. The colors were so vivid and the noise so loud that it awoke me from my sleep. I was on a motorcycle ride trip when I had that dream. The next morning I was telling my friends of my dream and they were...danmn, girl!...what did you eat?? I thought it was weird...but just another dream. This was my first experience at anything remotely close to expericing the future. The next month 911 happened. With all due respect, this is a logical fallacy: connecting and drawing parallels between two unconnected occurrences. IF you had dreamed of Muslim extremists hijacking planes and running them into the Twin Towers, that would be something--but you didn't. Nostradamus is a crock. His followers bend the quatrains to fit what they want them to fit. Respectfully I "ditto" that. After reading some of his works I would tend to agree with your 'ditto'... One may be able (by some process) to glimpse a possibility of future trends... But to actually predict the hard future for 3000 years? NOT... The future is a fluid medium. It changes with the cross currents. Thanks for your response but I have to tell you, I hit the wrong key and had finished my post yet. Please go back and read it all, thanks. While I do agree with some of what you said in you 'modified' post... I still agree with the 'accidental' ditto... The future is a fluid medium. One can not accurately predict a 'hard' future. One can only predict the probability of trend ( and that only for a limited time) with any degree of accuracy. It would require absolute knowledge of and a greater understanding of 'natural' occurances within the universe that our science has not even yet discovered to ACCURATELY predict out 3000 years. Humans have a tendency to 'change' the equation in a massive way (sometimes a single human). Occurances and process exist that we still do not as yet 'see' let alone understand. |
Edited by
Sat 01/29/11 09:13 PM
I find the quadrains since they are 4 fold. 4 lines to a quad.
Interesting how he did this a mind of an elaborate thinker to see what others could not imagine. Great Discoveries of our time are the same. Maybe he is speaking in a fashion only to the ones who see as saw. A code as people say but not really. Its what do you believe? Do you believe a word has been passed down from the Antients? A word only the believers would understand because it is the biosynced into the one who hears without hearing and sees without seeing. A quasar of truth thats thier. Its open to ya. Just read the Antients will fill in the blanks. Your world you live in is not the world of old. Gold is gone from this world for a world of imagination. Nothing tangible to see its all in our minds. The seer looks to the mind for his answers. He answers truth and logic and concludes his Truth. not noone elses. This is the language of the fathers of old that left us a language to be adhered in your bioligicies. The right hand of fortune. Good and Evil. The knowledge to see from a foundation thats kept us alive for millinium. But we imagine with our minds that we can see and we need no past. The past is behind us we look to the Future. The fortune cookie of our eyes. I saw another post that asked if thier is the ILLUMINATI alive and well? Kinda like looking through an eye of Nostradamus huh? What about Vietnam and Korea? Has anything ever been said about them? Why cut them in half and leave? Strongholds in both now close to China. Hey and the Chinese accepted because we did not try to eliminate a culture that the mainland subscribed to and still subscribes to. Both friends and allies of Mainland China. and we well we have bases at the tips of these Peninsula.Keeping an eye out like we ALWAYS do. But why? Why sacrifice our sons and Daughters for 2 tips of Mainland China? Illuminati? Who knows. But we see we said look said the Whitehouse go to work or be fired. Now. We got fired alright all of us did. I know I think kinda wierd and don't make sence but thats me. Then Hong Kong starts expanding even though its not part of China. The South China Sea is where the Pearl Pennisula gathers the North, West and East Rivers. through its opening to an Expanse of water that came from the Land of Expanse. I find that amazing. From Wiki. "Guang" itself means "expanse" or "vast", and has been associated with the region since the creation of Guang Prefecture in AD 226. "Guangdong" and neighbouring Guangxi literally mean "expanse east" and "expanse west". Together, Guangdong and Guangxi are called the "Dual-Guangs" (兩廣/两广 liăng guăng). During the Song dynasty, the two Guangs were formally separated as Guangnan Dong lu (廣南東路) and Guangnan Xi lu (廣南西路), which became abbreviated as Guangdong lu (廣東路) and Guangxi lu (廣西路). The modern abbreviation 粤/粵 (Yue) is related to the Hundred Yue (百越), a collective name for various peoples that lived in Guangdong and other areas in ancient times. I love the antient worrd of the different people is. (Yue) is related to the Hundred Yue (百越), a collective name for various peoples that lived in Guangdong and other areas in ancient times. now am i missing sominthing or would we say Yue as You in the English sounds anywhere in the world? So thier people of this Providence on the South Sea of China who came from the "Song Dynasty" were Hudreds of You.. or Me.. or is it You or I.. I frankly can not tell. ![]() But without saying and thiers so much more to this city. Great happenings being planed as we speak. The largest City in the world who is so rich to boost thier economy they are giving Everybody Raises when the rest of the world seems Doomed for crisis it Seems Ready to Rise. Illuminus the Light we seek... Take a look at this photo.. Its something.. What a City and Hopefully someone will post it here as i know how not to post it myself.. Miles |
u no? the best place to hide a treasure is where everybody looks.. a pot of gold now a mass of paper. The treasure of your Heart is what you believe. What you believe is everlasting passed into eternity. Maybe its time to go
inspiration curious 20/20 hindsight on analysis translated a few times over definate skeptic here |