Community > Posts By > Arcamedees

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Thu 10/21/10 11:01 AM

if there truly is a god, why would he create so many different types and sizes of people, and then make people racist? does that make any since?

If there really is a god, why would she be a he?

Maybe "HE" likes peeing standing up?

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 10:59 AM

It seems to me that the term "agnostic" is used in the same cowardly way as the term "bisexual." It shows a lack of commitment to the truth. I personally am brave enough to say that there is no god, and that I am homosexual. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

Oh...I dunno. I don't think it's particularly cowardly to use the term agnostic. Some people are genuinely on the fence, as it were.

And I'm pretty sure there are people who are, in fact, attracted to both sexes. From my experience, it's pretty common among women.

Elton John once said he doubled his audience when he said he liked men too. Too, as in also.

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 10:44 AM

NOONE is born homosexual or heterosexual as we get older we decide what our preference is

If that was true you would probably have a 50%/50% change being born gay or straight much like you have a 50%/50% chance being born male or female.We would also have to assume the animals are in the same scenario.Yet considering a very small minority in this country is gay I find this logic extremely flawed.There has never been any proof anyone was born gay.
when an infant comes out of his mothers womb,does it right then and there decide it's gay or not?does it right then and there decide it's racist?does it decide right then and there it's atheist or religious?how can anyone claim an infant makes any choice at birth?

Everyone is born straight.Nobody is born gay.

Proof, there it is....proof, there it is.

noone has proven whether people are born this way or not, I personally dont think they are but thats besides the point,,

whatever DESIRES or WANTS someone decides to act upon, once they decide to ACT upon some desire or want, they have made a choice

noone knows my desires or wants until I share them with them in some way, either through talking or acting in a certain manner,, speech and action are also choices

I do understand that we shouldnt treat people unfairly, but I contend that just as 'natural' as it is for someone to choose to have sex with a man or a woman or with noone at at all or with themself,,,,it is 'natural' for some things to be unattractive to us (from physical features to behaviors to speech patterns)

and by US , I am including myself,,lol

and when something is unattractive to us or unappealing to us it is also natural (in closed circles) to talk about it,,,but none of that would justify then going out and MISTREATING anyone for their choice in behavior or speech,,,

Neal Bortz has a good way to prove that no one chooses to be a homosexual. If it's a choice, simply ask a straight person at what point in their life did they deceide to be straight. If one can't deceide to be straight, one can't deceide to be gay, either.

And seriously, does anyone really think some teenage boy wakes up one day and says to himself, "Penis! I think I'll try some penis. That's what I should do today. Try some penis."?

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 10:35 AM

Research???? Wasn't it you who said that anyone would be able to find evidence to support whatever their claims may be?

Well, I don't think that was me, do you have the example and context in which I made that claim?

The context was one which you assumed only your opinion or facts are "unbiased". You somehow place your opinion higher than other's and use "religion" as a reason why someone else's is inferior.
However, when confronted with the tough questions, you cried about staying on topic as to avoid dealing with your own bigotry and personal judgements.

"Of course if ALL you are looking for are the ‘facts’ that confirm your own bias, you will undoubtedly find it, but you will miss an opportunity to gain a lot of other knowledge, a lot people do that, especially when they read the Bible."

OH – Yea I remember that thread. The one in which Creative asked you “Why a stop light ‘ought’ to be red”.

You sure did try hard to answer that question – did you ever understand what he was really trying to show you?

Anyway, regarding my comment in THAT post:

POSTED by Creative:
Majority opinion rules?

That is so, so, not a way to prove an 'ought'. Let me use that very example in order to show the absurdity in the claim.


Need I say that it is a fact that the majority of Germans believed in Hitler's principles and rhetoric. Noiw we can then apply your reasoning to this...

To which you replied:
Yes, you need to say it and then prove it, or at least give me an idea of what to look for.

I was enjoying following the conversation so I was trying to help you by providing a resource and explaining why some concepts or ideas do not lend themselves to a simple bullet format. To gain the full perspective of complex information – it is best to do some research. It also helps to do the research before providing an opinion about the topic for the simple fact that you can reference the source of your research so that others can read for themselves in order to gain fuller knowledge that would not come across in a bullet list.

The above is very brief but if it’s not the proof you wanted, it does offers a lot of other sources with over 87 references and a couple dozen, or so, other reading suggestions, not to mention all the internal links within the writing.

Sometimes gaining knowledge is not as simple as listing bullet points or summaries of personal conclusions. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and a lot research. Like trying to understand why first degree incest is considered harmful.

It might also benefit you to read about the Treaty of Versailles, a fabulous read, and it’s necessary background to understand why the majority of German people genuinely supported Hitler and his ideology, and they did so without coercion.

Then Creative posted:
The majority of Germans under Hitler wanted to exterminate an entire race of people based upon rhetorical advertising, a distortion of Kantian ethics, and an equally distorted view of Darwinism.

That is what *is*.

To which you replied:

Facts that I could verify? No facts about the extortion the Nazis perpetrated on their own people to get them to conform?

Since your response seemed to indicate that you had not reviewed the source I have offered, I posted the following, which includes the comment I made that you have brought up.

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the ‘rise’ of the Third Reich and what preceded it. You will find the facts that support the statement which Creative made through that history.

Of course if ALL you are looking for are the ‘facts’ that confirm your own bias, you will undoubtedly find it, but you will miss an opportunity to gain a lot of other knowledge, a lot people do that, especially when they read the Bible.

When a resource is given and deemed unacceptable, the reason should be stated. Since there was no reason provided for not accepting the resource, but the questions persisted, I did make that comment.

However, since no one in this current thread has told me why my resources are unacceptable or presented ANY information from resources, which contradict the information I used, you cannot say that my resources were selected to confirm my own bias – no other resources were presented to the contrary.

So I won't be spoon feeding you anything as you have already deemed my opinions as biased and hence, any contradictory evidence you would deem biased as well. Besides, the only "true" form of evidence would be testimony of the bullies themselves or direct eyewitnesses. Neither of which has been presented here.

RESEARCH - they have surveyed bulllies and witnesses and targets - that's how we know as much as we do about bullies, their methods, their reasons and about targets, and about the passive participants.

If you had done the research you would have known that.

Red, there's no reason to rehash that thread, I remember it well. Unless of course you wish to address the topic you avoided. (incestuous or underage marriage)

You assume I didn't do any research? I did, and still found no connection between the "evidence" that you presented and the current topic.

The trend here seems to be, (yes, my opinion), that people form their opinions first, then search for corroborating data.
These same people also seem to think that force-feeding others links will somehow convince them to accept their views. They also think that calling others names somehow boosts their own intelligence. A common theme is to equate the religious with somehow being less intelligent or bigoted, a tactic that allows an individual to casually dismiss any refuting evidence presented.
Another tactic used is that a person will claim that their opinion
is "objective" and somehow better than another's. "Objective opinion" is an oxymoron, is it not?

I, on the other hand, try to get to the core of the issue by making one challenge their views and how they arrive at them. I will openly challenge hypocrisy, bigotry, lies, mis-information and bullying in the hopes that the perpertrators of these tactics will re-examine their "hypocritical thought processes", but that hardly ever happens, does it?

You want me to post facts when you have already shown your bias against anyone religious? Why post facts that you'll dismiss? If I can get you to question your own conclussions, you'll do the research and convince yourself, no? A person is more likely to accept facts that they find for themselves, unless of course they don't desire to admit their faults...

Holy crap! When did you take a smart pill? I keed I keed..
Seriously though, I wish more people did all that. Hell, I wish ALL people did that.
Good post.:thumbsup:

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 10:11 AM
American football?
hrumpf. Let's see. A bunch of big burly guys, wearing armor, chasing each other and jumping on each other.
I'm thinking there's a lot of repressed homosexuality in America.

Now if the teams were made of Amazonian women jumping on each other, I'd be a fan. Big burly guys just don't interest me in the slightest.
But hey, whatever works for ya.

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 10:04 AM


Look at how silly this fable truly is!

John.14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.

No one can get to the Father but by Jesus, but no one can get to Jesus buy by the Father. whoa

So clearly humans have no choice in the matter. You can't get to Jesus by choice like the Christians have claimed. Their very own fable rejects this notion. The only thing you can do is wait to be drawn in by the Father.

Jesus taught this in other verses as well when he spoke about lost sheep. He said that he would go out looking for his lost sheep, he never suggested that he expects them to come looking for him.

Of course, we can't truly say that Jesus taught any of this because we have nothing from Jesus. All we have to go by is these convoluted rumors written by other men. Men who often disagree with each other, and even contradict their very own claims.

The mere fact that Jesus did not agree with the teachings of the Torah is really all the evidence that we truly need to conclude that Jesus could not possibly have been the son of the God of Abraham.

So we can reject those rumors right off the bat. If we can connect the teachings of Jesus with anything, the closest philosophy that was popular in those day would have been Mahayana Buddhism.

Just compare the moral teachings that were attributed to Jesus in the gospels with the moral teachings of Mahayana Buddhism including their concept of a Bodhisattva and it's clear that Jesus was far more likely a Buddhist than he was the demigod of the God of Abraham.

It's really that simple.

Which reminds me of a funny joke.
What did the Taoist say to the hotdog vender?

Make me one with everything.

just a bit of levity in an otherwise humorless forum..

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 09:59 AM

Kinda laying it on a little thick, aren't you? Yeah, christianity is crap and hateful ect ect ect, but not every christian is so.
I really don't think Cowboy is a bad person. He may be confused and ignorant of reality, but evil? No, I don't think so. Give him a break. He's only doing what he feels is right and I've not seen him once belittle anyone else. How many of us can say that about ourselves?

But he does belittle other people all the time. He accusing them of being enemies of God. That's an ignorant thing to judge anyone of.

Really? You really think that's belittling? I'm thinking that's more indicative of your insecurities than of his attacks.
No, wait, that's not entirely fair either. However, I don't think accusing someone of being an enemy of God is belittling. In his mind, I'm sure it falls under "statement of fact".

In any case, he can accuse me of that all day, and I'd agree. If God is, as is described by christianity, than I'll be His enemy forever.

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 09:48 AM

By reading your posts through my time on here, who are you to judge what's intelligent or not?

And who are you to claim to speak for God? huh

You have a sick demented book that you claim is the "Word of God".

Moreover, you demand that only your interpretations and conclusions about this book are correct.

You have twisted every verse of these ancient scriptures into the most hateful statements you possibly can. And it's totally uncalled for.

You are proselytizing "Cowboyianity, that has absolutely nothing at all to do with any man (or demigod) named Jesus. You've created your own version of hate.

You don't speak for God, and you most certainly don't speak for Jesus.

You're just a hateful person on the Internet trying to use religion to support your religious bigotry. Shame on you.

This is precisely what this ancient myths of jealous God's cause. They create people like you who judge others in the name of God and condemn them for not accepting YOUR PERSONAL VIEWS of the mythological God that YOU CREATE.

You've created your own monster God.

Kinda laying it on a little thick, aren't you? Yeah, christianity is crap and hateful ect ect ect, but not every christian is so.
I really don't think Cowboy is a bad person. He may be confused and ignorant of reality, but evil? No, I don't think so. Give him a break. He's only doing what he feels is right and I've not seen him once belittle anyone else. How many of us can say that about ourselves?

I agree regarding Cowboy. I actually admire his heart and his spirit quite a bit. I would love to get back to the youthful faith and innocence he emits,,,

Yeah....he really is cute, just like a little kid...:smile:
But I'm thinking at some point, he should start growing up a bit...
Just my opinion...

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 09:46 AM

Top 1 reason why I never try to "convert" anyone....

1. John 6:44

"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.

one reason also that I have visited this particular thread less often

the subliminal judgements about what is INTELLIGENT and what is not, as an intelligent person myself, border on ridiculous

belief and faith have little to do with intelligence, much more to do with experience, and people come to their beliefs through their EXPERIENCES,, plain and simple

I cant give anyone else the experiences which have lead to my faith in God and the Bible, and I cant take the experiences of others which have lead them to refute the Bible or deny God

this particular thread rarely seems to teach anyone anything, unlike other threads where people might read and learn something they didnt know,,,

when it comes to faith, or lack of, most of us tend to have already decided at this point in our life that we know all we need to ... do realize how stupid that bible quote is, don't you? It absolves me of any responsibility for my own end fate. If, say, I were to die now, most of you good christians would agree I would not end up in Heaven. At which point, I could absolutely truthfully say, "But 'The Father' never drew me." And since your holy book says no one can come to Jesus unless 'The Father' draws him, this means that God always intended that I die and go to Hell. Which makes God, my supposed creator, pretty much an a-hole, doesn't it?

Same thing if God gave YOU experiences that gave you faith, but not me. Or anyone else, for that matter. What you are saying, in effect, is that it's never any humans fault for not having faith in God.
I contend that punishing any being for what is not their fault is an evil act. Thanks again for confirming that your God is evil.

Fun with logic...

Now please, show me where I'm all wrong with some brilliant cognative dissonance. Christians are really good at that.

No offense intended. No really, I mean it. I'm just saying...

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 09:14 AM

Top 1 reason why I never try to "convert" anyone....

1. John 6:44

You're just trying to make my table wobble again...

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 09:09 AM

By reading your posts through my time on here, who are you to judge what's intelligent or not?

And who are you to claim to speak for God? huh

You have a sick demented book that you claim is the "Word of God".

Moreover, you demand that only your interpretations and conclusions about this book are correct.

You have twisted every verse of these ancient scriptures into the most hateful statements you possibly can. And it's totally uncalled for.

You are proselytizing "Cowboyianity, that has absolutely nothing at all to do with any man (or demigod) named Jesus. You've created your own version of hate.

You don't speak for God, and you most certainly don't speak for Jesus.

You're just a hateful person on the Internet trying to use religion to support your religious bigotry. Shame on you.

This is precisely what this ancient myths of jealous God's cause. They create people like you who judge others in the name of God and condemn them for not accepting YOUR PERSONAL VIEWS of the mythological God that YOU CREATE.

You've created your own monster God.

Kinda laying it on a little thick, aren't you? Yeah, christianity is crap and hateful ect ect ect, but not every christian is so.
I really don't think Cowboy is a bad person. He may be confused and ignorant of reality, but evil? No, I don't think so. Give him a break. He's only doing what he feels is right and I've not seen him once belittle anyone else. How many of us can say that about ourselves?

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 08:58 AM

1. Lack of knowledge
2. Lack of ability to reason
3. Fear of death
4. Peer pressure
5. Cultural bias
6. Natural stupidity
7. Willingness to follow a leader
8. Unwillingness to think for one's self
9. Lazyness
10. likes being part of the "in" crowd

I gotta hand you the brevity award. drinker

The Bible is the stupidest mythology on Earth and there isn't a sane reason to believe that it's anything more than superstition.

It's a shame that the Christians feel such a need to try to sell this crap to other people. If they could just learn to keep it to themselves they'd be much happier.

They call this the "General Religion" forums, but no one ever gets to truly discuss religion in general because it's always nothing but the constant proselytizing of Christianity.

It's the most selfish religion on Earth. Save for maybe the other two Abrahamic religions.

hmmmm.... selfish you say?... hmmmm........ Yep it's a selfish belief :D that's why we are to love thy neighbour as thyself. And we are to help others when we know of them being in need. We love everyone unconditionally to what they have done in their lives. No segregation, no favouritism, no nothing along those lines. Just love them, forgive them of their trespasses against us, help them when they are in need. Yes i totally agree, very very selfish.

I've said it before and it's still true, YOU are an anomoly among christians.

no photo
Thu 10/21/10 08:56 AM

1. Lack of knowledge
2. Lack of ability to reason
3. Fear of death
4. Peer pressure
5. Cultural bias
6. Natural stupidity
7. Willingness to follow a leader
8. Unwillingness to think for one's self
9. Lazyness
10. likes being part of the "in" crowd

I gotta hand you the brevity award. drinker

The Bible is the stupidest mythology on Earth and there isn't a sane reason to believe that it's anything more than superstition.

It's a shame that the Christians feel such a need to try to sell this crap to other people. If they could just learn to keep it to themselves they'd be much happier.

They call this the "General Religion" forums, but no one ever gets to truly discuss religion in general because it's always nothing but the constant proselytizing of Christianity.

It's the most selfish religion on Earth. Save for maybe the other two Abrahamic religions.

Brevity IS the soul of wisdom. Thx.
And we agree on the rest of what you wrote...except I don't think Jews are all that selfish. Well, I've never heard them proselytize anyway.

no photo
Wed 10/20/10 11:35 PM
this is gonna get ugly...I can tell already...

oi vay...

no photo
Wed 10/20/10 11:32 PM

Someone is hanging some serious bait out here! OH HOW I WANT TO BITE BUT MUST RESIST URGE...

There are compelling reasons to not read too deeply into the Bible the way it is written.

The two commandments are all we need, not a bunch of rationalizing a religion.

The secret is within the word of, not the man who died.

And for God to send someone for us to kill to absolve us of our sins? I think people got this all wrong.

Putting Jesus in the position as the ONE TRUE SON OF GOD robs us all of our birthright as Children of God.

I couldn't resist!


Shame on me!

sorry...couldn't resist either...

no photo
Wed 10/20/10 11:30 PM
1. Lack of knowledge
2. Lack of ability to reason
3. Fear of death
4. Peer pressure
5. Cultural bias
6. Natural stupidity
7. Willingness to follow a leader
8. Unwillingness to think for one's self
9. Lazyness
10. likes being part of the "in" crowd

no photo
Wed 10/20/10 09:15 AM

Do Muslims, Jews, and Christians Worship the Same God

God goes by many names

The Father
Bruce Lee

Vagina. If I worship anything, it would be at the alter of womanhood.

no photo
Wed 10/20/10 09:13 AM

im just curious about the whole 72 virgins thing with muslims. whats the point of having 72 or however many virgins if you won't have a dick to do anything with in the first place your dead you dick kinda stays with your body. So what can you do with 72 virgins with no dick is my question. Im guessing that they're gonna stay virgins

As long as you've got fingers and a tongue, you're good to

Also, seriously, after a couple of virgins, you'd want a pro...

The only men who want to boff virgins are men w/ deep insecurities about their sexual abilities.

no photo
Wed 10/20/10 09:05 AM

if you discovered how to create a human clone with the energy from your mind in your own image and it was alive, can you then play as God and do anything to it that you want

if the clone disobeyed you by eating a piece of fruit that you told it not to eat and because of that you torture it constantly would that be considered to be good or evil or perhaps a just action.....but first take in consideration that you never taught the clone what disobedience was would such an action considered to be good or evil if you torture the clone or perhaps even kill it

so what are some of the other things that would be unethical to do to a human from the womb that was born... but not unethical to do to a human clone that was created

a human clone of who? One's self?

would it make a difference?

Not really. I was just going to make a joke about sex w/ one's clone, tie it into God boffing Mary with poor Joseph thinking to himself "How am I supposed to compete w/ God's almighty penis?"

But you didn't give me the right straight line...oh well..

if you created the clone from your mind you would be the Father ....which is why when God had sex with Mary he was committing incest

And once you've had God, you never go back....

no photo
Wed 10/20/10 08:47 AM

Ceasing to exist isn't a punishment

Then why are you constantly speaking in terms of punishments and comparing the Biblical God to a parent who is constantly punishing his children for not obeying him?

Your claims simply make no sense. You say:

1. The only reward for sin is death.
2. Ceasing to exist isn't a punishment.

If the only reward for sin is death, and ceasing to exist isn't a punishment, then what's all this constant gibberish about God punishing people for their sins?

You make about as much sense as the Bible, which is basically no sense at all.

Why do you constantly speak in terms of 'punishments'?

The reward for sin is death, not punishment. Remember. By your own declaration, "The only reward for sin is death"

In fact, taking this to the limit we can clearly see that Jesus could not have paid for anyone sins because Jesus didn't die spiritually. Any pain or suffering that he might have endured would be totally moot because punishment and suffering have absolutely nothing to do with any payments for sin.

The story that you try to make from this fable has no consistency or reason to it at all. These ancient fables cannot be made to make any sense at all. They are nonsense.

In fact, taking this to the limit we can clearly see that Jesus could not have paid for anyone sins because Jesus didn't die spiritually. Any pain or suffering that he might have endured would be totally moot because punishment and suffering have absolutely nothing to do with any payments for sin.

He sacrificed his entire life for you. He sacrificed every waking second of his day for you in one way or other. In the end he sacrificed himself to go through all the pain emotionally and physically being put on that cross, for you. That is how he paid for your sins, through the sacrifices he made for you.

1. The only reward for sin is death.
2. Ceasing to exist isn't a punishment.

1. Yes very true
2. is a punishment depending on you. Do you wish to be with your loved ones for eternity? Do you wish to share in joyful memories with your loved ones for eternity? Or do you wish to just disappear after you pass away on earth. Punishment is only punishment if it is not what the one wants. Prison is used as punishment in the USA, but might not be punishment to someone that wishes to be there. I mean heck free rent, free everything, not having to work. How could that be punishment for someone that doesn't wish to have much in life?

The story that you try to make from this fable has no consistency or reason to it at all. These ancient fables cannot be made to make any sense at all. They are nonsense.

It does make sense. Most people wish to continue on enjoying living with their loved ones and having joyful memories made with them. They do not wish to say good bye when they have to pass away on this earth, is why funerals and such are so gloomy and sad. They do not wish to depart from that person. Thus, God offers us a way to not have to depart from them. Gives us a chance to be with them and enjoy each other for ever.

An eternity of THAT sounds like hell to me. Do you really think after a 100 years, 1000 years, 1000000 years you'll really give a crap what happened to you during your "lifetime"? Or that anyone you ever knew would hold any interest for you in the slightest?

After 5 seconds if that long of seeing our father i will not give a crap what happened to me in this life. But i plan to make more memories in heaven with our father, my loved ones, and everyone else that is there.

More memories of what? And seriously. After a while, you don't think you'll be bored out of your mind with your loved ones and everyone else?

No i will never get bored with heaven and worshipping our father and creator. I could do it and will do it with every last second of my existence.

I bet you're a lot of fun at parties...

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