Community > Posts By > vortecpowered
i've never dated anyone who let herself go. they've all been very appearance-conscious....obsessed might be a better term.
Ms. Independent
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Sun 07/19/09 12:19 PM
that i can cook, take care of the kids, do laundry, pay bills, clean house all on a grander scale than i did before, and still do all the other stuff ive always done. BTW nice kill beautiful ![]() Thanks babe. I'm thinking of having it mounted as a warning to ALL spiders. ![]() now go to the next level...don't kill the spiders. i leave mine alive so they can eat the more annoying bugs. this "little" one almost got chopped up by my weedeater. after having it pose with a quarter i gave it a ride on my hand to a safer place. i'd be the perfect husband. i can rebuild a car in my sleep plus i vacuum, do dishes and laundry....not that i really have a choice. of course i put those things off as long as possible. ![]() |
eat bugs from the yard. yum.
Is anyone getting sick
she's that weird chick that did something on some show with british people or something and it resulted in something happening to her or someone else somewhere somehow...maybe.
frozen pizza
corn dogs cereal canned foods beer mac&cheese they keep me alive. |
what if
i have no kids and every day i pray duct tape will be made flavored so when i duct tape a screaming kids mouth shut.. i won't feel bad at all ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() that's the first lesson kids should learn...shut up! |
Things men shouldn't do
1. i don't own a blackberry.
2. no, i would not ask. that's wussy. 3. low-rise jeans? do they even make those for men? not cool 4. i would never damage someone's vehicle. i'm pretty sure that's the 11th commandment. 5. my friend sent me an angry IM once. wuss. 6. baseball is boring 7. i don't snoop. rude and lame 8. see #6 9. it's 100+ degrees outside. one shirt is too many. 10. is that the thing that looks like a torture device? 11. i talk politics and religion with everyone just to start fights. ![]() 12. i don't give a rat's *** what anyone makes. 13. there's no such thing as an "extra" drink. 14. why? i'd rather fix it myself than pay some guy to show me his buttcrack 15. no leering...but rubbernecking is ok 16. "argue" is the wrong word, but i disagree with them all the time and almost never get tickets. tactful debate. 17. only the scalps of my enemies. ![]() 18. i love my two big caterpillars 19. driving with the top off, mowing the lawn, hanging out IN the pool, not by it...that's how i end up tan. |
The One That Got Away
i let a great one get away. it was all my fault for not having control over life and death.
![]() Nope, after 30 years I figured too much time has passed. ( High School sweetheart) I could see no reason to tear up his life after that long. that's considerate. one came back and tried to wedge back into my life after 13 years. |
When you went on a date before, or if you'd go on a date now, what would be the thing that would make you nervous and uncomfortable? nervous...nothing. being nervous seems illogical to me. uncomfortable...if the chair is hard and my butt starts hurting. that's no fun. another uncomfortable...if she's going on and on about dogs. |
if you are reading this
i don't sleep much. i'd like to but i can't.
... would you consider going to prison for the sake of having somewhere warm to stay and guaranteed food to eat? no. i'd go bug my friends and family first. then mayb a homeless shelter or something. i'm not going to prison and risk people trying to put stuff in the out door. no way. |
strange band names
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Sun 07/19/09 01:45 AM
i like the one about the bear going over the mountain. he's some kind of crazy pirate bear. cereal killer is great too. son of toucan sam killing the other cereal characters. haha.
i almost forgot about another weird band name...nashville ***** |
Sideways pictures
maybe some people just look sideways when they're right-side up. now you've hurt sideways-headed betty's feelings. nice job.
strange band names
fetus fajitas
vulvaline the cumshots rockbitch green jelly (formerly green jello) |
Epitomy of laziness....
that bothered me about the dark knight. i wanted to see harley messing up gotham with the joker.
Saw one driving down the street the other day, it was still in great shape! That's because the body was made of stainless steel. Won't ever rust. technically the delorean's body structure is fiberglass. the stainless steel panels are mostly for looks. in any case, stainless steel is really not a good name for the stuff. the alloy's high chromium content (11% or more i think) makes it more resistant than other ferrous metals but it will eventually rust or corrode. if you bang up the stainless panels on a DMC12 it's a pain to get them right since slight imperfections are not hidden by paint or body filler. still a cool look if well-maintained though. |
I always wanted to rip out the V-6 and put in a big-honkin' V-8 with supercharger in one of those things. Now THAT'D be a De Lorean to drive! ![]() it's not easy but i've seen it done with different types of gm smallblock v8s. yes it makes the car much faster but handling suffers severely because the v8s are so heavy and screw up the weight distribution, particularly in the case of a gen1 sbc. the "stage 2" engine from DMC is a nice option. it bumps the stock engine from 130hp to 200 and since DMC is the one that does it, the value of the car is not negatively affected. they also have quite a few bolt-on performance items. unfortunately the flux capacitor was never available on the production version. too bad. someone could have gone back in time and told john delorean not to make drug deals. ![]() |
Epitomy of laziness....
![]() Yep pure laziness that is ![]() ![]() i wish my water was free. the lawn can use as much water as possible in the summer. |
Edited by
Sat 07/18/09 03:31 PM
OP: ![]() in so far as women and cars? no comparison... cars - Made of steel - are hard and cold... I buy them, own them, clean them, drive them hard and admire them from a far.... women - Made of beauty - are soft and sensual... I pursue them, want them, treat them, drive them hard and admire them up close and personal!.... no comparison at all!! similarities between women and cars: -beautiful -high-maintenance (well, not all cars are) -they both involve lubes and fluids -some contain more plastic than others -sometimes they have a problem and you just can't figure out what it is. -men want to be inside them (however, i do allow friends in my cars, but not my girlfriend ![]() -you don't want any other guy touching them -they're more fun topless -they can be expensive -they love new shoes (tires) -once a month you pay for the priviledge oh having one. that stops much sooner with cars and they don't need hormone replacement therapy at that point. ![]() |
Advice needed, seriously
I don't wanna sue anyone..I just want to feel normal! i'm not talking about suing. if some dumbass slams into me, damaging my vehicle, my body, wastes my time and energy, and leaves me in pain, they owe me. at the end of the situation i will not be out one penny and i will be compensated for the time i wasted because of their stupidity. and getting money for "pain and suffering" is not a bad thing. a reasonable amount, not a million bucks because your neck is sore. i'd say see multiple doctors and even specialists if needed...and put it on the other person's insurance tab. it's only fair. |