Topic: what if
cook26's photo
Sun 07/19/09 02:40 AM
what if you cant see your babes for the pass two mo

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sun 07/19/09 02:56 AM
i have no kids and

every day i pray

duct tape will be made flavored

so when i duct tape

a screaming kids mouth shut..

i won't feel bad at all

surprised surprised surprised surprised

cook26's photo
Sun 07/19/09 03:00 AM
lol smooched

no photo
Sun 07/19/09 03:01 AM
you didnt mean babies, did you?

no offense bobby

cook26's photo
Sun 07/19/09 03:04 AM

you didnt mean babies, did you?

no offense bobby

vortecpowered's photo
Sun 07/19/09 03:05 AM

i have no kids and

every day i pray

duct tape will be made flavored

so when i duct tape

a screaming kids mouth shut..

i won't feel bad at all

surprised surprised surprised surprised


that's the first lesson kids should learn...shut up!

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sun 07/19/09 03:05 AM

you didnt mean babies, did you?

no offense bobby


why would i be offended?

i've made it perfectly clear i'm not mommy material.

i once twittered...

Dear lady with screaming child: please allow me to give you spoiled brat a real reason to cry. Sincerely, your local british nanny.

no photo
Sun 07/19/09 03:06 AM
offended bc i thought he was stupid, and meant "babes" like a girl..........when he actually is stupid and meant babys not babies

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Sun 07/19/09 03:07 AM

offended bc i thought he was stupid, and meant "babes" like a girl..........when he actually is stupid and meant babys not babies

