Topic: ladies, guys you should avoid!!!!!!!!!!
Queene123's photo
Thu 04/02/09 11:07 PM
Like all single men, I've committed some royal screw-ups when it comes to women. But as a male columnist*, I've also made some observations about different types of daters that deserve to be passed along. Consider this your road map for where you DON'T want to go in your love life.
#1. Rebound Guy
Knowing how bummed I've been since my ex, Claudia, left for Europe, my buddy tried to set me up with his "fine coworker." Very kind of him, but I declined. With my heart stuck in international customs, there's no way I could make a connection. Not that I wasn't tempted. We men secretly hope we'll never have to deal with our feelings and instead can "fix" our sadness with a new woman. Problem is, we're always comparing her to the ex.

Five Secrets All Guys Keep From You
The Worst Way to Get Dumped: 7 Women Share Their Breakup Stories
#2. Disappearing Guy
Some seemingly normal guys have a bad habit of vanishing. Excuses like "work's really busy" may be true, but there's often something else going on. My old roommate tried to woo his new girlfriend while still dating his old one. I also know someone who told a woman he was single in New York, although he was married in Ohio. Both guys checked out for days at a time.
When you're just starting to date, it's not like you're tracking a person's every movement. Still, the giveaway is erratic contact. Is he in touch every day and then suddenly MIA? Does he often cancel plans? Or does he suddenly want to meet up in an hour, after not calling all week? Beware.
#3. Slick Guy
With his sporty car, high-tech cell phone, and Swedish designer toothbrush, my college roommate managed to hide his insecurity behind hip stuff. He never let women get close for fear they'd find him out. So women wound up feeling rejected when HE was the one who sucked.
My advice: If his life looks like a magazine spread, steer clear. Say what you will about the guy who has a painting of poker-playing dogs or a mountain of laundry, but I promise you this: He's real.
#4. Rude Guy
I'm amazed at what men get away with. A partial list of nasty moves I've witnessed: checking out the waitress, fiddling with a BlackBerry during dinner, asking the cute bartender for her number when his date is in the bathroom. If a man lets the door slam shut instead of opening it for you, make that all the closure you need.
#5. Grabby Guy
Hands on thighs, stroking things that didn't ask to be stroked, sensual innuendos when you barely know each other -- he may try to explain these things with an "Oh, I'm so attracted to you I can't help it" line. But no matter how attractive you are, he CAN help it. And if you're not getting the respect you want early on, he probably won't surprise you with it later.
#6. Last Year's Guy
Long nights and a fear of being single forever can make going back to an ex seem mighty attractive. I've been guilty of it twice, both during lonely times in the dead of winter. Recycling romance seemed far easier than the unknown, and it was... for the two months before we rediscovered exactly why we broke up in the first place. What's the lesson here? Move forward, not back. And know that it's better to be out there looking than stuck on a couch with some guy you're just going to wind up dumping anyway. He might be happy, but you deserve more.
*Jake is a real, live single guy dating in New York City.

Thu 04/02/09 11:17 PM
Is'nt dateing difficult enough without posting some drivel from some sap who's just trying to tell you how sensative he is ?I think most people that take the time to learn about they're dates will be smart enough to figure things out for themselves .

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:29 AM
I actually thought this post has certain educational qualities about it. Thank you for placing it here.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:37 AM
YAY!!! More rules for women to use against us guys!!!

Well done!!

DTHRomeo's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:38 AM

no photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:40 AM

YAY!!! More rules for women to use against us guys!!!

Well done!!

Awe which guy are you?

Baabs's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:41 AM
seriously..this is from a chic who does mass mailings to sell her book about "dating with out drama". So guys don't fret. My girlfriend sent me this email and asked if I thought she should get the book or download it or something.

isaac_dede's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:43 AM

Oh and steer clear to the 'know-it-all' guy, because you'll never be able to have any of your own opinions the guy that wrote this article smokin

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:46 AM

YAY!!! More rules for women to use against us guys!!!

Well done!!

Awe which guy are you?

I'm not any of the above. But at some point in life, I may fall into one of those categories. However, that does not mean that I would be someone to avoid because of it.

Even though some of those things are somewhat accurate, generalizing any particular guy into one of those categories throws a monkey wrench into the whole deal.

For example. Just because a guy recently broke up with someone, doesn't mean he is still hung up on his ex or would be constantly comparing you to her.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:47 AM

Oh and steer clear to the 'know-it-all' guy, because you'll never be able to have any of your own opinions the guy that wrote this article smokin

Well said, sir.drinker

isaac_dede's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:51 AM

Oh and steer clear to the 'know-it-all' guy, because you'll never be able to have any of your own opinions the guy that wrote this article smokin

Well said, sir.drinker

read your other topic...great minds think alike drinker rofl

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:54 AM

Oh and steer clear to the 'know-it-all' guy, because you'll never be able to have any of your own opinions the guy that wrote this article smokin

Well said, sir.drinker

read your other topic...great minds think alike drinker rofl

Yes. yes they do. lol :thumbsup:

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Fri 04/03/09 02:21 AM
good post

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Fri 04/03/09 04:33 PM

I'm not any of the above. But at some point in life, I may fall into one of those categories. However, that does not mean that I would be someone to avoid because of it.

Even though some of those things are somewhat accurate, generalizing any particular guy into one of those categories throws a monkey wrench into the whole deal.

For example. Just because a guy recently broke up with someone, doesn't mean he is still hung up on his ex or would be constantly comparing you to her.

i agree

TBRich's photo
Fri 04/03/09 04:36 PM
I am of little of #2 and #4.

ladyliz1417's photo
Fri 04/03/09 04:41 PM

ladywolf9653's photo
Fri 04/03/09 04:50 PM
Meh, while I found the article somewhat funny, I also have to think that just because someone might appear to fit one of these categories, appearances can be deceiving. Rebound guy might not be "rebounding" at all, the "slick guy" might just be a gadget freak. Speaking for myself, I couldn't care less if the guy I'm with checks out the waitress, as long as he doesn't get mad at me for checking out a cute waiter, lol.

Love can do funny things to people, including make them behave differently with you than they did with everyone before you. *shrug*

TBRich's photo
Fri 04/03/09 04:50 PM

I am of little of #2 and #4.

#2, because if you are not interesting, I will be thinking about something else and then when I remember a week later, I figure its too late to call anyway.

#4, because I don't really give a crap, not trying to embarrass you and I can clean up well, but otherwise, what you see is what you get.