parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 12/11/07 06:19 PM
I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!!!! READ TO HIM!!!!! He will never think it is something FUN and important if you aren't following your own advice. Don't make a big deal out of it, just start reading and between the two of you it will work itself out!!! Take the time to spend time with him reading (both of you) make it your passion and he will want to share it.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 12/03/07 04:49 PM
I did see a couple of bad calls, could have been the difference in the game win/loss no game should be decided that way!.......................cheese with that whine?

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 11/27/07 04:47 PM
Go Vikes!

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 11/27/07 04:45 PM
I think the Eagles showed that it is possible to beat the Pats, even with a backup QB. I am neither for nor against them.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Fri 11/23/07 07:07 AM
he has to be kinky! I guess

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Fri 11/23/07 07:05 AM
Fri 11/23/07 03:50 AM
I don't like it when anyone says they're a hard-core fan of their team when that teams a winner~ then stop being fans when they're a suck team.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Fri 11/23/07 07:04 AM
Go Vikes~

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Fri 11/23/07 06:47 AM
19 or 90, the responsibility is your own! If you choose to smoke, its your lungs, and no one can stop you! Parents are great to be there to fall back on for support. In the end however you can no more make them stop smoking than you can make them do anything else. The worst thing you can do for them is to enable them. If they are willing to shell out 5 bucks a pack, then for gods sake stop the money flow from you to them. They are telling you that they don't need money or they wouldn't be throwing it away. I think you are right on, (unsure)!

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Fri 11/16/07 03:47 PM
Obsession cologne...............or nothing

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Wed 11/14/07 03:22 PM
Edited by parttime_vikingfan on Wed 11/14/07 03:23 PM
It is easy to kick a team when they are down, and it seems especially easy for a fan of the packers. It was only a couple of years ago when I thought that the vikes ought to consider dropping the packers as rivals and go back to the real rivalry with the bears. (In their first game as a franchise the vikes beat the bears and no new franchise has done it since.) As the packers at the time were not even a challenge. Well it seems that it has come full circle, but it will not stop there. It will come around and once again the packers will be down. A fan base is not just evaluated by its actions when it is down, but more so when it thinks its on top. Do you think a fan base ought to get what it gives out?

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Wed 11/14/07 03:06 PM
Madden grew up in Austin Minnesota

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Wed 11/14/07 04:05 AM
A well executed game by the Packers. Hats off!

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 11/06/07 04:21 AM
this question reminds me about the women who say they want an average down to earth guy, only to be star struck by the bad boy. Life is a parodox.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Sun 11/04/07 02:01 PM
This may be totally wrong and if it is, I am sure someone will point it out to me!! I think that women are attracted to men at play. What I am trying to say is that when a man is busy doing something that does not involve getting a womans attention, it is appealing to women. ie. a mechanics legs under a car, a construction worker busy at his job. playing football and other sports. I think that women enjoy being alongside a man instead of the man focussing all his attention on women. Like "Us against the world"... Throw in the sensitivity factor (music, poetry, actor, any kind of art,) and his value increases. The biology to me is. Who can best take care of my offspring. Money Status Sensitivity

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 10/30/07 06:26 PM
Tue 10/30/07 05:24 PM
I have to hand it to em, they are playing well and winning.

This was the first thing I wrote in this post. What was your first sentence? Don't answer, it was rhetorical. Now that I said my piece, I am certain this conversation will continue to degrade. So I will go and let you stew about it...lolol.....have a good nite!

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 10/30/07 06:20 PM
Don't point out the sliver in my eye until you remove the plank from your own. viqueen????? It does not suprise me at all, in fact you are makeing my point for me. I did not expect to come to this thread and be well reiceived. In fact I knew it wouldn't take long before fans started to name call and heckle, its almost as if you couldn't help it, or maybe you just don't know better.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 10/30/07 06:01 PM
Yes they are loyal ,,,,,,,,to a fault. A Vikes fan in Greenbay is treated like a white guy in Wats California at night. You have to lock your doors, they throw stuff at you. They do everything they can to intimidate you into not coming to Greenbay again. Its really a shame, I admire that a city the size of Greenbay can own their own NFL team, and then they go and ruin it with their poor sportsmanship. They take home field advantage to the extreme.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 10/30/07 05:24 PM
I have to hand it to em, they are playing well and winning. if they could only have better fans.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Sat 10/06/07 10:41 PM
In the right context, all is fair game I say. The whole reason you are having a first date is to find out how compatable you are and in the right circumstances, you should be able to talk about anything, just talk about it if your comfortable and go with your instincts

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Sat 10/06/07 12:24 PM
is to give life meaning! (author unknown)

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