parttime_vikingfan's photo
Wed 06/20/07 04:07 PM
This is not a political statement.....

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Wed 06/20/07 03:51 PM
With the Exception of self preservation, which covers many areas
including but not limited to war, and protecting others. Because we were
talking about people already incarcerated.(not an imminent threat.)

Do you ethically have the right to pick someone elses terminal fate?

that is about as simply and objectively as I can put it!
I am not asking for people to agree or disagree. I know that there are
strong feelings on both sides of this topic. Yes I realize that I am
playing devils advocate. My statement was to spark thinking on other
peoples part. If there was baiting, that is where it happened, more so
than what your actual stand was, I think that asking that was very
straight forward. You may use Convicted murderer or what ever else comes
to mind, because it does not change the question. If forgotten scroll
back... I generally take exception to people who decide to take a stand,
with out realizing all the other things that can and should be taken
into consideration when deciding a lifetime belief that may contradict
other strong stands already made or not.
To me this is a question of Ethics, not Semantics. If you have paid
enough attention you will realize that I have not given my beliefs on
either part of the question because my basic statement was supposed to
be about whether or not the same person should be able to pick death for
one and life for the other, like God. I just like to ask the hard
question about someones unwavering stands. That is why I enjoy political
statements so much.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 06/19/07 03:27 PM
massagetrade, I admire your eloquence. if this weren't a thread and I
didn't have to type. I may not have oversimplified. Tho your reasoning
is somewhat sound and logical I beg you to offer your actual opinion,
that it may also come under the same type of word for word scrutiny.
What I said was not written on stone tablets, it would be easy enough to
change wording to make it more or less accomodating to scrutinize. If I
had said that if you believe that no one has the right to kill an unborn
child, then in the next breath say that its ok to kill an adult, that is
what I take issue with. I could say it 5 more different ways if I had
to, just to get you to stop nibbling around the edges. If you want to
take my arguement on then Come at it straight on. Anyone can sit in the
bushes and lob grenades. So I invite you to stick your neck out,
and give your firm philisophical evaluation on the topic! Because we are
not talking about innocence and guilt, nor punishment. We are talking
about life and death and the ethics of who thinks that they should get
to decide and why. Cast your best stone oh sinless bird, in a glass

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 06:57 PM
I am wrong at times, and when I am I like to think that I am the kind of
person to admit it. once again I apoligize

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 06:55 PM
you are right I mistook you for someone elses view sorry

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 06:54 PM
I guess thats enough

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 06:52 PM
wrong quote

Mon 06/18/07 04:28 PM
It takes so long to have someone actually executed because they have so
many avenues open to appeal..apply for pardons from the
governor...etc...IT takes years for all these processes to be used up
before the can actually be executed!!!!!1

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 06:50 PM
you just made my point! It was your assertion that they shouldn't go
thru due process, and now you say its ok that they are. you can't have
it both ways.

Mon 06/18/07 06:38 PM
Yeah well the witches weren't guilty...BUT their guilt was based on a
preconcieved notion...NOT so in a court of law...Plus with the appeal
process and all the other avenues available...It's not like it's one
trial and then they are executed!!!!!!!!!!

All I am saying is that humans are flawed (as well as political) and
sometimes make the wrong choices, and at what price? Maybe nothing to
you, but if the swat team got the wrong address and ran into your house
instead of the serial killers on the next block, well I bet your tune
about due process would change in a hurry!

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 06:32 PM
And when the witch hunts started the death rate went what.
Maybe we ought guess which kids may someday be killers and deal with
them now?

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 05:51 PM
While the pendulum swings between conservative and liberalism The checks
and balances are meant to hold the line on thinking with your head
instead of your heart. (ie. Salem witch killings,)Its what is supposed
to make us different than nations like Germany during WWII. That is why
I think that all means necessary to get the right man is appropriate.
One state. I think it is Arizona is holding a moritorium on death,
because of all the mistaken judgements (over 20%)now proven by DNA. In
essence are you saying better a few innocent people get killed as long
as we MAYBE kill the guilty?? Think about your family as you are being
hauled away under your style of government with no recourse if found
guilty, remember all it takes is beyond REASONABLE doubt.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 04:14 PM
If you believe in life, then believe all the way. Picking and choosing
is playing God.

"Be Kind to Everyone, For We Are All Fighting Some Kind Of Battle".

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 04:08 PM
massagetrade: I beg to differ the hypocricy is not in the criminal or
the unborn it is in the person who judges who should live and who should
die and why. The arguement for pro life isnt about innocence or guilt
its about no person or persons having the right to decide who lives and
who dies. I believe that the same arguement applies for criminals.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 01:14 PM

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 01:13 PM
long as it takes

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 01:11 PM
I must have killed this

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 11:55 AM
that was great comeback LadyOf

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 11:52 AM
She was given to us by the french who were trying to use her to thumb
their noses at the English.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 11:45 AM
I think that the question about death should not be about money!!! I
also believe that if you are pro life that a pro death penalty is
hypocritical. The same arguements apply.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 11:40 AM
I didn't get one....lmao

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Mon 06/18/07 11:36 AM
Let me tell you about an online date once. Said she was tall blonde and
very attractive. We were to meet half way, at a casino. I had broken my
own rule. "ALWAYS get a picture". Took a day off work, stopped at the
flower shop. Strained to see her thru the window where we planned to
meet. She was there alright, but you wouldn't know by her discription. I
passed by a podium where a hostess asked if the flowers were for her, I
should have said yes.... not to be mean, but angry anyway, I asked the
tall blonde girl with three chins if we could go somewhere and talk. I
hated it, being put in a possition where I have to hurt someone's
feelings, deserved or not. I politely told her that this was not going
to work out. I could see that she desperately clung to the idea that
this somehow could have. She just didn't realize that I had felt
betrayed,(lied too) I keep em at arms length now, till i really get to
know them.