Topic: Origin of Holidays | |
I wish the History Channel would Spend some time on the Pagan Beliefs ![]() ![]() |
Ive seen several shows...and on discovery
Oh Yeah! I don't Remember Seeing any Adds for them. I'll have to look harder I guess. |
I usually catch them last at night. I only find things like that while I'm channel surfing
I was speaking to wolf about how funy it was for a pagan and christian to be argueing the OTHERS point of view
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I was speaking to wolf about how funy it was for a pagan and christian to be argueing the OTHERS point of view ![]() i still remember when i was in Pagan one on yahoo, i was talking to an athiest friend and he was telling everyone Jesus didnt exist... and i was really arguing it hard when i screamed in the room.... "OH MY GODDESS!! I'm a pagan arguing on Jesus' behalf!! Whats happening here?" |
![]() got a good one...i was told he was gay |
Edited by
Mon 03/24/08 12:41 AM
I believe though he is saying if Yahshua did it and he abides in you then you should do it.That he did nothing new. And what is sad to me is people who say they are believers. Do not know how or what he walked at all. If they did then thier walk would not be following Pagan customs....Blessings...Miles Christians aren't following pagan customs, just becaue they cellebrate Jesus's ressurection on the same day that easter or a pagan holiday is also celebrated . Should some celbrating another holiday , keep christians from celebrating Chrsit's ressurection, simpy cause a pagan holiday ritual is observed on the same day ? Like Yasa said, EVERYDAY is a celebration of Christ's ressurection ...not just Ressurection sunday. So why should I allow a pagan holiday to STOP me from celebrating Jesus ressurection? Actually, to allow a pagan hoday to keep a christian from worship and celebrating Christ Jesus's ressurrection, is actually putting oneself under bondage to the letter of the law again. I've noticed some christians who are in bondage to the letter of the law, , and have no joy whatsoever. In fact, They won't even celebrate christmas, cause it falls on another pagan holiday too. POint is , who cares if some are worshiping easter or christmas, for other reasons? That should NOT stop a christian from JOYOUSLY CELEBRATIGN THE RESSURRRECTION OF JESUS..OR THE BIRTH OF OUR SAVIOUR....for the RIGHT REASONS!!!! Amen? ![]() A Chrsitian walk is a walk of FREEDOM ...not bondage to the letter of the law. The bible says, the letter of the law killeth , but the Spirit freeth. When a christian is born again, he celebrates joyously everyday, what Jesus has done for him. EVERYDAY is a day of worship...not just one day. 1st I would ask you have you learned the Law? If so what is the law besides the 10 commandments? Gal 3:24 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Messiah, that we might be justified by faith. KJV 2nd What does the Law mean to you in these verses? Who was at fault in the OT? Heb 8:7-12 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second. 8 Because finding fault with them, He says: "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah — 9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them, says the Lord. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts ; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 11 None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more." NKJV Now if we walk in Yahshua's footsteps do we do as he did? Was he our example of perfection? I do believe evry believer to know what is good and what is not has to know these questions? Blessings...Miles |
what is being said is that most holidays originated for pagans
and, from this Christians view, they are...except St Patricks day Christians took most of the holidays in order to convert pagans |
Edited by
Mon 03/24/08 01:54 AM
<<<<<...I do believe every believer to know what is good and what is not has to know these questions? Blessings...Miles ...>>>
Miles, although you feel some things aren't good.... what does that have to do with worshipping and celebrating Jesus ressurection yesterday, on Easter Sunday....for the reason that it has special meaning to you........even if others celebrate the day for their own reason? In other words, why allow how others celebrate the day , take away from the meaning the day has for you? Here's another way of looking at it.... Americans observe and celebrate christmas on dec 25th..and call it christmas. Canadians call the same day boxer day. Tell me.....Should canadian christians not celebrate the true meaning of christmas over in canada , simply becaue it is called boxer day over there? ~~~~~~~~~~ "The letter of the Law killeth but the spirit freeth". Galatians speaks in depth on this .... |
Gal. Speaks of the trying to keep the law for salvation. Big Difference. The law is called just Holy and righteous. We come to our messiah through the law. To learn what sin is. doing the law as Heb says is what frees you from it. Not that it is done away.If through the spirit your Heart is to do Yahweh's will then thier is no law for someone who keeps it from the heart. The letter is the forcing and guilt from the Religuous leaders. They force the letter of thier own law all the time today.That is what kills it the forcing and not wanting. This was spoken to the Gentile ect.
What is wrong with celebrating christmas and Easter. Yahweh command 7 feasts through out the year. For all eternity. These 7 feasts are in 3 seasons spring 1st of summer and start of fall. These commanded feast are rejected by the mainstream as old. Yet Yahshua kept all of them. The Apostles kept all of them all thier lives. When Yahshua comes back Zech and Isa speaks of them being kept. Yet in between we do what we want. You say whats wrong with it. Yahweh says to have nothing to do with them thats what. You have made the commandments of Yahweh of no effect by your traditions. Choosing them instead.Yahweh's ways are above our ways. Why does man need to add to and change Yahweh's word? Because of men in High Places.Rev speaks of adding to and taking away from the words of this book. How can you say you Love Yahweh and in the same breath say what he commanded means nothing? Blessings...Miles |
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you (Matthew 7:12).”
I came in here to learn more about others...not to judge. I am a Christian but I can appreciate history as well. Learning about where things came from and who people are make it easier to understand others |
I am not your judge Yahweh is. I am told to speak out about anything that goes against Yahweh. Those holidays are special to you and most people. That does not mean it is honoring Yahshua. Not everyone can or will take ahold of scripture as The early church fathers did.Yahweh calls his people at the end of this age My Little Flock scattered throughout the world.4/5ths of the population will be dead or killed by the time Yahshua enters Jerusalem again..We are warned that Satan and his ministers come as an Angel of light. To me at least I want to know and do everything that Yahshua did. I know he was perfect and perfection is what we strive for.
Blessings of Shalom...Miles |
ok but I think the topic of the thread is the origins of holidays...not whether to celebrate them or not.
some of us were just chatting after we had addressed the topic ![]() |
Thats fine. Have at it. You know the origins of what we spoke about.
Blessings...Miles ![]() |
Yellowrose, here is one for you. Candlemas, Christian festival observed on February 2 in honor of the presentation of the infant Christ in the Temple and the purification of the Virgin Mary. The festival was probably meant to replace the great feast of expiation and purification (Februa) that was held in ancient Rome in mid-February. The date of the pagan feast was then transferred to February 2, the 40th day after Christmas; the 40-day period was in accordance with the Jewish law that required the ritual purification at the Temple of every mother of a male child 40 days after the child's birth. The Candlemas festival is believed to have been instituted in 541 or 542 by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. Around here we just worry about if the groundhog will see his shadow that day.
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what do you mean Miles?
I admit I don't know all the names you talk about. but I;m not sure what you mean? most of the holidays celebrated today? i know the origin. I am a history buff |
![]() BUT I found St patty's day ![]() |
If in 50 years your grandchildren told you about how they worsh the christian g-d,Helel. And you said well we know him as JC. and they said but gramma you said he knows who we are worshipping..
Would you wanna know who Helel is? Would it upset you that they took your words of freedom and changed them to what they wanted them to be? Blessings...Miles |
of course I would want to know who she was referring to. It's my nature to learn about new things to me
I still don't understand what you are saying...who is changing who's words? |