Topic: Origin of Holidays
Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 03/24/08 08:38 AM
Then do you not think that Yahweh cares about who you call upon?

Changing words. It was prophesied that the lying pen of the scribes would destroy our knowledge.

Hos 4:6
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
Because you have forgotten the law of your Elohim,
I also will forget your children.
Hosea was speaking of a future day. The days that are hear now.
We are the priests Hosea speaks of.
And Peter calls us..

1 Peter 2:9-10
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 08:43 AM
I still don't know where you get anyone is changing words

I am not less of a Christian than you just because I can look at the history of things and respect others for their beliefs. I do these things to better understand people and how things came about...such as the modern holidays.

I was brought up to learn what I can and respect others even if we disagree.

Just because I learn about the true origins of holidays...doesn't mean I practice the pagan ways. I celebrate the christian beliefs...but I can better understand where it came from.

Most of the modern religions (except 1 so far) came from pagan it or not. the church tok those pagan holidays to push out the pagan religion. that IS it or not. and I don't believe or love God any less because I learn about different things

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 03/24/08 08:55 AM
I agree. I am sure you are sincere. But you spoke thier that the church changed these things (the scribes) What authority do they have to do this?

Rev 22:18-19

For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, Yahweh will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, Yahweh shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Do they have the right to add or change anything that is written in the scriptures?


yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:00 AM
pick a holiday...Easter, Valentines day, Christmas...they did originate from pagan beliefs and if you will pick one...I will get a link for you

St Patrick's Day is the only modern holiday that we celebrate with Christian origin

Christianity didn't start every belief or practice in history. And as a christian...I personally would never assume we did

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:06 AM
Do Christians have a right to rewrite history just to prove our beliefs? I strongly hold tight to what I believe and I think it should be able to stand for what it is

other religions have to be given credit where it's due. and the "church" has proven in history to not always follow what they should. the church in the past (mainly the Holy Roman Catholic) in the past have tried to force our beliefs on people.

how is that right? the church did the crusades, the inquisition and many other things to force their beliefs. and yes other religions have done the same

just because the church does it doesn't make it God's will


Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:15 AM
Yahweh has given many promices to those who obey him. And curses to those who do not. I am sure you have seen i do not use or spell JC. Thier are several reasons for this. The main one is from Yahshua himself. That he gave shortly before his death.You said you would want to know who Helel was if your grandchildren evolved to worship the wau you did except they use another name. Helel is a name very few have ever heard of. He could come up to you today and do everything you do and be the greatest person to you. You may feel as if he is the nicest person you ever met. He seems so kind and generous that you want to learn from him. Just like your grandchildren do. Helel is a distinct name purposely taken out of the scriptures. He is spoken of by Yahshua. He has come on the seen and is now alive and well.

John 5:43-44
43 I have come in My Father's name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

Who is Yahshua talking about?


yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:22 AM
I guess you are missing the point I am making. This is about the origin...surely you don't think the church created and started everything and no other culture or belief contributed anything

Let's tak Christmas...the Bible doesn't give a date for Jesus' birth...MAN did. and it was Christian MAN that took a pagan holiday to use to force our beliefs on.

I'm not even talking about believing in God. I'm talking about MAN made holidays

from the wikipedia:

Main article: List of winter festivals
A winter festival was traditionally the most popular festival of the year in many cultures. Reasons included less agricultural work needing to be done during the winter, as well as people expecting longer days and shorter nights after the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.[10] In part, the Christmas celebration was created by the early Church in order to entice pagan Romans to convert to Christianity without losing their own winter celebrations.[11][10] Certain prominent gods and goddesses of other religions in the region had their birthdays celebrated on December 25, including Ishtar, Sol Invictus and Mithras

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:23 AM
I think it would be arrogant to say the church (MAN) created and started everything in this world and every other belief just sat around twiddling their thumbs

Your scriptures that you quote still don't apply because we are talking about the history of MAN made holidays

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 03/24/08 09:29 AM
I am not missing the point. I am speaking about origins of a religion. One that thier forfathers would not know if they came back to day. Christmas is in the bible as a heathon custom. We are also told not to have anything to do with it.

Tell me if this is not the christmas of today?

Jer 10:2-5

2 Thus says Yahweh:

"Do not learn the way of the Gentiles;
Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven,
For the Gentiles are dismayed at them.
3 For the customs of the peoples are futile;
For one cuts a tree from the forest,
The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax.
4 They decorate it with silver and gold;
They fasten it with nails and hammers
So that it will not topple.
5 They are upright, like a palm tree,
And they cannot speak;
They must be carried,
Because they cannot go by themselves.
Do not be afraid of them,
For they cannot do evil,
Nor can they do any good."

is this the way you want Yahweh to see you?


yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:03 AM
that is the Christian belief today...but show me the scripture where it says to celebrate Christmas as Jesus' birth? I gave you a link to show the origin from the encyclopedia

This is history. It started from the pagans and the Holy Roman Church took that day to hide the pagan holiday. Jesus was not born December 25. MAN put that date for it. The Bible doesn't even tell us to celebrate his birth. as for the resurrection...we celebrate that all the time with communion

You have not showed me where Chrisitans started these holidays

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:07 AM
the 7 feasts you mentioned are in fact in the Old Testament. Those don't even apply in Christianity for the simple fact That Jesus died for us.

Thos were the 7 feasts of Isreal. They don't apply in the New Testament

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:08 AM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Mon 03/24/08 10:08 AM
again...we are discussing it on a history basis..not a religious one necessarily

Wolfshado's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:19 AM

again...we are discussing it on a history basis..not a religious one necessarily

oh yellow... dont you see sweetie.. he just has to show you he is a BETTER christian than you are.
laugh laugh laugh

its people like this that made my decision to become pagan so easy

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:26 AM
The origin is a tool to see where it came from. Then see why we celebrate it. It has become christian . They are the new rulers of it. I don't see you getting off work for a holiday that is not considered christian.

Peter I quoted as calling us a Royal priesthood.Where else do you find christians called priests?

You keep on saying the christian belief today. What will it be tommorrow or 10 years or 100?

Yahweh says he is the same Yesterday,Today and Tommorrow. And.. I am Yahweh I do not change.

So how can you follow the father and son if they do not change but you do?

What is more important than Eternal life?

Thats a important historical discussion.

The 7 feasts. Why did all the Apostles keep all of them then? Paul even got upset on his way to Rome over Pentecost.

Do you not keep Pentecost the day we became the temple made without hands that Yahweh's spirit resides in?

What was in the Temple that the High Priest took care of?

Yahshua is now our High Priest. What is he taking care of?


yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:40 AM
The holidays are Christian because the CHURCH took them..not God

anyone can start a church

the FACT is that all the holidays celebrated today come from pagan holidays...then the church took them. It's FACT.

St Patricks Day is the only Christian based holiday and that is a Catholic holiday and I'm not Catholic.

God didn't tell us to celebrate Christmas as the Birth of Jesus on December 25....MAN did because they wanted to rid the pagan holidays. Christians aren't even to celebrate His birth. And those are FACTS

Christians should celebrate the modern holidays for the family traditions we have not for religious ones.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:42 AM
the 7 feasts of Isreal don't matter to us now because Jesus died.

I celebrate these things in daily life...not just once a year

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:43 AM
What is your definition of a christian?

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:43 AM

again...we are discussing it on a history basis..not a religious one necessarily

oh yellow... dont you see sweetie.. he just has to show you he is a BETTER christian than you are.
laugh laugh laugh

its people like this that made my decision to become pagan so easy

no one can prove that to me. to me that is God's call. and because I can learn about other beliefs doesn't mean I practice them. I do it to understand others.

understanding others helps reduce hatred and bigotry (sp)

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:47 AM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Mon 03/24/08 10:48 AM
Christianity to me is accept that Jesus is the son of God and died for my sins. It's also not judgeing others but to offer my beliefs without forcing them. It's understanding the world God made, which comes with understanding different beliefs, cultures, history, etc

But again...that has NOTHING to do with the topic.

this is the origin of the holidays..not our beliefs

Wolfshado's photo
Mon 03/24/08 10:48 AM

again...we are discussing it on a history basis..not a religious one necessarily

oh yellow... dont you see sweetie.. he just has to show you he is a BETTER christian than you are.
laugh laugh laugh

its people like this that made my decision to become pagan so easy

no one can prove that to me. to me that is God's call. and because I can learn about other beliefs doesn't mean I practice them. I do it to understand others.

understanding others helps reduce hatred and bigotry (sp)

and while i in no way mean to imply i am your god, i judge that you are correct and my call is that you are definatly a better PERSON.

The search for knowledge is a reward in itself!!

No wonder i see a freind in you Yellow We may not agree on everything, but we dont use that as the building blocks of friendships