Topic: Did God create evil? - part 2
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Mon 03/24/08 11:57 AM
Dear Funches,

I am not unfamiliar with mythology at all, yet as I have mentioned above I misunderstood your profession as I rechecked to read it again. I glanced at it the first time and that is where the mistake lies. I am fluent in many languages and understand the English language very well. Yes I am German and very familiar with Norse Mythologies. I am also a big fan of Joseph Campbell who specialized in mythology for most of his life. I only asked for I thought you did research in that area and I wanted to know what you know about Norse Mythology. Now that I know that you don't work in that area I need not to ask anymore. Afterall this is a forum where one can learn and explore other thoughts and everyone researches and finds different material and form their own perspectives of what it could mean.

As of concerning your project, I was merely trying to reach out to you on understanding what you are trying to do with your studies. I realized that you either gotten annoyed or offensive about it. There is no need to feel this way and if you don't want to share your thoughts about what you are researching and working so hard on then that is alright with me. I don't limit myself with different idealogies or beliefs and was interested in what you are trying to do.

All the best on your endeavors.


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Mon 03/24/08 12:06 PM
Dear Jeannie,

You say:

The creator Gods ~mentioned in the Urantia book~ also committed genocide on a regular basis. They held the opinion that as the creators, they had the right to destroy the lives that they created. After all, they were gods, or they worked for the Godhead, or what ever their jobs were ~they believed they had the right to kill masses of people who they decided were unfit or not good enough.

This is the excuse I hear from some Christians given to me for the killing of the people of Jericho. I was told that God had the right to take life because he had "given" it.

This is just not true. First of all, these creators were not God. Secondly, if this life was imperfect or unwanted by God, then why were they created to begin with? It does not make sense.

Did you know that this kind of mentality exists within the Zionist movement to remove people from the land of Israel?
Did you know that masses of people were exterminated for just this purpose within our own history?

I bring up Jericho and Christians tell me that it should not be an issue because it happened so long ago.?

Huh? Time is irreverent to a god. Anyway this idea and practice of genocide is STILL practiced today, in our own lifetimes. Israel refuses to define their borders, and continues to bomb those people in an effort to drive them out of "the promised land."

And Many Christians continue to support Israel ... because of the Bible. What they don't realize is that today's Israel is a communist country who practices terrorism, murder, and kidnapping. To add to that the "Jewish" people living there are not true dependents of Abraham mentioned in the Bible. Most of them are atheists and most of them don't even practice Judaism. It is all political.

All this because of an obsolete, misunderstood and poorly put together religion called Christianity. They are all still living in the dark ages and they are all still killing each other and supporting genocide in third world countries because of some silly notion that a god has "chosen people." That is so mid evil, it is pure ignorance and pure evil. If you want to say there is such a thing as evil I would say that the propagation of ignorance it it.

Now I apologize to my good Christian friends who I know and love. But that is the way I see it.

REPLY: Very interesting perspective!

As far as I understand history the UN and the world powers together voted and decided to help Zionism be possible and made Jerusalem and its surrounding area Israel. Albert Einstein a German Jew was for Zionism in the beginning yet against it later for he realized it would promote war to no ends. I can visualize at the time that Palestiniens who lived there the whole time suddenly are ousted out of their lands. Many of the neighboring countries (didn't) have a say in this whole movement and had to accept this decision from world powers at the time although they were against it.
I also understand that the UN also voted at the time to perhaps start Israel in Africa but it fell short because they believe that Jerusalem is the starting stone of their religion. Alot of history was recorded there when the religion began.

Today it winds out to be a big mess at no ends you are right about that and your conclusion on those books you read could be true.


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Mon 03/24/08 12:12 PM

Dear Funches,
I was merely trying to reach out to you on understanding what you are trying to do with your studies. I realized that you either gotten annoyed or offensive about it.

cut the crap "smiless" you were trying to be a smart ass need lessons in trying to hide it better...

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 03/24/08 12:16 PM
Something a lot of people aren’t aware of is that, in it’s early days Christianity was in competition with the Greek religions. Greek religions at that time were practice with as much sincerity and devotion as any other religion. They certainly we’re considered to be ‘mythology’ at that time.

In fact, Christianity saw the Greek religions as a very serious threat because more people were attracted to the Greek Gods. They worshiped the Greek God in huge numbers. Tens of thousands of people would attend rituals to worship and appease the Greek Gods.

The Christians actually muscled in on the action by strategically building churches near (or even on) the sites that were being used for the Greek rituals. They Christian churches also went a bit underhanded to embrace the Greek Gods, to draw in a following and slowly convert them to more Christian beliefs.

They did this through much well-organized proselytizing campaigns, which the Greeks weren’t using. Prior to the invasion of Christian proselytizing the Greek Gods were worshipped almost automatically, with no real need to drive the people to do this.

So Christianity was basically strategically battling against an undefended religion. Clearly they won out, and when they did they pronounced the Greek religions to be nothing more than mythology.

In truth though, Christianity doesn’t have any more merit that the Greek religions had. They only reason it isn’t seen as mythology today is become no one strategically attacked it and proselytized against it.

I’m feel absolutely certain that there will come a time in the future when the term “Christian mythology” will be very common. And ever tongue will confess that Christianity was never anything more than mythology.

Then we’ll finally be able to move forward from the dark ages. flowerforyou

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Mon 03/24/08 12:25 PM
Dear Abra,

You say: Something a lot of people aren’t aware of is that, in it’s early days Christianity was in competition with the Greek religions. Greek religions at that time were practice with as much sincerity and devotion as any other religion. They certainly we’re considered to be ‘mythology’ at that time.

Reply: I have mentioned this in a similiar format many times, yet was for some reason ignored. No one actually elaborated on this. If we look back at history what you say is very true! A group of scholars challenged a different perspective of how to worship and obey in a different way to keep society intact.

It seems fear works really good amongst people when governments use it. It just happened again just recently! In this case Romans felt threatened by a different idealogy!

Well I won't elaborate anymore on this as you have pretty much defined it at its best. Highlighting and keeping. Thank you.

It seems the dark ages will always stay! laughing here, but it is true. Many somehow cannot go beyond the studies of the bible or one belief system??


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Mon 03/24/08 12:32 PM
Dear Funches,

If any of my forums show in your mind sarcasm then I assure you that I didn't write them to be in this way. I honestly tried to be sincere here and wanted to understand what you are trying to do with your project. All who know me know that sarcasm isn't one of my characteristics. Assuming is such a terrible thing people do consistently around the world and yet again you did this with me. What ashame.

All the best,


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Mon 03/24/08 12:46 PM

Dear Funches,

If any of my forums show in your mind sarcasm then I assure you that I didn't write them to be in this way.

hey I have no problem with sarcasm ..sarcasm is our friend I said you just need lessons in hiding yours or stop playing these Di Vinci codes games and just be burnt and stay what you have to say...I would respect you more

I honestly tried to be sincere here and wanted to understand what you are trying to do with your project.

ok if that is true then explain what my project had to do with you wanting to know about Norse Mythology project had nothing to do with Santa and his little elves

All who know me know that sarcasm isn't one of my characteristics.

yes I agree.... you do need lessons

Assuming is such a terrible thing people do consistently around the world and yet again you did this with me.

can someone hand me a hoo sob sob

What ashame.

All the best,


yes you should be ashame ...but don't worry "smiless" you will make it to the sarcasm big leagues one day ...just keep the "faith"

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Mon 03/24/08 12:57 PM
Hey maybe we should start a thread of nothing but sarcasm.

I try to be nice these days, to avoid hurting people's sensitive feelings but sarcasm is an old passion of mine. I'm very good at it, but it is easy to slip form sarcasm to hurtful insults and some people don't know where to draw the line.

Perhaps we could use code brackets like this:

<sarcasm> PLACE SARCASTIC REMARK HERE </end scarasm>


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Mon 03/24/08 01:12 PM
Dear Jeannie and Funches,

The funny thing is that I wasn't trying to be sarcastic!

I thought he studied mythology, but I admit it was my mistake because I read it wrong on his profession - profile and there is where the confusion began. I am certain other people would answer differently to misunderstandings but we know how funches is a direct attack claiming I was being sarcastic.

Concerning Funches project is something I don't understand and I admit it free willingly. I am always learning other peoples perspectives as life is full of ideas and things to learn that cannot be attained in one lifetime.

His alien, mountains that make noises is something I couldn't get a grasp on and needed definition. I don't understand the concept of it? I was merely asking him to explain. My attempt was futile in the end! I was told I don't understand because I don't have his intelligence if you review further up on his replies. Then I am told why I ask about Norse Mythology when it has nothing to do with his project. I asked as a different question for at the time I thought he specialized in this and saw he didn't. To be honest with you his project can be reviewed as a fantasy, mythology if you will, or even a reality if one believes it.

In the long run it doesn't matter and I don't need to have someone respect me because of mere questions I ask so mr. funches I don't seek your respect! I have plenty of people who respect me.

Dear Jeannie I find your research interesting and I actually go and look at the suggestions you post to see on websites. Some books are very expensive to get though!! lol

I wish you both a great day.


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Mon 03/24/08 01:12 PM
As far as I understand history the UN and the world powers together voted and decided to help Zionism be possible and made Jerusalem and its surrounding area Israel. Albert Einstein a German Jew was for Zionism in the beginning yet against it later for he realized it would promote war to no ends. I can visualize at the time that Palestiniens who lived there the whole time suddenly are ousted out of their lands. Many of the neighboring countries (didn't) have a say in this whole movement and had to accept this decision from world powers at the time although they were against it.
I also understand that the UN also voted at the time to perhaps start Israel in Africa but it fell short because they believe that Jerusalem is the starting stone of their religion. Alot of history was recorded there when the religion began.

Today it winds out to be a big mess at no ends you are right about that and your conclusion on those books you read could be true.

The Urantia book, I believe, was written by advanced beings or else someone else unknown with an agenda, who saw the coming of the fall of our Current dominant religion called Christianity and so this book was written to finally "tell the truth" about the life of Jesus, and how the world was created, in detail.

The book is a huge work of propaganda, IMHO, whose aganda, I believe, is to take over religious dogma and become the one world religion that all speak of, when the Bible finally fails to keep Christianity together so that the worship (and rulership) of these creator gods will continue.

In other words, I suspect that the Urantia Book was written to replace the Bible. There are already a great number of followers of Jesus who have replaced this book as their holy book.

Of course the story or myth of the savior god (Jesus) continues in this book, but a vast amount of information about the legions of creators (gods) are covered, and the Lucifer rebellion is detailed and also there is great detail of the "true" life of Jesus, which I believe is pure fiction.

And they want humans to worship and be ruled by these creators, and they want humans to accept their place and understand why these creators have chosen to commit genocide of entire races of people.


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Mon 03/24/08 01:19 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 03/24/08 01:20 PM
Dear Jeannie I find your research interesting and I actually go and look at the suggestions you post to see on websites. Some books are very expensive to get though!! lol

I wish you both a great day.

The Matrix V books are expensive but the site has lots of information on it about lots of really wild stuff. I don't really subscribe to all of it, nor do I dismiss it either.

I would not consider myself open minded if I dismissed any information, that includes the Bible. All information has reason and value and some underlying truth within it. All writings have agendas, and I look for the agenda and for the truth in all that I read.

The Urantia book can be found in it's entirety on line and it can also be purchased.

(I have two of the Matrix V books. You can only get them by purchase through snail mail. They are not available on the Internet.)


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Mon 03/24/08 01:24 PM
Dear Jeannie,

I have highlighted the websites and will continue each day to read on it. I find it interesting. I do also believe everything is linked together on these belief systems.

As Abra always tells me to do.. enjoy the ride. lol


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Mon 03/24/08 01:25 PM

About sarcasm, I do not see any sarcasm in anything that Smiles posts. Smiles is someone who is looking at a lot of information, and I recognize him as someone like me who seeks the truth of the earth's game and of history. A reasearcher.

Funches, on the other hand likes to play games and get people's reactions. I have no idea what his agenda is, except to mess with people while he himself searches for something to believe in. That is my impression of him. Oh he loves sarcasm. Sarcasm is a release irritation fueled by smoldering anger. I suspect he in his search for what is true he is irritated at finding so much propaganda and lies. I can relate to that.

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Mon 03/24/08 01:29 PM

Concerning Funches project is something I don't understand and I admit it free willingly.

that why I made that video so simple that even a caveman could understand it..the people that wanted to be part of it grasped the meaning of it so that is why i said you may have limited conception powers ....

and besides in your post you ask how was the project going and said nothing about me explaining it to you or you not being able to conprehend it ... see "smiless" how easily you get caught when you lie ..

no photo
Mon 03/24/08 01:33 PM

Concerning Funches project is something I don't understand and I admit it free willingly.

that why I made that video so simple that even a caveman could understand it..the people that wanted to be part of it grasped the meaning of it so that is why i said you may have limited conception powers ....

and besides in your post you ask how was the project going and said nothing about me explaining it to you or you not being able to conprehend it ... see "smiless" how easily you get caught when you lie ..

Funches, those cave men on T.V in those commercials are going to come after you now, not to mention Geico.

I am not a cave man or a cave woman and I just thought the video was funny. Funny is good. And it was also a sarcastic parody.
You did not debunk anything you just made fun of things you don't understand.

When you grow up you might become a great Hollywood producer.


no photo
Mon 03/24/08 01:36 PM

Concerning Funches project is something I don't understand and I admit it free willingly.

that why I made that video so simple that even a caveman could understand it..the people that wanted to be part of it grasped the meaning of it so that is why i said you may have limited conception powers ....

and besides in your post you ask how was the project going and said nothing about me explaining it to you or you not being able to conprehend it ... see "smiless" how easily you get caught when you lie ..

Dear Funches,

First I am sarcastic and now I am a liar. lol

You are hilarious indeed!laugh

I asked how your project is going on because I conceived it more like a sci fi project, yet since you actually find this as factual and as a study I wanted to know more about what this is really all about. Now my interest has actually subsided and I care less about your caveman and alien with mountains.

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Mon 03/24/08 01:39 PM


About sarcasm, I do not see any sarcasm in anything that Smiles posts. Smiles is someone who is looking at a lot of information, and I recognize him as someone like me who seeks the truth of the earth's game and of history. A reasearcher.

Funches, on the other hand likes to play games and get people's reactions. I have no idea what his agenda is, except to mess with people while he himself searches for something to believe in. That is my impression of him. Oh he loves sarcasm. Sarcasm is a release irritation fueled by smoldering anger. I suspect he in his search for what is true he is irritated at finding so much propaganda and lies. I can relate to that.

Well I tried my best to understand his video and even asked politely for more elaboration on it. My success failed. I think it would be a great martian movie indeed. lol

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Mon 03/24/08 01:43 PM

Concerning Funches project is something I don't understand and I admit it free willingly.

that why I made that video so simple that even a caveman could understand it..the people that wanted to be part of it grasped the meaning of it so that is why i said you may have limited conception powers ....

and besides in your post you ask how was the project going and said nothing about me explaining it to you or you not being able to conprehend it ... see "smiless" how easily you get caught when you lie ..

Funches, those cave men on T.V in those commercials are going to come after you now, not to mention Geico.

I am not a cave man or a cave woman and I just thought the video was funny. Funny is good. And it was also a sarcastic parody.
You did not debunk anything you just made fun of things you don't understand.

When you grow up you might become a great Hollywood producer.


sorry JennieBean but we're are not talking about that video...believe it or not I may have made more than one

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Mon 03/24/08 01:45 PM

grumble grumble grumble

If you would explain the videos please?

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Mon 03/24/08 01:48 PM


About sarcasm, I do not see any sarcasm in anything that Smiles posts. Smiles is someone who is looking at a lot of information, and I recognize him as someone like me who seeks the truth of the earth's game and of history. A reasearcher.

Funches, on the other hand likes to play games and get people's reactions. I have no idea what his agenda is, except to mess with people while he himself searches for something to believe in. That is my impression of him. Oh he loves sarcasm. Sarcasm is a release irritation fueled by smoldering anger. I suspect he in his search for what is true he is irritated at finding so much propaganda and lies. I can relate to that.

Well I tried my best to understand his video and even asked politely for more elaboration on it. My success failed. I think it would be a great martian movie indeed. lol

well "smiles" try watching it again maybe you take longer to figure out things