Topic: Did God create evil? - part 2
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Sat 03/22/08 07:00 AM
This ongoing debate on gods, angels, devils and so forth has many possibilities.

If you believe from a book, or the words from your former guru, priest, or monk as evidence then you have limited yourself to other conclusions, theories, and idealogies!

I believe the evidence must be objective, though; anecdotal evidence of other people's religious experiences isn't good enough. And strong, compelling evidence is required, because the existence of God is an extraordinary claim--and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Here are some things one should consider:

1. There is more to moral behavior than mindlessly following rules.
2. Be especially skeptical of positive claims.
3. If you want your life to have some sort of meaning, it's up to you to find it.
4. Search for what is true, even if it makes you uncomfortable.
5. Make the most of your life, as it could be the only one you'll have.
6. It's no good relying on some external power to change you; you must change yourself.
7. Just because something's popular doesn't mean it's good.
8. If you must assume something, assume something easy to test.
9. Don't believe things just because you want them to be true.

And finally (and most importantly):

10. All beliefs should be open to question.


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Sat 03/22/08 08:55 AM
Earth is a canniblistic place where all the inhabitants sustain their life by feasting on the Death from other life all life on this planet is a potential McNugget...which suggest that all Earth life is evil the question becomes who made life according to your beliefs? ..that answer will tell you who created evil

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Sat 03/22/08 09:32 AM
Dear Funches,

Your recent reply sounds logical also.

This is very true because if one thinks about it, why must we eat something that once lived to stay alive. I mean I know why, but why did a God(if there is one)create life in such a manner. If he was all good like we want to see him then killing something to find nuritionment to stay alive is not much of a holy or good act some would say? I must add that plants don't have nerves and it once did live also!
If there is a God that created everything then why must he make it to where we have to eat each other to sustain? No one visions this as evil for some reason?

Of course there will be some who will say that a evil angel (lucifer) came, yet again this is just a hypothetical theory from a book.

I am not looking for theories and looking for facts in which I show on my recent thread two or three blocks up.


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Sat 03/22/08 09:34 AM
I guess what I am trying to imply is if life exists why must it be eaten to have other life remain?

I mean if God was all willing he could have created life to where food and sleep wasn't necessary??

Just a weird thought I guess.

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Sat 03/22/08 10:01 AM

Earth is a canniblistic place where all the inhabitants sustain their life by feasting on the Death from other life all life on this planet is a potential McNugget...which suggest that all Earth life is evil the question becomes who made life according to your beliefs? ..that answer will tell you who created evil

If eating each other is "evil" then yes, we are all evil.

Here is the kicker: Humans may not be at the top of the food chain either. bigsmile

Do you think the cattle in the field realize that their kind human hosts are going to eat them?

Most of them don't.

Are we being tended as cattle by superior beings who one day will herd us all into a space ship and take us to some slaughter house?

Gruesome thought.


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Sat 03/22/08 10:25 AM
Dear Jeannie,

I hope I can do something unusual to be spared if we are being herded by superior beings. Imagine a cow that can suddenly dance to MC Hammer music or something. Perhaps we would spare that cow if so! lol

Of course fantasy is kicking in again. lol

Yet it is very true that we could all just be a offspring of evil.

I mean I like to use the prime example of the stories of Enka and Enlil(Egyptian and Sumerien Mythology), yet there are many other example stories used throughout the world. In the long run they are all just theories unfortunately.


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Sat 03/22/08 10:25 AM
My fringe theory about the product...

Have you ever heard the saying :"As above, so below" ?

"Below" would be our world.

What goes on here?

It is all about the product.

What is the Product?

There is only one Product in the Universe.

That product is ENERGY.

All kinds of energy in all forms qualifies. Like drugs come in all forms, so does energy.

Robert Monroe spoke of a product that is being harvested from the earth called "Loosh" He did not know what the product was. He just heard about it from his travels into the other worlds.

It could be Love, but it was in high demand, more like a drug, so I am not so sure that the product is love that is being taken by the inhabitants in this galaxy. I think it might be a form of energy that is closer to fear than love.

Beings who inhabit this world who do not have a physical body need energy to operate if they are on the astral plane. (Like ghosts or spirits or other 4th dimensional creatures etc.)

Here is my theory:
These psychic or energy vampires live off the energy of fear and cause nightmares for some people just to extract this energy. Aliens who do abductions have found ways to excite the mind numbing fear in their victims and somehow they feed off of this energy.

But it boils down to the product, which is energy of all forms.
Throughout the universe everything is energy and everything is an energy exchange.

Energy is life. Without energy, is death.


Abracadabra's photo
Sat 03/22/08 10:34 AM
I mean if God was all willing he could have created life to where food and sleep wasn't necessary??

Absolutely. There are so many scenarios possible that we can’t even imagine them.

When you stop and think about it, it’s extremely naïve to believe that all that exists is the earth and some eternal Heavenly Kingdom ruled by a dictating godhead. This is definitely the stuff of fairytales. Quite limited old-fashioned ones at that.

We think of this universe as being extremely complex. But in truth it’s actually a very simple place.

There are only a handful of natural laws. Basically only four forces that we know of, that explain everything we see! In the entire observable universe there are only about a hundred different elements or types of atoms, that make up everything. And those atoms are constructed by an extremely small group of subatomic entities called leptons and quarks. In theory you can construct this entire universe using only about four forces, and about three kinds of quirky quarks and a single type of lepton.

It’s an extremely simple place really. All the complexity that we see before us arises from a very small set of rules and fundamental constituents.

The universe is elementary my dear Watson.

The structure of DNA is encoded in the carbon atom, and the structure of the carbon atom is encoded in the quarks. Along with the forces that are nothing more than the rules of how these structures must become manifest.

The blueprint for the entire human body is ultimately encoded in the quarks. But to believe that this was the goal of the quarks is to misunderstand. Because there are many other possibilities as well, (as we can clearly see just in the diversity of life on this planet).

Clearly human beings were not the goal of this universe. If that were the case there would have been no need for the dinosaurs to reign supreme for 300 million years!

Humans are just one number of infinitely many numbers that can come up on the face of the dice of the universe.

And there’s absolutely no reason to believe that this entire universe is the only possible way to create a universe. There must be infinite ways to create a universe.

People who think in terms of just heaven and earth are seriously limited in their imagination. The entire biblical picture was written by men who thought precisely in this limited way. Those men believed that God created heaven and earth. And that the earth was the focal point of God’s creation. We know this isn’t the case. If that were the case there would have been no reason to create billions of other galaxies.

Like Carl Sagan once said, “The stage of reality is far too big for the biblical plot”. It has human beings and the earth at center stage, when in reality the earth is but a speck of dust within an unimaginably vast cosmic stage. The only thing that places mankind in center stage is his own obsession with arrogance.

Mankind created his own God. A God that serves his agenda. Not the other way around.

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Sat 03/22/08 10:41 AM

Dear Funches,

Your recent reply sounds logical also.

This is very true because if one thinks about it, why must we eat something that once lived to stay alive. I mean I know why, but why did a God(if there is one)create life in such a manner. If he was all good like we want to see him then killing something to find nuritionment to stay alive is not much of a holy or good act some would say? I must add that plants don't have nerves and it once did live also!
If there is a God that created everything then why must he make it to where we have to eat each other to sustain? No one visions this as evil for some reason?

Of course there will be some who will say that a evil angel (lucifer) came, yet again this is just a hypothetical theory from a book.

I am not looking for theories and looking for facts in which I show on my recent thread two or three blocks up.


also "smiless" evil can be measured by looking at the angels..since God created angels do angels eat food or have to drink water to live...and if so then what kind of food do angels eat and do they feed off the death of others ...and how many angels in Heaven are starving .... that God created humans to live on death is in itself evil

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Sat 03/22/08 10:47 AM
Aside from Aliens your belief is very similiar to Buddhism. They also meditate to gather energy from everything that exists in Nirvana perspective.

anything is possible even your theory!

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Sat 03/22/08 10:51 AM

Earth is a canniblistic place where all the inhabitants sustain their life by feasting on the Death from other life all life on this planet is a potential McNugget...which suggest that all Earth life is evil the question becomes who made life according to your beliefs? ..that answer will tell you who created evil

If eating each other is "evil" then yes, we are all evil.

Here is the kicker: Humans may not be at the top of the food chain either. bigsmile

Do you think the cattle in the field realize that their kind human hosts are going to eat them?

Most of them don't.

Are we being tended as cattle by superior beings who one day will herd us all into a space ship and take us to some slaughter house?

Gruesome thought.


that superior beings may use humans as a food source is possible since even the bottom of the food chain does that ..bacteria eat people and of course your occasional big old Nile crocodile have probably eatan it's share of "Human McNuggets"

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Sat 03/22/08 10:58 AM
A mystery Funches and everything is possible. I watched your video by the way. Interesting indeed.

Sounds from special carved mountains that make certain sounds that if you enter it you become a God perhaps. Who knows?

Reminds me of Pharoahs and the process they go through with the book of the dead. All the body parts carefully stored in boxes as of the mummification to ensure a ressurection.

I personally believe the scholars who wrote the bible took that idea from this belief, just changed it around to their times.

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Sat 03/22/08 11:00 AM
that is of concerning of the ressurection of jesus that perhaps these scholars took the idea from earlier religious beliefs such as the Egyptians where perhaps it all started?

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Sat 03/22/08 11:47 AM

that is of concerning of the ressurection of jesus that perhaps these scholars took the idea from earlier religious beliefs such as the Egyptians where perhaps it all started?

that Jesus had to die to be resurrected just proves that Jesus goal was to commit suicide

all my video suggest was that it was possible to activate the God complex which would be the ability to consciously control one's subconscious and one wouldn't have to die ...

that Jesus choose to leave by dying suggest the bible was trying to tell everyone that they are Pantheist and trapped in this reality and that dying was a way out of this reality

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Sat 03/22/08 12:00 PM
that Jesus choose to leave by dying suggest the bible was trying to tell everyone that they are Pantheist and trapped in this reality and that dying was a way out of this reality

If only that were true.

There is the reincarnation theory. As soon as you die your energy is sucked up into the light, recycled and sent back down into another body ...

so we would then have to figure out how to avoid that, so we could go on to another reality.


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Sat 03/22/08 12:17 PM

that Jesus choose to leave by dying suggest the bible was trying to tell everyone that they are Pantheist and trapped in this reality and that dying was a way out of this reality

If only that were true.

There is the reincarnation theory. As soon as you die your energy is sucked up into the light, recycled and sent back down into another body ...

so we would then have to figure out how to avoid that, so we could go on to another reality.


the Bible really just points in the direction of Pantheism ..when God said "I AM" that was the only way that God could prove his existence to himself not anyone else....that's why you probably think I was disrespecting you when I said that The Laws of Quantum Physics disproves Pantheism but those laws only apply to this reality and that's why God doesn't enter into this reality because he would no longer be a God but be under the jurisdiction of the Laws of Physics

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Sat 03/22/08 12:17 PM
I think it was a great story these scholars used to challenge Roman Authority at the time. I am amazed the bible stays such a strong story today and the world's most sold book. I personally don't think Jesus ressurrected and that he was actually forced to be nailed on a cross by the Romans. The reason at the time was that the Romans wanted to warn others not to follow the Christian path. I think the Roman Emperor was challenged to believe in one god when these scholars were beginning to make many believe in their fascinating stories such as Jesus making someone see again, or curing diseases with a touch of his hand. As far as I understand Romans where like the Egyptians who believed in many Gods until a later date. (I am not sure about this for the Jewish faith was in existence also and believed in one god and where a part of Roman and even Egyptian society at the time.

I think the scholars who wrote the book(bible) at the time have had a collection of other stories to build from and used it in context to challenge a different lifestyle at the time.
With some research you can actually compare mythological stories with any religious book and be amazed how much similiarities they share.
It is like if you read the Koran you will see alot of similiarites that are derived from the bible.

My question is where did it all first start. I know the first civilization that mentioned for a brief period where the Egyptians by a Pharoah who order everyone at his reign to believe only in The God of Ra (Sun god). This pharoah had everyone destroy the many statues and shrines worshipping different gods such as Bast,Isis, Anubis, Hathor, etc. and to only keep the God of Ra standing as the ultimate God to worship. After his reign ended the new Pharoah order to restore the belief of worshipping many different gods again.

If the Jewish faith at the time perhaps took this belief and reintroduced it to their book using Moses and other followers?

Then we look at the story of Enka and Enlil, which is supposingly on clay tablets from the Sumeriens 450,000 years ago that indicate this planet was empty until aliens from the planet of Nibisus crash landed into Africa to create humans to slave for gold. A long story in itself and will leave this part alone.

This of course doesn't answer the question of how anything started as scientist predict that the universe is 13.7 billion years old. And if we even know what existed before this time period what started that? The question is nonending!

We also have Norse mythology that is really interesting.

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Sat 03/22/08 12:28 PM
and that he was actually forced to be nailed on a cross by the Romans (meaning I believe he forced to walk with the cross on his back and nailed to it by Romans)

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Sat 03/22/08 12:45 PM

I think it was a great story these scholars used to challenge Roman Authority at the time.

well "smiless"..the romans had one of the most powerful armies in the world...but what good are swords against an enemy that is unseen and incomprehensible to the human senses and how do you fight such an enemy called "a belief in something"

a belief doesn't have any proof or need any proof and it's believers can't even provide any proof but a belief provides a way that one person can become dictator of the world ..which is why the governments have become smart and have learn that to keep another person like Jesus or another svengali from showing up and controling the people as an army is why many of the world's governments have merge with religion as a form of control..control the belief control the people and control the svengali Jesus-es and therefore keep the society running smoothly under government control

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Sat 03/22/08 01:22 PM
Yes it seems that way indeed.

If we look at China more then half of their population are atheists. If this would be the first nation in the future who will actually run their government with absolute no religion required. I have been there twice and met the people. They are really nice and don't spend alot of time worrying about Gods or Demons. They are living life to their fullest extent enjoying what life has to offer them each day. Many don't care what happens after they pass away!

I mean I know that we have groups like the (freethinkers) who try hard to make sure this government tries to keep politics and religion seperated, yet many of the documents that build this Democracy is based with starting lines of religion. It is true many governments use religion to keep order to their people. The Islam faith is very strong in this perspective.