Topic: Liberia....Thank you George Bush...
Chazster's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:42 AM

Also if we didn't have Bush we wouldn't have retaliated after 9/11 and looked weak. We wouldn't have had the patriot act that has actually saved lives.

So we look strong if we strike A COUNTRY THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11????!!!!noway huh brainwashing at it's best.

Patriot act saves lives????noway huh

yea it does. they arrested a guy planning to blow up the Brooklyn bridge.

Chazster's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:44 AM
Oh and its not called brainwashing. Its called knowing the facts. I actually look things up and form an opinion about something rather than just tell everyone they are brainwashed.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:48 AM

So we look strong if we strike A COUNTRY THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11????!!!!noway huh

Hold up sweetpea, Iraq absolutely had something to do with 9/11. Remember the 80's? Ronnie Raygun, Ollie North and the Iran/Contra debacle? America had a huge woody for Iran and we covertly supported Iraq in their war against Iran for years till it got found out then we left Saddam dangling in the breeze. Then Desert Storm came along and we twisted his tail a little harder. Yup that's right, we all know what paybacks are. We are basically a victim of REPUBLICAN foreign policy

Soooo, the connection to Iraq and al qaeda is???????? And Saddam did what on 9/11?????

no photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:51 AM
Troubled, I disagree with your assesment of the Iran/Iraq situation, the Regan debaucle stemmed from selling weapons to known terrorists when (I believe) there was a law strickly forbbiding this or at least policy prohibited the sales. Oliver North took the blame for Reagan who obviously was in the begining stages of alzheimers since he "couldn't remember" anything. It was the deal that got the hostages freed from Iran.
Saddam started believing he really was in power and pushed his muscle around, why he attacked Kwait no one will really know, that information died with him and the US isnt talking...I have my suspicions, but Im a great fan of conspiracy theories...US being beholding to Sauddi Arabia had to act in defense of Kwait I always wondered if the invasion of Iraq didnt have something to do with that...? But that's my own mind wandering
Saddam did not harbor terroist as a matter of fact he was the sole entity keeping Al Quaida at bay out of his country, now with him gone those sects are flourshing.

Chazster's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:52 AM

It was the war on terror not the war on bin ladden. Saddam has harbored terrorist organizations, he paid families of suicide bombers, in the past the attacked his own people with mustard gas.. that is terrorism.

Oh I get so tired of repeating myself, okay here goes the "war on terror" is a sham of brainwashing created by your illustrious leader. All terrorists are not arab, Iraq was not a terrorist homeland, terrorists are world wide and Iraq makes no difference to terrorists one way or the other, we are not having attacks here at home because of an increase in homeland security not because we are in Iraq, we are not the great nation of dictator removers, we are not a nation of great democricizers it is not our "job", etc.......

We should be finding a prosecuting the perpetrator of 9/11, right?????!!!!!!

Al Qaeda officially declared war on the US in 1998.

Nobody said all terrorists are Arab, but most terrorists are Muslims.

Iraq was a terrorist homeland. Saddam was hiding of the people responsible for the first Trade Tower bombing.

The terrorists have said that Iraq is the center of their war against America.

We have stopped several terrorist attacks in the US based on information we have gathered from Iraq, such as phone numbers and names of terrorists in the US.

Al Qaeda officially declared war on the US in 1998. So what?? What does that mean to this subject? Al Qaeda was not in Iraq to begin with and they did not perpetrate 9/11 from Iraq, etc..... If we were getting al qaeda we sure as hell would not have went to Iraq so what does that mean????

Nobody said all terrorists are Arab, but most terrorists are Muslims. This is not true. Terrorist come from all races and backgrounds. You have been brainwashed to believe this.

Iraq was a terrorist homeland. Saddam was hiding of the people responsible for the first Trade Tower bombing. Iraq is not the homeland of terrorists, you have been brainwashednoway No one says Saddam was an angel, Saddam did not do 9/11, SADDAM DID NOT DO 9/11!!! SADDAM DID NOT DO 9/11!!!!

The terrorists have said that Iraq is the center of their war against America. Not truenoway

We have stopped several terrorist attacks in the US based on information we have gathered from Iraq, such as phone numbers and names of terrorists in the US. SO A COUPLE PHONE NUMBERS IS A VALID REASON FOR HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE TO DIE????!!!!!noway

Lets see, noone said Saddam did 9/11 yet you keep talking about it. Most of the innocent deaths are not from us.

no photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:52 AM

Al Qaeda officially declared war on the US in 1998. So what?? What does that mean to this subject? Al Qaeda was not in Iraq to begin with and they did not perpetrate 9/11 from Iraq, etc..... If we were getting al qaeda we sure as hell would not have went to Iraq so what does that mean????

It goes back to Dragoness's statement about there not really being a war on terror. There is.

Nobody said all terrorists are Arab, but most terrorists are Muslims. This is not true. Terrorist come from all races and backgrounds. You have been brainwashed to believe this.

Strawman. Most terrorists are Muslim. Period. I didn't say that all terrorists are Mulim. Also, Islam is a religion, not a race. There are Asian muslims who are killing Asian Christians in Indonesia right now.

Iraq was a terrorist homeland. Saddam was hiding of the people responsible for the first Trade Tower bombing. Iraq is not the homeland of terrorists, you have been brainwashednoway No one says Saddam was an angel, Saddam did not do 9/11, SADDAM DID NOT DO 9/11!!! SADDAM DID NOT DO 9/11!!!!

Again, a strawman. Nobody said Saddam did 9/11. Iraq was a terrorist supporter state. The facts do not lie.

The terrorists have said that Iraq is the center of their war against America. Not truenoway

Yes, they have said that.

We have stopped several terrorist attacks in the US based on information we have gathered from Iraq, such as phone numbers and names of terrorists in the US. SO A COUPLE PHONE NUMBERS IS A VALID REASON FOR HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE TO DIE????!!!!!noway

Appeal to Emotion Fallacy. Hundreds of thousands haven't been killed and most of the people who have been killed were killed by the terrrorists. The Iraqis on the street appreciate the Americans. They see that the Americans are there to help and are not trying to control the country. They see Americans dying every day to protect them. They appreciate our sacrifices.

Chazster's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:54 AM

Troubled, I disagree with your assesment of the Iran/Iraq situation, the Regan debaucle stemmed from selling weapons to known terrorists when (I believe) there was a law strickly forbbiding this or at least policy prohibited the sales. Oliver North took the blame for Reagan who obviously was in the begining stages of alzheimers since he "couldn't remember" anything. It was the deal that got the hostages freed from Iran.
Saddam started believing he really was in power and pushed his muscle around, why he attacked Kwait no one will really know, that information died with him and the US isnt talking...I have my suspicions, but Im a great fan of conspiracy theories...US being beholding to Sauddi Arabia had to act in defense of Kwait I always wondered if the invasion of Iraq didnt have something to do with that...? But that's my own mind wandering
Saddam did not harbor terroist as a matter of fact he was the sole entity keeping Al Quaida at bay out of his country, now with him gone those sects are flourshing.

Really.. then I guess all this is lies.

Troubled's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:55 AM
Edited by Troubled on Thu 02/21/08 12:04 PM

Soooo, the connection to Iraq and al qaeda is???????? And Saddam did what on 9/11?????
Directly Financial support, Intelligence, Safe Haven, Training facilities. And on 9/11 he probably partied like a Kennedy.

no photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:58 AM


"In a partial-birth abortion, the abortionist pulls a living bcollapse, after which the abortionist completes the delivery of the now-dead baby"


Partial Birth(this is a name given to this proceedure by the same folks that brought us "Pro-life") abortion is an elective surgery done when the unborn fetus is discovered to be dead. In these cases the death of the fetus is discovered long before the pregnancy ends but too late to prevent the development of the fetus.
Thanks to King George, women now have to carry a dead fetus to full term...all hail the king...

no photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:00 PM


"In a partial-birth abortion, the abortionist pulls a living bcollapse, after which the abortionist completes the delivery of the now-dead baby"


Partial Birth(this is a name given to this proceedure by the same folks that brought us "Pro-life") abortion is an elective surgery done when the unborn fetus is discovered to be dead. In these cases the death of the fetus is discovered long before the pregnancy ends but too late to prevent the development of the fetus.
Thanks to King George, women now have to carry a dead fetus to full term...all hail the king...

Total BS. All Abortions involve a living fetus. The Partial birth abortion involves shoving scissors into the skull of a still living, partially delievered baby and then using suction to remove the childs brain.

adj4u's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:01 PM
Edited by adj4u on Thu 02/21/08 12:03 PM
here is some interesting reading on approval ratings of the presidents

if yer interested

looks like gw has at one time been the highest rated prez since b4 fdr

Chazster's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:02 PM
"Any physician who, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, knowingly performs a partial-birth abortion and thereby kills a human fetus shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both."

Actually the law states that the physician can't perform the abortion and kill the baby.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:08 PM
history is nothing but a bunch of conspiracies... Why do people think Bush behind them all? I don't trust him as i dont trust any other politician in the last 50 years. He did some good things and some bad. I love how people think that he is the root of all evil. He is only a temporary player in a never-ending game. A game that requires many players, some that have more pull than him. I wish he were responsible for everything that has gone wrong. If that were the case life would do a 100% turn around starting at the end of the year and no one would have anything to complain about.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:30 PM

Al Qaeda officially declared war on the US in 1998. So what?? What does that mean to this subject? Al Qaeda was not in Iraq to begin with and they did not perpetrate 9/11 from Iraq, etc..... If we were getting al qaeda we sure as hell would not have went to Iraq so what does that mean????

It goes back to Dragoness's statement about there not really being a war on terror. There is.

Nobody said all terrorists are Arab, but most terrorists are Muslims. This is not true. Terrorist come from all races and backgrounds. You have been brainwashed to believe this.

Strawman. Most terrorists are Muslim. Period. I didn't say that all terrorists are Mulim. Also, Islam is a religion, not a race. There are Asian muslims who are killing Asian Christians in Indonesia right now.

Iraq was a terrorist homeland. Saddam was hiding of the people responsible for the first Trade Tower bombing. Iraq is not the homeland of terrorists, you have been brainwashednoway No one says Saddam was an angel, Saddam did not do 9/11, SADDAM DID NOT DO 9/11!!! SADDAM DID NOT DO 9/11!!!!

Again, a strawman. Nobody said Saddam did 9/11. Iraq was a terrorist supporter state. The facts do not lie.

The terrorists have said that Iraq is the center of their war against America. Not truenoway

Yes, they have said that.

We have stopped several terrorist attacks in the US based on information we have gathered from Iraq, such as phone numbers and names of terrorists in the US. SO A COUPLE PHONE NUMBERS IS A VALID REASON FOR HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE TO DIE????!!!!!noway

Appeal to Emotion Fallacy. Hundreds of thousands haven't been killed and most of the people who have been killed were killed by the terrrorists. The Iraqis on the street appreciate the Americans. They see that the Americans are there to help and are not trying to control the country. They see Americans dying every day to protect them. They appreciate our sacrifices.

Since you are talking to "strawman" whoever that be, I will not answer that directly. But you are still spouting the brainwash you have been fed and choose to believe blindly, your choice.

I have not been brainwashed, I know that all terrorists are not arab, I know that Iraq ia not and will never be the center for terrorism of this world, I know that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, I know that Saddam paid for 9/11 with his life, I know that America has yet to be vindicated for 9/11 after all the innocent deaths of Americans and innocent Iraqis, etc.....

So continue to perpetrate the brainwash if you so choose. I will just keep calling it for what it is and there we will be.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:32 PM

Oh and its not called brainwashing. Its called knowing the facts. I actually look things up and form an opinion about something rather than just tell everyone they are brainwashed.

You are obviously not looking up all information as I have done or you would not believe the brainwash fed you.

Lindyy's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:32 PM


"In a partial-birth abortion, the abortionist pulls a living bcollapse, after which the abortionist completes the delivery of the now-dead baby"


Partial Birth(this is a name given to this proceedure by the same folks that brought us "Pro-life") abortion is an elective surgery done when the unborn fetus is discovered to be dead. In these cases the death of the fetus is discovered long before the pregnancy ends but too late to prevent the development of the fetus.
Thanks to King George, women now have to carry a dead fetus to full term...all hail the king...


Dear friend, did you not read my description? Do a google and you find a ton of websites describing this only with the gruesome pictures!!!!! The baby is ALIVE!!!! and there is NO MEDICAL reason on the part of the mother's health to terminate pregnancy. AND, even so, do you condone such a HEINOUS act on a living human being?????


no photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:34 PM

I know that all terrorists are not arab

Strawman Fallacy. Nobody has said that all terrorists are Arab. You are so sloppy with the facts, it is no wonder you hate Bush.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:15 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Thu 02/21/08 01:31 PM

It was the war on terror not the war on bin ladden. Saddam has harbored terrorist organizations, he paid families of suicide bombers, in the past the attacked his own people with mustard gas.. that is terrorism.

Oh I get so tired of repeating myself, okay here goes the "war on terror" is a sham of brainwashing created by your illustrious leader. All terrorists are not arab, Iraq was not a terrorist homeland, terrorists are world wide and Iraq makes no difference to terrorists one way or the other, we are not having attacks here at home because of an increase in homeland security not because we are in Iraq, we are not the great nation of dictator removers, we are not a nation of great democricizers it is not our "job", etc.......

We should be finding a prosecuting the perpetrator of 9/11, right?????!!!!!!

Al Qaeda officially declared war on the US in 1998.

Nobody said all terrorists are Arab, but most terrorists are Muslims.

Iraq was a terrorist homeland. Saddam was hiding of the people responsible for the first Trade Tower bombing.

The terrorists have said that Iraq is the center of their war against America.

We have stopped several terrorist attacks in the US based on information we have gathered from Iraq, such as phone numbers and names of terrorists in the US.

Al Qaeda officially declared war on the US in 1998. So what?? What does that mean to this subject? Al Qaeda was not in Iraq to begin with and they did not perpetrate 9/11 from Iraq, etc..... If we were getting al qaeda we sure as hell would not have went to Iraq so what does that mean????

Nobody said all terrorists are Arab, but most terrorists are Muslims. This is not true. Terrorist come from all races and backgrounds. You have been brainwashed to believe this.

Iraq was a terrorist homeland. Saddam was hiding of the people responsible for the first Trade Tower bombing. Iraq is not the homeland of terrorists, you have been brainwashednoway No one says Saddam was an angel, Saddam did not do 9/11, SADDAM DID NOT DO 9/11!!! SADDAM DID NOT DO 9/11!!!!

The terrorists have said that Iraq is the center of their war against America. Not truenoway

We have stopped several terrorist attacks in the US based on information we have gathered from Iraq, such as phone numbers and names of terrorists in the US. SO A COUPLE PHONE NUMBERS IS A VALID REASON FOR HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE TO DIE????!!!!!noway

Lets see, noone said Saddam did 9/11 yet you keep talking about it. Most of the innocent deaths are not from us.

But that is the real issue, Saddam and Iraq did not do 9/11, right?

Lets see lets go back in history here. On 9/11/01 terrorists controlled by bin laden strike American soil and kill thousands of people in one day. The logical target for us is bin laden, correct? Yet somehow saddam becomes an issue, How did that happen?? How did our objective of vindication for 9/11 go to Saddam? How did Iraq become an objective out of 9/11? Terrorist haven? Where is bin laden in this terrorist haven? Bin laden should have never been forgotten, right? Yet he was. Okay so we are pushing Saddam for inspections which from history we know he acts out about, right? So baby shrub knows he will take his sweet time and balk at every step so he pushes. Baby shrub tries to find allies in the UN and the UN is not in favor of invasion but we disregard them and go for it anyway. Now keep in mind that terrorists are world wide they are not centered in Iraq or Arab nations by a long shot so instead of taking our personal war on terror world wide with the UN like it should be done if it is truly a war on terror, we attack Iraq without all the backing of the world as should have happened. Why did we target Iraq again? Baby shrubs pipe dream, oh yea. So using WMDs in the beginning and hoping that Saddam has them even after the intel from 90's from saddam's brother in law stating the weapons had been disassembled and removed for the inspections then. Okay so six years later and possibly hundreds of thousands dead, no WMDs, no bin laden, no vindication of any kind for 9/11, here we are stuck there for the duration unless we wisely pull out of there and let them run their country as they should.

People, all this is obvious to a person who can see. I cannot understand the blindness unless they are brainwashed, so brainwashed it is.noway

Lindyy's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:17 PM


"In a partial-birth abortion, the abortionist pulls a living bcollapse, after which the abortionist completes the delivery of the now-dead baby"


Partial Birth(this is a name given to this proceedure by the same folks that brought us "Pro-life") abortion is an elective surgery done when the unborn fetus is discovered to be dead. In these cases the death of the fetus is discovered long before the pregnancy ends but too late to prevent the development of the fetus.
Thanks to King George, women now have to carry a dead fetus to full term...all hail the king...


Dear friend, did you not read my description? Do a google and you find a ton of websites describing this only with the gruesome pictures!!!!! The baby is ALIVE!!!! and there is NO MEDICAL reason on the part of the mother's health to terminate pregnancy. AND, even so, do you condone such a HEINOUS act on a living human being?????



"In a partial-birth abortion, the abortionist pulls a living bcollapse, after which the abortionist completes the delivery of the now-dead baby"


BECAUSE WHOEVER DID IT IS A VERY SICK PERSON, I DO NOT CARE WHO DID IT, SICK SICK SICK.explode explode explode explode explode explode

Everyone can look at my ORIGINAL POST for the true version, but I am reposting it here for clarification:




You do know what partial birth abortion is do you not? Let me tell you, I am more than pleased to keep you and all other leftie libbers educated on this gruesome criminal act:

"In a partial-birth abortion, the abortionist pulls a living baby feet-first out of the womb and into the birth canal (vagina), except for the head, which the abortionist purposely keeps lodged just inside the cervix (the opening to the womb). The abortionist punctures the base of the baby’s skull with a surgical instrument, such as a long surgical scissors or a pointed hollow metal tube called a trochar. He then inserts a catheter (tube) into the wound, and removes the baby's brain with a powerful suction machine. This causes the skull to collapse, after which the abortionist completes the delivery of the now-dead baby"


TwilightsTwin's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:22 PM

Copyright 2008 The Washington Times LLC
All Rights Reserved

The Washington Times
February 20, 2008 Wednesday
Irish rocker hails Bush on Africa;
:smile: By Jennifer Harper and Jon Ward, THE WASHINGTON TIMES

:heart: Irish rock 'n' roll singer Bob Geldof yesterday said President Bush has done more to fight disease and poverty in Africa than any of his predecessors.:heart:

Mr. Geldof, long an activist for Africa, was downright effusive about Mr. Bush during an informal meeting with the press yesterday near Kigali, Rwanda.

:heart: Mr. Bush "has done more than any other president so far," Mr. Geldof said.:heart:

:heart: " ..... George W. Bush is basking in rare adulation on his African tour," noted one ABC News account.:heart:

...The accounts were different among African news organizations. Mr. Bush was called "relaxed and charming" by the Citizen newspaper in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

flowerforyou :smile: "Bush at home in Africa, where the U.S. still shines," said the Namibian.:smile: flowerforyou

The Liberian paper also yesterday offered an account which showed that Mr. Bush also resonated with other entertainers besides Mr. Geldof:

:heart: :heart: "In a humid rehearsal studio, Liberia's pop queen is practicing her newest single - a song called 'Thank You' to be released on the occasion of President George Bush's visit to this African capital this week. Her head tilted back, her face wet with sweat, Juli Endee pulls the microphone close and belts out, 'Thank you George Bush,' " the account said.:heart: :heart:

It's not the first time Mr. Bush got unexpected accolades from the Irishman, though. In 2003, Mr. Geldof praised the Bush administration for clearly allocating funds for AIDS relief in Africa ....telling the Guardian, "Clinton was a good guy, but he did [nothing.]"noway

* Jon Ward reported from Rwanda.
Geldof [NO CREDIT]
February 20, 2008

Since when does the Washington Times' articles come with hearts?noway

When I become a rockstar perhaps my political opinion can appear in the Washington Times too! (I'd use less hearts though...I wouldn't want to make the other party sick)laugh

Since when does being a rockstar give you the credentials to be a political analyst???? Didn't Britney Spears also support George Bush???laugh :heart: laugh