Topic: Liberia....Thank you George Bush...
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Mon 02/25/08 04:02 PM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Mon 02/25/08 04:03 PM

Make no mistake. Baby bush brainwashed no one....He flat out lied.

when are some of you going to learn the truth about what a lie actually is....noway
Don't know what the poll numbers are today, but I think me and about 70% of the population have got a really good idea.bigsmile bigsmile

then you tell me what his lies were...then tell me how you know he didn't believe what he was saying cause there was lots of other leaders who believed the same info Bush had..noway

Since you are a big believer in backing up claims with proof where exactly did you get this information from??? What leaders believed the same info??
I would hope that the man at LEAST believed the rubbish he was pushing. Bush would have to be on hell of a compulsive lier if he didnt.

wait a are the ones making the accusations so it's up to you to prove them....that is if your not too frightened....laugh

Troubled's photo
Mon 02/25/08 04:16 PM

Make no mistake. Baby bush brainwashed no one....He flat out lied.

when are some of you going to learn the truth about what a lie actually is....noway
Don't know what the poll numbers are today, but I think me and about 70% of the population have got a really good idea.bigsmile bigsmile

then you tell me what his lies were...then tell me how you know he didn't believe what he was saying cause there was lots of other leaders who believed the same info Bush had..noway

Since you are a big believer in backing up claims with proof where exactly did you get this information from??? What leaders believed the same info??
I would hope that the man at LEAST believed the rubbish he was pushing. Bush would have to be on hell of a compulsive lier if he didnt.

wait a are the ones making the accusations so it's up to you to prove them....that is if your not too frightened....laugh
I don't think I can type loud enough Skippyhappy

no photo
Mon 02/25/08 04:21 PM

Make no mistake. Baby bush brainwashed no one....He flat out lied.

when are some of you going to learn the truth about what a lie actually is....noway
Don't know what the poll numbers are today, but I think me and about 70% of the population have got a really good idea.bigsmile bigsmile

then you tell me what his lies were...then tell me how you know he didn't believe what he was saying cause there was lots of other leaders who believed the same info Bush had..noway

Since you are a big believer in backing up claims with proof where exactly did you get this information from??? What leaders believed the same info??
I would hope that the man at LEAST believed the rubbish he was pushing. Bush would have to be on hell of a compulsive lier if he didnt.

wait a are the ones making the accusations so it's up to you to prove them....that is if your not too frightened....laugh
I don't think I can type loud enough Skippyhappy

so are you trying to be funny since you can't prove what you claimed?...very typical...noway

Winx's photo
Mon 02/25/08 05:06 PM

We will all always believe what we choose to believe

you can choose to believe but we don't always make choices as to what we cannot however get into someones mind to verify that they believed or didn't believe in what they said.... if you choose to believe Bush lied then say you chose to believe he lied...that is not the same as accusing Bush as being a lier and for those who do call him a lier the question is what lies are they accusing him of?.....

Where have you been?! It's old, factual news.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 02/25/08 05:12 PM
a politician lying?????noway noway noway NEVER!!!


Winx's photo
Mon 02/25/08 05:15 PM

a politician lying?????noway noway noway NEVER!!!



no photo
Mon 02/25/08 05:29 PM
Where have you been?! It's old, factual news.

then it shouldn't be much for trouble and others like him to dig it up then...glasses

Troubled's photo
Mon 02/25/08 05:33 PM

a politician lying?????noway noway noway NEVER!!!

Yea really. And George Washington really did throw that silver dollar across the Potomac. noway noway noway bigsmile bigsmile

Winx's photo
Mon 02/25/08 06:28 PM

Where have you been?! It's old, factual news.

then it shouldn't be much for trouble and others like him to dig it up then...glasses

It would take pages and tons of time. It has been on the news.

How about you find the proof that he wasn't lying and show it to us? Of course, it would have to be from an unbiased, factual source.

no photo
Mon 02/25/08 10:31 PM

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....Ill bring it up as many times as I feel its necessary until there isnt a reason left to bring it up and that will be when Bush is impeached for his war crimes, when US meddling in the Middle East is revealed for the imperalism it is and the true facts of the US's glutonous need for oil is addressed and curtailed.
Sooooooo, I guess Im going to be talking for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.
Get used to it.

Please read the above to understand the true face of a liberal.

Winx's photo
Mon 02/25/08 10:38 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 02/25/08 10:39 PM

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....Ill bring it up as many times as I feel its necessary until there isnt a reason left to bring it up and that will be when Bush is impeached for his war crimes, when US meddling in the Middle East is revealed for the imperalism it is and the true facts of the US's glutonous need for oil is addressed and curtailed.
Sooooooo, I guess Im going to be talking for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.
Get used to it.

Please read the above to understand the true face of a liberal.

Why would you put down somebody for being a liberal? I am a Democrat. I don't put you down for being a Republican.

This is about debating. It's not about getting personal and insulting people for their beliefs.

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 05:24 AM
Edited by leahmarie on Tue 02/26/08 05:41 AM

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....Ill bring it up as many times as I feel its necessary until there isnt a reason left to bring it up and that will be when Bush is impeached for his war crimes, when US meddling in the Middle East is revealed for the imperalism it is and the true facts of the US's glutonous need for oil is addressed and curtailed.
Sooooooo, I guess Im going to be talking for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.
Get used to it.

Please read the above to understand the true face of a liberal.

Why would you put down somebody for being a liberal? I am a Democrat. I don't put you down for being a Republican.

This is about debating. It's not about getting personal and insulting people for their beliefs.

Winx.... How have I gotten personal? I copied/pasted your quote and indicated that what you are saying is the true face of a liberal. If that is putting you down, then there is something very amiss about what you posted.

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 05:32 AM
It would take pages and tons of time. It has been on the news.

The allegations have been on the news but what you need to do if your claim Bush lied then you need to provide the proof he lied. It's really that simple...even for you...noway

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:20 AM

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....Ill bring it up as many times as I feel its necessary until there isnt a reason left to bring it up and that will be when Bush is impeached for his war crimes, when US meddling in the Middle East is revealed for the imperalism it is and the true facts of the US's glutonous need for oil is addressed and curtailed.
Sooooooo, I guess Im going to be talking for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.
Get used to it.

Please read the above to understand the true face of a liberal.

Ive said it before and I will say it again, so PLEASE pay attention. I am a left-wing,feminist,socialist.
If you're going to patronize me with your blanket statement of "liberalism" as if its supposed to be put-down, at least make sure you've got the label right. And before you start calling me a Communist, do your homework and learn the differences between Communism and Socialism

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:31 AM

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....Ill bring it up as many times as I feel its necessary until there isnt a reason left to bring it up and that will be when Bush is impeached for his war crimes, when US meddling in the Middle East is revealed for the imperalism it is and the true facts of the US's glutonous need for oil is addressed and curtailed.
Sooooooo, I guess Im going to be talking for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.
Get used to it.

Please read the above to understand the true face of a liberal.

Ive said it before and I will say it again, so PLEASE pay attention. I am a left-wing,feminist,socialist.
If you're going to patronize me with your blanket statement of "liberalism" as if its supposed to be put-down, at least make sure you've got the label right. And before you start calling me a Communist, do your homework and learn the differences between Communism and Socialism



You refer to yourself as being a left-wing. That is akin to liberal. But alright, if you are getting so uptight about it, I will correct my post. So, here is my amended statement,

Please read the above to understand the true face of a left-wing.

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:32 AM
I am a left-wing,feminist,socialist.

take a look at governments who are left wing socialist and tell me that their road doesn't lead to communism...noway

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:35 AM
Thank you, I know many Republican who consider themselves "liberals"....too bad they dont speak out and take back their party. Historically Republicans were the most radical of the two parties....but then the Christian-right infiltrated and took it over and look at the mess they've made of the GOP....
sad, sad, sad...

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:36 AM
Left-wing is nothing like liberalism. Liberalism stands for liberty, left-wing does not. The left-wing want to subjugate the people, destroy their morality and inprison them within a totalitarian communist society. Get it right people.

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:39 AM

I am a left-wing,feminist,socialist.

take a look at governments who are left wing socialist and tell me that their road doesn't lead to communism...noway

Wow France is a communist country??? And I guess that means Spain is too???, Oh wait we better include Denmark, Sweden, etc....
Ah let us not forget the US in the 30's with the greatest socialist leader of them all Roosevelt. Or do you think Social Security was a gift from the Republicans...????laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 06:39 AM

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....Ill bring it up as many times as I feel its necessary until there isnt a reason left to bring it up and that will be when Bush is impeached for his war crimes, when US meddling in the Middle East is revealed for the imperalism it is and the true facts of the US's glutonous need for oil is addressed and curtailed.
Sooooooo, I guess Im going to be talking for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time.
Get used to it.

Please read the above to understand the true face of a liberal.

Ive said it before and I will say it again, so PLEASE pay attention. I am a left-wing,feminist,socialist.
If you're going to patronize me with your blanket statement of "liberalism" as if its supposed to be put-down, at least make sure you've got the label right. And before you start calling me a Communist, do your homework and learn the differences between Communism and Socialism


Let me explain to you why left-wing and liberal are the same. Left-wing refers to those who prioritize (social) equality as a political end. In general, the left-wing advocate a secular multicultural society. The term has been associated, in varying degrees, with Social liberalism, American Liberalism and Canadian Liberalism, some forms of Populism and Deconstructive Unitarianism, Social Democracy, Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Syndicalism, Communalism, Communitarianism, Libertarian Socialism, Anarchism, Left-Libertarianism, Anti-colonialism, Green Politics, Progressivism, and the Religious Left.

I might have left out one or two in the above, but believe I included most. I learned this from a Political Science Course I took not too long ago. Therefore, this is current information.