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Topic: Did God create evil?
iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 10:20 AM

God created Satan...Satan wanted to be like God and as a result of that desire Satan committed the first sin in the spirit world...

Everybody wants to be like God. And why not?

Who says that everybody wants to be like God? Some people don't think he exists why would they want to be like him unless they wanted to be like someone they think doesn't exist? Some think it is wrong to want to be like God. Satan wanted to be worshiped like God as God. laugh laugh

I say that everyone wants to be like God. I am glad you find that funny. People want to be like God because God has freedom and power. Nobody tells God what to do. Most people want freedom except those who do not want to take responsibility for themselves, and they are like children who need a mommy and a daddy to take care of them.

When people grow up spiritually they strive to be more like god. We are God. Didn't you know?


We are truly spirit like God is yes I agree... but you can't really speak for everyone. noway Some don't acknowledge the existence of God and I doubt they want to be like him. indifferent

But to say we are God... I don't really agree with maybe in a sense we are... but not in the same way that Satan wants to be like God.
I agree that yes some people do strive to be more like God but do not want to actually be him. :smile:

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 02/17/08 10:26 AM

For shame is all I have to say on your last statement......God is the only one....He is, was and always will be.....and God made it very clear do not worship ANYONE other then him......

God never made anything clear to anyone.

You believe that a certain book is the word of God.

But that is YOUR BELIEF!

That's not the word of God!


You're the one who beleives that.

We don't!

You're trying to claim that you're beliefs are absolute.

This is what so many Christians can't grasp.

That fact that you believe something on faith doesn't make it true!

That's why it's called FAITH!

If you want to believe that the Bible is the true picture of God then so be it. Believe it.

But you are SHOVING IT DOWN OTHER PEOPLE'S THROATS when you claim that YOUR belief is RIGHT, and THEY'RE beliefs are WRONG!

This is the pitfall of the religion you believe in. frown

You're trying to tell everyone else that if they don't believe in your God then they are rejecting God altogether and they are Satan worshipers!!! noway

No other religions try to tell you that you are Satan worshiper if you don't believe in their doctrines.

You often ask why people "pick" on Christianity. But they DON’T

What they are doing is simply trying to refute your accusations that they they’re beliefs are misguided.

You bring this one yourself when you suggest that everyone who doesn’t worship your God is rejecting God and choosing to be wicked!

You’re the one who is making the accusations!!!

If you want to live in a glass house you need to learn how to stop throwing stones!

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 02/17/08 10:38 AM

We are truly spirit like God is yes I agree... but you can't really speak for everyone. noway Some don't acknowledge the existence of God and I doubt they want to be like him. indifferent

But to say we are God... I don't really agree with maybe in a sense we are... but not in the same way that Satan wants to be like God.
I agree that yes some people do strive to be more like God but do not want to actually be him. :smile:

I would have to agree with you here.

I certainly wouldn't want to be like the Biblical God.

The Biblical God is portrayed as being an ego-like king of the universe with all other entities being of lesser power and authority. Therefore to want to be like that God would be to want to overthrow a ruler and became the ultimate authority over all other less powerful entities.

I certainly wouldn’t even want that position if that’s they way things were. I wouldn’t want to be the ultimate authoritarian over lesser being. That would be a terribly lonely and empty existence.

However, to be “god” in the sense of being a free spirit with ultimate power and control over my own self, would be Great. I think that if we all evolved into that kind of God then that would be utopia. Especially since everyone could simultaneously be God in that sense. That idea of God is not an idea of being a judgmental authoritarian over others.

I don’t think Jennie meant that she would want to be like the Biblical God. laugh

She doesn’t picture God to be like that in the first place. bigsmile

Dragoness's photo
Sun 02/17/08 10:53 AM
In truth, we are in complete and utter control of ourselves. Anyone who hands their control to another person or being is doing just that willingly handing their control over to someone or something else. Whether this makes us like god or not, I seriously doubt. The god of the bible plays head games with his sheep. He tells them all pleasures in life are sins and yet throws his nemisis in with them to "test" them to see how faithful they are to him. This is not being in control of oneself this god is actually out of control of himself. He is angry and vengeful. He is manipulative and overbearing. He is like a child at play and we are his pawns.

There is only one thing we are not in control of for the most part and that is our environment. Mother nature is a wonder to behold and we have little to no control over her. Nor can we control other humans, that too is out of our control. But in control of ourselves we are the ultimate control of ourselves. I doubt very seriously that makes us god like at least not the christian god anyway. Unless we aspire to be manipulative and overbearing like he is portrayed to be.

If I were to create a religion I would make sure my "sheep" did not think for themselves, can't have them seeing past my complete control, otherwise I would loose all of my sheep, know what I mean?

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 10:55 AM

We are truly spirit like God is yes I agree... but you can't really speak for everyone. noway Some don't acknowledge the existence of God and I doubt they want to be like him. indifferent

But to say we are God... I don't really agree with maybe in a sense we are... but not in the same way that Satan wants to be like God.
I agree that yes some people do strive to be more like God but do not want to actually be him. :smile:

I would have to agree with you here.

I certainly wouldn't want to be like the Biblical God.

The Biblical God is portrayed as being an ego-like king of the universe with all other entities being of lesser power and authority. Therefore to want to be like that God would be to want to overthrow a ruler and became the ultimate authority over all other less powerful entities.

I certainly wouldn’t even want that position if that’s they way things were. I wouldn’t want to be the ultimate authoritarian over lesser being. That would be a terribly lonely and empty existence.

However, to be “god” in the sense of being a free spirit with ultimate power and control over my own self, would be Great. I think that if we all evolved into that kind of God then that would be utopia. Especially since everyone could simultaneously be God in that sense. That idea of God is not an idea of being a judgmental authoritarian over others.

I don’t think Jennie meant that she would want to be like the Biblical God. laugh

She doesn’t picture God to be like that in the first place. bigsmile

Yeah! I know we have different views of God. I know his spirt lives within us because God is life.


Abracadabra's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:05 AM

If I were to create a religion I would make sure my "sheep" did not think for themselves, can't have them seeing past my complete control, otherwise I would loose all of my sheep, know what I mean?

Totos prohibited! laugh

Dragoness's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:11 AM

If I were to create a religion I would make sure my "sheep" did not think for themselves, can't have them seeing past my complete control, otherwise I would loose all of my sheep, know what I mean?

Totos prohibited! laugh

Totos ???huh

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:12 AM

In truth, we are in complete and utter control of ourselves. Anyone who hands their control to another person or being is doing just that willingly handing their control over to someone or something else. Whether this makes us like god or not, I seriously doubt. The god of the bible plays head games with his sheep. He tells them all pleasures in life are sins and yet throws his nemisis in with them to "test" them to see how faithful they are to him. This is not being in control of oneself this god is actually out of control of himself. He is angry and vengeful. He is manipulative and overbearing. He is like a child at play and we are his pawns.

There is only one thing we are not in control of for the most part and that is our environment. Mother nature is a wonder to behold and we have little to no control over her. Nor can we control other humans, that too is out of our control. But in control of ourselves we are the ultimate control of ourselves. I doubt very seriously that makes us god like at least not the christian god anyway. Unless we aspire to be manipulative and overbearing like he is portrayed to be.

If I were to create a religion I would make sure my "sheep" did not think for themselves, can't have them seeing past my complete control, otherwise I would loose all of my sheep, know what I mean?

Yes I agree we are all still in control of ourselves in what we do right now for the most part regardless of our beliefs or lack of.

If I were the creator I'd have less people and less mystery about myself probably.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:16 AM

Totos ???huh

Dorothy's dog in the Wizard of Oz that pulled back the curtain to reveal the man who was pulling all the levers to control the illusion of the all-powerful Wizard. bigsmile

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:26 AM

Totos ???huh

Dorothy's dog in the Wizard of Oz that pulled back the curtain to reveal the man who was pulling all the levers to control the illusion of the all-powerful Wizard. bigsmile

Yeah! Such a classic moment too.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:27 AM
I admire your poetic abilities and the way you explain yourself in your posts Abra...


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:29 AM
And you as well dragoness for your down to earthiness


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 11:37 AM
Edited by iamgeorgiagirl on Sun 02/17/08 11:50 AM
Did God create evil he asked
This questions answer… masked?
Don’t think so some say
What’s evil anyway?
We set out to ponder and tasked.

We all seem to think different ways
The answers can seem like a maze
Some may seem brutal
Others just futile
Still others the truth or a craze?


no photo
Sun 02/17/08 01:22 PM
There has always Been..

There has always been a war
raging where we could not see,
and someone is keeping score
in the branches of life's tree.

There has always been a peace
in the silence at the core,
as we wait for the release
of the burdens that we bore.

There has always been a hope
when the last of it seems gone;
and no one knows the scope
of the pattern that is drawn.

And the history of the game
written in the worlds above
will forever be the same;
for there has always been a Love.


yzrabbit1's photo
Sun 02/17/08 01:32 PM

Roses are red
Violets are Blue
God Created Satan
And Kills Babies Too

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 02/17/08 01:40 PM

Roses are red
Violets are Blue
God Created Satan
And Kills Babies Too

That's funny. laugh

But only because I realize that you're talking about a mythological God. bigsmile

Dragoness's photo
Sun 02/17/08 03:24 PM

Totos ???huh

Dorothy's dog in the Wizard of Oz that pulled back the curtain to reveal the man who was pulling all the levers to control the illusion of the all-powerful Wizard. bigsmile

Oh yea, I forgot, I wasn't awake all the way yet when I posted, sorry.

I just like people to realize what the purpose of religion is and why they use certain doctrines and laws in each religion. Each religion has to claim that all others are false or they would not have any followers, each religion has to give it's patrons a feeling of superiority or none would follow, each religion has to teach that there is a punishment for not following it's doctrines or it would not have any followers. There is a purpose to all that is done and said.

I have no problem with a person believing what they want to but they should understand the purposes and unveil any and all possible manipulations thereof. Only then can they fully see their religion. A clear sight and mind is always more useful to the world then a clouded one.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:10 PM

Roses are red
Violets are Blue
God Created Satan
And Kills Babies Too

Satan was once good
Now he is mean
No spirit has died
Just is unseen


Eljay's photo
Mon 02/18/08 08:06 AM

I think that before someone rejects Christianity, they really should know what Christian doctrine is.

Hence your decision to become a missionary on a dating site?

Regarding the idea of "REJECTING" Christianity:

One cannot "reject" something unless it is perceived by them that it is being "thrust" upon them.

A man forces himself upon me. I reject his advances by perhaps... saying no, or bending his fingers backward until he screams in pain. I would call that "rejection."


If the guy was just looking at me, or minding his own business with no intention of making pass at me, I could not experience the pleasure of rejecting him. (I'm being evil here.)
*// end of example//

So, from my perspective, by not accepting the Biblical myth (my opinion) as fact, that does not constitute a rejection of Christianity unless it was perceived as being forced upon me.

Are Christians still in the habit of forcing their religion on people? They will tell you NO NO NO , they are not.

Therefore, if this is true, you cannot ever claim that anyone is REJECTING Christianity.



I'm curious - what is the "Biblical Myth" to which you are refering?

I thought that would be obvious.

The "myth" is that the Bible is God's word, (simply because it says it is) and that it is the ultimate truth, and that the stories in the Bible are all completely true.

There may be some truth in the Bible and there may be some interesting stories, and even some history, but like any other book, they were written and embellished by men. Even history books of today were written and embellished by men, (and usually by the side that won the war.)

The rationalization or explanation I have heard for proof that the Bible is the word of God is that the Bible is a book "inspired by God."

So? This could even be true, as something called "God" exists inside all of us and inspires all of us. Many great books in existence today, I would agree were probably inspired by what I view as the God within.

But "inspired by God" does not mean "authored by God."

A fairy tale could have been "inspired by God."
A painting could have been "inspired by God."

If you want to believe this story, that is certainly your choice.

But that implies that only these ancient authors, (and no one else,) were chosen to be the only people in all of history to be inspired to write a book,(by "God") history or otherwise, this is unrealistic.

When the books in the Bible were chosen, there was much argument as to what books would be included and what books were to be left out. It was men who decided what to put in the Bible, not God.



Thank you for explaining your point. I disagree on a couple of your observations that you make, as it contradicts my idea of the God I have come to understand through my reasoning. This idea that "man" - or "religion" (what I would define as a group of like believers with a set agenda) would be left unhindered to convey the "Word of God" to humanity, sort of lessens any power or control that God should, and would have to get his message across. Why is it "unrealistic" that God chose certain individuals to "ghostwrite" (to borrow a modern term) exactly what He wanted said? And once that was done - preserve it? Do you not think an omipowerful, omniscient God capable of this?

What gives you the idea that the bible that remained after men "argued over what was to be included" was not exactly what God wished to remain? Nothing more - nothing less? Is it outside the realm of his power to not absolutely insure this?
Though you may conclude that this were the case, that subjective reality remains yours to hold fast to, but for some, God is big enough and powerful enough to have been totally in control over what should or should not have been included in scripture. Where God does NOT maintain control - is over what people will chose to believe once they read it. In that - they are left to their own devices. He provides "an interpretor" (if you will) who will lead anyone into total understanding of the absolutes of the truth of this word - that being the Holy Spirit - but to recieve this interpretor, one must ask Him for it. But to think that man is free to manipulate it at his will, and represent it as something that it was not intended for - the original manuscript that is - is to have in mind a pretty small God incapable of maintaining the very word he wishes his creation to have access to. If God states that he is unchanging - why would he allow his word to change - enough so that it doesn't even represent what he'd originally hoped it would?

To me - that's unrealistic.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 02/18/08 08:21 AM

"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'" I'm whispering "I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven."

When I say... "I am a Christian" I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I still feel the sting of pain..I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!

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