Topic: 2024: Biden Out, Harris In
Mr Good Guy's photo
Sun 08/04/24 05:34 PM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Sun 08/04/24 05:36 PM

Border Chaos is all due to Kamala and the J Biden administration. Most of America knows that.

Except that they came up with a bipartisan solution and Trump killed it to keep it being a problem before the election. So the continuing mess is really on Trump.
He wasn't going to give you guys any credit, and rightfully so, after the Democrats created the entire mess, kept it going for 3.5 years, encouraged it, then suddenly with election time coming, they miraculously pretended to care about the border. F that.
P.S...Spare me the "the border has been a problem for decades" nonsense. It was PURPOSELY supercharged under your darlings Biden and Kamala and every stat proves it. You don't get to F this country up by letting MILLIONS of illegals pour in and then quickly try to "fix" it just before voting time.

Bart's photo
Sun 08/04/24 05:46 PM

Border Chaos is all due to Kamala and the J Biden administration. Most of America knows that.

Except that they came up with a bipartisan solution and Trump killed it to keep it being a problem before the election. So the continuing mess is really on Trump.

5000 a day coming in isn’t a fix. And now we have no idea how many are being flown in while we sleep… but after nearly 4 years of subtle invites to come over here, Kamala says she wants to fix the border… she’s a little late reporting for her duty’s as ‘ The BCOTUS (border czar of the United States)…she has a long list of progressive ideas she is flip flopping on now. Which Kamala is the one running for president..

Urel's photo
Mon 08/05/24 06:31 PM
she's really good

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 08/06/24 08:03 AM

Radio Host said, just about any man would be a better President than Kamala Harris.
Minnesota governor is much more intelligent than she is.


Mortman's photo
Tue 08/06/24 12:44 PM

Radio Host said, just about any man would be a better President than Kamala Harris.
Minnesota governor is much more intelligent than she is.


Yeah, Tim Walz is really good!

no photo
Tue 08/06/24 01:57 PM
its getting really bad in the states i am from canada its getting as bad as the usa will the bible says it would be this way we are living in the end times

Bart's photo
Tue 08/06/24 05:36 PM
Edited by Bart on Tue 08/06/24 05:39 PM
Tim Walz, the guy that calls the Trump / Vance team weird. that’s funny when you hear their agenda that they want for America. I don’t think having family values wired or hard work being wired. Believing in your faith isn’t weird. Defending ally’s over terrorists is not weird. Those are what Trump / Vance support… What is weird is what the dems want… men having babies, tampon machines in boys bathrooms, gender mutilation for children..their obsession with drag queens. No limit abortions, men competing in woman’s sports … I consider those ideas weird and sick.. Walz is the Governor that said it was a peaceful protest in Minneapolis while antifa was burning it down and Kamala was bailing out the arsonists so they could do it again.. these two are the most far left ticket to ever run for President. We must do what’s best for our future and NOT vote for the democrat ticket. Who ever their choice may be at that time… p.s. probably the weirdest is that Nancy Pelosi thinks Joe Biden should be on Mount Rushmore…

dust4fun's photo
Tue 08/06/24 08:21 PM

Radio Host said, just about any man would be a better President than Kamala Harris.
Minnesota governor is much more intelligent than she is.


Yeah, Tim Walz is really good!

Walz really good? Good at what? Lock down for COVID was a disaster. Everything about the George Floyd overdose was a disaster. Minnesota is an over taxed welfare state. It's not even a swing state, Kamela found somebody as far left as she is. A moderate in an actual swing state would have made much more sense, but Kamela not too bright anyway.
Just a reminder of 1984 when Walter Mondale ran for President with the 1st woman running mate. Mondale got a total of 13 electoral votes, 10 from Minnesota and 3 from District of Columbia. Pretty sad when you only get 1 state out of 50. I realize times have changed, mostly for the worse. Can't say Trump is the best candidate, I prefer my presidents not to be a loser, like he was in 2020, But i am also sick of freeloaders, have no respect for Robinhood, or socialism. The government is way too big, and taxes way too high. But throughout history there really weren't many great, or even good Presidents, and unfortunately the House and Senate are not much better and even many everyday people are not capable of voting for decent things. The best thing would be to dismantle the entire government and rebuild it from scratch, clearly that won't happen in our lifetime, but if there is ever going to be a future it will happen at sometime.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Tue 08/06/24 10:23 PM

Tim Walz, the guy that calls the Trump / Vance team weird. that’s funny when you hear their agenda that they want for America. I don’t think having family values wired or hard work being wired. Believing in your faith isn’t weird. Defending ally’s over terrorists is not weird. Those are what Trump / Vance support… What is weird is what the dems want… men having babies, tampon machines in boys bathrooms, gender mutilation for children..their obsession with drag queens. No limit abortions, men competing in woman’s sports … I consider those ideas weird and sick.. Walz is the Governor that said it was a peaceful protest in Minneapolis while antifa was burning it down and Kamala was bailing out the arsonists so they could do it again.. these two are the most far left ticket to ever run for President. We must do what’s best for our future and NOT vote for the democrat ticket. Who ever their choice may be at that time… p.s. probably the weirdest is that Nancy Pelosi thinks Joe Biden should be on Mount Rushmore…
Good points all around to those not blinded with TDS and are actually interested in learning what Kamala and Walz are all about.

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 08/07/24 10:30 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Wed 08/07/24 10:36 AM


Yeah, Tim Walz is really good!

So is Kamala in your opinion.

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 08/07/24 10:31 AM

Governor let the city burn for 3 days during the J Floyd riots.

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 08/07/24 10:33 AM


Yeah, Tim Walz is really good!

You must not be doing your Research correctly.
Man is a Far leftist radical same as Kamala Plus more.

Mortman's photo
Wed 08/07/24 02:05 PM
You must not be doing your Research correctly.
Man is a Far leftist radical same as Kamala Plus more.

Maybe not too centrist, but he's firmly middle-class and is a good, family man. Walz has been elected to office more than Trump and Vance combined. He was a Command Sergeant Major in the MN Army National Guard, which I can assure you doesn't come to anybody who isn't an excellent soldier, and he's charming. As far as being "far leftist" I agree with him that government should stay out of personal health decisions between women and their doctors, and there's nothing wrong with making sure school kids are fed.

But go ahead and tell me how Trump, the convicted felon, is a better man.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 08/07/24 06:10 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Wed 08/07/24 06:12 PM

You must not be doing your Research correctly.
Man is a Far leftist radical same as Kamala Plus more.

Maybe not too centrist, but he's firmly middle-class and is a good, family man. Walz has been elected to office more than Trump and Vance combined. He was a Command Sergeant Major in the MN Army National Guard, which I can assure you doesn't come to anybody who isn't an excellent soldier, and he's charming. As far as being "far leftist" I agree with him that government should stay out of personal health decisions between women and their doctors, and there's nothing wrong with making sure school kids are fed.

But go ahead and tell me how Trump, the convicted felon, is a better man.

It's the far, far left verses far, far right. People are worried Trump will become a dictator, but that's exactly what the Democrats did during the COVID pandemic.
Wow, Walz was in National Guard :rolling_eyes:.
Parents should be feeding their children, not schools. How much does a loaf of bread and jar of peanut butter cost? Maybe these welfare people that had children they could not take care of should use some of those government food stamps to feed their children instead of themselves. Better yet instead of giving them food stamps we should give them a bag of rice, potatoes, and beans. If they don't like that they can go out and get a freak'n job and work for what they want.

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Wed 08/07/24 06:34 PM

It's the far, far left verses far, far right. People are worried Trump will become a dictator, but that's exactly what the Democrats did during the COVID pandemic.
Wow, Walz was in National Guard :rolling_eyes:.
Parents should be feeding their children, not schools. How much does a loaf of bread and jar of peanut butter cost? Maybe these welfare people that had children they could not take care of should use some of those government food stamps to feed their children instead of themselves. Better yet instead of giving them food stamps we should give them a bag of rice, potatoes, and beans. If they don't like that they can go out and get a freak'n job and work for what they want.

I agree with some of what you're saying. Ideally, parents SHOULD be feeding their own kids. But having worked in US schools, I can tell you that there are some kids whose only meals come from school. Either their parents are strung out on drugs, completely absent, mentally ill or just very young and extremely poor. At one school I worked at there was a program for those kids to take a backpack home on Fridays that contained peanut butter sandwiches and fruit to get them through the weekend. I don't think food should be provided in all schools, but in Title 1 schools, I do.

Bart's photo
Thu 08/08/24 06:55 AM

she's really good

Not really.. she now says that if she is elected she will make it her policy on day one to lower prices and inflation.. pardon me , but isn’t that her job now as Vice President .. Bidenomics was their plan to combat high prices and inflation? Is she saying they aren’t really trying to fix that problem now ?

Mortman's photo
Thu 08/08/24 01:24 PM
Not really.. she now says that if she is elected she will make it her policy on day one to lower prices and inflation.. pardon me , but isn’t that her job now as Vice President .. Bidenomics was their plan to combat high prices and inflation? Is she saying they aren’t really trying to fix that problem now ?

That's not in the job description for vice president. The V.P. has to periodically inquire about the health of the president and break ties in the senate. She's already broken more ties than any other V.P. and she has lunch with Biden every week. Sorry if you missed that. As far as lowering costs, that's obviously a continuing effort.

Bart's photo
Thu 08/08/24 02:11 PM

Not really.. she now says that if she is elected she will make it her policy on day one to lower prices and inflation.. pardon me , but isn’t that her job now as Vice President .. Bidenomics was their plan to combat high prices and inflation? Is she saying they aren’t really trying to fix that problem now ?

That's not in the job description for vice president. The V.P. has to periodically inquire about the health of the president and break ties in the senate. She's already broken more ties than any other V.P. and she has lunch with Biden every week. Sorry if you missed that. As far as lowering costs, that's obviously a continuing effort.

LOL , really , a tie breaker ? She’s broke more than ties… And she continually lied about the health of the president if that is her job… and her job description ( BCOTUS) she never attended to… but now she’s gonna do all these great things that she and Biden claim to have been doing.. if she is elected.. but until the media does it’s job and starts asking the questions about her flip flopping on major issues I guess we will never know what her real intentions are… another basement campaign like Biden in 2020…

Slimme's photo
Thu 08/08/24 03:17 PM

You must not be doing your Research correctly.
Man is a Far leftist radical same as Kamala Plus more.

Maybe not too centrist, but he's firmly middle-class and is a good, family man. Walz has been elected to office more than Trump and Vance combined. He was a Command Sergeant Major in the MN Army National Guard, which I can assure you doesn't come to anybody who isn't an excellent soldier, and he's charming. As far as being "far leftist" I agree with him that government should stay out of personal health decisions between women and their doctors, and there's nothing wrong with making sure school kids are fed.

But go ahead and tell me how Trump, the convicted felon, is a better man.

Minn. National Guard Disputes Walz's Military Biography

CNN: No Evidence of Walz's Combat Claims

One started her political campaign on a drag show and the other started his political campaign lying about his military achievements.

Mortman's photo
Thu 08/08/24 08:18 PM
Minn. National Guard Disputes Walz's Military Biography

CNN: No Evidence of Walz's Combat Claims

One started her political campaign on a drag show and the other started his political campaign lying about his military achievements.

It's no lie to say he was a Command Sergeant Major. Newsmax hypes up that he was retired as a Master Sergeant, but that demotion didn't happen until after he was retired. You don't get to keep the rank in retirement unless you've held it for over two years. Those are just the rules.

And Walz never said he was in combat. He did serve in time of war, though, and even if his post was in Italy and not Afghanistan, it's still a wartime post. Everybody in the Army carries a weapon, probably an M-16A2 or M-4 carbine. And his point was that military-grade weapons aren't suitable for civilian use. I agree.