Topic: May December age gap relationships
no photo
Wed 05/10/23 01:09 AM
How many men would definitely pursue this type of relationship for the long term, if they found the woman both attractive and compatible? How much older is too much, for you to consider anything more than a fling?

no photo
Wed 05/10/23 01:11 AM
Sorry lol my first time here I don’t know how to delete this, so I guess it stays in the welcome area instead of in the general discussion for now lol.

no photo
Wed 05/10/23 02:11 AM
Good Luck.
It's the two people own choice(+18). Better or Bitter

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 05/10/23 06:47 AM
So you're advertising for a "boy toy" ???

no photo
Wed 05/10/23 03:24 PM
Absolutely not if I wanted to do that I would’ve done that lol! Younger men flock to me I don’t have to advertise anything :relieved: and I posed the question because I’m not looking for a boy toy I’m looking for a serious relationship. It just happens to be I’ve dated much younger men more often than not in the past 15 years. But I’m still in my 20s. :sunglasses:

no photo
Wed 05/10/23 05:04 PM
For a long term companion I'd be comfortable with 10 yrs younger, maybe more if she was extraordinary.

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 05/10/23 05:58 PM

Absolutely not if I wanted to do that I would’ve done that lol! Younger men flock to me I don’t have to advertise anything :relieved: and I posed the question because I’m not looking for a boy toy I’m looking for a serious relationship. It just happens to be I’ve dated much younger men more often than not in the past 15 years. But I’m still in my 20s. :sunglasses:

Still in your twenties???

And have been dating "much younger men" in the past FIFTEEN YEARS ?????

So you're dating tweens???

There's a word for that.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 05/10/23 06:59 PM
She's in her 20', her age on her profile shows as 45, and she describes herself as 55 in her description. I give her credit for mentioning she doesn't have any teeth left but her age question needs a little work.

Rock's photo
Wed 05/10/23 07:00 PM

How many men would definitely pursue this type of relationship for the long term, if they found the woman both attractive and compatible? How much older is too much, for you to consider anything more than a fling?

You're too old for me.

Rock's photo
Wed 05/10/23 07:02 PM

Absolutely not if I wanted to do that I would’ve done that lol! Younger men flock to me I don’t have to advertise anything :relieved: and I posed the question because I’m not looking for a boy toy I’m looking for a serious relationship. It just happens to be I’ve dated much younger men more often than not in the past 15 years. But I’m still in my 20s. :sunglasses:

You lie here about your age,
or in your profile.

A lie is a lie is a lie.

You're dismissed.

no photo
Wed 05/10/23 07:31 PM
How many men would definitely pursue this type of relationship for the long term, if they found the woman both attractive and compatible? How much older is too much, for you to consider anything more than a fling?

Going by the comments regarding your age and profile you're sending a lot of red flags to men.

The type of men who would not be interested in a serious relationship with you.

Perhaps why young men flock to you, you did say that.

Coolcatmeow's photo
Thu 05/11/23 12:32 PM
I don’t know never had huge gap but ten years but I reckon more can work if plenty chemistry and connection coolcatmeow new online

nice1for_u's photo
Thu 05/11/23 03:32 PM
Edited by nice1for_u on Thu 05/11/23 03:34 PM

Absolutely not if I wanted to do that I would’ve done that lol! Younger men flock to me I don’t have to advertise anything :relieved: and I posed the question because I’m not looking for a boy toy I’m looking for a serious relationship. It just happens to be I’ve dated much younger men more often than not in the past 15 years. But I’m still in my 20s. :sunglasses:

That is odd because the profile lists you as 45, you state in your profile you are 55, and then state you are in your 20's in the quote?

Rock's photo
Thu 05/11/23 04:51 PM

Absolutely not if I wanted to do that I would’ve done that lol! Younger men flock to me I don’t have to advertise anything :relieved: and I posed the question because I’m not looking for a boy toy I’m looking for a serious relationship. It just happens to be I’ve dated much younger men more often than not in the past 15 years. But I’m still in my 20s. :sunglasses:

That is odd because the profile lists you as 45, you state in your profile you are 55, and then state you are in your 20's in the quote?

Drug addiction. It builds a body goofy.

Mr Good Guy's photo
Thu 05/11/23 06:29 PM

Absolutely not if I wanted to do that I would’ve done that lol! Younger men flock to me I don’t have to advertise anything :relieved: and I posed the question because I’m not looking for a boy toy I’m looking for a serious relationship. It just happens to be I’ve dated much younger men more often than not in the past 15 years. But I’m still in my 20s. :sunglasses:

That is odd because the profile lists you as 45, you state in your profile you are 55, and then state you are in your 20's in the quote?

Drug addiction. It builds a body goofy.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 05/12/23 02:58 AM
The teeth thing has me confused. Does that mean no dentures? Otherwise why bother saying 'no teeth'?

Lying about your age doesn't help you finding a partner.

If you indeed get younger men contacting you it's because the type of photos you post. I suspect you attract a lot of scammer attention.
So if you want something better or different you may want to look into that, delete all 'too much information' photos.

no photo
Fri 05/12/23 03:54 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 05/12/23 04:03 AM
My mom has a few friends and neighbor that has a 20-30 year difference. What do you have in common besides sex at the end of the day? Just do what makes you happy. Life is to short.

My husband was 7 years older than me and we were together for 32 years, Age is just a number and it's personal preference what you want.

I am low mileage, so I don't speak from sexual experience, but friendship. I like a man that will entertain me. Younger man do that, were an older man calls me out on my bs. I like that too. Sometimes a younger man is like talking to my boys. Anything's possible, but I like a man that can teach me something and relate to me.

I want a companion first. If one of us gets sick he won't leave. A man that can match my efforts, offer emotional support, stability. Someone that knows how to communicate, peace over conflict, loyalty is huge. That old school charm, done having kids and wants to travel together. Someone that adds to my peace and knows how to hold a door open, treats me with respect, has the same core values and aligned with me. Someone that grew up without technology, is humble can grow together and has wisdom...can that come in a younger man? It's rare I think. As rare as men claim I am.

The characteristics of all the men above... That's attractive. That's wisdom you only get from life experiences. I want that in a man that I'm going to grow old with. Can you imagine how fast they can find your g-spot. Forged from leather and sweat. I bet everyone of these man actually been in a relationship for more than 5 years and will put in the work to make it last. They have been trained.

I know Mike TMI - It is what it is.

no photo
Thu 06/01/23 06:27 AM
Thank you to the persons that responded to my question normally and without insults and garbage :hugging:

To the rest of you, I’m surprised some of you actually consider yourself adults by the way you come off. First off excuse me for not checking my talk to text when it left out the word mentally, after saying, I was 20 years old. Nevertheless, every person had an opportunity to check out my profile to see that was not the case, so saying something about that was just ignorant on your part as you obviously have eyes to see that I’m not 20.

Secondly, where did I lie? Because I set my age for the search as being 45 ? it’s not a lie when I clearly state in my profile I’m 55! anybody that’s been on here long enough knows people do this to get a wider range of an audience of the type of matches they’re looking for. And men do this consistently lol making themselves 10 or more years younger for the search purposes, and they don’t even state they’re real age in their description as I do. Again, you people are being petty f€#ks.

Red neck you wouldn’t have a chance in hell with me 🤣 you talk about drugs… have you looked in the mirror because that would suit your look, not mine.

Good guy Tony you should really change your user name 🤨 at your age for you to be on here portraying that you’re “a good guy” is more misleading than anything I could have ever put in my profile

Dating marriage, friendship, relationship that’s what your profile says, and cuddling 🤥

so it’s funny you laughed out loud at rednecks comment AFTER I turned you down AGAIN for the second time in the last two years, because you said you were looking for fun and sex :triumph: so you’re a liar and a scammer (if that’s even you in the one picture) there’s nothing wrong with casual sex. There is certainly something wrong with somebody saying completely the opposite in their profile and having the username you have for your only to be here for sex; so why not own up to it in your profile and make it real instead of the ******** you’re saying? either way at 56 years old and still have no concept of what a meaningful relationship is. No wonder you’re single and you have to lie to TRY to get a woman’s attention and you and people like you, are the exact problem with every single dating site out there unfortunately. LOSER

Finally, Crystal there’s nothing confusing about saying no teeth. It means I have no teeth dentures are not teeth! And I don’t wear dentures since you have to have specifics, which is weird because you’re not my target audience, so why do you care? And again didn’t lie about my age.

And no sweetheart I do not attract a lot of scammers actually but funny you think that or that I get younger men contacting me because of the type of photos I’ve post “too much information photos” What exactly is that??? you talk about being confusing lol I didn’t think photos could have information. 🤣 what are you talking about because I actually have a whole array of photos on my profile that show me all the way from my bikini to casual wear to formal wear unlike the two photos that you have of yourself? I’m showing how I really look in all sorts of wear and every photograph I have, so I don’t know what you’re saying.

Your comments however tell me you’re definitely too old to be dating anybody younger and need someone your age or older, but that is not me! And why did you come to comment here anyway ? you did not even answer my initial question? So you just came here to bash me and try to throw insults? that doesn’t look good on you and at your age you should be ashamed!

Carry on………

bobtail76's photo
Thu 06/01/23 07:14 AM
Age gap relationships will work... usually in one direction though.

Guys look for younger, because that is what we are programmed for. Healthy, childbearing, youthful and it doesn't hurt they don't come with the jaded attitude that older broads have. It works out because young women have no intention on dating the busted dude her age, that lives with 3 or 4 other roommates and barely scape up enough cabbage for a decent date. She'd much rather date the older and more established dude, which makes for a more mutual agreement

Women looking for younger will find themselves in a shlt spot. The young guy will bang them all day, but because my reasoning above, the guys will be looking for younger. A woman will try to entice him with money, and he'll gladly spend it, drive her car and accept all her gifts. That can only last so long. He'll more than likely have a side chick and/or the older broad is the side chick.

It also won't work for the older chick because she'll want to do shlt, like go on vacations and other things that chew up a lot of doh, and the younger, less established dude won't be able to keep up - which will cause a riff once her bank account becomes depleted... and we know how much women love money

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 06/01/23 04:17 PM
How many men would definitely pursue this type of relationship for the long term, if they found the woman both attractive and compatible? How much older is too much, for you to consider anything more than a fling?

I'm 62 and disabled. My gf is 51 and disabled.
We align great and our relationship has lasted nearly 5 years.

I wasn't focused on age when I was looking.
She says she wasn't focused on age during her searching either.
We have a relationship because we found out we align...very well.

I was married 25 years. My x was 8 years younger than I. Over-all we had a great marriage (till I became disabled).

I did date a few women 5 years older than I but it was a total mess mainly because we didn't align.
We are still friends tho.

I dated a woman my same age but that was a total mistake. Not only did we not align...we clashed.
But, we ended on a decent note.

Personally, I think you should find someone with whom you align and not worry too much about age differences.

I don't really have 'flings'. Never did, even in high school. In college I had sex but never any commitments and no gf/bf roles...just sex (mostly from parties).

In the service I was single and alone till I met and started dating my x. Service buddy's lil sister.

I don't cheat.

I'm not sure if you are considering a younger mate or considering accepting an older mate's proposal.
What I suggest you do is sit down with them and honestly talk about needs, wants, expectations and limitations. Listen carefully and pause before answering or making plans till both of you have time to make wise decisions.
Be realistic and yes, make sure you carefully weigh age related issues before you commit.

If things are unrealistic for a relationship...then and only then consider having a 'fling'.

Choose Wisely