Community > Posts By > ToBeDamnedOrNotToBe
RELATIONSHIP IS AN INSTITUTION,HUMANS HAVE TO GO THROUGH EVERYDAY TO GET PREPARED FOR THE DIFFERENT JOURNEY IN IT. E.G DATING,COURTSHIP, MARRIAGE,CO-HABITING, CO-PARENTING,SEPARATION,DIVORCE ETC. ...chocobunny✍ The defination of an institution would put me off as a basis of a relationship. A partnership would be my preference. |
Cool cat meow Bramante loves new people to bounce off banter with complicated discussion or trivial just what takes your fancy at the time but be real I’m a human trainer lol in life fun everyone humour less stress goes a long long way folks and material just material health and happiness counts I kinda felt deflated for you after attempting to create a post based on humour. But just remember some schools are putting litter trays in bathrooms for kids who identify as a cat. Sooo just to clarify, do you use a toilet or a litter tray? 🤣 |
Personality is more important than looks. If you are on a dating site ![]() Personality later, what are the odds someone will talk to another person in the hope that their personality is attractive? I would say pretty low. However I can see people starting out as friends become attracted to each other by personality. |
It's an ongoing "thing", how to represent one's self when it comes to online, chit chat, and dating. What one man sees as 'Hotness', another simply sees her as a "good-lookin' woman".
So, Ladies.. here's my question, Do you go with the 'cougar' kitty cat, claws out method to catch Mr. Good looking? Tickle his funny bone, feed his belly... scratch his back? Or do you, pull it back some, use your class and patience, and understanding of the chase game and let him come to you? What are your thoughts? Your modus operandi? What works best for you? Thanks all, Sending light and hope ![]() Soon coming online to rock your world I just be myself with the acceptance is that I am not everyone's cup of tea. If I see someone say something that I find funny, I test their humour and usually see if they can banter. |
Hi everyone...I am new born to this site and trying to survive without little is rare to be so hard to talk to...this is the most difficult time I ever had in joining a site that showed up in a specific google search...I hoped this would be the one to find The One for me; but man oh man! Sorry eh. I am usually happy jolly pleasant and optimistic but this lack of people knowing how to read is really depressing... Do I need to do CPR stat? Some people read, honestly they do. But your biggest disappointment is your own expectations. So don't expect much, if you come across some good people it's a bonus. Good luck ![]() |
Religion is scam
Religion is used to manipule people, to attain certain self centered goals. It serves the leaders and distroys the followers reasons why its dogmatic. To me it's no different than laws, but I can also see how it helps people and guides them in life. You don't have to be religious to see that and to be fair people often feel lost when life is kicking them. There will always be people in and out of religion that manipulate others. I don't anything wrong with having goals in this life. |
hey,everyone I'm new here
i hope this app works Hello Natasha, well depends what you're looking for. Looks like you have already found the forums. Good luck, I still think being a nun is a better option though. |
Is it me?
I am compelled because that is their only reply. I think you should log off and think about the issues you have with online dating, take a break because clearly it is affecting your attitude or you're just an A hole. |
I am Riaz Ahmed. Divorced since 2018. Since then I have been through the toughest part of my life. Have 2 kids. Not living with me. Neither I do have any contact with them. Presently I am living in my parents house. I am an Ex Marine Captain. Quit my job in 2016. since then engaged in various kinds of business. Presently involved in fishing and dairy project. Looking forward for a genuine person, soft hearted and caring woman to start over again. Widow preferable. Good luck Riaz. |
New to Mingle2
I'm happy, more content living alone. I'm great company, but I like staying in. I'm at an age where women only have one thing to offer me: intimate, but fun, encounters. Conversely, I bring nothing to the table. Unless I HAVE How sad this is all you have to offer. |
I need a real man A real man seems to me is whatever a perception a woman has built up in her own mind. Maybe next thread you can enlighten all the men "What a real man" means to you. I mean there is some intelligent men out there, mind readers not so much. |
I'm just wondering what people think I'm a disabled guy and every woman just seems to think if a man can't work it's not worth talking to him I think you shouldn't allow depression to define you. Yes it's part of you. But it's not all you are, unless you allow it be. If it's kicking you all the time that means you are not recieving effective treatment. This should perhaps be where you are proactive about your own mental health and work on that. I am not saying it's easy, I am saying you need to find a way, because I don't believe everyone always has good days, even good weeks or a year. I mean look at how C-19 impacted everyone one way or another. However there should be days where you are not chronically depressed. Sure it can be a fight. A relationship won't make you happy, a honeymoon period may but not a relationship when the honeymoon part wears off. Then it takes work, so apply that work to yourself. Have a relationship with yourself. Once you've managed to balance your depression then look towards slowly talking to ladies. There are disabled people in relationships, but if you are struggling constantly with your mental health how are you expecting another to manage it if you are not. Learn your own patterns, there are tell signs when you are starting to feel low. Do it because you are worth it. |
I was at an event, group of women and 1 man who was there with his partner.
At some point we were outdoors and about to dance around the Maypole with ribbons. One woman was chosen as May Queen and had to hold up the pole. Now it may not have been very heavy, but holding that up for an extended period of time will make it heavy. So I suggested something like, “We have a man present. Maybe he can be the May King and help out?” Then I got some serious knee-jerk reactions, mostly from his partner and another woman, possibly her gal pal but not sure. Something along the vein of that being old-fashioned etc. I decided to leave it at that moment. We were celebrating, not the right place to start a discussion and make things awkward. After that, however, the man's woman only glared at me, hahaha. While I had a friendly totally friendly exchange with him later. I don't think he was bothered by any of it. It did make me think. In my country we have progressed quite the bit with the equality thing. We’re not 100% there yet, but then no country is. Not yet. But to come across these knee-jerk reactions... I felt that was strange. Thinking about it seems they’re stuck in the phase of ‘I have to prove myself!” while true equality is about NOT having to prove yourself anymore. When we’re equal it’s about having the freedom to do and choose things that used to be for the other gender only. Also about getting respect for what you do which is especially important for a woman’s choice as for thousands of years we’ve been taking for granted. There was no acknowledgement, pay-check, respect, status, promotion etc. for being a housewife, mother, partner. And for a long time we’ve had to fight hard to have the right to do and be the same as our male counterparts. But the peak of that has gone, at least in my country (I’m aware it’s not like that yet in other countries, incl. other first world countries). So what is true equality about? No longer having to prove you can do it. Getting respect for what you choose to do in life. Having the freedom to do what makes you happy, incl. when it’s something that used to be for the other gender only. And... It’s also about acknowledging your own weaknesses! AND being okay with that. Which goes back to nr 1: not having anything to prove anymore. And realise that it's not a weakness. Generally speaking women aren’t as strong physically as men. Considering what happened last weekend, that part seems to rattle certain people’s cages? But what is wrong with it? Nothing! Women and men are created for different purposes. Our female bodies are built to have children, and probably also to be softer and rounder to be more attractive to males which is quite important when it comes to procreation and our species survival. The difference in our bodies is found in fat and muscle tissues and hormones. All Divinely orchestrated. Our brains produce and/or regulate all that stuff for us. Conversely, the male body is hard, muscular, not curvy, and to make procreation work women find such males attractive. @@@ All generally speaking, there are exceptions, I know! @@@ So... if that makes woman in general less physically strong, what’s the big deal? Why have a problem with that? It doesn’t make us less and certainly not unequal to men. Men and women aren’t supposed to be the same. We’re supposed to complement one another. Personally I see more strength in being able to embrace our differences and being able to acknowledge you’re not physically strong enough for a certain task. It’s something that I feel deserves respect, more so than someone trying to do it anyway even when their body lets them know it’s too much. If you still feel and act as if you have to prove yourself to show you’re equal and as good you’re not equal. Then you’re stuck in the process of getting to true equality and deep down (re)acting from feeling not good enough/less/not equal. Then you're stagnant, not equal. Of course it’s quite the process, both individually as in society as we’re up against changing an entire huge collective field concerning this. Nevertheless, I was surprised to meet such knee-jerk reactions. For the most part because it means people (still) don’t understand what it’s all about, still get their hackles up, and don’t understand the meaning of equality. And that’s what I in turn don’t understand, them not understanding. People seem to be quite confused these days to what equality means. As men and women we have strengths and weaknesses. That is where we are meant compliment each other in relationships. But there are somethings that there is a line. That line for me is single sexed spaces. It is quite naive of people to not understand why we have them. We have them for a reason. It's all very well being liberal, until you face that consequences of that. Rape shelters, Bathrooms, Changing rooms I will never agree on shared spaces. Some of us still value our dignity, some of us still are aware that predators will use any opportunity to abuse loopholes. In fact many have and always will. When you cloud the line it makes it impossible to define it and in that can put others at risk. Biology matters, it matters because of physical strength, patterned behaviour. Idealism has never worked, because that idealism it comes across to me that people have forgotten the risk involved. We don't live in an utopia. So men and women should have equal opportunities, but equal does not mean to compete with each other. But within our biological sex, women competing with actual women, men competing with actual men So when asking on equality, are you doing it on a basis of consideration of the world you actually live in or are you doing it on the basis of idealism? |
Is it me?
What on earth compells you to say that? Maybe the answer is profiles? if people can be bothered these days. I think his attitude is the problem, I mean if he's attracting people he doesn't value why not say thanks for the interest, however it's not mutual good luck in your search. |
Trump Trump Trump
Very carefully, I am not against everyone,
or everything. I am a constitutional conservative. Trump has never been. Tribblehead got my vote, only because he was not HRC. My solution? Would be for politicians to not be weasels. As I've stated many times in political threads, Trump was a better president than the current knob in office, as well as better than any president before him, dating back to 1988. Marginally better, does not equate best. I am with the part of politicans not being weasels. I am struggling to understand why Trump and Biden are the best America has to offer? I am sure American's can do better. |
for me love of God is the best.but her in online we cant trust too much coz i learn that my past can hurt me only,i am serous to commit a people unhonest is not good coz im bigging him always from the end he well not accept.we need to consider our langguge capacity for being and understanding. I do not understand this. "For me God is best" ok "But her in online can't trust too much" Who is her because you talk about a him and your picture has a male and female in it. "I am serious to commit a people unhonest" So you want to commit to liars? "Not good cause you I am always bigging him up" Bigging who up? cause you still have me confused to "Her in online" "We need to consider language" Yes we really do, we need to consider what we are saying so people can understand what you are saying. I do not currently. I am seriously trying to be patient, but I am struggling to understand who her and him in written in the context you have put it. I mean, this comes as across as a rambling thought. I can't make mind up if you are drunk or speak or English isn't your first language. I am not normally bothered about grammar, but the combination is blowing my mind. |
Is it me?
Is it me, or do people seem preoccupied with doing something different other than chatting or lasting relationships.
For example: I try texting a message, they ask what am I looking for. I have to say, I didn't pay a C-note to hook up for the nasty. I am truly trying to find genuine companionship. What on earth compells you to say that? |
You have the power to change anything in the world!!!!!! What would those two things be????? To get rid the world of Psychopaths/Sociopaths.It would certainly improve politicans. |
Should women have many tats?
I may be old school, but I believe a woman should never mark her body up with lots of tattoos. It defeats the beauty of her real self. It's not like you can get a giant eraser and make them go away. So it's a permanent scar for life. Having 1 or 2 small ones is fine. But to have an entire arem or 55-65% of your body covered, that's not attractive to me. If a man can't accept you as you are, he ain't worth it. A woman shouldn't have to mark over half her body to find love. Real love is based on acceptance and inward beauty. I was amused "If a man can't accept you as you are" After telling women you can't accept them if they have lots of tattoos. |
delete my account
Are people that clueless or just unable to follow directions?
Click on account> then settings> click de-activate account - remove profile and from there you will see de-activate and permanently delete account. Click on it and tell them why you want to delete, It may ask for your password again and that's it. or maybe there is an error on their account and they cannot delete it? Maybe they were upset at the time? Lots of maybes to why. |