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Topic: what's with your Username?
Apple of Your EYES's photo
Tue 08/16/22 05:57 PM
Im Apple in real,Fondly called by my friends because of an apple shape mole that deminished over the years..Love just to have 2 words :blush: hence...Apple Love how bout yours?Tell us all about it.

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 08/16/22 06:08 PM
Because I go to the Gym at least times a day .... to keep fit and Slim ... and that's my story and I am sticking to it .... so there you have it in a nutshell ....

Devo1974's photo
Tue 08/16/22 06:21 PM
Old nickname, Steve became Steve-O, Steve-O became Devo. Some casual acquaintances thought it was my actual name. :laughing::laughing:

pumpilicious πŸ’•'s photo
Tue 08/16/22 07:09 PM
Mine came from another forum. I was pumpkid. Then pumpi. Then someone called me Pumpilicious...
Then that forum closed I kept that name so if those forum members came here they might still recognize me.

NotPay4Play's photo
Tue 08/16/22 07:19 PM
It's quite simple. I only use 1 pay date site at a time. SoI fogured the name should tell anyone that I don't pay to use sites or games features. Lol.

technovative's photo
Tue 08/16/22 07:30 PM
I came up with the portmanteau blending the words technology and innovative as a business name years ago, when I made and sold mp3/mp4 player accessories.

Rather than think up other usernames, It's been convenient to use technovative as a default username.

It's unusual enough that it's rarely already taken.

Mr Scorpio's photo
Tue 08/16/22 08:07 PM
He’s my favorite character in the movie Twilight Saga β€” Dr Carlisle Cullen πŸ§›β€β™‚οΈ

lonely guy's photo
Tue 08/16/22 08:25 PM
although my ex hasnt been gone 2 months yet, I lived a very lonely life, been in separate bedroom for too many years, over 5 years, not been intimate in several years, I did everything alone, she never went anywhere with me, except for a local meal on my day off, I stopped going on vacations, well over a decade ago, because she wouldnt go with me, and I hated going alone, so I just worked 70-90 hours a week to keep my mind occupied, then I had a boss cuss me out and I quit, and realised how I needed time for myself.

then ex demanded I buy her Liberal daughter a home and give it to her, kid is 40, and a gamer, so stays up all night playing games, and refuses to work, she lives on her BF, so I was told I needed to buy her a house, plus pay all bills and utilities, I said the door is right there, you go do it if it means that much, & 2 weeks later I was alone, and feel more alone than ever, as all my guy friends are dead, I have 1 female friend of 40+ years. that I can call on phone occasionally, but zero people to talk to otherwise. so since I was already almost alone, just had someone to talk to some, then totally alone, yeah. depressing, but I am not giving up, gave my number to a customer that always tried to flirt with me, but I never flirted back, she was in talkative mood, so I gave my number, unfortunately, not called or texted, maybe needs to work up courage? first time I seen since my ex left. normally saw every week or 2. and here I keep getting spammers, 1 real, but I dont see it becoming anything but maybe a friendship. so yeah Lonely guy........

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 08/17/22 02:36 AM
I've used the Dutch version of 'Crystal' for years as I love crystals, as in gemstones. This is related to their energy.
I have a great many crystals all over my house in each and every room.

I'm also a so called 'crystal child' and have crystals in my energy fields.

Sparkling is about my own energy and aura.
A couple years ago I was told the name of my Guardian Angel, by my Guardian Angel. I looked up its meaning and it is... Sparkling!

delightfulillusion's photo
Wed 08/17/22 02:40 AM
My username is totally random and computer generated. As I recall, it was the first name on a long list so chose it because I thought it was apt.

no photo
Wed 08/17/22 04:38 AM
Random choice

Too darn Yummy :yum: I'v been told. bigsmile
5 is my best number.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 08/17/22 07:13 AM
Humm I'm from Texas and I'm a gal the 3333 is due to for a while I would see the numbers 333 pop up and ever time it was not something good that happened so I added a three in order to remember those numbers but yet make them different.. And no I'm not superstitious~~ but anytime I see those numbers pop up several times within a few days I start paying attention to things around me.. whoa

Larsi666 😽's photo
Wed 08/17/22 07:50 AM
Larsi = Little Lars, because I am not tall. The "i" at the end is used in Germany.

666 = I like Iron Maiden, "666 The Number of the Beast" is my favourite Maiden song.

no photo
Wed 08/17/22 07:59 AM
My friends and all my acquaintances said i am witty and joking and full of energy, a true let’s do it kind if woman! I Love good comeback phrases !

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 08/17/22 11:16 AM

Humm I'm from Texas and I'm a gal the 3333 is due to for a while I would see the numbers 333 pop up and ever time it was not something good that happened so I added a three in order to remember those numbers but yet make them different.. And no I'm not superstitious~~ but anytime I see those numbers pop up several times within a few days I start paying attention to things around me.. whoa

That's odd as 3 and 33 is connected with Ascended Master Jesus, the Holy Trinity etc.
Seeing it 3 times or 4 times amplifies that energy.
So it actual is a very good, lucky number.

soufiehere's photo
Wed 08/17/22 11:23 AM
I put this out there every few years but nobody likes the reason:

S = stupid
O = old
U = ugly
F = fat
I = incontinent AND given to
E = exaggeration

'Here' had to be added as soufie was already taken ;-)

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 08/17/22 11:44 AM

Humm I'm from Texas and I'm a gal the 3333 is due to for a while I would see the numbers 333 pop up and ever time it was not something good that happened so I added a three in order to remember those numbers but yet make them different.. And no I'm not superstitious~~ but anytime I see those numbers pop up several times within a few days I start paying attention to things around me.. whoa

That's odd as 3 and 33 is connected with Ascended Master Jesus, the Holy Trinity etc.
Seeing it 3 times or 4 times amplifies that energy.
So it actual is a very good, lucky number.

Was not for me unless it was telling me good changes would happen later after the initial bad stuff happened..

Apple of Your EYES's photo
Wed 08/17/22 08:30 PM
its enjoyable learning abt how we came up with our usernames,backstories are interesting...more responders please:hugging:πŸ₯°

no photo
Thu 08/18/22 12:48 AM
Thought I'd just be truthful lol

no photo
Mon 08/22/22 11:24 PM
memes lol because i enjoy laughing :smile:

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