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Topic: Is mingle becoming a paid site?
halfrequired's photo
Tue 08/02/22 04:36 PM
It Was a long coming, when the number of free contacts was reduced, now it seems that in two days of vysit for one message.
I am not a beauty, and very few real users are, now assuming that scamers simply use nicer profiles/pictures/ descrition, create multiple profiles. I need to contact considerable number of users for a real one to respond. Now mingle was downgraded to coin system meaning that for two days I get one message to send. SO if you cant efectively find a real person to contact as free member can we still call this free dating?

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 08/02/22 04:54 PM
I remember reading an article about the failure of a public transportation system.

Ridership declined. As ridership declined management raised prices and decreased routes. As prices raised and routes decreased ridership declined even more. Management then raised prices again and eliminated more routes. As a result ridership declined even more. This went on until the system shut down completely.

halfrequired's photo
Tue 08/02/22 05:14 PM
As I see it, Ill be finishing communication with few existing contacts and leave. I dont see user base to be clean enough to pay for this site, ads were OK, but most of UK girls here are actuay scamers from Africa/china, so they are not worth paying for.

no photo
Wed 08/03/22 08:45 AM

... but most of UK girls here are actuay scamers from Africa/china, so they are not worth paying for.

How do you know for sure that some scammers are actually from China?

cleve's photo
Wed 08/03/22 08:52 AM

WOLF,WOLF,WOLF, CRY, CRY, .........,

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 08/03/22 09:05 AM

As I see it, Ill be finishing communication with few existing contacts and leave. I dont see user base to be clean enough to pay for this site, ads were OK, but most of UK girls here are actuay scamers from Africa/china, so they are not worth paying for.

I didn't even know what the coins were for, hihi. I just got a popup today saying I'd gotten another 20.

If you're in the UK you'd best get on a UK dating site.
I'm Dutch, and to find a partner I go for Dutch sites, not international ones where people in my country and area are few and far between.
That's called fishing in the wrong pond and still hoping to get a good catch.
Better fish in the right pond, which for you would be a UK site.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 08/03/22 09:10 AM
Also, it does help to get on a paid for dating site too. That way you have very few scammers and lame-*****.
Over here sites often have a sale for the first 3 months. Just do a li'l research first so you know the site is actually a match with you. Some sites have an 'assortment' that is not what you are looking for.
In my experience newer dating sites can be great as the members on it are still fresh. Older big sites usually have a lot of 'stale' members. By which I mean those that have been searching for over a decade and still didn't get anywhere. Not the right place to go 'fishing'.

A li'l research goes a long way :)

Gene's photo
Wed 08/03/22 09:28 AM
I am not paying to chat with all these scammer women on here-----BYE

EddiePeePee's photo
Wed 08/03/22 10:32 AM
What good is a dating site if you can't contact anyone anymore?

no photo
Wed 08/03/22 01:25 PM
I didn't even know what the coins were for, hihi. I just got a popup today saying I'd gotten another 20.

If you're in the UK you'd best get on a UK dating site.
I'm Dutch, and to find a partner I go for Dutch sites, not international ones where people in my country and area are few and far between.
That's called fishing in the wrong pond and still hoping to get a good catch.
Better fish in the right pond, which for you would be a UK site.

dear lady i dutch to but life abroad.
i have looked at dutch dating site in past. but free dating because i remain dutch :joy:
end there is the same **** as here.
for example marktplaats efry woman i right there asked my to speak ad a payed side because marktplaats wasn't save.
so my opinion is that efry dating is fake.
here in Romania are many paid dating site efrything is just business nothing really only free dating here when have luck

Vergi's photo
Thu 08/04/22 02:48 PM
It Was a long coming, when the number of free contacts was reduced, now it seems that in two days of vysit for one message.
I am not a beauty, and very few real users are, now assuming that scamers simply use nicer profiles/pictures/ descrition, create multiple profiles. I need to contact considerable number of users for a real one to respond. Now mingle was downgraded to coin system meaning that for two days I get one message to send. SO if you cant efectively find a real person to contact as free member can we still call this free dating?

It doesn't matter if you're a paying customer or not. I am and all I can say that at least 80% is fake or don't respond, at least that's my experience, so safe you're money.

no photo
Thu 08/04/22 05:37 PM
Lucky I do not have to pay anything. I'm good chatting with the ones I already chat with so it's still free.
the timestamp is off too. all of the world has now San Fransico time in the chats even if we are half a world away..not making any sence to me..

no photo
Thu 08/04/22 11:26 PM

... all of the world has now San Fransico time in the chats even if we are half a world away..not making any sence to me..

Well, it is helpful. If you get a message at the wee hours of the sender's claimed local time, then this should raise a red flag.

macktwo's photo
Fri 08/05/22 06:10 AM
Hi Im macktwo and think this coin lark is the start to make people PAY for sending messages AND ITS SUPOSSED TO BE A FREE SITE who is SCAMMING who

no photo
Mon 08/08/22 09:52 AM
It is a paid site! All the messages I get are auto responses in Russian! Then they say something, then I respond. They don't respond to my response, it is usually a stupid question. Everyone here is fake and not really looking for someone. It is a waste of time like most all dating sites.

no photo
Mon 08/08/22 10:12 AM

All the messages I get are auto responses in Russian! Then they say something, then I respond. They don't respond to my response ...

I'm curious to know what you mean by auto response, can you show a sample, copying one from your inbox and pasting it here in this thread?

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 08/08/22 10:15 AM

delightfulillusion's photo
Mon 08/08/22 10:18 AM

All the messages I get are auto responses in Russian! Then they say something, then I respond. They don't respond to my response ...

I'm curious to know what you mean by auto response, can you show a sample, copying one from your inbox and pasting it here in this thread?

That’s against forum rules.

no photo
Mon 08/08/22 10:48 AM
I don't believe an "auto response" message will reveal any private information.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 08/08/22 11:10 AM

I don't believe an "auto response" message will reveal any private information.

Not even suppose to post any emails..

Besides if they are auto response emails it is from the sender not the site..

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