Topic: The lost city of Atlantis discovered? | |
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Mon 05/24/21 11:09 AM
| It's yet another theory. But, it seems like a legit one. Edited to insert correct link. |
| It's yet another theory. But, it seems like a legit one. most interesting study and probably the most comprehensive study ever . i for one wanna believe this "find".... CIA or not ... thanks Rock !!! Edited to insert correct link. |
Quite a long video but I watched all of it . My knowledge of the history of Atlantis is not that great and I can understand how history becomes blurred and our interpretation of it changes .
Is it true what he claims about the CIA classifying a portion of the report ??? If it is a source of special geothermic properties have any other scientific industries studied /or are studying the area ? The video also reminds me of the power of natural disasters and climate change .. That continents can be moved , changed or disappear in the blink of an eye . We know such events can happen and we are vulnerable .. Science and history can help us understand why . Thanks for posting rock ![]() |
It is probably true about the CIA classifying part of the
information. Indeed, it would be fantastic to be able to study the history and science. |
I didn't watch the whole vid as I've watched/read so much on Atlantis and much I already knew.
Very interesting nonetheless and nice that this comes up in the news now :) Atlantis had technology we today couldn't even begin to grasp and I guess that's what the CIA is interested in? But this technology was mostly not material but energetic so I wonder if they found something. When Atlantis fell there were 12 High Priests/Priestesses that took a group of people around the world to settle and continue the way of life of Atlantis before it fell. Egypt was just one of those places. Another is South-America (Inca/Maya/Aztecs). Native American Indians are also descendants of the Atlanteans. Atlanteans weren't all 'white'. |
News and science documentaries which do not back up claims with facts are nothing more than anyone trying to be reasonable. Theories are not facts.
I don't watch just any youtube link. 95% of the youtube videos which get people excited are posted for other reasons (likely to get subscribers). Just like proof of alien abductions and ghosts, if there is no physical evidence available for detailed scrutiny or in this case, coordinates to the Lost City of Atlantis, its all speculation. Even well-known authorities on subjects speculate. Deductive reasoning is not the same as fact. Fact should be supported with evidence and testing. Deductive reasoning is not evidence. I've seen reasonable deductions which claim to prove there was a worldwide flood and that Noah's Ark rests on a mountain in Northern Turkey (Mount Ararat). Thing is, there is no direct evidence to support either claim. Nothing in a museum, no scientific papers which positively identify those assumptions with facts, no actual expeditions which bring forth actual evidence. Oh, there's plenty of 'authorities' which try to convince you they're right with deductive reasoning. In “The Fine Art of Baloney Detection,” Sagan reflects on the many types of deception to which we’re susceptible — from psychics to religious zealotry to paid product endorsements by scientists, which he held in especially low regard, noting that they “betray contempt for the intelligence of their customers” and “introduce an insidious corruption of popular attitudes about scientific objectivity.”
By adopting the kit, we can all shield ourselves against clueless guile and deliberate manipulation. 1. Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts". This means claims by authorities need to be confirmed by someone not associated with the one(s) making the claim. 2. Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view. This means evidence should be examined and discussed intelligently, thru scientific process, by people who also initially disagree. 3. Arguments from authority carry little weight, “authorities” have made mistakes in the past. They will do so again in the future. Perhaps a better way to say it is that in science, there are no authorities; at most, there are experts. 4. Spin more than one hypothesis. If there’s something to be explained, think of all the different ways in which it could be explained. Then think of tests by which you might systematically disprove each of the alternatives. What survives, the hypothesis that resists disproof in this Darwinian selection among “multiple working hypotheses,” has a much better chance of being the right answer than if you had simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy. In other words, the first job to determine validity is to look at all the possible ways a claim could be proven. Go into the process with a goal to disprove the claim. If it can't be disproved by scientific processes, the claim is valid. 5. Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it’s yours. It’s only a way station in the pursuit of knowledge. Ask yourself why you like the idea. Compare it fairly with the alternatives. See if you can find reasons for rejecting it. If you don’t, others will. Just because you think your claim is valid, doesn't make it so. 6. Quantify. If whatever it is you’re explaining has some measure, some numerical quantity attached to it, you’ll be much better able to discriminate among competing hypotheses. What is vague and qualitative is open to many explanations. Of course there are truths to be sought in the many qualitative issues we are obliged to confront, but finding them is more challenging. Gather all evidence and consider the factual validity of all the evidence, not just the facts which agree with your claim. 7. If there’s a chain of argument, every link in the chain must work (including the premise) — not just most of them. You can't pick and choose only the facts which validate your claim. 8. Occam’s Razor. This convenient rule-of-thumb urges us when faced with two hypotheses that explain the data equally well to choose the simpler. Nature usually exists in cause and effect sequences. If a person is seen in the sky, it is more likely they the are falling from somewhere than flying by will alone. 9. Always ask whether the hypothesis can be, at least in principle, falsified. Propositions that are untestable, unfalsifiable are not worth much. Consider the grand idea that our Universe and everything in it is just an elementary particle — an electron, say — in a much bigger Cosmos. But if we can never acquire information from outside our Universe, is not the idea incapable of disproof? You must be able to check assertions out. Inveterate skeptics must be given the chance to follow your reasoning, to duplicate your experiments and see if they get the same result. If the claim can only be verified by specific support by specific people, the validity should be questioned. I tend to disagree with this. I do not have the capacity to actually perform experiments at CERN. However, I can look at the evidence presented, follow the reasoning and arrive at the same conclusion as those actually performing the tests. Youtube videos however, are not actual scientific process. They are biased to the agenda of the person gathering the data and the person posting the video. This holds true whether it is a fellow citizen looking for subscriptions and likes on their youtube channel to NASA/ESA looking for future funding. The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is a limited, specific government establishment aligned with the United States. Last I looked, we live in a world full of nations and governments which are not aligned with United States agendas. To 'assume' the CIA has the power to sequester worldwide scientific data is a conspiracy theory. When someone makes a claim like this and someone else reads, hears or watches a video about the claim and just agrees with it doesn't make the claim valid. It doesn't matter if one agrees or many agree. If a million people 'like' the video that doesn't make the claim valid. Consider this: Help support me in my effort to share interesting, and otherwise unknown information with as many as I can by contributing to my Patreon!
Follow me on Instagram: ^^^The real agenda of this video series.^^^ |
I agree, Tom.
There have been many hucksters throughout the course of history. Along with innumerable bunk theories. However, without flights of fancy, we wouldn't have flight. Perhaps, the time will come, when the actual factual secrets of the world reveal themselves. |
Perhaps, the time will come, when the
actual factual secrets of the world reveal themselves. I no longer need that. Factual realization of mysteries is, at best, only entertainment for me at this stage of my life. More like a "well, that's interesting" moment as I decide whether to go poop now. I have no choice but to exist in a right here/right now reality. I actually prefer that. |
There may indeed have been a colony of an advanced civilization living on an island in the Atlantic that got swallowed up by the sea eons ago.
There may indeed be lizard alien people living among us. I believe indeed that I will have another beer and not really give a loaf about either of these things. |
Consider the established timeline of humans.
2.5 MYA Homo habilis appears. Its face protrudes less than earlier hominids, but still retains many ape features. Has a brain volume of around 600 cm3 Hominids start to use stone tools regularly, created by splitting pebbles – this starts Oldowan tradition of toolmaking, which last a million years Some hominids develop meat-rich diets as scavengers, the extra energy may have favoured the evolution of larger brains 1.8 – 1.5 MYA Homo erectus is found in Asia. First true hunter-gatherer ancestor, and also first to have migrated out of Africa in large numbers. It attains a brain size of around 1000 cm3 1.6 MYA Possible first sporadic use of fire suggested by discoloured sediments in Koobi Fora, Kenya. More convincing evidence of charred wood and stone tools is found in Israel and dated to 780,000 years ago 600,000 YA Homo Heidelbergensis lives in Africa and Europe. Similar brain capacity to modern humans 500,000 YA Earliest evidence of purpose-built shelters – wooden huts – are known from sites near Chichibu, Japan 195,000 YA Our own species Homo sapiens appears on the scene – and shortly after begins to migrate across Asia and Europe. Oldest modern human remains are two skulls found in Ethiopia that date to this period. Average human brain volume is 1350 cm3 150,000 YA Humans possibly capable of speech. 100,000-year-old shell jewellery suggests that that people develop complex speech and symbolism 140,000 YA First evidence of long-distance trade 110,000 YA Earliest beads – made from ostrich eggshells – and jewellery 50,000 YA “Great leap forward”: human culture starts to change much more rapidly than before; people begin burying their dead ritually; create clothes from animal hides; and develop complex hunting techniques, such as pit-traps. Colonisation of Australia by modern humans 50,000 YA to 5,000 YA Sometime during this period of time, an advanced civilization of human beings developed advanced science and suddenly disappeared. A people so advanced they had technology, invention and innovation far beyond the capacity of other people alive in the world at that time. Intelligence and civilization which could not exist without education, writing, organization skills and unity on a scale which never existed till that magical time and would not exist again till a much later, slower progression of events lead to it. The only possible way this could happen would be extraterrestrial occupation and would not happen naturally. In the words of Men In Black... "They went home" There's evidence which supports a natural human development timeline. Funny how that evidence is fairly easily found but evidence of Atlantis is not? We have been to the Challenger Deep. If possible evidence of an advanced human civilization were real, don't you think we would spend the money just to gather it up? Atlantis is a fairytale. 5,000 YA Earliest known writing 4,000 to 3,500 BC The Sumerians of Mesopotamia develop the world’s first civilisation Timeline source: |
The only theory they ever came up with that made sense to me that it was actually Crete.
I hated it when they started making fake/as-if-real shows (like War of the Worlds) on networks with good reputations for being factual.
They got me with the one about dragons. but... I actually do think it possible that some pretty awesome species were hunted to extinction by "dragonslayers" and such. |
It was actually ilost continenent of Atlanti
Item was between sri Lanka and Australia The Tamils were the indigenous people and it sunk when India because part of the Asian continental about 6000 years ago It is documented but you would probably call it mythologyy Neither fact nor fiction |
I am interested in Yonaguni underwater castle in southern Okinawa. Wow! I also had the chance to participate in the documentation of the Egyptian complex in NSW Australia near Gosford. Amazing how much history is unrecognized by academic institutions.
thank you for the youtube link, loved it. have to say it seeem plausible to say the least. back2thefuture and all
Yes, that is the Atlantis according to Plato.