Topic: Reevalue Change | |
No not realizing you are getting ripped off by a penny for your thoughts when you add your 2 cents in. As we come out of the tunnel we have tried some things that worked, some that didn't.
Are you going to permanently get rid of the do nothing accoutrement in your living room and keep the desk in there? Finally going to do that volunteer work in Ghana no matter what? As much as you love the energy of the Hospitality Industry, the schedule is going to have to change because you are not going to give up tucking in your kids at night (like you've been able to do this past year)? Are you confident or brave enough to close the office for good and join the sourdough races? What is going stick? What is not? Have you found a happy medium....holding TWO crystal balls? |
Zoom meetings have been much more productive, none of that idle before and
after chit chat. Iām hoping they become a permanent thing. |
I've been re-validating myself for the last 10 years.
The way I see it, the changes have been very beneficial to my calm as well as my wallet. Part of my re-modeling has been a slow but steady reduction in random social endeavors. I feel more comfortable by myself now. I possess less social curiosity. I focus more on right here / right now choosing to live in the moment and not fill my life with worry and fear of things which do not affect me personally or things which I cannot control. My mind (heart) is not cluttered with meaningless concerns and I am better able to make wise choices and act appropriately when I need to act. I've de-cluttered my house and my life. Its very refreshing. I refuse to go back to my old insanity. |
I hope some go back to work once it's finally allowed again, if we ever get there.
Like my neighbours. I might hoist the flag the day they FO to work again We're not that far here yet, although some still go to work at the office, like my daughter. Me, I don't work, and I want to keep it that way. Still in conflict with council about it. Will have an online meeting on May 12th about it. Not allowed as of yet to meet in the flesh. So things have not turned to normal here yet, don't look like that will happen anytime soon. Travelling... I'm beginning to wonder if I can even ever see Scotland in this life as I am not going to get a vaccine... |
i just finished an 8 hour flash drive which i am selling, would never have done that without the lockdown. also wrote 2 books 1 of which i depublished for being too racey. maybe some good has come out of this? not to mention people are beginning to believe maybe the end is near?