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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 75
Slim gym 's photo
Wed 05/19/21 04:02 PM
thinking ... that was helleva roller coaster romance - ride. Thank goodness no one got hurt during that brief episode !!

LarchTree's photo
Wed 05/19/21 04:22 PM
Thankful there are people who exist in this world other than my parents.

LarchTree's photo
Wed 05/19/21 04:44 PM
The fault of not being more mindful is my own.

Rock's photo
Wed 05/19/21 05:04 PM
Thinking... Living east of the Pecos, just doesn't feel right.

no photo
Thu 05/20/21 01:37 AM
Oh .. that sounds like something from Ripley’s believe it or not laugh laugh laugh laugh

But it made me giggle biggrin

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Thu 05/20/21 02:40 AM
Thinking... about the great tie dye top I just bought! love

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 05/20/21 02:51 AM
Thinking ... I hope this is my last MRI for the year.... dang !!!

no photo
Thu 05/20/21 04:20 AM
i have to peal those artichokes :(

no photo
Thu 05/20/21 04:02 PM
Why don't people respond to my messages of "Give me all your money?"

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Thu 05/20/21 04:30 PM
Thinking... time to go to bed! And hopefully this storm won't get too bad as I forgot to put the strap on the gates...

no photo
Thu 05/20/21 10:38 PM
Last week my sister and brothers and I spread out my father's ashes in several areas. I didn't expect it to be so emotional for me.

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 05/20/21 10:40 PM

Last week my sister and brothers and I spread out my father's ashes in several areas. I didn't expect it to be so emotional for me.

:hugging: :hugging: :hugging:

no photo
Thu 05/20/21 10:57 PM
Thanks, delightful.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 05/21/21 03:41 AM
Thinking I seem to be matched with the right client now.

no photo
Fri 05/21/21 04:12 AM

Last week my sister and brothers and I spread out my father's ashes in several areas. I didn't expect it to be so emotional for me.

:heart: flowers

no photo
Fri 05/21/21 04:14 AM
Thinking about Thunder and Lightening... which comes first?

no photo
Fri 05/21/21 04:44 AM
Evil is it's own punishment...πŸ–€

Laska Paul 's photo
Fri 05/21/21 05:17 AM

Last week my sister and brothers and I spread out my father's ashes in several areas. I didn't expect it to be so emotional for me.

:hugging: :hugging: :hugging:

A Moment of Silence in Honor...
So Sad Feeling ,,,,,

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 05/22/21 03:23 AM
That dog looked like it wanted to bite me.

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 05/22/21 04:03 AM
Thinking should I stay or should I go .....

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