Topic: The best is yet to come. Happy New Years Minglers.
no photo
Wed 12/30/20 11:08 PM
Love ya. Wish I could be partying with you. In my thoughts whilst I dance and dance with 2020 away.
Bless xxx

technovative's photo
Wed 12/30/20 11:26 PM
Love back atcha my friend. Brighter days are on the horizon. happy

no photo
Thu 12/31/20 03:03 AM

I sincerely hope that the New Year will be a much better one for us all! drinker

Peace :peace: and love :heart_decoration: to everyone flowerforyou

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Thu 12/31/20 09:59 AM
I'm confused with there being 2 topics, so I'm saying Happy New year in here too!
Let's make it a good one!

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 12/31/20 10:14 AM
Hoping and praying that 2021 is a better year for everyone on this earth!:heart:

no photo
Thu 12/31/20 10:35 AM

Happy New Year everyone :heart:

delightfulillusion's photo
Thu 12/31/20 10:42 AM

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 12/31/20 10:52 AM
I will say it another time. Happy New Years all!flowerforyou laugh

Larsi666 😽's photo
Thu 12/31/20 03:46 PM
Happy New Year to youse all. Please stay safe and well flowerforyou drinker

sugardaddi's photo
Thu 12/31/20 03:51 PM
Happy New year to all!

May you find your true love, your dream job, and hit the lottery

Duttoneer's photo
Thu 12/31/20 03:51 PM

Happy New Year! To everyone here in Mingle2, better times are ahead, stay safe.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Thu 12/31/20 03:54 PM
Well, it has happened! Almost an hour into the new year!

Duttoneer's photo
Thu 12/31/20 04:29 PM
drinker drinks

no photo
Thu 12/31/20 04:33 PM
Sending a :kiss: ... and a passionate wish for a year that brings smiles and content .

For anyone sad and struggling ..may this year be a source of comfort .

As for me .. I am off to save lives and do my best to soothe despair .

Until next time xox blondey :heart: waving

no photo
Fri 01/01/21 01:19 AM
new year same old crap lol

Dew's photo
Fri 01/01/21 02:26 AM
drinker flowerforyou flowerforyou Happy New Year too.

Siouxsie_Q's photo
Fri 01/01/21 03:01 AM
Happy new year y’all. :tada:

no photo
Fri 01/01/21 06:14 AM
Happy New Year :heart:.

blah..blah..'s photo
Fri 01/01/21 11:57 AM
Well, a new year maybe, but nothing seems to have changed for the better,

Not sure what the fireworks and celebrations were about last night

Happy Brexit day!

Stu's photo
Fri 01/01/21 01:48 PM