Topic: Full Figured daters and the people who Love em
steelangel's photo
Wed 12/19/07 09:36 PM

preferences are different md , I was not meaning you were shallow , I was referring to her saying when she has been talking for awhile with someone everything is cool and then they see her pic and then ziltz. I think if you get to liking someone for who they are , lets say you do not see a pic and talk for months and really get to like them , would you change your mind after seeing a pic ?

I met my current gf on this site. I talked to her on the phone for a week before I saw her - and she's got a few pounds on her. But she's a great person and it's been fun thus far.

andreajayne's photo
Wed 12/19/07 09:37 PM

It's all a matter of personal preference. Don't get your hair frizzled just cuz someone throws an "F" bomb at you. F*** that. Be proud of who you are, every ounce of it!

From what I've seen looking for a "Significant other" is like fishing in a lake full of small fish. You catch hundreds but none of them are big enough to keep. Maybe 1 in 100. So, let the small ones go. They're just talking Sh** about you anyways. And they don't like you for a physical reason. That's their right - nothing wrong with it. Perhaps they are losing more, however, than they think they are gaining by leaving your table...

very well said!

fh_popo's photo
Wed 12/19/07 09:42 PM
I have seen some people who seemed to look great,untill they opened there mouth,they became ugly beast.I guess we should call them dumpster mouth.flowerforyou :wink:

Static_Star's photo
Wed 12/19/07 09:43 PM
hey girl. i am right there with you. i get it all the time. but like everyone else has said... i am me, will always be me. you get what you see. i'm no barbie doll! lol. not only does my size turn guys away... so does my piercing-tattoo-and horror movie fetish. LMAO!! i think it's funny most of the time, but it's a cruel ass world out there. it gets to me, yes. but all you can do is hold your head high and forget the ones that put you down or wont talk to you. they are the ones that lose out. they will never know what a wonderful person you are! you are beautiful. and keep telling yourself that.

Robm248's photo
Wed 12/19/07 09:47 PM
Yes, nothing wrong with a reasonably shaped person! Being a little larger should not be an issue with love... although it may not leave the best first impression on someone who enjoys an active lifestyle. Being a little plump isn't bad... however there are limits to how large you can get without causing health and comfort issues. Love will win out, but anyone who truly loved someone who was unhealthy about it. Also they would try to help them... and not leave them.
Yes, a lot of guys are shallow about looks. So are a lot of women. However, there are a LOT who aren't so shallow, and there are plenty here.

lavos28's photo
Wed 12/19/07 09:55 PM
beauty is in the eye of the beholder....just because someones bigger then someone else dosent make them any less of a person. personally i think the bigger the more beautiful =)

CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 12/19/07 09:59 PM
only females like to make fun of other females of their weight and call them ugly

JazzieJoHanna's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:01 PM
You know I actually know what your talking about! my best feature is my eyes and get get so many emails that I can't anser them. I am alot larger than I appear...........and I need dental work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I play that up so when i do meet my someone they are truely interested in me!

mnhiker's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:02 PM
Unfortunately, society
has given us such high
standards of what it
considers as beautiful
that few can live up
to them.

I do think that
true beauty comes
from within.

My best relationships
have been with people
that don't live up to
some stupid standard.

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:14 PM

Unfortunately, society
has given us such high
standards of what it
considers as beautiful
that few can live up
to them.

I do think that
true beauty comes
from within.

My best relationships
have been with people
that don't live up to
some stupid standard.

I agree with you Mr. mnhiker...society expects everyone to be what you see on magazines...

We all come in different colors and different sizes...**** society and those ridiculously thin chicks...I would much rather be my size than be too skinny!

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:22 PM
nothing wrong with being bigger

pennyg281's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:23 PM
trenessiu: I know how u feel. I have struggled with my weight and size all my life, I have had guys be swwet,nice, untill they see PIC of me, or see me on cam. I know it hurts. But their are guys out their and on JSH that will judge u by your chatacter,values,not your waste size. flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:31 PM

trenessiu: I know how u feel. I have struggled with my weight and size all my life, I have had guys be swwet,nice, untill they see PIC of me, or see me on cam. I know it hurts. But their are guys out their and on JSH that will judge u by your chatacter,values,not your waste size. flowerforyou

I too, have struggled with my weight all my life...ever since middle mom had me on all type of crazy ass diets as a kid...and in high school I was your typical cheerleader who felt the pressures of peer pressure and turned bulemic...only to become real sick...I am a size 8/10 right now and to be honest, it maybe the biggest I have been in a long time...but I am happy with the way I am...

I say, don't ever feel like you have to feel bad about the way you look or weigh...everyone is beautiful in their own way :)

CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:34 PM

trenessiu: I know how u feel. I have struggled with my weight and size all my life, I have had guys be swwet,nice, untill they see PIC of me, or see me on cam. I know it hurts. But their are guys out their and on JSH that will judge u by your chatacter,values,not your waste size. flowerforyou

I too, have struggled with my weight all my life...ever since middle mom had me on all type of crazy ass diets as a kid...and in high school I was your typical cheerleader who felt the pressures of peer pressure and turned bulemic...only to become real sick...I am a size 8/10 right now and to be honest, it maybe the biggest I have been in a long time...but I am happy with the way I am...

I say, don't ever feel like you have to feel bad about the way you look or weigh...everyone is beautiful in their own way :)

and yes sadly your sex still makes fun of each other

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:35 PM
i agree with your statement mzkat, we are all different, and that shouldn't mean we should fall in line with the status quo. its just a matter of finding the person that will look beyond the physical aspects and look inward, would you not agree

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:36 PM

i agree with your statement mzkat, we are all different, and that shouldn't mean we should fall in line with the status quo. its just a matter of finding the person that will look beyond the physical aspects and look inward, would you not agree

Well of course I agree know how I feel about You out of everyone should know about how I struggle with my

no photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:37 PM

trenessiu: I know how u feel. I have struggled with my weight and size all my life, I have had guys be swwet,nice, untill they see PIC of me, or see me on cam. I know it hurts. But their are guys out their and on JSH that will judge u by your chatacter,values,not your waste size. flowerforyou

I too, have struggled with my weight all my life...ever since middle mom had me on all type of crazy ass diets as a kid...and in high school I was your typical cheerleader who felt the pressures of peer pressure and turned bulemic...only to become real sick...I am a size 8/10 right now and to be honest, it maybe the biggest I have been in a long time...but I am happy with the way I am...

I say, don't ever feel like you have to feel bad about the way you look or weigh...everyone is beautiful in their own way :)

and yes sadly your sex still makes fun of each other

And you are so very right....

sad ey?

treneesiu's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:43 PM

trenessiu: I know how u feel. I have struggled with my weight and size all my life, I have had guys be swwet,nice, untill they see PIC of me, or see me on cam. I know it hurts. But their are guys out their and on JSH that will judge u by your chatacter,values,not your waste size. flowerforyou

I too, have struggled with my weight all my life...ever since middle mom had me on all type of crazy ass diets as a kid...and in high school I was your typical cheerleader who felt the pressures of peer pressure and turned bulemic...only to become real sick...I am a size 8/10 right now and to be honest, it maybe the biggest I have been in a long time...but I am happy with the way I am...

I say, don't ever feel like you have to feel bad about the way you look or weigh...everyone is beautiful in their own way :)

and yes sadly your sex still makes fun of each other

CaristhAT IS Not making fun its called support when women have the same struggle they can relat e and when they do they relate by telling of their stories and experiences to show how they relate. Then they support as they did here.

Jeepinfool's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:59 PM
i really can't say that i share ya'lls pain, mostly because i'm not clinically overwieght, but i have dated heavier set gals, and enjoyed dating them, despite what my friends said(not friends anymore), the unfortunate thing is their self image, impeded on our relationship, they had a hard time believeing that they were worth anything, despite what i told them, its sad yet so very true with alot of overweight individuals, and my advice to anyone struggling with it, that does find that one, don't let yourself destroy your happiness. those that can look past the physical, should be appreciated

CaRisLOVE's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:01 PM

trenessiu: I know how u feel. I have struggled with my weight and size all my life, I have had guys be swwet,nice, untill they see PIC of me, or see me on cam. I know it hurts. But their are guys out their and on JSH that will judge u by your chatacter,values,not your waste size. flowerforyou

I too, have struggled with my weight all my life...ever since middle mom had me on all type of crazy ass diets as a kid...and in high school I was your typical cheerleader who felt the pressures of peer pressure and turned bulemic...only to become real sick...I am a size 8/10 right now and to be honest, it maybe the biggest I have been in a long time...but I am happy with the way I am...

I say, don't ever feel like you have to feel bad about the way you look or weigh...everyone is beautiful in their own way :)

and yes sadly your sex still makes fun of each other

And you are so very right....

sad ey?

makes me wonder how some of you girls
use dat girl power
and others just want to hurt girls
always judging each other by looks style, hair colour,race
its truly bring tears to my eyes i say