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Topic: Depression support - part 2
RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 01/06/08 06:35 PM
Just got back from a new N.A. meeting starting up in town a little distance away. Fortunately, I met the guy that is always talking about his husband. I met him at the gas station while trying to get a soda. I had drove past the place the new meeting was to have its first Sunday night meeting. He had taken another member in tow since the other member didn't have a vehicle. He was telling me that his husband thought he was odd for what his husband was him talking to himself. He was telling me that he talks to the room for it is his higher power and his husband thought he was crazy. His husband quit alcohol and drugs on his on but is supportive of him. I was telling him he ought meet my female friend and her old lady. Went out to check the pump house earlier and found out that my pvc pipe in the pump house had frozen and broke. I called my mom to inform her that we have a problem and she let me know that I had a problem and not her.laugh She did tell me that our pastor might have a pipe wrench though and he drove over with me to the house and help me partially fix the problem except I need to get a one inch cold water coupler. So now my dryer is still in pieces and I have no water. Still working on getting my friend who helped me to take the dryer apart to come over with the missing piece that he has for me to put it back together. Did tell the lady who is was elected chairperson that I would help her in chairing the meeting. She was all fired up to be the GSR until she became aware of the enormous responsibility involved. It was like a cry for help.laugh

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 01/06/08 06:44 PM
Well, I was wondering what I was going to do on my night off and the nurse just called me into work. Every time I get excited about having a night off the aide with her old lady just laughs at me. I really am going to take a night off just as soon as I can afford it.laugh

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 01/07/08 01:59 AM
karen congrats on the weight loss and good luck in school
roy=keep on keepin on
marie=miracles do happen but in case a miracle doesnt happen I'm praying for your aunts comfort and peice of mind for you and the family.
iconic=hang in there my friend
jeff please check in
mommy-nice to hear you had a bit of good luck.
has anyone heard an update from ms teddy on her situation?i hope she has found a place.Happy Monday all!1oh who am i kidding ,mondays suck ass laugh

creationsfire's photo
Mon 01/07/08 07:53 AM
(((((((we love you too jax )))))))))))

going back to school todayfrown going in for a waitlisted class. Damn I hope I get in. Wish me luck. After that I go to the studio to volunteer and aid. Will be doing that everyday. I love it but I get so tired.

Glad my daughter Rhiannon works a Starbucks. Brings me fresh ground coffee and toffee flavoring to takr the bitter out of the expresso. I dont really drink coffee much. Stuck on diet pepsi, but my classes start so early this semester, at least I get great coffee,bigsmile

mbcasey's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:10 PM
Hello all...this is my last post here for a long time. I have decided to take some time off from these web sites.

Karen...you are a special woman. thank you for taking the initiative and courage to create this thread. Be proud of the help and hope you have given people.

Marie...noone here has been more supportive and kinder. I really appreciate all your help and for showing compassion.

Angel...you represent a great enthusiasm and hope. Your kindness has been a blessing

Rainbowtrout...I enjoyed reading your posts. Sometimes I didn't know weather to laugh or cry. You brought reality to this thread.

Jackie...you are a wonderful woman. Your humor is above everything except your caring heart. I met you somewhere else, and I left that place too. We will cross paths again...if not, it would be a great loss for me!!

To newcomers to the thread...old friends Allen and Debbie, Mommy and others...please keep coming back and participate.

I was hurt very much by my last relationship. I thought she was the one. I searched for someone like her all my life and finally found her. I am blessed to have met my soulmate, and I will cherish the moments I had with her. The heartbreak is tough enough to deal with, but almost impossible to deal with when you have bipolar disease. I am taking time away to totally refocus on getting healthy again. It took me 13 years of hard work to get to the point of dating again. Now that I know there are supportive places like this, it won't take as long to get back here!

I want to also apologize for not participating in this thread for the last month. I read the thread but didn't feel like I had a right to dispense any advice when my own life was reeling. To those who kept on while I cowered away, I have the utmost respect for you. Anyone who deserves love and affection on this whole site are the beautiful people on this thread...past and present.

God bless all of you and I pray for your hopes and dreams to come true!!


cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 01/07/08 06:23 PM
Ken,your a great guy and I will be pulling everyday for you to get to a good place and come back.I will miss you while your gone and please pop in and give an update.your a awesome,supportive,loving man.Lite and love to you,jackie

mommyof1's photo
Mon 01/07/08 06:27 PM
((((((Ken))))))) I hope you don't stay away long, you have so much love and support here from everyone. We are all here for you. I will keep you in my prayers, and hope you find yourself quickly. Ruth


as for me... well today was a really bad, messed up, if it could go wrong it did!!!! I have to make 5 calls tomorrow to get all this crap fixed!! I could just scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 01/07/08 06:32 PM

((((((Ken))))))) I hope you don't stay away long, you have so much love and support here from everyone. We are all here for you. I will keep you in my prayers, and hope you find yourself quickly. Ruth


as for me... well today was a really bad, messed up, if it could go wrong it did!!!! I have to make 5 calls tomorrow to get all this crap fixed!! I could just scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah my son decided to be an ass at school today so they kept calling my work..finally i got the situation under control but i wish they would just handle the **** and send home a note.explode

creationsfire's photo
Mon 01/07/08 07:51 PM
Ken, I wish you all the best, hope you'll return and welcome you back with open arms when you do. I'll keep you in your prayers. Sometimes I don't post when I'm feeling my worst for just the reasons you mentioned, but this thread always seems to have something here to make things just a bit better or informative. Just remember we are all here for you and you are, in my opinion, being way too hard on yourself. We are all our own worst enemies sometimes. Hope you will come back soon, this is your thread too, and you have been a part of it and touched us all. Hugs and best wishes and prayers. Karen

RainbowTrout's photo
Mon 01/07/08 08:57 PM
Ken, thanks for your post. I paid 39 cents for a coupler this morning and got my water back working. Made the mistake of applying the glue before the primer and had to use the primer to get the glue off.laugh Remember my dad telling me when I was younger that I should pay attention to what I am doing.laugh Still trying to get my friend who took the dryer apart to give me the little part he kept so I could put it back on the dryer since the dryer is still in pieces. But at least I have water now. I don't think there are any of us that have it all together, Ken but we might have something that might help someone else. I kind of look at it as a big puzzle and some of us have more missing pieces than others.laugh At the meetings I go we look at it as some of us are sicker than others. We all say sick together when we read those lines.laugh It kind of makes us all feel the equivalent of equal and we keep coming back to check up on each other just like when a mother would tell a child not to go far and check in with her that she would know that the child was ok and safe.:smile:

Marie55's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:10 PM
Ken - sorry to see you leave. Hope you find what you are looking for and come back soon.

Mommy - sorry things went bad today, but hope tomorrow is better.

Jax - I know how things are when the kid acts up at school, mine is grown now, but had my share of issues with the school and police when she was doing "her thing." Hope things calm down soon. What was worse, I worked in the prison system and they had the teletype, so everytime she was reported as a runaway or got into trouble, they knew about it even before I got to work (so embarassing).

Karen - I understand how you don't feel like posting sometimes, I have laid low myself off and on lately. But, I do hope that with school starting up and you getting back to the art you love, that things will get better for you.

Roy - sorry about the dryer, I hate not having the "basics" of life. Really sucks not having water too. My hot water heater blew last spring, took me a couple of weeks to get it fixed, drove me nuts. You do have a good sense of humor about it. Invite your buddy over for a Pepsi and some pizza, but make sure he brings the part with him too. Hope you get the dryer fixed soon.

RainbowTrout's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:17 PM
No sweat, Marie. He blamed it on his mom because he said he told his mom to give me the piece before he went on vacation. She is just an aide that drives the van. If I can't get the piece from him or her I will go to grandma. Grandma is the Director of Nursing. I was just trying to use the chain of command.laugh

Marie55's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:38 PM
Sounds like it is time to go up the chain of command, especially if you are having to put on frozen clothing in the morning Roy. Hope you get your dryer fixed soon, hate doing without one myself.

Classyjeff's photo
Mon 01/07/08 10:03 PM
just thought id say hi

kinda lonely and depressed about my job/money situation. i know this isnt a religion thread but im tired of praying and feeling like im left out.. like he doesn't want to hear my problems anymore. I am not asking him to give me a wife or to make my bills disappear i just want him to point me in the right direction and it feels like im praying onto deaf ears.

Amberdee29045's photo
Tue 01/08/08 06:07 AM
hey y'all.............haven't been on here in a while......i've got a lot on my plate right now.............i think my ex is starting to harass me.......he's sent me six letters all at once..........all of them saying that we're meant to be together and all that bullshtick............he understood when i left back in october that we were over.........i wrote him a letter stating exactly why we were over and i've talked to him stating why we were over (he's a little forgetful)...........now he's going around telling everyone that he sent me down to my dad's because he wanted to make sure i got the things i needed and i could get back on my own two feet.........that we're still together but like taking a break from each other..........he's also told me he's quit drinking but yet told a dear friend of mine that nothing is going to make quit..........he also said he had his own place, but yet he's been taken in by some guy who's feeling sorry for him...........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgrumble why is this happening to me?????????????????????????frown

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 01/08/08 12:36 PM

hey y'all.............haven't been on here in a while......i've got a lot on my plate right now.............i think my ex is starting to harass me.......he's sent me six letters all at once..........all of them saying that we're meant to be together and all that bullshtick............he understood when i left back in october that we were over.........i wrote him a letter stating exactly why we were over and i've talked to him stating why we were over (he's a little forgetful)...........now he's going around telling everyone that he sent me down to my dad's because he wanted to make sure i got the things i needed and i could get back on my own two feet.........that we're still together but like taking a break from each other..........he's also told me he's quit drinking but yet told a dear friend of mine that nothing is going to make quit..........he also said he had his own place, but yet he's been taken in by some guy who's feeling sorry for him...........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgrumble why is this happening to me?????????????????????????frown

Apparently he is in denial and has made up these stories because he thinks your coming back.I would not take his calls nor answer his letters.Once the divorce is final maybe then he'll get a clue.Its obvious that he can't face the fact his drinking has ruined his life.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 01/08/08 12:38 PM

just thought id say hi

kinda lonely and depressed about my job/money situation. i know this isnt a religion thread but im tired of praying and feeling like im left out.. like he doesn't want to hear my problems anymore. I am not asking him to give me a wife or to make my bills disappear i just want him to point me in the right direction and it feels like im praying onto deaf ears.

jeff he's listening you are just so sad you can't hear him.sometimes God doesnt give us what we want but what we need..keep the faith buddy.:heart:

Amberdee29045's photo
Tue 01/08/08 12:42 PM
we never got married......close but no cigar

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 01/08/08 04:45 PM
I think my friend is twitterpated, Maie. Even the friend of the one he is going with thinks she is twitterpated. I have found it hard to talk with the twitterpted and remember being twitterpated myself on occasion. It is hard to deal with the twitterpated.laugh

mommyof1's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:14 PM
feeling rather displaced tonight. indifferent Read something and not sure how to take it. I got a lot on my plate right now and i just feel like im gonna break!!! I know God never gives us more than we can handle, but im tellin ya, my plate is full and I can't take anymore!!! I dont need the bs and i'm NOT gonna play the game!!!

All this rain dont help either, and maybe its cuz I haven't slept in 2 days, but I'm done!! I can't take it anymore explode

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