Topic: STOP calling me "Dear"!!!! | |
You know what, I wish topics like that would be the biggest problem people have.
To everyone, if someone calls me "dear", I feel honored and blessed, no matter whether they are scammers or not. It's a word, no action. A word I can accept or tolerate, nothing to be excited about. We have much bigger problems to deal with in this world than being called "dear" Wake up please |
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Hello jetbee
![]() when it comes to the use of the word "dear" there is often a cultural misunderstanding online of what the word means . Dear .. used as a salutation in letter writing does not carry the same meaning as when granny calls her relatives dear or a husband calls his wife dear . Many from other countries do not understand this concept . Their intention is likely not to offend .. they may think they are using appropriate etiquette ( as in writing a letter ) . Chin up .... and focus on what you enjoy about the site . At least you have the power to send them to the mingle wastelands ![]() |
Does it bother any other women/men here?
I was at a stoplight in the ghetto area the other day just waiting for the light to turn, and a teenager stuck her head almost into my passenger window and screamed "white kkk muthaf'er!" slapped my car and just sauntered down the sidewalk, turning back to give me the finger and yell "kkk" and "white." My radio wasn't on, I have a full head of hair, absolutely no tattoos, and she came from around the corner so I know I didn't almost hit her with my car or anything traffic related. I have no idea what that was about. "Dear" doesn't really offend me. But being called a "white kkk muthaf'er" by a child still bothers me. What do I do with that? |
Humm all I can say is don't live in the South... For here in Texas we call others sweetie, baby, & hon.... on a regular bases... I call all of my nephews and nieces sweetie when I talk to them.. And no it is not only family I say that too.. here it is common~~ Calling family or friends a term of endearment is entirely different than what we are talking about here. I call my friends Sweetie/Honey, etc too but I don't walk up to a complete stranger and call them Sweetie or say Hi Handsome to a guy walking past me. |
You know what, I wish topics like that would be the biggest problem people have. To everyone, if someone calls me "dear", I feel honored and blessed, no matter whether they are scammers or not. It's a word, no action. A word I can accept or tolerate, nothing to be excited about. We have much bigger problems to deal with in this world than being called "dear" Wake up please Excuse me? Wake up to what? Strangers calling me a name that is a term of endearment? I think not. |
Hello jetbee ![]() when it comes to the use of the word "dear" there is often a cultural misunderstanding online of what the word means . Dear .. used as a salutation in letter writing does not carry the same meaning as when granny calls her relatives dear or a husband calls his wife dear . Many from other countries do not understand this concept . Their intention is likely not to offend .. they may think they are using appropriate etiquette ( as in writing a letter ) . Chin up .... and focus on what you enjoy about the site . At least you have the power to send them to the mingle wastelands ![]() The people who have been calling me Dear etc. have all been from either Canada or the U.S. so I really don't think it is a cultural difference. It seems to me that it's more of an entitlement issue. Just because women on a dating site does not mean they should be subjected to a lack of respect by any man. My user name is Jetbee not Dear, Sweetie, etc. I appreciate your comments. Yes, I am very grateful for the blocking feature on here... not just for this issue but for many other problems! |
I agree with ya on some points jet
![]() And when they say hi dear... just say hello buck ![]() ![]() |
Humm all I can say is don't live in the South... For here in Texas we call others sweetie, baby, & hon.... on a regular bases... I call all of my nephews and nieces sweetie when I talk to them.. And no it is not only family I say that too.. here it is common~~ Calling family or friends a term of endearment is entirely different than what we are talking about here. I call my friends Sweetie/Honey, etc too but I don't walk up to a complete stranger and call them Sweetie or say Hi Handsome to a guy walking past me. Actually I said it is not a family/friend thing.. yes I do say it to complete strangers.. Sweetie, it is a Southern thang~~ ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 10/10/19 06:54 PM
Humm all I can say is don't live in the South... For here in Texas we call others sweetie, baby, & hon.... on a regular bases... I call all of my nephews and nieces sweetie when I talk to them.. And no it is not only family I say that too.. here it is common~~ Calling family or friends a term of endearment is entirely different than what we are talking about here. I call my friends Sweetie/Honey, etc too but I don't walk up to a complete stranger and call them Sweetie or say Hi Handsome to a guy walking past me. Actually I said it is not a family/friend thing.. yes I do say it to complete strangers.. Sweetie, it is a Southern thang~~ ![]() If a man walked up to a woman here (a complete stranger) and called her Dear or Sweetie, he would likely get his face slapped! |
If a man walked up to a woman here (a complete stranger) and called her Dear or Sweetie, he would likely get his face slapped! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
If a man walked up to a woman here (a complete stranger) and called her Dear or Sweetie, he would likely get his face slapped! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I travel in the south part of the year. It is not uncommon for some waitress in a place I've never been to before to call me sweetie or honey. Such as: can I get you something Honey? If I started some type of scene over that, I probably would be meeting the local deputy sheriff!! I call women that I know but have no relationship with "dear" on a regular basis. You slap me for it and I'll be thinking about pressing charges for assault!!!!!!!!!!! You have no cause to physically attack me for referring to you as "dear"!! With that attitude, "*****" might be more appropriate.
Humm all I can say is don't live in the South... For here in Texas we call others sweetie, baby, & hon.... on a regular bases... I call all of my nephews and nieces sweetie when I talk to them.. And no it is not only family I say that too.. here it is common~~ Left out darlin' ![]() |
LOL, y'all are too much!
![]() However, if a woman contacted me with dear or sweetie or anything else like that its an instant ignore. It doesn't offend me but it is a red flag in the introduction dept. The last thread about this subjects was entertaining, I'm curious if this one will be equally so. [thinking]Might want to consider who ya give power over you to.[/thinking] |
It's seems some folks really need to switch to de-caf. It's the internet for Gods sake. Delete, block, and move on with life.
Humm all I can say is don't live in the South... For here in Texas we call others sweetie, baby, & hon.... on a regular bases... I call all of my nephews and nieces sweetie when I talk to them.. And no it is not only family I say that too.. here it is common~~ Left out darlin' ![]() ![]() |
Humm all I can say is don't live in the South... For here in Texas we call others sweetie, baby, & hon.... on a regular bases... I call all of my nephews and nieces sweetie when I talk to them.. And no it is not only family I say that too.. here it is common~~ Not only a Texan thing. Some hospitals and nursing homes in Ireland have added to their code of conduct, that patients are not supposed to be called Hun or Love by staff. |
Sorry sweetie...
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Sorry sweetie... ![]() Morning sugar ![]() ![]() |