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Topic: questions that believers are afraid to answer
Abracadabra's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:01 AM
I realize you are simply trying to get attention and make Christians look bad.

That the whole misconception right there Spider!

You think that to confess that Christianity is genuinely nothing more than FAITH BASED would somehow make it look bad.

But that PRECISELY what it is by Jesus' OWN proclamation!

Even Jesus knew, realized, and preached that it’s all about FAITH!

Yet, YOU go against the very teachings of Jesus by trying to claim that it’s something MORE than FAITH!

If only you could learn to truly follow in the footsteps of your leader. Instead you chose to rebel and try to make it into something that Jesus never intended it to be!

People like you are the ones who make Christianity look bad. ohwell

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:02 AM


oh oh.."Amorwm7" ..I guess you're going to be the next "google cut and paste" king of justsayhi ...come on isn't it think to use your own thoughts

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:04 AM

I realize you are simply trying to get attention and make Christians look bad.

That the whole misconception right there Spider!

You think that to confess that Christianity is genuinely nothing more than FAITH BASED would somehow make it look bad.

But that PRECISELY what it is by Jesus' OWN proclamation!

Even Jesus knew, realized, and preached that it’s all about FAITH!

Yet, YOU go against the very teachings of Jesus by trying to claim that it’s something MORE than FAITH!

If only you could learn to truly follow in the footsteps of your leader. Instead you chose to rebel and try to make it into something that Jesus never intended it to be!

People like you are the ones who make Christianity look bad. ohwell


Oh man, you really need to get some new material.

I said "make Christians look bad", not Christianity. You know, by asking a loaded question and then tearing into people because their answer doesn't fit "Funches" twisted defintions.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:07 AM


Oh man, you really need to get some new material.

I said "make Christians look bad", not Christianity. You know, by asking a loaded question and then tearing into people because their answer doesn't fit "Funches" twisted defintions.

You'll be in denial forever I can see.

But that's ok. Nothing wrong with that. We're just trying to help. That's all.

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:12 AM

I know I was just checking to see if you were paying attention *grins* The true answer is unknown...This thread is really just an entertainment poll...just checking in on you...we've been getting snow down here and I'm bored... yawn

bored with the snow? ...come on "iamageorgiangirl" surely you have neighbors that like some help in shoveling theirs..so throw on those snow boots and that bunny skull cap and start shoveling the snow as fast as you be shoveling stuff in this forum ..just kidding ..er..maybe

anyway there are rational answers but you have to be willing to think beyond your beliefs to come up with them ..

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:14 AM

sorry Spidercmb but you do have the habit of getting frustrated very easily with people when they don't agree with you..and now look at you Spidercmb Jesus attempting to lead people aka (believers) in a revolt and not particpate in a forum of discussion like they can't think for theirselves just because you are like clock work mad again


What? Maybe you should send me an email to tell me when I'm mad, obviously I don't realize it. Is it normal to smile when you are mad? laugh

yes Spidercmb... when that smile is actually a wince

Amorwm7's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:18 AM
these are my thoughts as it my religion. i figure you will not respect my words and probably needed help. Maybe you respect scientist more than your peers. I live this stuff ever day. But if its my words you need to assist you with you making up your mind, then i will pray for you. Egun fun mi ni ire, Egun fun mi ni alafia, Egun Fun mi ni ifa, egun mi ni ilera, egun fun mi ni iwa-pele...WILL.

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:19 AM

I so love you guys.

"SpiderCMB disagrees with us...he must be mad!"


that should be phrased as.. if we don't agree with Spidercmb then Spidercmb will become mad

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:23 AM

these are my thoughts as it my religion. i figure you will not respect my words and probably needed help. Maybe you respect scientist more than your peers. I live this stuff ever day. But if its my words you need to assist you with you making up your mind, then i will pray for you. Egun fun mi ni ire, Egun fun mi ni alafia, Egun Fun mi ni ifa, egun mi ni ilera, egun fun mi ni iwa-pele...WILL.

sure "Amorwm7" we would respect those scientists..but they are not here in the forum ..so since they are not here then your thoughts would be better or we will have to be reading "google cut and paste" until the second or third coming of christ ...unless you don't have any thoughts of your own or find it to difficult to form any

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:24 AM
Edited by voileazur on Thu 01/24/08 11:35 AM

this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally ..here's the first one

according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself .....so therefore do the same logic apply to the creator

if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation

No the creator didn't just pop out of nothingness. And may I ask the mighty funches how many times this can be explained before your satisfied....Because honestly you will never be happy with the answer because you don't believe in God. And no matter how many times people explain it....you will twist the words to fit "YOUR" logic....So in the end is there actually any use whatsoever for this thread.

With all due respect to your personnal beliefs 'feral' (I mean that truly);
... you very clearly believe in God, and Jesus, and that is you total and absolute 'personal' prerogative,

... and while that personal belief in God and Jesus is unquestionnably true for YOU (no debate here),
and that could be said to be true in and of itself,
... it doesn't make that personal belief of yours; in God and Jesus as YOU believe it, ABSOLUTELY TRUE, or true at all for ALL!!!

Without presuming of your answer on this, I honestly think that there are as many chances that you might agree, or disagree with the statement above.

If you were to disagree with the statement above, again your absolute prerogative to do so, you 'penetrate', so to speak, in the area of prerogative of others. You leave the space of 'true for yourself', and cross over to the domain of 'true period', and therefore imposed form of 'true for all'.

Something that I believe for myself, is by default 'true for me'. That being the case, a belief that is true for me, is never true for all!!!

Furthermore, with respect to MY beliefs, I could NEVER 'explain', justify, much less defend any form of rationale for MY rationale less (by definition) beliefs.

PERSONAL freedom of 'believing' is a fundamental PERSONAL RIGHT. And it goes hand in hand with its inseperable correlate: PERSONAL freedom 'not to believe' !!!

Being rigorous in our thinking and speaking in distinguishing the personal and the collective domains, is absolutely fundamental in just about every aspect of life in a democracy.

Religious belief is not exempt from that precept. When we cross the fine line between 'personal' and 'collective', all hell breaks loose, whether on these forums or in society in general.

And understandably so!!! Contradiction and confusion reign, with no tomorrow in sight.

So to address your question 'feral' ...

"... So in the end is there actually any use whatsoever for this thread of 'funches'..."

I would answer a resounding 'OF COURSE'!!!

It is a perfect context which serves to illustrate in a most powerful manner, the 'unconsciously driven' collapse between 'private' (personal) and 'collective' domains, in the simplest of dicussions, touching every part of our so called modern societies (discussion forums of a dating site).

It's purpose also evokes powerfully the enlightning possibilities, all untapped, for humanhood, the day each one of us will simply take on the responsibility for ourselves, to distinguish 'private' and 'collective' domains masterfully.

Utopia!!! I chose to believe not, ... with no ratioanal explanation!!!

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:30 AM

bored with the snow? ...come on "iamageorgiangirl" surely you have neighbors that like some help in shoveling theirs..so throw on those snow boots and that bunny skull cap and start shoveling the snow as fast as you be shoveling stuff in this forum ..just kidding ..er..maybe

anyway there are rational answers but you have to be willing to think beyond your beliefs to come up with them ..

Me... shovel snow in Georgia??? Now that is funny...laugh Not enough of it to do that here very often...I would be very bored still...I'd rather try and think beyond my beliefs and come up with a rational answer for your question if you really think there is one...can you give me a hint? :wink: :wink: I still think the answer is... unknown right now...shovel, shovel... :smile:

Amorwm7's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:36 AM
I am not christian but the point is that your peers have provider you with days and hours of different view points but to tell you the truth. I do not think it was for you but for the motion of the trend in sharing truth. SO the post where to show you that you already knew the answer and wanted the attention of masking your true intentions and needs. Well if you want to get technical, narcisism. so I go on and give you a full analysis and
diagnostic coding?

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:36 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Thu 01/24/08 11:36 AM

I so love you guys.

"SpiderCMB disagrees with us...he must be mad!"


that should be phrased as.. if we don't agree with Spidercmb then Spidercmb will become mad


I have never gotten mad when someone didn't agree with me.

Now is your chance to prove me to be a liar! Quick, find a post where I got mad because someone disagreed with me. Most people here disagree with me, so it shouldn't be hard. Or are you afraid to take my challenge? Is it because your precious strawman will be burned up? laugh

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:37 AM

these are my thoughts as it my religion. i figure you will not respect my words and probably needed help. Maybe you respect scientist more than your peers. I live this stuff ever day. But if its my words you need to assist you with you making up your mind, then i will pray for you. Egun fun mi ni ire, Egun fun mi ni alafia, Egun Fun mi ni ifa, egun mi ni ilera, egun fun mi ni iwa-pele...WILL.

sorry Amorwm7...I would respect you if you try to form your own thoughts and not "google cut and paste" everyone's else thoughts...what's next "google cut and paste" from the bible

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:38 AM
Void said:

With all due respect to your personnal beliefs 'feral' (I mean that truly);
... you very clearly believe in God, and Jesus, and that is you total and absolute 'personal' prerogative,

... and while that personal belief in God and Jesus is unquestionnably true for YOU (no debate here),
and that could be said to be true in and of itself,
... it doesn't make that personal belief of yours; in God and Jesus as YOU believe it, ABSOLUTELY TRUE, or true at all for ALL!!!

Without presuming of your answer on this, I honestly think that there are as many chances that you might agree, or disagree with the statement above.

Debbie says:

I agree with this statement 100% and I have always said that everyone on this planet can believe whatever they want. Would you say voil that is so?

Voil said:

If you were to disagree with the statement above, again your absolute prerogative to do so, you 'penetrate', so to speak, in the area of prerogative of others. You leave the space of 'true for yourself', and cross over to the domain of 'true period', and therefore imposed form of 'true for all'.

Debbie says: Can I not only answer the questions as they apply to me?

voil said:

Something that I believe for myself, is by default 'true for me'. That being the case, a belief that is true for me, is never true for all!!!

Furthermore, with respect to MY beliefs, I could NEVER 'explain', justify, much less defend any form of rationale for MY rationale less (by definition) beliefs.

PERSONAL freedom of 'believing' is a fundamental PERSONAL RIGHT. And it goes hand in hand with its inseperable correlate: PERSONAL freedom 'not to believe' !!!

Being rigorous in our thinking and speaking in distinguishing the personal and the collective domains, is absolutely fundamental in just about every aspect of life in a democracy.

Religious belief is not exempt from that precept. When we cross the fine line between 'personal' and 'collective', all hell breaks loose, whether on these forums or in society in general.

And understandably so!!! Contradiction and confusion reign, with no tomorrow in sight.

So to address your question 'feral' ...

"... So in the end is there actually any use whatsoever for this thread of 'funches'..."

Debbie says:

I agree again 100%, and humbly apologize to the funch.....because if he wants to know...he has the right to ask anything his lil heart wants. But I also think that it has been answered and it might not be the way he wants the answer...but does that take away the validity of "our answer" And does this make me delusional?

Voil Said:

I would answer a resounding 'OF COURSE'!!!

It is a perfect context which serves to illustrate in a most powerful manner, the 'unconsciously driven' collapse between 'private' (personal) and 'collective' domains, in the simplest of dicussions, touching every part of our so called modern societies (discussion forums of a dating site).

It's purpose also evokes powerfully the enlightning possibilities, all untapped, for humanhood the day each one of us would simply take on the responsibility for ourselves to distinguish 'private' and 'collective' domains masterfully.

Utopia!!! I chose to believe not, ... with no ratioanal explanation!!!

Debbie says:

And again I let those believe as they want...and if this is how you need to look at it.....way ok with me.

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:44 AM

bored with the snow? ...come on "iamageorgiangirl" surely you have neighbors that like some help in shoveling theirs..so throw on those snow boots and that bunny skull cap and start shoveling the snow as fast as you be shoveling stuff in this forum ..just kidding ..er..maybe

anyway there are rational answers but you have to be willing to think beyond your beliefs to come up with them ..

Me... shovel snow in Georgia??? Now that is funny...laugh Not enough of it to do that here very often...I would be very bored still...I'd rather try and think beyond my beliefs and come up with a rational answer for your question if you really think there is one...can you give me a hint? :wink: :wink: I still think the answer is... unknown right now...shovel, shovel... :smile:

so "imageorgiagirl"..if you answer the question with a "NO" then explaining that the explanation is "unknown right now" would be as irrational as you shoveling georgian snow

Amorwm7's photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:46 AM

these are my thoughts as it my religion. i figure you will not respect my words and probably needed help. Maybe you respect scientist more than your peers. I live this stuff ever day. But if its my words you need to assist you with you making up your mind, then i will pray for you. Egun fun mi ni ire, Egun fun mi ni alafia, Egun Fun mi ni ifa, egun mi ni ilera, egun fun mi ni iwa-pele...WILL.

sorry Amorwm7...I would respect you if you try to form your own thoughts and not "google cut and paste" everyone's else thoughts...what's next "google cut and paste" from the bible

No disrespect to you, but this is my language I just quoted. its Nigerian. But all due peace. No need to again disagree with your opinion.

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:48 AM

I am not christian but the point is that your peers have provider you with days and hours of different view points but to tell you the truth. I do not think it was for you but for the motion of the trend in sharing truth. SO the post where to show you that you already knew the answer and wanted the attention of masking your true intentions and needs. Well if you want to get technical, narcisism. so I go on and give you a full analysis and
diagnostic coding?

well "Amorwm7" you may fancy yourself as not being a christian but it's more along the lines of you being a "Christian in denial" scientologist

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:52 AM


I have never gotten mad when someone didn't agree with me.

Now is your chance to prove me to be a liar! Quick, find a post where I got mad because someone disagreed with me. Most people here disagree with me, so it shouldn't be hard. Or are you afraid to take my challenge? Is it because your precious strawman will be burned up? laugh

sorry Spidercmb but it was you that used the word mad....I used the word "perturb" ...

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 11:55 AM

these are my thoughts as it my religion. i figure you will not respect my words and probably needed help. Maybe you respect scientist more than your peers. I live this stuff ever day. But if its my words you need to assist you with you making up your mind, then i will pray for you. Egun fun mi ni ire, Egun fun mi ni alafia, Egun Fun mi ni ifa, egun mi ni ilera, egun fun mi ni iwa-pele...WILL.

sorry Amorwm7...I would respect you if you try to form your own thoughts and not "google cut and paste" everyone's else thoughts...what's next "google cut and paste" from the bible

No disrespect to you, but this is my language I just quoted. its Nigerian. But all due peace. No need to again disagree with your opinion.

then why are you praying for me...so do I get a voodoo priestess to get a voodoo doll stick pins in it and pray for you...if you wish to pray for someone pray for yourself and not force your prays on others

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