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Sat 09/26/09 03:36 AM
Alafia community,
I am a Obatala priest (BabalOrisha) and omolawo (one-hand of IFA). an Ifa and/or Orisha priest does divination with 16 cowiries, Ikin and/or Opele. I practice traditional IFA, not to be mistaken for Santeria, Voodoo, etc., We pratice divination to align our Head(Ori) and Heart. We are not fortune teller. WE divine to fulfill our detiny. We only have one GOD and many enrgy (dieties and consciuosness of GOD. Check out AWO Study Center to get a better idea and knowledge of IFA/Orisha. this form of divination is accurate and utilizes the same principles that a computer operatives. Ifa is dated to be thousand of years old which predates most of our religions. We use bit of 8 (tretragram) to derive our conclusion and relie on 256 Odu to come up with solution of problem. Tarot can not derive inner problems and solution as IfA/Orisha divination. In addition, we can talk to the spirits (energies) and ancestors. Ire, Efunlola |
Woo WHoo
Ahhh Mass...and a man with a guitar. The best bands come from Mass. I have to get out more and listen to some of these bangs. Any ideas ![]() ![]() I pay homage to the King of Drums: Sango...6. I posted sixth ![]() |
Woo WHoo
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Sat 02/02/08 05:05 AM
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Sat 01/26/08 10:06 AM
Funches I might have cured you, faith is the basis of what our persecption can not comprehend. Our collective unconscious give us images consistant with the concept of something from nothing. Center yourself Funches and it will come. Let the force free you, hahahaha. Bro, when I grow up and get smarter, will i be able to explain Dr Oyibo's work, yet I understand it because it speak to my consciousness. More about this at another time, but i have taken ill and probably should rest. I will however attempt to give you the satisfaction of my explaining this from my point of view. For guess what Funches, i already have the answers in my unconscious mind and it rear its head from time to time, but I must travel back again to retieve this agin. Damm you are presistant. Let's hope you are patient. See you in the abysis.
Ok, here it is, this is the debate of your life Is the all God /Goddess, one? Yes. In Ifa cosmology, Oludumare (GODS) is consciousness all things in nature and other orishas (god like manifestations of same sources intertiwided in nature manifesting a polarity of balance. In other words the convenat, that is creation is emanation from source and all matter, thing, etc, are but a reflection of the ground of being. So in Ifa, emanation from source is called Orisha (Obalata, energy of pure white light, Sango, energy of thunder, strategy, Justice and orphans, Oshun, energy of joy, moment, water, freshwater, love, sensuality, Oya, tempest, wind, tornado, Yemoya, Ocean spirit , mother, womb, Ogun, metal and technilogy, creativity, oder, key to spitituality, Esu, trixter, messenger. to name a few. all orisha have a opposite manifestation. So Orisha is a natural force in nature directly form its own consciousness, the source, GOD. As to man, Ifa believes ORI is a vessel taht is able to process conscious thought, it is an intergration of thought and emotion. when an elder is admonishing a person to think, they point to the heart and not head. Ori has four distinct arenas of perspection, we think about inner self, we acknowledge OUr relationship with other people evaluae levels of trust and empathy, ability to examine pasgt (acess memory) and abiltiy to invision the future (active imagination). the four modes of consciousness can be symbolized by a circle sectioned into four quadrants. Do you think Jesus is the only savor? No Ifa believe that aligning one heart and ori will lead to destiny regardless of personafication. But IWE Pele has to be practised to acheive this. Many Yoruba people believe that the spirit of Orunmila, is the same of Buddha, Christ, mohammid, etc. so all path lead to truth but it the truth within path. For example, judeo-Kabala, Christian, Mystical christinity, Muslium, Sufism, Druidism, Earth center, Dragon king and Queen, to name a few. Jesus is a phophet and was able to evalate hie consciousness but people took teaching in there own hands from certain institution making him the only son of GOD, gee, I wonder why? Do you believe you will go to Hell if you sin? Ifa does not believe in hell or sin, everything has a polarity cahnge to it. We believe in reincarnation via our ancestor, do our DNA carries the remants of out ancestor and must be reverened to follow one destiny, so all have right to acestor communication and solution to fix ORI to reach destiny in oder to return in a better form of consciousness when enter another human vessel. so ori had influence over our actions, for instance addiction, sexual abuse, that our ancestors engaged in. We believe we are born good and blessed, it when our heart and is not in alignment with Ori that prob come about an need to be fine tuned. So of what I think based on my religious worship in IFA. |
God to me is all consciousness that exist and is not part of out living exitence. WHY? GOD is to magnificant and able to seperate self from self and create via those other forms of consciousness which we call atoms that form life and thereforth..."Amorwm7" the original question doesn't ask why God is magnificent to you.. the original question ask if the universe didn't pop out of nothingness and had to have been created does that same logic applies to the creator and if the answer is "NO" then explain "WHY NOT" with a rational explanation again the theory of everything proves this through the seed of the atom, atum. That is why I gave you the resources before. Look for yourself if you trully are interested. I think you really are not. |
God to me is all consciousness that exist and is not part of out living exitence. WHY? GOD is to magnificant and able to seperate self from self and create via those other forms of consciousness which we call atoms that form life and thereforth..."Amorwm7" the original question doesn't ask why God is magnificent to you.. the original question ask if the universe didn't pop out of nothingness and had to have been created does that same logic applies to the creator and if the answer is "NO" then explain "WHY NOT" with a rational explanation I quess that the answers where given already at some point or another and all that count is how i am going to wake up feeling tomorrow based on what I accomplsihed today. Later bro... |
i keep forgetting that you think linear and have no clue. geez not another Spidercmb soon as one gets healed another one pops out of the woodwork"Amorwm7" isn't it enough that I have encourage you to form your own thoughts and thereby cured you of you "google cut and paste" addiction try keeping them thought on the topic and not to bash me thank you very much thnnx but my objective was to show other point of views that take days to explain but good to view. There is no need to bash. If so, my apologies. Now I think that sometimes it is harder to explain these questions from a science, theology, etc, but through one personal experience. So hearing other talk about there personal exp. sometimes means more in believe of a higher being than prof via theology or science. Equally I think science worship truth in the same way religion does. So science is a religion and does not move as when in a ceromony which brings about an alterstate of consciousness, which incidently can be measured. I once put together a research project that measure labels people where given and how there self-concept and esteeem were affected. God to me is all consciousness that exist and is not part of out living exitence. WHY? GOD is to magnificant and able to seperate self from self and create via those other forms of consciousness which we call atoms that form life and thereforth... |
i keep forgetting that you think linear and have no clue. Earth based cultures cure, have government, have concept of live and others and most importantly listen and look up to th eldlers: We stand on the shoulders of those that come before us. " this is one reason you will never accept the truth when given and feel you are the elders and want to tell us what is right. this is all you have done through out the trend. I have not seen one, correct me if I incorrect, so from here on I will not give you the Elder fact and opinions, but will direct them to others in their post. Elder Funches, if I may ask, what are your beliefs and how do you see the universe? do you have a philosophy you will like to share to help me understand the non existence of GOD. What do you think BABA Funches.
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Fri 01/25/08 12:23 PM
You have been given the most up to date discussion on the topic and my qoute was to demenstrate the word,which is sung or chated, which is GOD, and how the big bang and creation started: word, sound, atom, combustion. Peace. I will retire for the day, A dupe (I thank you) Amorwm7"..the big bang mixed with creation mixed with the claim that you are not a Christian mixed with not trying to answer the original question? ...sounds like New Age Scientology to me If you have the time and LOOK at what TRADITIONAL IFA is.It is not new age be any mean, if anything new age borrowed things from the truth of earth philosophies. Our lineage dates back 70, 000 yrs and prof of alchemy and solutions to life to follow the destiny chosen. so er. you are wrong. I would not even imagine doing new age or scientology. This institution are funded by well I will not go there unless you resist. They also fund our so called Western Institution that really say you have free speech and are free, er. they fund private schools with all there money in scholarship in order to teach you and manipulation to follow a linear way of looking at the world. I can go on for weeks on this, but it is not the place. Ifa you wish to know what IFa is, go to my trend here on traditional IFA, but be respectful, or will have to ask you to leave. |
The THEORY of Evolution.
Well, the bottom line as I showed unequivocally is that a verbatim 6-earth-day-creation interpretation of the Bible = a deceptive God. So those who proclaim that the Bible must be taken verbatim are proclaiming that God deceives. And here’s a question for you Spider,… Why is it that you are so willing to re-translate all other interpretations (such as ‘rest’ actually meaning to simply 'stop creating'), yet, you aren’t willing to re-translate ‘day’ to mean ‘eon’ as Lording has suggested? Clearly you are writing your own Bible via the interpretations that YOU choose! Why is it that you cannot see your own folly in this? You claim to be taking the Bible ‘verbatim’ but then you define what ‘verbatim’ means by your own personal choices in what you decide to accept as a translation from the original tongue. As Lording pointed out, he feels that ‘yon’ translates to ‘eon’, and not to ‘day’. So you’re creating your own dogma with absolutely no support for your own personal choices for translations. Moreover, why is it so important for you that the world was actually created in 6 earth days? Why do you feel that this is such a mandatory interpretation? Can you not see how this interpretation leads to a God who deceives? Seems to me that you would want to favor interpretations that actually agree with Creation itself. Why choose an interpretation that suggests that God is deceptive when you can just as easily choose an interpretation that favors harmony? It’s clearly your own personal choice, yet you apparently prefer to take the negative path. Why is that? I agree to some of your point because if we look at the bible from the old Testament and New. Taking verse in to account and the meaning of the verse can not bring about litheral intrepartation of what the story. When the stories are then examined can one look at the METHAPHORIC, SYMBOLIC, MATHAmathical, pscyhology and spritual meaning. The bible was written by those that interpreted the WORD of GOD. But due to the politic and greed, power and control. The bible then is intrepated to others but breaking certain pieces and adding others. If any one on this site believes the bible is to be used in this manner and that it was not changed and fashioned to be used by our follow kings and the vatican,then sonmething passed you over in life. If for example, we take the KING james version, the were several scholars and only two Hebrew scholar. The bible during this priod was written in Greek ans hebrew. Before the King James bible was completed the two Rabbi's had died. So the rest was left to the King'S servant and guess what. Know what happened to all the other books and scroll. The true Holy Grail? Which in my opinion but the Bllod and lineage of Dragon Kings and Queen, who held the secrets of Alchemy and Star Fire Medicine.our But again the bible or any other rigiuos text, need to be examine for a Myth perspective that carries Metaphors and symbolism thought being aligned with one self in order to exacts the metaphyscial intrepretation of the test, who wrote it, what is the voice. I am not Christian. I am a student of Orunmila who brought IFa into the world. Our Odus are broken down through a system of divination dating back 70, 000 yrs. and who writings follow protocol via a mathemathical system of tretragram, geomantry, metaphysic ,and system to guide current event in out lives. But even our odu need to be carefully examined via divination and then put into the current present state of the individual, environment, and family. I can look at Genesis and prove that there are two creation stories. Now I can intrepret this how. My answer, go to Iraq, for eample, dig twenty feet down and you will find proff of the flooding that took place. In IFa, we know this via scientific and oral tradition that account for these facts via cuurent written work but more importantly the myths and stories that are pass and show that there was more then one flood. Another thing to know that when you use, our current calendar, be it Georodian or not, these calender does not relate to the sequence of events in the bible. My culture uses a 5 day cycle, look at the Mayan recorded history of time, they do not match up with the new from of time and space, the 7 day calendar which prevented believer from accessing the five day cycle. We beleive that during the 4th. day, a portal is opened fron AYE to Orun and this allow for the white light of ELA (one of the many consciousness of GOD)to process up with truth and solutions to the problem of ORI (our consciousness). During the conquest, etc. these truth where taken by the Catholic church that manipulated the truth to it peoeple. So we use the seven day, and you worship on the seven. So my point is reading a text like the bible lithery is crazy, for a lack of a better word. a good referrence some of what I am talking was taught by the reknonwn and most expertise in religion, culture and myths, would be Joseph Campel. He wrote book like the hero journey, a hero with a thousand faces...I think he wrote approximately 30 books and was about to finish the enclyclophedia on Myth before he died. Star Wars is best on his interpretations when the original writer was stuck. WILL |
this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally's the first one according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself therefore do the same logic apply to the creator if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation. You have been given the most up to date discussion on the topic and my qoute was to demenstrate the word,which is sung or chated, which is GOD, and how the big bang and creation started: word, sound, atom, combustion. Peace. I will retire for the day, A dupe (I thank you) quote] |
Thank-you. a dupe (I thank you)Iam off to dream |
it uses ancestor reverence and looks into the consciousness of the Earth and GOD via orishas (Aspects of GOD). Check out my trend on Traditional IFA
these are my thoughts as it my religion. i figure you will not respect my words and probably needed help. Maybe you respect scientist more than your peers. I live this stuff ever day. But if its my words you need to assist you with you making up your mind, then i will pray for you. Egun fun mi ni ire, Egun fun mi ni alafia, Egun Fun mi ni ifa, egun mi ni ilera, egun fun mi ni iwa-pele...WILL. The English translation would be? egun fun me ni ire ancestor bring (him) good fortune egun.... Ancestor bring (him)peace Egun.... ancestor bring (him) wisdom Egun... ancestor bring stability to (his)home egun... ancestor bring (him) good character... |
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Thu 01/24/08 12:26 PM
that again is your opionion. through out these forum, people use other lang. as a point. I did not go beyond the intended focus. So let me say that prayer is not the right word be an invocation to help with stupidity
hey I do see any cut and paste. Truth is universal. I just said a chant in Nigerian. All languages encompasses variation of same light. it is organize religion that tend to control this via manipulation and power
IFa is not scientology and its not voodoo. Its an earth based culture and philosophy. Surprisingly, you may not be using a computer if it was not for the Yoruba science and mathematics for the most part. But I sense ignorance, and help-rejection complaining complex. But there is a solution bro... ..............Medical Script............................... 1/24/08 Dr. Clue Associatiates solution specailist diagnosis: help-rejection complaining complex. Head Injury Awakinessipine, take two tabs, when ever sure to swollow your Pride before taking. This is crucial and may cause an embellism. But not to worry for those with brain damage... Dr. truth... |
IFa is not scientology and its not voodoo. Its an earth based culture and philosophy. Surprisingly, you may not be using a computer if it was not for the Yoruba science and mathematics for the most part. But I sense ignorance, and help-rejection complaining complex. But there is a solution bro...
these are my thoughts as it my religion. i figure you will not respect my words and probably needed help. Maybe you respect scientist more than your peers. I live this stuff ever day. But if its my words you need to assist you with you making up your mind, then i will pray for you. Egun fun mi ni ire, Egun fun mi ni alafia, Egun Fun mi ni ifa, egun mi ni ilera, egun fun mi ni iwa-pele...WILL. sorry Amorwm7...I would respect you if you try to form your own thoughts and not "google cut and paste" everyone's else thoughts...what's next "google cut and paste" from the bible No disrespect to you, but this is my language I just quoted. its Nigerian. But all due peace. No need to again disagree with your opinion. |