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Topic: questions that believers are afraid to answer
Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 01/07/08 08:52 AM
Page 19 and it happened as I remembered. Resolution of your accusation is not what you want, as you wish.

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:05 AM

Page 19 and it happened as I remembered. Resolution of your accusation is not what you want, as you wish.

see as I said you wish to close your eyes to the situation and blame me ..ok now here the $64,000 question to force you to see the light since you refuse to do it on your own

explain why you a person of one race can dictate to a person of another race what they should view as being a racist comment ...

Eljay's photo
Mon 01/07/08 10:26 AM

The answer is no, and the rational explination comes in one of the basic attributes of the God of scripture. Since the object of the question is the scriptural God - the God of creation, henceforth known as the "Creator" - it is understood that He is omniscient, omnipresent, has no beginning and will have no end. These attributes are basic, and unquestionable, else we are not talking about the God of scripture - but some other god.

Your argument establishes that the universe was created. Having accepted this as a valid premise, it follows that the universe now exists within a time continuum. It has a beginning, and through the course of time, changes, evolves, deteriorates, etc. We know this through our experience with a minute portion of the universe - Earth, and whatever scientific evidence we have accumulated by our research in the heavens beyond. The Creator - however, exists beyond the time continuum, and is not confined by it. Whereas the universe is.
Therefore - since the Creator is not bound by time, it is illogical to presume that a Creator had to have a creator. It contradicts the definition of Him, and it is irrational to attribute a fact to a subject that contradicts the definition of it.

Sorry for the interuption all - do continue.

everything you claimed that was valid is actually not valid but exist as a matter of faith to the believer that it is valid...and because one has faith only validates that they do not actually know if it is valid or not but only an assumption that it is valid ...

your response to the question was "no" which then requires you to give a rational explanation as to why you answered "no" in which your response was that God exist beyond the time continum..that is again a matter of faith and faith is used to accept that which is irrational


I did not establish the premises - you did. So your question validates the validity of the bible through the assumptions of your original question. You did not ask if there was another explination for the Creation - you established it so you could question the need of the Creator to be created given that the universe was created by him. You now what to demonstrate that because you don't agree with your own premise that the answer to the second part can't be no? You're the logician. Explain how you can do that for me without sounding irrational.

the original question calls for a logical rational response but you decided to start with the star trek the next generation about the space time continum ...er..where's "Q"

And you got it. Then you decided to not accept your own premises. Seems irrational to me. I appologize for the phrase
"time continuum" - I did not realize it was beyond your comprehension.

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 10:40 AM

And you got it. Then you decided to not accept your own premises. Seems irrational to me. I appologize for the phrase
"time continuum" - I did not realize it was beyond your comprehension.

again Eljay..let me explain why your explaination of space time comtinum was irrational ..because believers say God always existed ..so how many believers in the average church do you believe can grasp that concept of space time continum well enough to explain God's existence in it especially those believers in those biblical days ...so you are going on faith and fairy tales and that is irrational

all you are saying is that Dr. Who "the time lord" is God

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 01/07/08 01:34 PM

Page 19 and it happened as I remembered. Resolution of your accusation is not what you want, as you wish.

see as I said you wish to close your eyes to the situation and blame me ..ok now here the $64,000 question to force you to see the light since you refuse to do it on your own

explain why you a person of one race can dictate to a person of another race what they should view as being a racist comment ...
Dictate? Merely offering my view of a situation constitutes "dictating"? You feel the need to "force me to see" something. The posts and Walker having called others of different races that in the past for the same reasons speak for themselves.

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 01:40 PM

Page 19 and it happened as I remembered. Resolution of your accusation is not what you want, as you wish.

see as I said you wish to close your eyes to the situation and blame me ..ok now here the $64,000 question to force you to see the light since you refuse to do it on your own

explain why you a person of one race can dictate to a person of another race what they should view as being a racist comment ...
Dictate? Merely offering my view of a situation constitutes "dictating"? You feel the need to "force me to see" something. The posts and Walker having called others of different races that in the past for the same reasons speak for themselves.

I'm trying to tell you the guy is making racist statements that I have heard people say all my life but yet you wish to dictate to me that he is not making them...I tell you what..next person of african hertitage you have a disagrement with tell them they have the mentality of a monkey and offer them a banana and you will see the light pretty fast ..or maybe you will be seeing stars

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 01/07/08 01:47 PM

Lonly Walker is completely wrong! and he keeps doing it even after it was pointed out.

Its no mistake after that.

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:23 PM

Lonly Walker is completely wrong! and he keeps doing it even after it was pointed out.

Its no mistake after that.

"The Lonely Walker" is helping to prove my point ...that people will tolerate and condone horrors against others as long as the person committing the horrors are of their faith and committing the horrors in the name of that faith

how else could the church get away with torturing and murdering people just because they were not of their faith or spoke against their faith...what's happenning in this thread shows how people are willing to turn a blind eye or try to find ways to justify it ...

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:39 PM
funches u r absolutely ridiculous, ms feralcatlady can be my mother
but what can i expect from a monkey brain

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:42 PM

funches u r absolutely ridiculous, ms feralcatlady can be my mother
but what can i expect from a monkey brain

wow you mean ms feralcatlady ls your mother and you have the hots for her....well that explains a lot

see what we have here is a failure to ex-communicate

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:43 PM
BTW is that ur real picture? i thought u were using it for further reasons

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:46 PM

BTW is that ur real picture? i thought u were using it for further reasons

is that your prison picture ...

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:46 PM

funches u r absolutely ridiculous, ms feralcatlady can be my mother
but what can i expect from a monkey brain

wow you mean ms feralcatlady ls your mother and you have the hots for her....well that explains a lot

see what we have here is a failure to ex-communicate

the human will leave the monkey play around and eat bananas, while i have dinner
enjoy funches!!!

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:48 PM

BTW is that ur real picture? i thought u were using it for further reasons

is that your prison picture ...

how did u guess? r u eating bananas?

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 04:49 PM

funches u r absolutely ridiculous, ms feralcatlady can be my mother
but what can i expect from a monkey brain

wow you mean ms feralcatlady ls your mother and you have the hots for her....well that explains a lot

see what we have here is a failure to ex-communicate

the human will leave the monkey play around and eat bananas, while i have dinner
enjoy funches!!!

you are about to eat?...well leave some of your mother for your dad ..imbred

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 01/07/08 05:08 PM
Fine guys. I still maintain the remark is a slam on your mentality not your race. I have seen him say the same thing to a white guy or must I say Caucasian? The fact that you're throwing back gay innuendos and accusing him of jealousy makes your comments perfectly acceptable? Your pulling a double standard here and because I'm of a different race, I'm supposed to not get involved or be too blind to notice or comment on it. Perhaps you'd also like to throw in since I'm a female and you are both males, I also have no way of understanding how low the influence of testosterone can take a conversation. That would actually be more factual than the other stuff you've been spewing here. Don't use racism as an excuse, dance away from it and say there's no problem, and then slam back into it as if its a minor accusation to dump on somebody.

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 06:09 PM

dance away from it and say there's no problem,

try taking your own advice ..you appear to be the one that can't leave it alone it would have long ended if not for you keep stirring it up as you are doing now

Lordling's photo
Mon 01/07/08 07:00 PM

This forum is obviously not being moderated. Several of you deserve to be banned from it permanently, including the OP author.

i can't agree more
I don't know how r they allowing monkeys here

funny how all the Christians try to condemn me because of a simple question I asked even to the point of attempting to hijack the thread but yet say nothing to one of their follow christians as he make racist remarks ...

Acknowledged...Of course if you actually possessed the necessary skill to engage in this debate (which you foolishly started), it would go a long way toward making your position much more defensible.

so no moderator is needed because there is nothing different taking place in this thread that doesn't take place here in the forums and outside in the suppose real world 24/7 because "The Lonely Walker" is just displaying typical religious behavior and this will make an excellent case study in what is "Good and Evil" ...

I disagree...This forum carries an additional set of regulations, which are being patently ignored.
You can't compare this to the RW either, since I doubt you have the capability to personally offend quite so many people at one time, unless, of course, you are a shock jock; but with your language skills, I really don't see that as a possibility.

the question becomes is evil condone and accepted by those of the same faith when evil is done to others to defend that particular faith as they preach that their religion is about "Love" ...

Answer: Most of the time, unfortunately, yes.

(Please try to stay on your own topic..You change it so often, it's no wonder that everyone is confused and irritated.)

By the way, the answers to your original two questions are:

No & No.

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 07:15 PM

By the way, the answers to your original two questions are:

No & No.

apparently you fail to read the entire post or failed to comprehend it all ....so to refresh your memory the original question ask if the answer is no to then give a rational explanation as to why ....it's amazing you took the time to write all that rant but fail to respond as to the question request ...

Lordling's photo
Mon 01/07/08 07:41 PM
Actually, you asked:

.........do the same logic apply to the creator

.........could you explain why with a rational explanation

No & No

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