Topic: Evolution: Prove me wrong!
Turtlepoet78's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:00 AM

the problem with the evolution theory happening over millions of years is that the earth isnt millions of years old

You're right, it's not millions of years old, it's 3.4 billion years old;^]

azrae1l's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:00 AM
the earth is not millions of years old? your kidding right? it's a lot older then that and it has been proven. see this is the problem with debating science and religion. certain things can be proven and some cannot, religion likes to think that just because they don't quite understand it it must be just total bs and everybody should believe their word just cuz they say so. then along comes science that says listen we can prove all this and whatever we can not prove must be just a huge lie now listen to us cuz we say so.

yes there is a certain degree of of possibility in both and i don't believe every word of scientists only cuz alot of what they see is speculation, others it has been proven so ok i can except that. religion, yeah a lot of it sounds hokey and at times requires a big imagination to believe in it but thats why they call it faith. i look at both sides and can see the possibility for both to exist.

yeah the big bang theory, no you can't close a box and shake for a bit and out comes a watch. that in itself is the most ignorant thing i've seen in a post in a long time. there's alot more to the big bang theory then "look nothing bang! look everything" it requires gases, and particles and a catalyst. what could that catalyst be? maybe it was god, maybe it wasn't who knows.

evolution is proven. if it's all bogus where did god create 2 other species of man before us in the bible? did god create dinosuares and then say whoops!?creation as most people believe in it if complete fantasy but it does have certain aspects that could very well be possible. maybe some supreme being did seed this planet with life then maybe came evolution? could be?

now if evolution is all bogus how come we're not all inbreed freaks of nature? now according to the bible we all should be.
a giant flood wipes out the earth's population except for noah and his family? so noah's kids we're going agianst the bible itself and banging their brothers and sisters? now is it just me or does that sound a little off? god places 2 people on the earth, adam and eve, so their grandkids were inbreed too? my gid the garden of eden must be in alabama! what the hell happened to adams first wife them? oh i get it god turned lilith into dinosaurs and put them on the earth before adam and ok i'm lost.

perhaps the bible was part truth and part fiction to explain things they didn't quite understand? god forbid man make anything up becuase he doesn't know the answer. god forbid another man finds the answer or has another reason for it and people believe it. then agian perhaps maybe both are complete fiction and we are all full of it......

then what?

Turtlepoet78's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:03 AM


The information on mice you just presented is the very reason science uses mice as 'guinea pigs' for experiments, as you well know. The ratio between humans and great apes is more along the 99 pct. range is it not?

We don't know that, no great ape has ever had it's DNA fully mapped.

Also, if we accept that life has a creator, then we will assume that the creator would use a similar process for all of his creations. Mice are 85% like humans. Some vegtables are around 50% human DNA. It's because all life has the same creator and same building materials, not because of evolution.

That statement is a bit of misinformation. Our closest living relative is the chimp, not the ape. we share 98% of a chimps DNA;^]

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:03 AM
so because MAN has made up there own system of carbon dating and other such scientific things all created by man .. that can prove that the earth is billions of years old...

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:04 AM

Your post is commonly called a shotgun argument. Which means you bring up lots of points without developing any of them. The obvious intent being that nobody would answer all of your questions. If you would like me to answer all of your questions (and trust me, I can), please present them as individual questions.

RichPantherFan's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:04 AM
"Scientific evidence indicates that the planet formed 4.54 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface within a billion years." I'm not saying this IS correct, but current indications and beliefs place life as having 3.54 BILLION years worth of Creation/Evolution. that's 3,540 MILLION years, now if there was a single species at that point and we'll make it simple and say it takes 10 million years for any single species to evolve into another species. At 10 million years 1 species evolves into 2, then 10 million years later those 2 species evolve into 1 more each, you now have 4 species, (the originial 2, plus the 2 that evolved.) now with this base model, after only 1 Billion years (I really don't feel like doing, X times 2, 354 times for every 10 million years.) There would be 1,267,650,600,228,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 Different Species.. now many species go extinct over time, many of these mutations simply could not live, for instance it could have been an animal born with no heart. So lets cut this number by 1/trillion to represent those species that died off and could not continue evolving. So that leaves 1,267,650,600,228,228,229,401 different species... and this is only 1 Billion years. There's still another 2.54 billion years for evolution and you have a much larger base of species that are still adapting and evolving to start with than you did for the first Billion years.

Now I will admit that the death of early species would effect more that 1/trillion that I used as an example, but I wanted to show that even with such a small survival rate, you still end up with a HUGE number. and even with only say a few million different species that is still enough for 2.54 Billion years of further evolution to do some major work!

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:05 AM
the bible itself endorse evolution with the claim of "Free Will" which means that evolution is merely the choices that each species made to adapt to it's enviroment

the religious seems to always be willing to discuss scientically the rights or wrong or disbelief of evolution but are never willing to discuss the science behind creationism ..because supposely that's magic

Turtlepoet78's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:06 AM
As for species producing other species, mammals have spawned mammals for a long time & we are mammals. I think darwin evolution is pretty accurate myself, the bible says god created everything but doesn't say how he did it;^]

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:06 AM

That statement is a bit of misinformation. Our closest living relative is the chimp, not the ape. we share 98% of a chimps DNA;^]

That is simply not true. The genome of the chimp has never been mapped. Without mapping the genome of the chimp, we can only guess at what percentage of our DNA matches their DNA.

creativesoul's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:06 AM

I completely agree with your statement of 'Source' concerning the 'building blocks' of life...and why so much could be shared between living things... evolution is just an open idea to me, and does not in any way, affect my belief system.

We do know of what has been 'mapped' of great apes though.:wink:

azrae1l's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:06 AM
thei not questions, and no i don't want answers. what i'm saying is people should be flexible to other ideas. anything is possible and people should try to remain open to those possibilities.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:11 AM
Edited by Turtlepoet78 on Mon 12/10/07 09:13 AM

That statement is a bit of misinformation. Our closest living relative is the chimp, not the ape. we share 98% of a chimps DNA;^]

That is simply not true. The genome of the chimp has never been mapped. Without mapping the genome of the chimp, we can only guess at what percentage of our DNA matches their DNA.

Excuse me, 96%

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:12 AM

Okay, but that's not the point of this thread. I am SICK of being told that I am ignorant and uneducated. Therefore, I want one of the people here who constantly dumps on Christians to try to refute my OP.

Besides, I am open minded and I haven't seen ANY evidence that Evolution happened. None. I have looked. Evolution or Created by God, either one doesn't effect my beliefs. I'm a YEC because I don't see scientific support for OEC. But that doesn't mean I'm closed minded. I'm really really really tired of hearing that I'm closed minded, especially coming from people who have no interest in knowing what I do believe. Saying "You are closed minded" is a way of ending discussion. It's an unfair tactic, which is essentially just an insult to the person you are debating with.

azrae1l's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:15 AM
ok i get it, you just made this thread to get rise and start a fight ok then, since i refuse to participate in fights have fun with it.

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:15 AM

I stand corrected, the Chimp genome has been mapped. This is still only evidence of similarities, Evolution / Creator is up for personal opinion.

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:17 AM

ok i get it, you just made this thread to get rise and start a fight ok then, since i refuse to participate in fights have fun with it.

No, I created this thread to shut up those who just want to insult the intelligence of Christians. Participate if you want, but don't post shotgun arguments and then state "I don't want answers".

Turtlepoet78's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:19 AM

thei not questions, and no i don't want answers. what i'm saying is people should be flexible to other ideas. anything is possible and people should try to remain open to those possibilities.

I do agree with that, there's always the factor of the "unknown", an ocean on Europa (one of jupiters 4 main moons) wasn't supposed to be possible but we now know it's there, some evidance of dating the universe makes the universe appear younger than some stars. Hence, we should always be open when it comes to what we think we know but have no proof;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:21 AM

I stand corrected, the Chimp genome has been mapped. This is still only evidence of similarities, Evolution / Creator is up for personal opinion.

Well it certainly is a subjective topic, though there is tons of evidance which points to Darwin being correct. My humble is that I believe in both creation and evolution;^]

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:22 AM


Okay, but that's not the point of this thread. I am SICK of being told that I am ignorant and uneducated. Therefore, I want one of the people here who constantly dumps on Christians to try to refute my OP.

they have tried but you refrain from responding because you would have to admit there is no "Free Will" for evolution to take place ..and that is the flaw in the bible can't claim everyone has Free Will and then deny evolution from it

lizardking19's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:22 AM
u c spider most of the people who have argued with u on this b4 r not here bcause we really dont know what else there is 2 tell u, i believe i have in the past posted PAGES of evolutionn theory 2 various christians and all u do is ignore it and say "no that doesnt prove anything la la la la la i love jesus" etc etc and really im still philosophically wiped from tearing feralcatlady down on "cration vrs evolution 3" (u people cant even spell tsk tsk)
have fun with the fresh meat