Topic: You Nice Guys Out There....
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Mon 12/10/07 11:44 AM

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:52 AM
hmmmmmmmm and then on the opposite end of the who are azzzzzzzzzzholes get this.........devil devil devil devil

Nickinolosers's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:58 AM

Not man slave so much for me, but a cabanna boy... yummy!
Does that position come with benefits?

Those two will be too busy either reading a book, or writing about picking up women to actually recognise they are amongst women.

Oh it comes with benefits. Ya, your probably right, they would just read about how to get a woman, and still never REALLY get one.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 12:02 PM

hmmmmmmmm and then on the opposite end of the who are azzzzzzzzzzholes get this.........devil devil devil devil

I love the pic of George W in the background.

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 12:14 PM

Oh it comes with benefits. Ya, your probably right, they would just read about how to get a woman, and still never REALLY get one.

Yup, I think they might have something in common with the Dog in my lap. Them with women, as Jerry is with cars...

I've often imagined him with a cars rear bumper firmly attached to his jowls...and a forlorn look on his face that inexplicably says.. 'Well crap! This has never happened before! What now?'

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 12:17 PM

Oh it comes with benefits. Ya, your probably right, they would just read about how to get a woman, and still never REALLY get one.

Yup, I think they might have something in common with the Dog in my lap. Them with women, as Jerry is with cars...

I've often imagined him with a cars rear bumper firmly attached to his jowls...and a forlorn look on his face that inexplicably says.. 'Well crap! This has never happened before! What now?'

Much like the red neck (no offense I am one) that wins the lottery.

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 01:02 PM

no offense

None taken.. We have our own special brand of redneck up here. We keep threatening to send them to Texas, Kentucky.. but never would. Orygun wouldn't be Orygun without 'em.

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Mon 12/10/07 03:07 PM
I know you may think that it's a sign of insecurity or whatnot, but I can't just walk away without explaining myself when I think there was some miscommunication. I will respond to every alleged contradiction you pointed out, Jistme, and maybe I can clear some things up with you about how my mind works.

You pointed out me saying that pickup is something that teaches you how to gain true confidence and in the wouldn't matter if you got the girl. You also pointed out many sections when I mentioned certain types of game, and how I mentioned the efficacy of the process when it comes to getting "closes." I insist that these two concepts are not contradictory. The first priority of every pickup is NOT to "pickup." We PUAs see such things as an added bonus in our journey to self-actualization (bedding the girl as a goal is secondary), and it's basically the most appealing benefit to discuss because sells. it's pretty hard NOT to talk about it. cant blame us for that.

That real connection is "optional" because sex is a common practice that shares and spreads love and joy in the world. It's really no big deal. Practiced safely, it's simply a higher form of communication that's an integral and beautiful part of life. You may see this as somewhat of a Hedonistic view, but that's just a difference in our values. Taoism (and pickup) encourages sexual practice as a means of celebrating our good health and duality. In ancient times it was used by Taoist monks and practitioners as a ritual to obtain immortality, but today that only remains as a happy metaphor. Am I using my religion (Taoism is actually a philosophy; Buddhism is the religion) as justification for a lack of confidence or anything here? I don't think so. I use my beliefs to push myself forward in the direction that I truly see as the Tao, not as a means to justify holding myself back.

How is this possible..If women do not have a grasp on who they are.. how do they know what they want?

I never said that women knew what they wanted. People in general don't know what they want! Well...that's cuz most people do not have a grasp on who they are, and women are no exception :wink: (psst...neither are men...but of course a PUA is going to talk about the woman when it comes to the concepts of want and desire)
I use the words "most" and "experienced" because it is certainly true that SOME people really do understand themselves, and SOME people are inexperienced. I say "people" because women really are not alone in this regard. When I refer to women as "experienced," however, I am stating that they understand OTHERS, not necessarily themselves. I'm sorry for reverting back to a Taoist explanation, but this fits so well: "To understand others is wisdom; to understand the self is enlightenment." - The Tao Te Ching

Onto your personal favorite:
Demonstrating value is, for the most part, an outer game technique used in the second phase of attraction. When I was talking about how I am completely chyll yadda yadda yadda, I wasn't bragging to some chick in a club. I was explaining where I currently am in my life to reveal some of the benefits of this discipline called the pickup arts. I wasn't trying to act stuck up or anything. I was expressing how wonderful I think the PUA systems are. Please stop taking what I say out of context as means for pointing out false hypocrisies.

That's right, I DON'T believe in "the one" and searching for "true love" isn't part of MY game. However, every PUA has different external goals, has different styles, are differnt people. A great number of people are out there looking for "the one" and I think it's great that they have a goal and are actively pursuing it (if they are). If they believe that there is a "one" out there for them, then there is a "one" out there for them. Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing. That's a little ditty that practically every major relgion preaches, and I think that's an essential part of enlightenment. I do not posess a utilitarian view in the philosophical sense, meaning that I don't believe that what's best for me is the best for everyone. My main viewpoint, Taoism, totally disagrees with Utilitarianism.

Remember how I mentioned that inner game is more important than outer game? I'm sure you've seen me say that. All the things I have said relating to the pickup arts are connected because they come from the same stable mindset/belief system that is within me. None of the so-called contradictions that you pointed out act against my arguments... I think an observant reader would have been able to state my same rebuttals.

Sorry if I seemed a little too spiritual in this post laugh
I've been getting more involved in this Buddhism stuff lately because of a Buddhist club at my school. :smile:

Lily0923... Spelling just happens to be one of my pet peeves when it comes to more common vernacular. It's just that it bugs me more than it would to most people. "Cheif" just stood out too much to me sick

And I must say...there is a difference between generalizing women and generalizing ALL women. When I say that women watch soap operas or whatnot, I'm not saying that any given woman falls under such and such category. It's just one of those theoretical concepts in statistics, kinda related to the "correlation does not determine causation" rule. I do not view all women as the same. I see each and every one of them as an individual, but I can still scientifically hypothesize some theories of what practically every woman will respond to due to innate commonalities they share as members of a common gender of a common species (same goes for men), and use that as a basis for predictive reliability. Male displays confidence in himself -> female feels secure around him. Male smiles warmly -> female smiles back. etc. of course there are exceptions to every rule, which is why a hypothesis cannot become anything more than a theory. Yes, I completely understand that. Nothing is 100%.

geektothetenth's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:18 PM

Also I know I sounded like an asshole in my first post, i again apologize. It wasn't supposed to be taken that seriously with the example I gave. It was supposed to be taken in a sarcastic tone and as I explained on a previous page, sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet.

Well, DUH-UH...nope sarcasm works fine for me, in case you really thought I was super abusive to females and Venusian Queens I'm not...just in case you didn't get it.

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:20 PM

How old are you? No offense, but whining drives me nuts and I'd never, ever date a man who has a habit of it.

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:24 PM

Sorry if I seemed a little too spiritual in this post laugh
I've been getting more involved in this Buddhism stuff lately because of a Buddhist club at my school. :smile:

OH sweetie, with your views on life and women, I will speak for all Buddhist everywhere...We don't want you claiming us. Please don't spout that off, people will get the wrong impression.

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:31 PM

OH sweetie, with your views on life and women, I will speak for all Buddhist everywhere...We don't want you claiming us. Please don't spout that off, people will get the wrong impression.

1. I definitely see life and women from a very Buddhist perspective :smile:
2. Buddhists know that the religion is not dogmatic and there can be no official "claiming" of a belief as fluid and flexible as water drinker
3. You accuse me of unecessarily belittling you by pointing out spelling errors, but look at how you begin your responses to me... self-explanatory. noway

geektothetenth's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:32 PM


How old are you? No offense, but whining drives me nuts and I'd never, ever date a man who has a habit of it.

Not to be smarmy but aren't you the one with multiple "does 1 man exists who doesn't go by looks" threads?

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:34 PM

OH sweetie, with your views on life and women, I will speak for all Buddhist everywhere...We don't want you claiming us. Please don't spout that off, people will get the wrong impression.

1. I definitely see life and women from a very Buddhist perspective :smile:
2. Buddhists know that the religion is not dogmatic and there can be no official "claiming" of a belief as fluid and flexible as water drinker
3. You accuse me of unecessarily belittling you by pointing out spelling errors, but look at how you begin your responses to me... self-explanatory. noway

Shall I bring up your belittlement, or attempt at last night, no, I'll let it die. Cuz really someone like you, well, your opinion doesn't matter. You are tenatious tho, that I will give you.

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:39 PM

kidatheart70's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:39 PM


How old are you? No offense, but whining drives me nuts and I'd never, ever date a man who has a habit of it.

Not to be smarmy but aren't you the one with multiple "does 1 man exists who doesn't go by looks" threads?

Lots of grumpy people on this site.:wink: laugh

geektothetenth's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:47 PM


That's not true. I was one of those nice guys, I still am a nice guy I'm just not the same wuss. But back then I still had relationships and I was the breaker upper in some of them.

dmx_wyrw's photo
Mon 12/10/07 03:50 PM
some angry people in here. maybe thats the prob?

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 05:06 PM

Those two will be too busy either reading a book, or writing about picking up women to actually recognise they are amongst women.

You know Jistme, I have made no generalizations towards you or any of your posts. I have not pointed out the fact that you are a 44 year old man looking for a woman on the Internet. Nor did I point out, that if you are at this stage in your life and searching on the internet for "the one", that you're hopeless and must be seriously desperate, since all the women you know are not interested in you.

so with saying that. Please Go Die.

Thank You

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 05:10 PM

Those two will be too busy either reading a book, or writing about picking up women to actually recognise they are amongst women.

You know Jistme, I have made no generalizations towards you or any of your posts. I have not pointed out the fact that you are a 44 year old man looking for a woman on the Internet. Nor did I point out, that if you are at this stage in your life and searching on the internet for "the one", that you're hopeless and must be seriously desperate, since all the women you know are not interested in you.

so with saying that. Please Go Die.

Thank You

Awh, sponge bob angry pants, don't open up a conversation like you did, with the horrid temperment, and then get mad because people draw conclusions about you. Your 19 on the internet, that's sadder, you should be able to walk out your front door and find a single woman... Jist if you lived closer I would be on you like white on rice. edukated, your attitude is all wrong.