Topic: You Nice Guys Out There....
Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 10:34 AM

the genders especially see things with different values. you women see boxing as a stupid practice of violence; we men see it as a journey of entertainment, power, glory, and discipline, all of which are valuable to us. we men see soap operas as a useless waste of time; you women see them as a powerful emotional experience that teaches you life lessons or something like that.
and the most relevant explanation of all... you women have it easy when it comes to sex, dating, and relationships. all you basically have to do is choose. we men must struggle and compete with each other, not by subtle means like makeup and getting dressed, but by squeezing our brains to and beyond its limits...what gave birth to the pickup arts was this struggle,
And by the way, "i" before "e." It's spelt "Chief."

First off, don't generalize all women, I do like boxing, I dated a pro boxer for almost a year not too long ago, this is part of the problem, you generalize that all women are the same. We are not, even my best female friend who is like a sister to me, has different taste in men, will tolerate different things.

And if you think dating is easy for women, oh sweetheart, you have no idea, maybe it is when you are 18, but once you hit my age it's a whole nother ball game. We have different issues besides which is the prettiest one we want. You cannot and will not understand this at the age you are at.

And my spelling mistake, Oh I am so sorry, just one more way to put me down and belittle me, as you have done for days now because I do not take your view. It's a typo honey, look at what time it was. That's the difference in age, I only have issue with your stance and only bring up your age because it is rellvent to the debate. Your personal attacks show, like the one last night show that you don't have much to stand on and have to use any mean possible to make me faulter. I am secure enough to dismiss them.

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 10:41 AM
I say that I never altered what I said or my viewpoints in all of this,
I beg to differ.. Case in point. I'm sure I could find others that support this differing stance if I looked hard enough

something that teaches how to gain true confidence and that ultimately it doesn't matter if you get the girl.

Night Game = going out to a high-energy social scene to party and pick up girls in a fast-paced environment. example: the bar / the dance club.
Not attempt, not try.. but actually obtain.

Personally I use Day Game to lead to the bedroom because I usually.....
Self explanatory. Regardless of the drivel that follows. Simply because the goal is to bed a girl.

It's a lot easier to get a kiss/make out during Night Game.

I like to establish a real connection with the girls I sleep with.
The 'real connection' sounds optional for you here... For me? Especially in today's social climate... It is mandatory for me. But I've always been that way...even before AIDS was a threat.

It is oftentimes the case for men who are not ABLE to "get laid" to use religion as a justification for their lack of confident, charisma, natural game, etc.

Yet now.. the goal is the game.

Nope.. nothing altered.indifferent


These statements tend to conflict with each other. Grammatically have disclaimed them by using words like most and experienced..
Most women don't understand themselves.

As for women not understanding our way, I respectfully disagree for the most part.

experienced women do all the same things we do

Oh come on. That's like saying that the man who falls for good looks isn't the one you want. Women respond to social value (directly related to the fearlessness it takes to make the first move, being confident, and being outspoken) just as strongly as men's response to good looks.
How is this possible..If women do not have a grasp on who they are.. how do they know what they want?

My personal favorite:
There are many ways to demonstrate value (WITHOUT BRAGGING - bragging just reveals compensative insecurity).

As a result I am completely chill around beautiful women, I am satisfied with my love life, I am one of the best PUAs of my age, and I am one of the most popular people I know.


This one is pretty good too.
......and dozens and dozens of women just pass by without giving the guy the time of day. What if one of those women were "the one?".

Jistme. I don't believe in "the one."

I could go on...

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:11 AM
Edited by edukated on Mon 12/10/07 11:12 AM
oh boy, I'd first like to state the painfully obvious, I sure didnt explain this subject well at all.

I never meant to say "I aint your *****" in a offensive manner. Its supposed to be taken light heartedly.

I'd also like to state why I posted this thread. It is not because I am bitter. I'm just tired of seeing all these posts on here of the "Nice Guy saying He is being Screwed."

What I am trying to say is. If what your doing is not working try a different approach. I'm not saying be someone you're not, I'm saying you need to get some backbone in you and try from a different angle. Only then will, you be able to recognize the faults in your previous approach.

I'd also like to state that, even though I've never been in a "Real" Relationship, Yes, I've had my heart broken and after that I held this high wall of armor to prevent that sort of thing from happening again. But that should not negate the fact of what I'm saying. Some of You say I Lack Experience, please define experience. Because from the angle I'm looking at I have experienced a lot with the short time I've spent on this earth.

Also I know I sounded like an asshole in my first post, i again apologize. It wasn't supposed to be taken that seriously with the example I gave. It was supposed to be taken in a sarcastic tone and as I explained on a previous page, sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet.

Nickinolosers's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:15 AM
I can't believe I just read all that crap noway noway

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:17 AM

I can't believe I just read all that crap noway noway

You'll never get that hour back you know!

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:17 AM

and as I explained on a previous page, sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet.
Does for me.

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:18 AM
Im feeling like a princess right now.......please pass my tiara????laugh laugh laugh laugh

Nickinolosers's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:20 AM
Edited by Nickinolosers on Mon 12/10/07 11:20 AM

<<<~~~~~~~~~~ passing Gypsy her tiara

Nickinolosers's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:21 AM

i get if you need attention you just go online an post a topic about nice guys getting screwed, i cant help but laugh at stuff like this. i i think il post one laugh

I dare ya:tongue:

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:22 AM

and as I explained on a previous page, sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet.
Does for me.

Me too. Sarcasm is an art, and not everyone is an artist.

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:23 AM
Thank you Nicki......bigsmile

I was waiting for some guru to tell me to go get it my self and that he wasnt my b*tch!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:25 AM

Thank you Nicki......bigsmile

I was waiting for some guru to tell me to go get it my self and that he wasnt my b*tch!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Hey Gypsy, I'll get it for you, cuz that's what civilized people do... but I'm still not your b**ch!:wink:

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:26 AM
but I want a b* slave.......ooooooooooooh I get shivvers just thinking about it!!!devil devil devil laugh laugh laugh

Nickinolosers's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:28 AM

I am putting it on my X-Mas list as we speak

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:28 AM

but I want a b* slave.......ooooooooooooh I get shivvers just thinking about it!!!devil devil devil laugh laugh laugh

Not man slave so much for me, but a cabanna boy... yummy!

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:29 AM
Cabana boy!!!!!!devil drinker devil glasses

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:31 AM

Cabana boy!!!!!!devil drinker devil glasses

We should probably have Edukated and Chief do the job.

mbcasey's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:33 AM

no photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:36 AM
Edited by Jistme on Mon 12/10/07 11:38 AM

Not man slave so much for me, but a cabanna boy... yummy!
Does that position come with benefits?

Those two will be too busy either reading a book, or writing about picking up women to actually recognise they are amongst women.

Lily0923's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:42 AM

Not man slave so much for me, but a cabanna boy... yummy!
Does that position come with benefits?

Those two will be too busy either reading a book, or writing about picking up women to actually recognise they are amongst women.

Oh it comes with benefits. Ya, your probably right, they would just read about how to get a woman, and still never REALLY get one.