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Topic: Jesus is not God here's proof...
creativesoul's photo
Mon 12/31/07 05:11 PM
Answer then please...

why Levi would write the words 'Jesus and his disciples'...

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 12/31/07 06:59 PM

Your opinion.....

I think not. All a person needs to do is look around and they can see the truth in my words.

Do you realize that Judaism, Islam and Christianity all sprang from the same folklore? It's a well documented fact that these religions fell apart into their current forms.

Christianity then when on to fragment even further with the first fragmentation being the Protestants protesting the domineering authority of Catholicism.

Protestantism then went on to fall into a huge number of sects ranging from the Amish to the Zionists and every letter of the alphabet in between.

Some may even argue against my claim that Catholicism was the first by stating that other forms of ‘Christianity’ such as the Gnostics even predate Catholicism. But any such arguments only contribute to my point that the religion is indeed hugely fragmented and can’t even agree with itself.

To say that this is just an opinion is to deny history. These are facts my dear lady.

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 12/31/07 07:11 PM

And the fact that every beautiful little baby is born a sinner due to something someone else did.

Sure is uplifting

And where did you get that idea? Please provide us with a scripture reference.

You don't know this about your own religion and you question my education? laugh

In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." This verse might be taken to mean that children go to heaven, though this is not a generally accepted interpretation.

There is also an implication in 1 Corinthians 1:16 that babies born into Christian households who are baptised go to heaven, but the argument is tenuous. Paul baptized Stephanus's household after he had become a believer. It is likely, though not certain, that the household would have included young children and babies, giving weight to the case for infant baptism. If Paul baptised infants, the suggestion is that they were saved because of their parent's faith until such time as they were able to make their own declaration of faith.

The original concept of babies going to heaven is from David. When Bathsheba's first child died, David said that he would meet his son again in heaven.
"But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." 2 Samuel 12:23

The child was not baptized, so that is evidently not a requirement for admission to heaven.

Acts 2:41, "those who embraced his word heartily were baptized." ...How can an infant "embrace" his word...they're babies?? More scriptures...Acts 8:36-38, Mark 1:9,10, Acts 3:38...all show a level of comprehension, of conviction...traits that a infants have not yet developed. Anyhow, those are my thoughts.

Baptism is only for those who accepted Christ as their savior and it is only an act of obeidience, not for salvation?


yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 01/01/08 01:04 AM

Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned all fall short of God's glorious standard".

tomie's photo
Tue 01/01/08 04:21 AM
Happy New Year, yzrabbit & cuzinwhiteboy. I pray GOD will bless you guys & prosper you in this New Year.
Mathew5:43-45, "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor & hate your enemy'. But I (JESUS) tell you: Love your enemies & pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven. HE causes his sun to rise on the evil & the good, & sends rain on the righteous & the unrighteous."

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 01/01/08 06:16 AM

I'll Borrow from Harry Truman here

I just speak the truth and it feels like persecution.

tomie's photo
Tue 01/01/08 06:26 AM

I'll Borrow from Harry Truman here

I just speak the truth and it feels like persecution.

Proverbs 12:17-20 "He who speaks truth declares righteousness, but a false witness, deceit. There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue:tongue: of the wise promotes health. The truthful lip shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Deceit is in the heart who devise evil, but counselors of peace have joy.

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 01/01/08 07:05 AM

I'll Borrow from Harry Truman here

I just speak the truth and it feels like persecution.

Proverbs 12:17-20 "He who speaks truth declares righteousness, but a false witness, deceit. There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue:tongue: of the wise promotes health. The truthful lip shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Deceit is in the heart who devise evil, but counselors of peace have joy.

Thank you Tomie

tomie's photo
Tue 01/01/08 07:29 AM
You are welcome rabbit. Have a blessed & Happy New Year

cuzimwhiteboy's photo
Tue 01/01/08 08:57 AM
Kat, Rabbit, Abra, Feral, Tomie, etc.,

Happy New Year! drinker

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 01/01/08 09:05 AM
Happy New Year whiteboy......Hope you had a good New Year's Eve.

tomie's photo
Tue 01/01/08 09:13 AM
Happy New year to you to, whiteboy. And while I have your attention, I was in the Air Force in '70 with a guy that looks just like you. were you in the Air Force at that time?

cuzimwhiteboy's photo
Tue 01/01/08 09:26 AM

Happy New year to you to, whiteboy. And while I have your attention, I was in the Air Force in '70 with a guy that looks just like you. were you in the Air Force at that time?

Sorry. Wrong whiteboy. drinker

no photo
Tue 01/01/08 11:02 AM
For he who follows the heart and only the heart is wicked remember faith with out works is dead James chapter 1 through 1-5.

There is no levi for creationism levi is not in the bible as a writer or mentioned anywhere of being a writer.Mathew wrote mathew and mathew did not have to speak Aaronmaic the first was Ancient Hebrew and that is what Mathew Wrote for Mathew was A Jew.

You say why why has God forsaken me and why would he say this to himself? Are you that lame that your eyes do not see and your ears do not hear Remember Judas who WANTED God to come to the people as a sword and destroy the romans. Jesus said he does not come here to condemn the world but to save it. This is scripture found in the new testament of the four gospels.
FOR THE PEOPLE IN THAT TIME AND TO THIS DAY WOULD STILL TRY TO PUT SUCH A MAN AS HE TO DEATH. FOR CLAIMING AT THE END THAT HE WAS THE I AM BUT PEOPLE WANTED THESE GREAT SIGNS FROM GOD TO SHOW HE WAS WHO HE WAS AND JESUS NEVER GAVE THEM ONE SIGN LOL.laugh Alls he did what was called miracles an to the hypocrites Blasphemy. When they were truly the ones the Pharisee's who committed blasphemy the whole time.

Judas and others wanted to see Signs but Jesus spoke in Parables instead of coming as signs which people who to this day want proof he is God Who is the i am .Not just a son why else Would Jesus say i am not the son of david he said this to Nicodemus.

So the people of the world who condemned Jesus to Death are the ones who still look for the signs and i tell you Jesus well not come to you as signs but in parables to this day but the one who well show great signs for this is what the world wants is the one who well rise above the rest and be yes this world's great leader. The people well try to kill him and only fail and injure him and he well recover for all power has been given unto him the power of the pharaohs and the kings and Pontius Pilate well have no great power like this that he well have and possess. For he well be filled with Knowledge and Wisdom just like Solomon had Chronicles 2 Chapter 1 verses 8. For he well bow in the temples and people of the world well accept him.

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/01/08 11:47 AM

That's my point Rabbit - "my religion" as you put it, doesn't have a clue what you're talking about!

You never heard of "original sin" and baptism?

What's your religion again??? huh

"Original sin" has it's roots in Catholicism. In that particular "religion" - it is believed that one is born with the sin of Adam as an inheritance. This is NOT biblical. One does not "inherit" sin - but a "sin nature", as I'm sure you are aware, but Rabbit is not. It is the "soul who sins" who will die. And I don't think this is the correct thread to get into "baptism" on - which beside the point, is an irrelivant statement in Rabbits argument.

My religion? Don't have one. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ and the God of the bible. There's no "religion" for that. Any more than your being labelled a Pantheist because your "beliefs are similar".


Eljay's photo
Tue 01/01/08 11:51 AM

If Jesus says how can Satan rebuke Satan. He is making my exact point.

A fallacy of the shifting middle Rabbit. You're wrong.

yzrabbit1's photo
Tue 01/01/08 12:15 PM

to Iamconfident Don't you see that you are Judas now. Saying that Jesus will come back as some kind of warrior. He was a peaceful man that would not fight. You have been led astray and now you are the betrayer.

To Eljay- Just saying thats the shifting middle doesn't tell me a thing please explain. Also you asked for a quote from the bible that support the sin theory and I gave you Romans "all are sinners" why are you not responding to that?

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 01/01/08 12:20 PM
Happy New Year Eljay......love the new pic......

100% agree with Eljay.......

Britty's photo
Tue 01/01/08 12:30 PM
eljay"My religion? Don't have one. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ and the God of the bible. There's no "religion" for that. "


tomie's photo
Tue 01/01/08 01:17 PM
Psalm 51:5 "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother concieved me." It's always best to read the verses before and after in drawing a conclusion but in my opinion or interpretation, we were born with sin.

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