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Topic: Jesus is not God here's proof...
feralcatlady's photo
Wed 01/02/08 04:44 PM
amy you are sooooo correct....

<-------I know wipe the dust off and move on.

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 01/02/08 04:53 PM

Eljay I still think All means All not just men of age. But I will move on to this quote. Do the infants below get killed because they are sinful or does god kill innocent infants?

1 Samuel 15:2-3 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)

2 This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy [a] everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.' "

In response to your question - let's assume thry're "innocents", as you've surmised. Have you determined that this is a "negative" act because God does not meet your standard of ethics? What makes you think that you know what awaited these innocents? We all die. What we don't know is why it takes some longer than others to "leave here" - what awaits us on the "other side", and what the determinant judgement will be. To you - the act of the children being killed is a negative act because that is all you can percieve.
But how do you not know that they have been saved from a life of misery and torment to spend their eternity with God, without having to be put through what might have been hell on earth? The fact is - you don't. So through this ignorance - you accuse God, of... what exactly? His not meeting your uninformed standards? His not telling you what his purpose was?
Help me understand what your problem is Rabbit - because I'm just not seeing it.

I think your answer makes my point better then I do. This is how easily Christians will dispatch Children into the afterlife because the life the have ahead doesn't meet some proper standard.

Job 14:1 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)

1 "Man born of woman
is of few days and full of trouble.

Correct: We have but a few days. We are born. We have a lifetime. It begins; seconds to minutes to hours to days. Weeks, months, years. Then as the years begin to pass by; it begins again. The years pass and become less years, months, and hours til we die. In time limited to only God; we do only have but a few days. Our trouble is as it is. We make it, we live it, we deal with it or fix it.
When we see it as a few days, then we are not living. But, when we see it as a lifetime; we are living.


Rapunzel's photo
Wed 01/02/08 07:07 PM

i agree with eljay ...

we do not fully see what the bigger picture is...

1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.

awww, Thank you soo much For that Scripture Spider...:heart:

I like that one a lot...God Bless You Brother drinker

Love, Light & Prayers :heart:

for a bright & beautiful new year flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 01/02/08 07:13 PM

I think I would seriously kick the **** outa this guy if I ever saw him in the street, & I'm a gentle man. explode explode explode

I can always rely on you Brian to bring uplifting perspective to the dialog.

well, at least he's being honest, up front drinker
& not playing games of lies or deception ~noway
he makes his point perfectly clear. :wink: drinker laugh


yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 01/03/08 06:37 PM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Thu 01/03/08 06:46 PM

I think I would seriously kick the **** outa this guy if I ever saw him in the street, & I'm a gentle man. explode explode explode

I can always rely on you Brian to bring uplifting perspective to the dialog.

well, at least he's being honest, up front drinker
& not playing games of lies or deception ~noway
he makes his point perfectly clear. :wink: drinker laugh


This is very interesting Repunzel. Up until now I would have thought that you were a peaceful Christian. You have really changed my mind by backing this call to physical violence in a discussion about some of the basics of the Christian religion.
I will challenge you now to point out a lie of mine in this thread. I can save you time cause there isn't one. I have no reason to lie in a discussion as basic as this.

Good Luck to you

Psalm 51:5 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)

5Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:35 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Thu 01/03/08 11:00 PM

I think I would seriously kick the **** outa this guy if I ever saw him in the street, & I'm a gentle man. explode explode explode

I can always rely on you Brian to bring uplifting perspective to the dialog.

well, at least he's being honest, up front drinker
& not playing games of lies or deception ~noway
he makes his point perfectly clear. :wink: drinker laugh


This is very interesting Repunzel. Up until now I would have thought that you were a peaceful Christian. You have really changed my mind by backing this call to physical violence in a discussion about some of the basics of the Christian religion.
I will challenge you now to point out a lie of mine in this thread. I can save you time cause there isn't one. I have no reason to lie in a discussion as basic as this.

Good Luck to you

Psalm 51:5 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)

5Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

dear yz rabbit
you may make all the accusations you want,
but that still doesn't prove anything

you have not proven me to be a violent person by
what i have mentioned in my posts ...

i was merely stating that at least someone
was telling it like it is, from his viewpoint
and not misrepresenting himself...

i did not state in that comment
how i feel about you ...indifferent

i do not get online much these days drinker
and i do not read this thread word for word, flowerforyou

i just get on and post when i feel like it:wink:
or when i feel divinely inspired flowerforyou

so i am not even aware indifferent
if any of you have addressed glasses

any messages to me other drinker
that the ones i have noticed....flowerforyou

so, i am going to leave you now, yz

and think well,smokin

before you accuse people of things noway

they are not guilty of :angry:

someone may not be so patient huh

as i have been with you ~drinker

like in Brian's case explode

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:47 PM
Didn't Jesus die for the sins of man, therefore God couldn't and wouldn't intervene with the great divinity of choice made by Jesus? Not too mention in a lot of popular faiths there are several missing pieces of the original bible, and it is interpreted by man...mistakes are to be made.

Chazster's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:53 PM
I like how rabbit will comment on other people, but when I quoted scripture where Jesus practically said he and God were one he completely ignored it and didnt comment.

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:57 PM
hey welcome Fear & Loathing....drinker

thanks for cruising through smokin

those are good points that you brought up ...drinker

i know someone else online here ~
from your town drinker

by the way :wink: drinker smokin flowerforyou glasses

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:58 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Thu 01/03/08 10:59 PM

I like how rabbit will comment on other people, but when I quoted scripture where Jesus practically said he and God were one he completely ignored it and didnt comment.

that's okay ...flowerforyou

not all of us ignore it drinker smokin drinker

some of us appreciate it bigsmile flowerforyou bigsmile

Eljay's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:02 PM

I think your answer makes my point better then I do. This is how easily Christians will dispatch Children into the afterlife because the life the have ahead doesn't meet some proper standard.

Job 14:1 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)

1 "Man born of woman
is of few days and full of trouble.

It isn't the Christians who created the billion dollar abortion industry in this country. If you'd like to move onto the topic of abortion and dispatching to the afterlife, we can have a field day with that. So, here - let me be trollish. Educate me on the non-Christians justifying abortion Rabbit and how that's fine - to support your statement that it's Christians who
easily dispatch children to the afterlife.

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:02 PM

hey welcome Fear & Loathing....drinker

thanks for cruising through smokin

those are good points that you brought up ...drinker

i know someone else online here ~
from your town drinker

by the way :wink: drinker smokin flowerforyou glasses

Thank you Rapunzel :wink: drinker smokin flowerforyou

Personally I'm not religious, but have studied a lot of the popular religions and as far as I can remember Jesus made the divine choice on his own and therefore God couldn't intervene with the decision. Much in the same as how Job wouldn't denounce God as the one true being no matter how much was taken away, Jesus wouldn't denounce him. Though it should be noted that in fact God took away from Job while not intervening in Jesus's choice, which is the only 'twist' if you will that I see in these stories.

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:12 PM
thank you ... Fear and Loathing glasses

i appreciate your message and observations drinker

take care and keep your eyes open smokin

Good evening ElJay drinker smokin drinker

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 01/04/08 08:39 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Fri 01/04/08 08:57 AM

I think your answer makes my point better then I do. This is how easily Christians will dispatch Children into the afterlife because the life the have ahead doesn't meet some proper standard.

Job 14:1 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)

1 "Man born of woman
is of few days and full of trouble.

It isn't the Christians who created the billion dollar abortion industry in this country. If you'd like to move onto the topic of abortion and dispatching to the afterlife, we can have a field day with that. So, here - let me be trollish. Educate me on the non-Christians justifying abortion Rabbit and how that's fine - to support your statement that it's Christians who
easily dispatch children to the afterlife.

It sounds to me that from what you have said about God disposing of innocent children in the past that you must not have a problem with abortions because they get to go to the great afterlife with God were as here life could be miserable. I think you have discovered a way to solve this problem for all Christians. Open up the Eljay Church of the Murdered Innocent Baby. Were Gods wonderful book is preached.

You can base your first sermon on this-

"This is what the LORD says: 'About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. 5 Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. 6 There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been...

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 01/04/08 08:41 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Fri 01/04/08 08:51 AM

I like how rabbit will comment on other people, but when I quoted scripture where Jesus practically said he and God were one he completely ignored it and didnt comment.

Ok so you think Jesus does not have the same consciousness as God then how can he speak for god. He would just be some guy with his own mind.

Threads kind of change over time and we are now discussing if Christians believe babies are full of sin. I think Babies are wonderful.

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 01/04/08 08:53 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Fri 01/04/08 09:03 AM

I think your answer makes my point better then I do. This is how easily Christians will dispatch Children into the afterlife because the life the have ahead doesn't meet some proper standard.

Job 14:1 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)

1 "Man born of woman
is of few days and full of trouble.

It isn't the Christians who created the billion dollar abortion industry in this country. If you'd like to move onto the topic of abortion and dispatching to the afterlife, we can have a field day with that. So, here - let me be trollish. Educate me on the non-Christians justifying abortion Rabbit and how that's fine - to support your statement that it's Christians who
easily dispatch children to the afterlife.

It sounds to me that from what you have said about God disposing of innocent children in the past that you must not have a problem with abortions because they get to go to the great afterlife with God were as here life could be miserable. I think you have discovered a way to solve this problem for all Christians. Open up the Eljay Church of the Murdered Innocent Baby. Were Gods wonderful book is preached.

what are you talking about? huh

really i personally think
you are entirely full of yourself
where do you get your "supposed" information huh

i for one
am a Christian
and i have NEVER
had any abortions EVER noway

i have given birth to three beautiful children :heart:
my incredibly miraculous gifts from God flowerforyou
precious life i have been honored and blessed with :heart:

the most precious gifts i love from my Heavenly Creator :heart: drinker :heart:

just for your information indifferent glasses

and i don't appreciate your accusations indifferent
& your very very inappropriate comments frown

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 01/04/08 09:02 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Fri 01/04/08 09:07 AM
Repunzel you should really try reading a few threads. Educate yourself on what is being discussed before you embarrass yourself with statements that do not make sense. I gave the Bible quote below as part of my proof that the Christian God thinks babies are sinners. I asked Ejay if this babies were innocent or died for sin his answer is below. The other things you see flow from that. you would have to read one page back to see it.

1 Samuel 15:2-3 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)

2 This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy [a] everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.' "

In response to your question - let's assume thry're "innocents", as you've surmised. Have you determined that this is a "negative" act because God does not meet your standard of ethics? What makes you think that you know what awaited these innocents? We all die. What we don't know is why it takes some longer than others to "leave here" - what awaits us on the "other side", and what the determinant judgement will be. To you - the act of the children being killed is a negative act because that is all you can percieve.
But how do you not know that they have been saved from a life of misery and torment to spend their eternity with God, without having to be put through what might have been hell on earth? The fact is - you don't. So through this ignorance - you accuse God, of... what exactly? His not meeting your uninformed standards? His not telling you what his purpose was?
Help me understand what your problem is Rabbit - because I'm just not seeing it.

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 01/04/08 09:05 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Fri 01/04/08 09:11 AM
i do read some of the threads yz, & i feel fine...
if anyone needs their eyes opened, it is you drinker

by the way, i am not here to win your approval...indifferent

i already have my approval from those happy
who mean the most to me, drinker
my God my Family and My Good Friends flowerforyou

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 01/04/08 09:11 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Fri 01/04/08 09:30 AM
Look at Eljay's response directly above your head as you think about the abortion issue. Do you agree with Eljay that we do not know what awaits these innocents? Children being killed is a negative act because that is all "I" can perceive. (for the record children being killed is always a negative thing to me no matter what you Christians say about it}

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 01/04/08 09:31 AM
i do not condone killing of babies...

but i do agree with eljay that we do
not know what awaits these innocents

i do not understand why He allows certain things to happen

but He is the Creator and I am only a fragment of His Creation

i only see a small part of His Almighty Plan

He gives us free will to either Honor Him
or to do our own self centered thing

i believe that we will all
understand it better
in the sweet bye and bye

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