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Topic: Jesus is not God here's proof...
yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:29 PM

Iamconfident- I don't see your point in that paragraph

Cedren You can use any Bible that has that statement in it. I'd be interested to know of one the is missing that comment.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:33 PM

people should really not speak of things they know nothing about.

If we go by this rule of thumb then no one should ever speak of the bible again. Clearly of all the people who claim to believe in it they all have a myriad of conflicting interpretations.

If anything is cyrstal clear it's that the Bible is not. :wink:

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:43 PM
Not quite true the referance to Sodom never mentions friends but strangers with in Lot's house. I use KJV

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:45 PM

people should really not speak of things they know nothing about.

If we go by this rule of thumb then no one should ever speak of the bible again. Clearly of all the people who claim to believe in it they all have a myriad of conflicting interpretations.

If anything is cyrstal clear it's that the Bible is not. :wink:

I know I wish sometimes there was a God that granted wishes to these people and made them live by the statements they make.

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:51 PM
Kjv yes came before the New King James Version but does not mean it is any accuarte then the New King James Version it is what you get out of it. Creative soul you just challenged me lol. Good that you do not back down because i do not back down either i am solid on my claims and know that Mathew is the Writer of Mathew in the bible. I believe in all the deciples but what you said about thomas having a book made no sence there is no deciple who is thomas who wrote any of the books in the bible and if you are claiming another book then you adding unto the word of God like the mormons do with there book of mormon and there other books they have. Now if you claiming another belief then that is cool dude you have the right too but its not christianism so you know have a nice day peace be to you.

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:53 PM
Lets make this point clear so people know i use to be a mormon and there is no books in the book of mormon or any of there other books named thomas lol st thomas would only be of the roman catholics claiming there lost books from the bible.laugh
Find thomas in the bible for me thanks i could not find it?

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:55 PM

yzzrabbit: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

If you are God you cannot forsake yourself."

yzrabbit, did you even read the passage out of the bible?

Psalm 22:1 is addressed: "to the cheif musician: set to the tune of Aijeleth Hashshahar (the hind of the morning dawn). A Psalm of DAVID. -Amplified Bible, pub by Zondervan.
Not Jesus, DAVID.

"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?.."


Are you trying to say David was up on the cross? Cause if you are you are the first person to ever make that comment.

WOW. You have an amazing mindset. How you came to that conclusion is facinating.

you said in your first post, a quote from psalm 22 in which the topic of this thread is:

"Jesus is not God"

and used that verse as evidence implying that it was JESUS that said it, MEANWHILE you got the facts wrong because the verse was said by DAVID.

So to avoid any confusion:
David is the one speaking in that verse (psalm 22:1)
David is NOT God
Jesus is NOT present in Psalm 22
Jesus is God (multiple verses supported)
David did not die on the cross.

no photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:56 PM
There how ever is a deciple named thomas in the bible but he was not a writer like mathew or some of the other deciples of christ not all the deciples of christ were writers. So i would be true in what i say because i have read the bible so the challenge is up to a debate.I also know about the lost dead sea scrolls and there is no Thomas there either so lets continue to debate and prove each other wrong.

Britty's photo
Mon 12/31/07 02:58 PM
Hi rabbit,
no need to be sorry - if that's your preference.

abandon; desert: She has forsaken her country for an island in the South Pacific.
2. to give up or renounce (a habit, way of life, etc.).

a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality: one's own self.
2. a person's nature, character, etc.: his better self.
3. personal interest.
4. Philosophy. a. the ego; that which knows, remembers, desires, suffers, etc., as contrasted with that known, remembered, etc.
b. the uniting principle, as a soul, underlying all subjective experience

I am not debating whether something was said or not said. I am free to believe it happened, and others are free to believe it did not.

These are dictionary definitions so I assume you would agree wih
all of these points?


no photo
Mon 12/31/07 03:00 PM
Many arrogant people talk about the messiah very hatefully and also claim him as a prophet you mock God and spit in his face lol and then you think you have the right to call your self a christian and do it some more. Then you guys and laides and men and women proably also know those churches are all about giving out your money or your not doing the lord will to be done but your own lol. The people who want to get the very last dollar out of you and tell you if you dont do it then you can not be blessed. Woe to those who go for the very last dollar they can get for there hypocrites jesus says. Rememeber what Jesus said in the temple why do you make my fathers house a den of robbers?
Instead of the house of the lord your God?

tomie's photo
Mon 12/31/07 03:19 PM
I don't really feel concrete definitions or evidence is appropiate for these GODLY creations. It is written in James 3:14-16; 'If you harbor bitter envy & selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such "wisdom" does not come from down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy& selfish ambition, there you find disorder & every evil practice.'
GOD bless you, lady for trying.

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 12/31/07 03:23 PM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Mon 12/31/07 03:26 PM
Britty Yes dictionary definitions are good.

Iamconfident- you don't really think the books Mathew Mark Luke and John were written by men that were walking around with Jesus when he was alive do you?

Tomie When I ever I see comments and quotes like that I get the feeling that the people who post them think that God likes ignorant people. Do you think God doesn't want people to think about the world they are in?

creativesoul's photo
Mon 12/31/07 03:28 PM
Edited by creativesoul on Mon 12/31/07 03:30 PM

It is not about 'wrong or right' in the sense that you suggest...

As well, it is not about 'backing down', my integrity and my honor have NOTHING at all to do with your confusion... and it is indeed yours...

Allow me to clarify...

You initially said:

" You obviously are a non believer and you have no clue on what your talking about if you like to debate we can do that on this matter.
I love to debate with people who claim there something there not lol. "

>>>>>>> And my answer is this... YOU have taken the word 'whatever' and turned it into several conclusions about me and my character, based upon you and yours... GET IT???

Now then... what it meant was... whatever, what you have said has already been proven as false, and most credible Theologians and scholars completely agree that Matthew and Luke were in fact 'copied' from Mark.

Matthew being written by 'Levi' is highly unlikely...

Why would an authentic follower need to 'copy' another's writing about matters than he himself witnessed?

And what of his age? 60 A.D. is a 'fair' assessment of the earliest possible date of the writing... very fair... that would make Levi somewhere around 60 to 80 years old... again a very, very generous assessment... possible? Sure I suppose... Probable??? That is a completely different story...

I must ask then... Do you believe that your text is in fact the only source of truth about a creator or source or God?

Is it the only source to which you refer when looking for answers about it?

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 12/31/07 03:31 PM

people should really not speak of things they know nothing about.

If we go by this rule of thumb then no one should ever speak of the bible again. Clearly of all the people who claim to believe in it they all have a myriad of conflicting interpretations.

If anything is cyrstal clear it's that the Bible is not. :wink:

Your opinion.....

Britty's photo
Mon 12/31/07 04:07 PM

Happy New Year Everyone.


Britty's photo
Mon 12/31/07 04:09 PM

Tomie, I understand

read my last email. I will explain where I was going with my thoughts another time. flowerforyou

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 12/31/07 04:41 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Mon 12/31/07 04:42 PM


It is not about 'wrong or right' in the sense that you suggest...

As well, it is not about 'backing down', my integrity and my honor have NOTHING at all to do with your confusion... and it is indeed yours...

Allow me to clarify...

You initially said:

" You obviously are a non believer and you have no clue on what your talking about if you like to debate we can do that on this matter.
I love to debate with people who claim there something there not lol. "

>>>>>>> And my answer is this... YOU have taken the word 'whatever' and turned it into several conclusions about me and my character, based upon you and yours... GET IT???

Now then... what it meant was... whatever, what you have said has already been proven as false, and most credible Theologians and scholars completely agree that Matthew and Luke were in fact 'copied' from Mark.

Matthew being written by 'Levi' is highly unlikely...

Why would an authentic follower need to 'copy' another's writing about matters than he himself witnessed?

And what of his age? 60 A.D. is a 'fair' assessment of the earliest possible date of the writing... very fair... that would make Levi somewhere around 60 to 80 years old... again a very, very generous assessment... possible? Sure I suppose... Probable??? That is a completely different story...

I must ask then... Do you believe that your text is in fact the only source of truth about a creator or source or God?

Is it the only source to which you refer when looking for answers about it?


It is not about 'wrong or right' in the sense that you suggest...

As well, it is not about 'backing down', my integrity and my honor have NOTHING at all to do with your confusion... and it is indeed yours...

Allow me to clarify...

You initially said:

" You obviously are a non believer and you have no clue on what your talking about if you like to debate we can do that on this matter.
I love to debate with people who claim there something there not lol. "

>>>>>>> And my answer is this... YOU have taken the word 'whatever' and turned it into several conclusions about me and my character, based upon you and yours... GET IT???

Matthew Mark and Luke were all biblical writers but in no way was Matthew and Luke copied from Mark.....and I will explain a lil further. Lets take them in order:

Matthew: There is no dispute that Matthew wrote Matthew. This book was known early and accepted quickly. In his Ecclesiastical History (A.D. 323, Eusebius quoted a statement by Papias )c. A.D 140 that Matthew wrote logia (sayings) in Aramaic. No Aramaic gospel of Matthew has been found, and it is evident that Matthew is not a Greek translation of an Aramaic original.

Mark: If anyone had influence in Mark's writing it was Peter, as Peter went to Mark's home often. And as Peter called Mark "My Son" It was this close association with Peter that lent apostolic authority to Mark's gospel, since Peter was Mark's primary source of information. Again the early church uniformly attested that Mark wrote this gospel. Papias, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and origin are among the church fathers who affirmed Mark's authorship.

Luke: It is evident from the prologues to Luke and Acts
(Luke 1: 1-4; Acts 11-5 that both books were addressed to Theophilus as a two-volume work (Luke is called "the first account') Acts begins with a summary of Luke and continues
the story from where the Gospel of Luke concludes. the style and language of both books are quite similar. The 21-1827:1-28:16) reveal that the author as Paul. Because all but two of Paul's associates are named in the third person, the list can be narrowed to Titus and Luke. Titus has never been seriously regarded as a possible author of Acts, and Luke best fits the requirements. He was with Paul during the first Roman imprisonment, and Paul referred to his as "Luke, the beloved physician" (Col. 4:14) During the second imprisonment Paul wrote "Only Luke is with me" (2 Tim 4:11) Luke was also the only Gentile contributor to the New Testament.

tomie's photo
Mon 12/31/07 04:43 PM
Sure GOD loves ignorant people; even non believers like you. HE is an awesome GOD. You should get to know HIM better than you could feel better about yourself. And yes, HE wants us to know about the world. HE gives us insight on people who misdirect the subject to portray themselves above the rest.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 12/31/07 04:44 PM
Matthew Mark and Luke were all biblical writers but in no way was Matthew and Luke copied from Mark.....and I will explain a lil further. Lets take them in order:

Matthew: There is no dispute that Matthew wrote Matthew. This book was known early and accepted quickly. In his Ecclesiastical History (A.D. 323, Eusebius quoted a statement by Papias )c. A.D 140 that Matthew wrote logia (sayings) in Aramaic. No Aramaic gospel of Matthew has been found, and it is evident that Matthew is not a Greek translation of an Aramaic original.

Mark: If anyone had influence in Mark's writing it was Peter, as Peter went to Mark's home often. And as Peter called Mark "My Son" It was this close association with Peter that lent apostolic authority to Mark's gospel, since Peter was Mark's primary source of information. Again the early church uniformly attested that Mark wrote this gospel. Papias, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and origin are among the church fathers who affirmed Mark's authorship.

Luke: It is evident from the prologues to Luke and Acts
(Luke 1: 1-4; Acts 11-5 that both books were addressed to Theophilus as a two-volume work (Luke is called "the first account') Acts begins with a summary of Luke and continues
the story from where the Gospel of Luke concludes. the style and language of both books are quite similar. The 21-1827:1-28:16) reveal that the author as Paul. Because all but two of Paul's associates are named in the third person, the list can be narrowed to Titus and Luke. Titus has never been seriously regarded as a possible author of Acts, and Luke best fits the requirements. He was with Paul during the first Roman imprisonment, and Paul referred to his as "Luke, the beloved physician" (Col. 4:14) During the second imprisonment Paul wrote "Only Luke is with me" (2 Tim 4:11) Luke was also the only Gentile contributor to the New Testament.

I don't know why my post posted the way it did....so I re-did it here....

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 12/31/07 04:53 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Mon 12/31/07 04:54 PM

Sure GOD loves ignorant people; even non believers like you. HE is an awesome GOD. You should get to know HIM better than you could feel better about yourself. And yes, HE wants us to know about the world. HE gives us insight on people who misdirect the subject to portray themselves above the rest.

They could use a read of Matthew 11:25-30 Not Tommie but rabbit for sure and anyone else who disputes the Bible as being not real.

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