Topic: Trump and the news media
no photo
Fri 06/15/18 07:30 AM
depends on which protests we are talking about?

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/15/18 07:34 AM

depends on which protests we are talking about?

any of them, people turn up to support things that they enjoy or believe in, their attendance only helps us assume what they enjoy or believe in, and tells us nothing about their employment status or how productive they are in all the hours DAYS, weeks months , et cetera, when we DONT see them at that event.

no photo
Fri 06/15/18 07:39 AM
I just finished explaining

Protesting for change is productive and necessary

Protesting because one doesn't like the democratically elected president is a waste of time, resources and most are not productive people.

I personally believe that occupy wall street protesters aren't productive.

I personally believe the protests in Baltimore, Ferguson, Oakland were far from productive, I dont call burning down buildings, looting, stealing and turning over and setting ablaze police cars as productive, unless you mean productive for the police force giving them overtime.

productive people earn a living, contribute to society in many ways.

folks sitting on their duffs collecting welfare, or those unemployed out protesting Trump isn't productive.

Unless I'm missing something?

Even if we stick to the topic of Trump and media, the media today isn't productive.

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/15/18 07:46 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 06/15/18 07:47 AM

I just finished explaining

Protesting for change is productive and necessary

Protesting because one doesn't like the democratically elected president is a waste of time, resources and most are not productive people.

I personally believe that occupy wall street protesters aren't productive.

I personally believe the protests in Baltimore, Ferguson, Oakland were far from productive, I dont call burning down buildings, looting, stealing and turning over and setting ablaze police cars as productive, unless you mean productive for the police force giving them overtime.

productive people earn a living, contribute to society in many ways.

folks sitting on their duffs collecting welfare, or those unemployed out protesting Trump isn't productive.

Unless I'm missing something?

Even if we stick to the topic of Trump and media, the media today isn't productive.

I think so.

My point is the mere presence of someone at a protest, WHATEVER PROTEST IT IS, tells us NOTHING about how 'productive' they are being with their life. Attending an 'unproductive' event, is not the same as having an 'unproductive' life.

working people go to movies, and rallys and sporting events that are not 'productive' all the time, doesnt get them charged with the character assessment of being 'unproductive people'..

why are people protesting tagged as 'unproductive' but people attending political rallys or parades or inaugurations or other crowd events are not?

sometimes progress takes time, and the beginnings that dont foster immediate enough results, get deemed as 'unproductive' until results are seen.. but everything has to start somewhere. so good on those who step up ... even if others believe them to be 'unproductive'.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 06/15/18 07:58 AM

I know what it pays because when my company closed they offered to send me to school. The pay was about $10 an hour. I said, so you want to educate me on how to make less money than I was thanks.

You are right, people don't work 24/7. They go home to cook, clean, laundry, errands, spend time with kids, yardwork, etc. Then they sleep so they can go back to work again. It's like the other poster said, they are unemployed or underemployed.

For argument sake, say it's $14 an hour. That's not enough to support yourself at 40 hours a week. She needed to be working. Plus get a side job.

People who support themselves understand what it takes.


SHE didnt have kids, people who RENT an apartment (single people without kids) dont have alot of lawn to keep. Which meant she was cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry for ONE. how much time do you think that took on average on a DAILY Basis?

and I dont know when THIS experience happened, but a research of paralegal pay is easy enough to search

and being that I WENT to paralegal school AND graduated back in the 90s and starting pay was more than ten THEN,

Im doubting this is more than either a factor of an outlier in a place with very low cost of living, or a deception

but in either case, for a paralegal, the pay at the lower end is 30,000.

and 14 an hour IS PLENTY to support one person, unless ... well, never mind

where I stay, rent (one bedroom) is 900 per month, if you put 400 for a car/insurance, 250 for food, and 200 for utilities, and 200 for gas a month. that is only 1950 a month ONE PERSON would need.

which is why that type of one person salary is not 'food stamp' eligible.

people who understand math, know what it takes too ...

and it is BAT **** CRAZY that how much someone earns should have ANYTHING to do with whether they should be able to attend WHATEVER free event they choose, let alone whether their murder is therefore somehow their fault for not happening to be at a job in that moment.

You have her paying almost nothing in taxes. $62 a week in groceries lol My grocery trip includes soap, shampoo, feminine products, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, deodorant, toilet paper, laundry detergent. Tide is almost $12. That budget is unrealistic. The $400 would most likely only cover the car. Insurance would be $100-$300 more. The utilities would be correct without WiFi, phone, or satellite.

She got to be there alright. :disappointed:

no photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:02 AM

what you've posted makes no sense , Im sorry if that seems rude

Conflating going to the movies, sporting events to protesting?

When we go to sporting events we pay for the tickets, when we go to the movies we pay for the movie, when we attend political rallies its to support whatever candidate vying for change legally and peacefully.

Protesting Wall street greed, or women marching with pink vagina hats and headgear is productive how? excluding conservative women and transgendered woman is productive how?

speaking of wall street some of those protesters were nasty individual, defecating in the park and such that the mayor had to shut it down for health reason, do you know what happens when humans defecate in a concentrated area?

If you dont look up Bombay and New Delhi India where this exists and read what happens.

while the tag of unproductive is unfair but the reality its most of them are not productive people .

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:05 AM

I know what it pays because when my company closed they offered to send me to school. The pay was about $10 an hour. I said, so you want to educate me on how to make less money than I was thanks.

You are right, people don't work 24/7. They go home to cook, clean, laundry, errands, spend time with kids, yardwork, etc. Then they sleep so they can go back to work again. It's like the other poster said, they are unemployed or underemployed.

For argument sake, say it's $14 an hour. That's not enough to support yourself at 40 hours a week. She needed to be working. Plus get a side job.

People who support themselves understand what it takes.


SHE didnt have kids, people who RENT an apartment (single people without kids) dont have alot of lawn to keep. Which meant she was cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry for ONE. how much time do you think that took on average on a DAILY Basis?

and I dont know when THIS experience happened, but a research of paralegal pay is easy enough to search

and being that I WENT to paralegal school AND graduated back in the 90s and starting pay was more than ten THEN,

Im doubting this is more than either a factor of an outlier in a place with very low cost of living, or a deception

but in either case, for a paralegal, the pay at the lower end is 30,000.

and 14 an hour IS PLENTY to support one person, unless ... well, never mind

where I stay, rent (one bedroom) is 900 per month, if you put 400 for a car/insurance, 250 for food, and 200 for utilities, and 200 for gas a month. that is only 1950 a month ONE PERSON would need.

which is why that type of one person salary is not 'food stamp' eligible.

people who understand math, know what it takes too ...

and it is BAT **** CRAZY that how much someone earns should have ANYTHING to do with whether they should be able to attend WHATEVER free event they choose, let alone whether their murder is therefore somehow their fault for not happening to be at a job in that moment.

You have her paying almost nothing in taxes. $62 a week in groceries lol My grocery trip includes soap, shampoo, feminine products, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, deodorant, toilet paper, laundry detergent. Tide is almost $12. That budget is unrealistic. The $400 would most likely only cover the car. Insurance would be $100-$300 more. The utilities would be correct without WiFi, phone, or satellite.

She got to be there alright. :disappointed:

wow , what an obsession

I spend 80 bucks for me AND a child each week. So yeah, one person 65 dollars.

I dont know how dirty a place has to be for one to have to restock, soap, shampoo, cleaning supplies et cetera EVERY week, but every one is different.

My budget is based on ME being the one who supports me and my child and having to SPEND within a budget every month.

there are plenty of CARS used for under 400 a month, my car and insurance together are 400 a month.

she did get to be there, it was a free event and this is America where people are free to move about as they please, regardless of socioeconomic status, despite how much some may disapprove or wish otherwise.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:22 AM
My son bought his car used. It's $360. Full coverage insurance is $175. I don't buy laundry detergent every week but I buy something besides food every week. If you don't, then you are living in a home where someone else is buying the necessities. Because handsoap, paper towels, lysol, and maybe even some hand lotion on an occasion is normal. Milk is almost $4 a gallon. What the heck are you two eating? You left no budget for her new tires, oil changes, clothes, dining out, activities, make-up, hair cuts, or enough to budget a day off to go to a Neo-nazi rally.

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:26 AM

what you've posted makes no sense , Im sorry if that seems rude

Conflating going to the movies, sporting events to protesting?

When we go to sporting events we pay for the tickets, when we go to the movies we pay for the movie, when we attend political rallies its to support whatever candidate vying for change legally and peacefully.

Protesting Wall street greed, or women marching with pink vagina hats and headgear is productive how? excluding conservative women and transgendered woman is productive how?

speaking of wall street some of those protesters were nasty individual, defecating in the park and such that the mayor had to shut it down for health reason, do you know what happens when humans defecate in a concentrated area?

If you dont look up Bombay and New Delhi India where this exists and read what happens.

while the tag of unproductive is unfair but the reality its most of them are not productive people .

And? How does any of that change the FACT That any time spent ANY WHERE but work cannot tell you if a person works , whatever event you see them at.

people go to the movies on dates that pay. People go to the movies that are on welfare or some other assistance. People who arent working to the movies with child support or alimony payments.

there is no factual evidence to determine what is 'in reality' for most of them

anymore than we know 'most' festival or rally goers are 'not productive people'

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:33 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 06/15/18 08:34 AM

My son bought his car used. It's $360. Full coverage insurance is $175. I don't buy laundry detergent every week but I buy something besides food every week. If you don't, then you are living in a home where someone else is buying the necessities. Because handsoap, paper towels, lysol, and maybe even some hand lotion on an occasion is normal. Milk is almost $4 a gallon. What the heck are you two eating? You left no budget for her new tires, oil changes, clothes, dining out, activities, make-up, hair cuts, or enough to budget a day off to go to a Neo-nazi rally.

You are really reaching. Everyone is not living LIKE YOU, nor do they care to.

My budget for a child and myself is 2400 a month. My used car is 250 a month and MY insurance is 150. If I was a single YOUNG person with no dependents 30000 a year would be PLENTY to live on.

Tires have anywhere from 25 to 50 thousand miles before needing replaced so they arent a 'monthly' expense. We dont drink alot of milk. I have to get handsoap maybe once a month (the liquid kind thats 99 cents). Cleaning supplies last me about a month as well. Oil changes are every six months ... these expenses are negligible.

We dont dine out more than once a month, if that. I prepare our food at home. We arent in 'activities' that require payment. I use little make up, we dont get hair cuts. Many jobs like Paralegal can be paid even on days off, becuase of flexible schedules or on call schedules.

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:38 AM

what you've posted makes no sense , Im sorry if that seems rude

Conflating going to the movies, sporting events to protesting?

When we go to sporting events we pay for the tickets, when we go to the movies we pay for the movie, when we attend political rallies its to support whatever candidate vying for change legally and peacefully.

Protesting Wall street greed, or women marching with pink vagina hats and headgear is productive how? excluding conservative women and transgendered woman is productive how?

speaking of wall street some of those protesters were nasty individual, defecating in the park and such that the mayor had to shut it down for health reason, do you know what happens when humans defecate in a concentrated area?

If you dont look up Bombay and New Delhi India where this exists and read what happens.

while the tag of unproductive is unfair but the reality its most of them are not productive people .

And? How does any of that change the FACT That any time spent ANY WHERE but work cannot tell you if a person works , whatever event you see them at.

people go to the movies on dates that pay. People go to the movies that are on welfare or some other assistance. People who arent working to the movies with child support or alimony payments.

there is no factual evidence to determine what is 'in reality' for most of them

anymore than we know 'most' festival or rally goers are 'not productive people' You are talking about people going to movies who are on welfare and it doesn't occur to you that they should be focused on getting their life together.

I'm trying to think of how to explain it to you. Add up all the welfare these people receive. And I do mean all the benefits. Then add up how long a person would have to work to pay for it. Then add those hours to a productive members of society schedule.

no photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:38 AM
Did you not like tulips msharmony? whoa

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:40 AM

Did you not like tulips msharmony? whoa

I think they are beautiful actually. I just have no green thumb, I always forget to water the poor things.

do you like Tulips?

no photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:43 AM

Again with the cherry picking Miss harmony.

if one is on welfare they are being subsidized by tax payers, you know people that pays taxes, welfare people shouldn't be going to the movies unless someone is inviting them and paying for them, but if they are paying for it out of their welfare cheque that to me means they have disposable income or they are not very good at prioritizing their finances even though they are on welfare.

Women receiving child support or alimony is none of anyone business how they spend their money, its not tax payers money.

By the way if a person on welfare is at a sporting event with tickets they paid for I would question the welfare system period.

no photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:44 AM
Yes, I started a tongue in cheek thread about the oval office for us last night in the coffee section, trouble is I think people think it's true laugh

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:46 AM

what you've posted makes no sense , Im sorry if that seems rude

Conflating going to the movies, sporting events to protesting?

When we go to sporting events we pay for the tickets, when we go to the movies we pay for the movie, when we attend political rallies its to support whatever candidate vying for change legally and peacefully.

Protesting Wall street greed, or women marching with pink vagina hats and headgear is productive how? excluding conservative women and transgendered woman is productive how?

speaking of wall street some of those protesters were nasty individual, defecating in the park and such that the mayor had to shut it down for health reason, do you know what happens when humans defecate in a concentrated area?

If you dont look up Bombay and New Delhi India where this exists and read what happens.

while the tag of unproductive is unfair but the reality its most of them are not productive people .

And? How does any of that change the FACT That any time spent ANY WHERE but work cannot tell you if a person works , whatever event you see them at.

people go to the movies on dates that pay. People go to the movies that are on welfare or some other assistance. People who arent working to the movies with child support or alimony payments.

there is no factual evidence to determine what is 'in reality' for most of them

anymore than we know 'most' festival or rally goers are 'not productive people' You are talking about people going to movies who are on welfare and it doesn't occur to you that they should be focused on getting their life together.

I'm trying to think of how to explain it to you. Add up all the welfare these people receive. And I do mean all the benefits. Then add up how long a person would have to work to pay for it. Then add those hours to a productive members of society schedule.

It crosses my mind that no one spends 24 hours of their day on ANY ONE thing. and that no one goes through life NEVER taking time to regroup, socialize, or enjoy themself somehow, regardless of their finances.

These things can be done ALONG with 'getting themself together'

I dont know how to explain it to you. Human beings are human beings whatever their income is. Children need basics whatever their caretakers income is. And if we can invest in military protection, we can invest in protecting kids from being without their basics. If we can invest in the politicians, we can invest in AMerica's kids.

If you add up what I had when I had it, it was a whopping 900 a month. medical care that would have been, at the high end, 300 premium for me and one child. plus 300 cash and 300 for food.

all the blanket stereotyping in the world isn't going to make me forego the delicate combination of logic AND human decency.

Right now, my cousin is attending medical school and working and getting herself 'together'. but she would look at me crazy if I suggested she never go out anywhere or do anything until she reached the level of 'together' that satisfied me. Get real.

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:48 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 06/15/18 08:50 AM

Again with the cherry picking Miss harmony.

if one is on welfare they are being subsidized by tax payers, you know people that pays taxes, welfare people shouldn't be going to the movies unless someone is inviting them and paying for them, but if they are paying for it out of their welfare cheque that to me means they have disposable income or they are not very good at prioritizing their finances even though they are on welfare.

Women receiving child support or alimony is none of anyone business how they spend their money, its not tax payers money.

By the way if a person on welfare is at a sporting event with tickets they paid for I would question the welfare system period.

We are gonna disagree there. Being a non taxpayer shouldnt make people enslaved to the will of taxpayers. Thats very indirectly a type of slavery.
TAXPAYERS moneys get into the hands of many people, but at the end of the day, EVERY PERSON should be afforded the decency to have a moment every now and then to unwind and socialize, regardless of socioeconomic status.

The cost of a matinee is what? 8 bucks? So they forego a bottle of laundry soap and stretch what they have. Thats not breaking their bank regardless of the income source.

msharmony's photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:50 AM

Yes, I started a tongue in cheek thread about the oval office for us last night in the coffee section, trouble is I think people think it's true laugh

tsk, tsk, tsk. Good think I dont care for coffee ... but I bet your flowers were gorgeous ...laugh

Easttowest72's photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:53 AM
The military is being paid to protect us. It's our job as parents to support and care for our kids. I have 3 kids and 2 grandkids.

no photo
Fri 06/15/18 08:55 AM

Yes, I started a tongue in cheek thread about the oval office for us last night in the coffee section, trouble is I think people think it's true laugh

tsk, tsk, tsk. Good think I dont care for coffee ... but I bet your flowers were gorgeous ...laugh

Oh, that's it, dump me why don't you grumble