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Topic: Gun Control
Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 05/07/18 10:29 AM
Lots of people see a firearms problem.
What I see is a sanity problem.
The insanity one human being must possess to want to hurt, maim or kill another human being.
Society creates, supports and perpetuates this type of insanity.
Civilization stifles, minimizes and prevents this type of insanity.

Human beings are civilized but are influenced by society.

Many times, when a normally sane person commits an act of violence against other people it is because of some type of social perception.
Their perception gets influenced by uncontrolled emotional states.
The sanity supported by being 'civilized' is over-ridden.

Seems to me, if our civilization wants to make violence stop, our societies need to be fixed. With people less inclined to violence, there will be less violence against others.

Stress is a major factor.
Perhaps society could set trends that reduce stress instead of encouraging it.

We concentrate on 'how' someone is harmed instead of figuring out 'why' someone was harmed. Society needs a shift in focus.

If we can figure out why someone would shoot another person we might be able to remove that reasoning in favor of a less violent, less deadly solution.

If we can figure out how to help people get control of their emotional states, we can reinforce civilized behavior thru society.

Gun control is a stop-gap temporary fix. The problem is, while the stop-gap is working society thinks it is fixed and stops looking for a real solution. Since it is temporary and no solution is implemented, the gun violence returns again and again.

no photo
Mon 05/07/18 10:36 AM
There has been a couple more shootings over the weekend here.
Definitely race and drug gang related fuelled by social media!
Demand and supply. Anyone who smokes or snorts is part of the problem.

no photo
Mon 05/07/18 11:27 AM
except few, most majority countries are democratic however why any guns inside countries border is legal ? on borders surely its requirement, but why inside country ?

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 05/08/18 09:02 AM

except few, most majority countries are democratic however why any guns inside countries border is legal ? on borders surely its requirement, but why inside country ?
good thing people only get shot at the Border,hmm?what

no photo
Wed 05/09/18 05:56 AM
One day there will be nails control in the USA......trust me~~~~~Eeeee~~~~~~~

no photo
Wed 05/09/18 05:57 AM

no photo
Wed 05/09/18 03:35 PM
No amount of gun laws will stop mass shootings, its a fact, the UK has some of the strictest gun control laws and they have gun murders.

The problem is in America its the mentally unstable and the criminals who are the problem.

America should adopt some of the european mental health criteria, In Japan you have to go through a battery of test, references, doctors examination before you are even fit to have a gun.

Mind you gun ownership in Japan and europe minus the UK and Australia is a privilege, in America its a right.

I think a lot of us gun owners wouldn't object to strict mental health criteria and a battery of test if it means it stops at least one unstable person from getting a gun.

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/09/18 04:13 PM

No amount of gun laws will stop mass shootings, its a fact, the UK has some of the strictest gun control laws and they have gun murders.

The problem is in America its the mentally unstable and the criminals who are the problem.

America should adopt some of the european mental health criteria, In Japan you have to go through a battery of test, references, doctors examination before you are even fit to have a gun.

Mind you gun ownership in Japan and europe minus the UK and Australia is a privilege, in America its a right.

I think a lot of us gun owners wouldn't object to strict mental health criteria and a battery of test if it means it stops at least one unstable person from getting a gun.

No laws stop any crime, or there wouldn't be jails or laws. Laws, rules, regulations, they are all there to attempt some type of common structure not to ensure it.

I totally agree with strict mental health and tests like other countries. I must say I do not see many pro gun folks taking this same stance though.

no photo
Wed 05/09/18 06:44 PM
Its kind of common sense, who is actually killing the people with guns? its either criminals or the mentally unstable.

The thing that gets me is the government knew mental unstableness was an issue for the longest time, even LBJ addressed after RJK and MLK jr were gun down, he wanted guns taken out of the hands of the criminal and as he put it back then mentally insane.

Mental issue is a major problem.

n8diggidy's photo
Wed 05/16/18 04:20 PM
I wish the Walk Up movement would've gained traction instead of the Walk Out movement. Rather than kids walking out of school, would it have been more productive for kids to respectfully walk up to the outcasts and bullied students with empathy? Limiting tools (fire arms) will not affect the evil of a tortured souls.

olivepit's photo
Thu 05/17/18 04:57 AM
You can't change human behavior by regulating mechanical devices.

no photo
Thu 05/17/18 05:02 AM

You can't change human behavior by regulating mechanical devices.

Yeah you can.
I tried flying the other day without a plane.
Didn't happen plus my arms nearly fell off!laugh

no photo
Thu 05/17/18 07:03 AM

You can't change human behavior by regulating mechanical devices.

enough said.

gdaddy47's photo
Sun 05/20/18 09:29 AM

You can't change human behavior by regulating mechanical devices.

Simple. Make all the laws you want to but the mentally ill and mean folks are just going to do what they do. My M4 has been in my room and I have quite a few 30 round mags. That damn thing hasn't hurt the first person or animal. If some idiot wants to come in my house and do me harm then that's different matter.

Rock's photo
Sun 05/20/18 02:57 PM
If liberals could only bring themselves to
stop shooting people, gun violence would
decrease by nearly 100%.

no photo
Sun 05/20/18 03:15 PM
Guns could be totally outlawed tomorrow and the amount of them out there in the public ( legal and not) right now would keep country armed for the next 50 years anyway.

So what is any gun law going to actually accomplish.

msharmony's photo
Sun 05/20/18 05:47 PM

Guns could be totally outlawed tomorrow and the amount of them out there in the public ( legal and not) right now would keep country armed for the next 50 years anyway.

So what is any gun law going to actually accomplish.

Laws dont prevent, but they do make it easier to identify and prosecute criminals. We will never eliminate criminals but the law makes a more precise way to identify them and get justice for victims.

no photo
Sun 05/20/18 08:20 PM
gun laws are useless.

msharmony's photo
Sun 05/20/18 08:37 PM
I disagree. they are as useful as any other law, to identify and prosecute those who victimize or harm or assist in victimizing or harming others.

no photo
Sun 05/20/18 09:03 PM

criminals don't registers guns, so how does Law enforcement identify those criminals?

The answer is good police work, informants/rats and sometimes good luck.

Democrats say oh Bill Clinton's assault weapon ban was effective yet it still happened, remember Columbine among others.

Democrats say since the end of the weapons ban more school shootings happened, yes? but social media has something to do with that.

Social media, the Clinton News Network treats these killers like rock stars practically, digging up every thing on these losers keeping their name in the forefront, and you wonder why more copy cats commit these shootings?

The Boston Marathon bomber look at the publicity, One thing America should take from the U.K is the media not giving any press or limited press to the mass killers, the one mass shooter they had in 1996 barely mentioned the pricks name.

That is what we should do here, barely mention the killer and focus on the victims and lives affected , don't give any press to these killers

Quick test, name one victim from the parkland shooting?
Name the azzhole shooter.

bet you couldn't come up with one victims name from the top of your head but you know the killers name .

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