Topic: Gun Control | |
Your opinions are moot..
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Pretty clear.. |
Your opinions are moot.. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Pretty clear.. and how would people not have the right to arms by being 'well regulated'? You do see 'well regulated' is there pretty clear as well, right? |
On a different note,
You have the freedom to express yourself on the Internet and sites like this. Many countries cannot so something must be right even if it's not perfect! |
A Firearms Transaction Record, or Form 4473, is a form promulgated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in the United States Department of Justice that is filled out when a person purchases a firearm from a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder (such as a gun shop).
To purchase a firearm in America, you have to complete the ATF Form 4473. Then a federal firearms license (FFL) can: Contact the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) through a state government contact who conducts NICS checks. Form 4473 contains name, address, date of birth, government-issued photo ID, National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check transaction number, and a short affidavit stating that the purchaser is eligible to purchase firearms under federal law. It contains make, model, or serial number on page three of the six page form. Lying on this form is a felony and can be punished by up to five years in prison. 1. No guns for felons. 2. No guns after misdemeanor criminal domestic violence convictions and no guns during the time that a DVPO is in effect. 3. The federal gun ban includes some people who are only under indictment. 4. No guns for drug users. 5. If someone was barred by federal law from possessing a gun (because they were a convicted felon, a drug addict, etc.), they were not allowed to possess a gun even in their own home or business as a matter of federal law. 6. it shall be unlawful for any convicted felon to "to purchase, own, possess, or have in his custody, care, or control any firearm or any weapon of mass death and destruction." The statute goes on to define the term "firearm" by borrowing the federal definition found in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3): "any weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive." The term "firearm" also includes the frame of a weapon and silencers. The length of the gun is now irrelevant; whether long or short, it cannot be possessed by a felon. 7. The federal gun laws prohibit possession of "any firearm or ammunition." 18 U.S.C. § 922(g). "Ammunition" is defined as "cartridge cases, primers, bullets, or propellant powder designed for use in any firearm." 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(17)(A). 8. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. 9. 18 U.S.C. §§ 921(a)(20) and (a)(33)(B)(ii) say that "[a]ny conviction which has been expunged, or set aside or for which a person has been pardoned or has had civil rights restored shall not be considered a conviction for purposes of" the federal gun ban. To determine whether someone's civil right to own a gun has been restored, federal courts "look to the law of the jurisdiction of conviction . The dealer also records all information from the Form 4473 into a required "bound-book" called an "Acquisition and Disposition Log.[5] A dealer must keep this on file at least 20 years, and is required to surrender the log to the ATF upon retirement from the firearms business. The ATF is allowed to inspect, as well as request a copy of, the Form 4473 from the dealer during the course of a criminal investigation. In addition, the sale of two or more handguns to a person in a five-day period must be reported to ATF on Form 3310.4. If a person purchases a firearm from a private individual who is not a licensed dealer, the purchaser is not required in most states to complete a Form 4473. Some states (such as California and Colorado) require individual sellers to sell through dealers. These forms are given the same status as a tax return under the Privacy Act of 1974 and cannot be disclosed by the government to private parties or other government officials except in accordance with the Privacy Act. Individual dealers possessing a copy of the form are not subject to the Privacy Act's restrictions on disclosure. In 2016, ATF made several changes to the form, including adding a warning statement that the use of marijuana is illegal under federal law, regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where the transferee/buyer resides. ![]() Page ONE of SIX Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks for firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks. ... Some states' requirements are limited only to handgun purchases. “Warning: Any person who exports a firearm without proper authorization may be fined not more than $1,000,000 and/or imprisoned for not more than 20 years See 22 U.S.C. 2778(c).” Instruction for Question 16 (Formerly Question 18): Clarifies that frames and receivers cannot be transferred to anyone who is not a resident of the State where the transfer is to take place. Firearms Rulings Any person (including any corporation or other legal entity) engaged in the business of performing machining, molding, casting, forging, printing (additive manufacturing) or other manufacturing process to create a firearm frame or receiver, or to make a frame or receiver suitable for use as part of a "weapon … which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive," i.e., a "firearm," must be licensed as a manufacturer under the GCA; identify (mark) any such firearm; and maintain required manufacturer’s records. A business (including an association or society) may not avoid the manufacturing license, marking, and recordkeeping requirements of the GCA by allowing persons to perform manufacturing processes on firearms (including frames or receivers) using machinery or equipment under its dominion and control where that business controls access to, and use of, such machinery or equipment. ATF Ruling 2010-10 is clarified.
A manufacturer licensed and qualified under the GCA and NFA may manufacture and maintain an inventory of machineguns for future sale to Federal, State, or local government agencies without a specific government contract or official request; provided, the machineguns are properly registered, and their subsequent transfer is conditioned upon and restricted to the sale or distribution of such weapons for the official use of Federal, State, or local government agencies. A manufacturer may deliver machineguns it has manufactured to another qualified manufacturer for any manufacturing process; provided, the first manufacturer maintains continuous dominion or control over the machineguns. A manufacturer may transfer machineguns it has manufactured for present or future sale to a Federal, State, or local government agency to another qualified manufacturer for any manufacturing processes or storage; provided, the manufacturer has a specific government contract or official written request documenting that it is an agent of the government agency requesting and authorizing such transfer. ATF Ruling 2004-2 is clarified.
2010-6 - State of Residence (97.66 KB) For the purpose of acquiring firearms under the GCA, a U.S. citizen who temporarily resides in a foreign country, but also demonstrates the intention of making a home in a particular State, is a resident of the State during the time period he or she actually resides in that State. The intention must be demonstrated to a Federal firearms licensee by presenting valid identification documents. 2006-2 - Classification of Devices Exclusively Designed to Increase the Rate of Fire of a Semiautomatic Firearm (67.72 KB) The NFA and GCA definition of machinegun includes a part or parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun. This language includes a device that, when activated by a single pull of the trigger, initiates an automatic firing cycle that continues until the finger is released or the ammunition supply is exhausted. Certain integral devices intended to diminish the report of paintball guns are not “firearm silencers” or “firearm mufflers” under the Gun Control Act of 1968 or the National Firearms Act. 2002-6 - Identification of Firearms, Armor Piercing Ammunition, and Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices (67.75 KB) In accordance with 27 CFR 178.92 and 27 CFR 179.102, identification of firearms, armor piercing ammunition, and large capacity ammunition feeding devices, the terms "conspicuously" and "legibly" as used therein mean, respectively, that the markings are wholly unobstructed from plain view and that the markings contain exclusively Roman letters and Arabic numerals. 2001-5 - Identification of Transferee (17.92 KB) Licensees may accept a combination of valid government-issued documents to satisfy the identification document requirements of the Brady Act under certain conditions. An active duty member of the Armed Forces is a resident of the State in which his or her permanent duty station is located, and may satisfy the identification document requirement by presenting his or her military identification card along with official orders showing the permanent duty station as within the State where the licensed premises are located. 1980-20 - Rifle Bore Tasers as Firearms (23.39 KB) A hand-held device with a hand grip bent at an angle to the bore and having a rifled bore which is designed to expel, by means of an explosive, two electrical contacts (barbs) connected by two wires to a high voltage source within the device is classified as a firearm. ATF Rul. 76-6 is amplified. 1976-15 - Acquisition and Disposition of Pawned Firearms (51.13 KB) Certain reporting and recordkeeping requirements of pawnbrokers are explained. 1975-7 - Small Caliber Penguns (50.38 KB) A small caliber weapon ostensibly designed to expel only tear gas, similar substances, or pyrotechnic signals, which may readily be converted to expel a projectile by means of an explosive, classified as a firearm. Listing of Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) - 2016 Federal Firearms License (FFL) Types Type Description 01 Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths) 02 Pawnbroker in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices 03 Collector of Curios and Relics 06 Manufacturer of Ammunition for Firearms 07 Manufacturer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices 08 Importer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices 09 Dealer in Destructive Devices 10 Manufacturer of Destructive Devices 11 Importer of Destructive Devices Firearm forms library ATF has developed an electronic regulations website at designed to make regulations easier to read, understand and navigate. This new interaction format provides additional information that clarifies regulations by providing quick links to definitions, regulatory history, and future proposed changes to the regulations. Current Regulations Title 27 CFR Chapter II, Part 447 — Importation of Arms, Ammunition and Implements of War. Title 27 CFR Chapter II, Part 478 — Commerce in Firearms and Ammunition Title 27 CFR Chapter II, Part 479 — Machine Guns, Destructive Devices, and Certain Other Firearms This is just a SMALL SAMPLE of the stuff one the government websites. Its enough to drive a 'person' insane. Plus, on top of all that, some of you want to increase the regulations to be even stricter. Do a revision and it sets many changes in motion. The Gun Control laws are already complex. If anything, it should be revised to be reader friendly. The six page form has many non-effective superfluous sections. Information is required for things that have no bearing on whether a person is qualified to buy a gun. I think (my opinion), is that everything needs to be rewritten to apply to the conditions present in society now. One thing is sure. People arguing both sides should read up on the reality of gun control. Good luck with that. After posting a small sample of what it pertains to, I just don;t care about the controls and regulations anymore. The only real solution is to make sure gun owners understand the laws and comply with them. But, criminals will get guns no matter what the law says. The issue is not the guns. The issue is the one holding and squeezing the trigger. Sorry about the large post. I did have a reason for posting it. Gun Control already exists and it is extremely complex. |
On a different note, You have the freedom to express yourself on the Internet and sites like this. Many countries cannot so something must be right even if it's not perfect! oh absolutely. I agree. Thank goodness we do have freedom of expression here in this country, within limits. We would not have political forums if it was perfect, because no one would have any issue with anything happening in this country EVER. ... lol. |
Edited by
Sat 04/28/18 02:21 AM
To Tom, I agree ,most of our government documents are not so reader friendly.
I would simplify the form to be current information on name, social, residence, age and character reference with both criminal background check and mental/emotional health/drug history that MUST be checked/ verified. dont leave it up to just telling them that they 'shouldnt', prevent them by checking it out first. |
A Firearms Transaction Record, or Form 4473, is a form promulgated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in the United States Department of Justice that is filled out when a person purchases a firearm from a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder (such as a gun shop). To purchase a firearm in America, you have to complete the ATF Form 4473. Then a federal firearms license (FFL) can: Contact the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) through a state government contact who conducts NICS checks. Form 4473 contains name, address, date of birth, government-issued photo ID, National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check transaction number, and a short affidavit stating that the purchaser is eligible to purchase firearms under federal law. It contains make, model, or serial number on page three of the six page form. Lying on this form is a felony and can be punished by up to five years in prison. 1. No guns for felons. 2. No guns after misdemeanor criminal domestic violence convictions and no guns during the time that a DVPO is in effect. 3. The federal gun ban includes some people who are only under indictment. 4. No guns for drug users. 5. If someone was barred by federal law from possessing a gun (because they were a convicted felon, a drug addict, etc.), they were not allowed to possess a gun even in their own home or business as a matter of federal law. 6. it shall be unlawful for any convicted felon to "to purchase, own, possess, or have in his custody, care, or control any firearm or any weapon of mass death and destruction." The statute goes on to define the term "firearm" by borrowing the federal definition found in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3): "any weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive." The term "firearm" also includes the frame of a weapon and silencers. The length of the gun is now irrelevant; whether long or short, it cannot be possessed by a felon. 7. The federal gun laws prohibit possession of "any firearm or ammunition." 18 U.S.C. § 922(g). "Ammunition" is defined as "cartridge cases, primers, bullets, or propellant powder designed for use in any firearm." 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(17)(A). 8. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. 9. 18 U.S.C. §§ 921(a)(20) and (a)(33)(B)(ii) say that "[a]ny conviction which has been expunged, or set aside or for which a person has been pardoned or has had civil rights restored shall not be considered a conviction for purposes of" the federal gun ban. To determine whether someone's civil right to own a gun has been restored, federal courts "look to the law of the jurisdiction of conviction . The dealer also records all information from the Form 4473 into a required "bound-book" called an "Acquisition and Disposition Log.[5] A dealer must keep this on file at least 20 years, and is required to surrender the log to the ATF upon retirement from the firearms business. The ATF is allowed to inspect, as well as request a copy of, the Form 4473 from the dealer during the course of a criminal investigation. In addition, the sale of two or more handguns to a person in a five-day period must be reported to ATF on Form 3310.4. If a person purchases a firearm from a private individual who is not a licensed dealer, the purchaser is not required in most states to complete a Form 4473. Some states (such as California and Colorado) require individual sellers to sell through dealers. These forms are given the same status as a tax return under the Privacy Act of 1974 and cannot be disclosed by the government to private parties or other government officials except in accordance with the Privacy Act. Individual dealers possessing a copy of the form are not subject to the Privacy Act's restrictions on disclosure. In 2016, ATF made several changes to the form, including adding a warning statement that the use of marijuana is illegal under federal law, regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where the transferee/buyer resides. ![]() Page ONE of SIX Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks for firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks. ... Some states' requirements are limited only to handgun purchases. “Warning: Any person who exports a firearm without proper authorization may be fined not more than $1,000,000 and/or imprisoned for not more than 20 years See 22 U.S.C. 2778(c).” Instruction for Question 16 (Formerly Question 18): Clarifies that frames and receivers cannot be transferred to anyone who is not a resident of the State where the transfer is to take place. Firearms Rulings Any person (including any corporation or other legal entity) engaged in the business of performing machining, molding, casting, forging, printing (additive manufacturing) or other manufacturing process to create a firearm frame or receiver, or to make a frame or receiver suitable for use as part of a "weapon … which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive," i.e., a "firearm," must be licensed as a manufacturer under the GCA; identify (mark) any such firearm; and maintain required manufacturer’s records. A business (including an association or society) may not avoid the manufacturing license, marking, and recordkeeping requirements of the GCA by allowing persons to perform manufacturing processes on firearms (including frames or receivers) using machinery or equipment under its dominion and control where that business controls access to, and use of, such machinery or equipment. ATF Ruling 2010-10 is clarified.
A manufacturer licensed and qualified under the GCA and NFA may manufacture and maintain an inventory of machineguns for future sale to Federal, State, or local government agencies without a specific government contract or official request; provided, the machineguns are properly registered, and their subsequent transfer is conditioned upon and restricted to the sale or distribution of such weapons for the official use of Federal, State, or local government agencies. A manufacturer may deliver machineguns it has manufactured to another qualified manufacturer for any manufacturing process; provided, the first manufacturer maintains continuous dominion or control over the machineguns. A manufacturer may transfer machineguns it has manufactured for present or future sale to a Federal, State, or local government agency to another qualified manufacturer for any manufacturing processes or storage; provided, the manufacturer has a specific government contract or official written request documenting that it is an agent of the government agency requesting and authorizing such transfer. ATF Ruling 2004-2 is clarified.
2010-6 - State of Residence (97.66 KB) For the purpose of acquiring firearms under the GCA, a U.S. citizen who temporarily resides in a foreign country, but also demonstrates the intention of making a home in a particular State, is a resident of the State during the time period he or she actually resides in that State. The intention must be demonstrated to a Federal firearms licensee by presenting valid identification documents. 2006-2 - Classification of Devices Exclusively Designed to Increase the Rate of Fire of a Semiautomatic Firearm (67.72 KB) The NFA and GCA definition of machinegun includes a part or parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun. This language includes a device that, when activated by a single pull of the trigger, initiates an automatic firing cycle that continues until the finger is released or the ammunition supply is exhausted. Certain integral devices intended to diminish the report of paintball guns are not “firearm silencers” or “firearm mufflers” under the Gun Control Act of 1968 or the National Firearms Act. 2002-6 - Identification of Firearms, Armor Piercing Ammunition, and Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices (67.75 KB) In accordance with 27 CFR 178.92 and 27 CFR 179.102, identification of firearms, armor piercing ammunition, and large capacity ammunition feeding devices, the terms "conspicuously" and "legibly" as used therein mean, respectively, that the markings are wholly unobstructed from plain view and that the markings contain exclusively Roman letters and Arabic numerals. 2001-5 - Identification of Transferee (17.92 KB) Licensees may accept a combination of valid government-issued documents to satisfy the identification document requirements of the Brady Act under certain conditions. An active duty member of the Armed Forces is a resident of the State in which his or her permanent duty station is located, and may satisfy the identification document requirement by presenting his or her military identification card along with official orders showing the permanent duty station as within the State where the licensed premises are located. 1980-20 - Rifle Bore Tasers as Firearms (23.39 KB) A hand-held device with a hand grip bent at an angle to the bore and having a rifled bore which is designed to expel, by means of an explosive, two electrical contacts (barbs) connected by two wires to a high voltage source within the device is classified as a firearm. ATF Rul. 76-6 is amplified. 1976-15 - Acquisition and Disposition of Pawned Firearms (51.13 KB) Certain reporting and recordkeeping requirements of pawnbrokers are explained. 1975-7 - Small Caliber Penguns (50.38 KB) A small caliber weapon ostensibly designed to expel only tear gas, similar substances, or pyrotechnic signals, which may readily be converted to expel a projectile by means of an explosive, classified as a firearm. Listing of Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) - 2016 Federal Firearms License (FFL) Types Type Description 01 Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths) 02 Pawnbroker in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices 03 Collector of Curios and Relics 06 Manufacturer of Ammunition for Firearms 07 Manufacturer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices 08 Importer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices 09 Dealer in Destructive Devices 10 Manufacturer of Destructive Devices 11 Importer of Destructive Devices Firearm forms library ATF has developed an electronic regulations website at designed to make regulations easier to read, understand and navigate. This new interaction format provides additional information that clarifies regulations by providing quick links to definitions, regulatory history, and future proposed changes to the regulations. Current Regulations Title 27 CFR Chapter II, Part 447 — Importation of Arms, Ammunition and Implements of War. Title 27 CFR Chapter II, Part 478 — Commerce in Firearms and Ammunition Title 27 CFR Chapter II, Part 479 — Machine Guns, Destructive Devices, and Certain Other Firearms This is just a SMALL SAMPLE of the stuff one the government websites. Its enough to drive a 'person' insane. Plus, on top of all that, some of you want to increase the regulations to be even stricter. Do a revision and it sets many changes in motion. The Gun Control laws are already complex. If anything, it should be revised to be reader friendly. The six page form has many non-effective superfluous sections. Information is required for things that have no bearing on whether a person is qualified to buy a gun. I think (my opinion), is that everything needs to be rewritten to apply to the conditions present in society now. One thing is sure. People arguing both sides should read up on the reality of gun control. Good luck with that. After posting a small sample of what it pertains to, I just don;t care about the controls and regulations anymore. The only real solution is to make sure gun owners understand the laws and comply with them. But, criminals will get guns no matter what the law says. The issue is not the guns. The issue is the one holding and squeezing the trigger. Sorry about the large post. I did have a reason for posting it. Gun Control already exists and it is extremely complex. Very good information! Great response, great job! |
Edited by
Fri 05/04/18 10:29 PM
Trumps speech at the nra has just been on the news here. I thought he wasn't that bad really .But, he continued to say that gun laws for you will never and then he said London has the toughest gun laws anywhere but people use knifes instead! He then went on to say one London hospital is like a war zone with the amount of stabbings it deals with!
If you call a couple of stabbings per day a war zone then I don't know what ![]() Has he ever been to a war zone? Is he just ill informed by those trying to justify your laws? Just fake news I'm afraid! ![]() |
don't even try to obscense the Dr.G.W.bush to do so..... you sneaking boogies~~~~~~~ ![]() I'm glad you're for the Constitution cap ![]() |
I support the second amendment..But the fact of the matter is that no matter how strict the controls there is always going to be those..unfortunately it's a price we pay for a society with guns..let's just be thankful that it isn't any worse than what we've seen, Even if they were to take all the guns away there would be those who would either find them on the black market or make them either way you go ..there will always be guns..while we do have restrictions in place the best we can do is enforce them to the best of our abilities..nothing's just the way it is..With an ever increasing population there's bound to be more problems percentage's just statistics.. ![]() |
only will no against the bill of is kind of prophet. those old dudes that Thomas jefferson and washinton......had farsee some thing very important inside......
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He then went on to say one London hospital is like a war zone with the amount of stabbings it deals with!
I found this funny. I wonder why he focused on stabbings. Gun crimes/gun violence is increasing in London. It was declining before, although there were/are many stories of London/U.K. gun statistics being "massaged" for the right message. But now the gun crime statistics are steadily increasing. Makes me wonder if the immigrants might be bringing them in? Also, there were stories the last couple of months noting London's murder rate surpassed New York's...primarily due to stabbings. |
He then went on to say one London hospital is like a war zone with the amount of stabbings it deals with!
I found this funny. I wonder why he focused on stabbings. Gun crimes/gun violence is increasing in London. It was declining before, although there were/are many stories of London/U.K. gun statistics being "massaged" for the right message. But now the gun crime statistics are steadily increasing. Makes me wonder if the immigrants might be bringing them in? Also, there were stories the last couple of months noting London's murder rate surpassed New York's...primarily due to stabbings. He focused on stabbings to cover his support for the gun lobby! When they said it had surpassed new York it was in the space of 2 days lol It is very rare in London or the uk! Mostly drug related so all those that think it's cool smoking whatever are part of the problem! The lefties are the ones here who give out false statistics! Funny thing about statistics. If you on average have 2 stabbings per day then one day you have 4 they'll say it's increased 100% that makes it sound terrible. Some of it is down to European migrants, but most is just general crime! |
Edited by
Sat 05/05/18 08:06 AM
A Firearms Transaction Record, or Form 4473, is a form promulgated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in the United States Department of Justice that is filled out when a person purchases a firearm from a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder (such as a gun shop). To purchase a firearm in America, you have to complete the ATF Form 4473. Then a federal firearms license (FFL) can: Contact the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) through a state government contact who conducts NICS checks. Form 4473 contains name, address, date of birth, government-issued photo ID, National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check transaction number, and a short affidavit stating that the purchaser is eligible to purchase firearms under federal law. It contains make, model, or serial number on page three of the six page form. Lying on this form is a felony and can be punished by up to five years in prison. 1. No guns for felons. 2. No guns after misdemeanor criminal domestic violence convictions and no guns during the time that a DVPO is in effect. 3. The federal gun ban includes some people who are only under indictment. 4. No guns for drug users. 5. If someone was barred by federal law from possessing a gun (because they were a convicted felon, a drug addict, etc.), they were not allowed to possess a gun even in their own home or business as a matter of federal law. 6. it shall be unlawful for any convicted felon to "to purchase, own, possess, or have in his custody, care, or control any firearm or any weapon of mass death and destruction." The statute goes on to define the term "firearm" by borrowing the federal definition found in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3): "any weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive." The term "firearm" also includes the frame of a weapon and silencers. The length of the gun is now irrelevant; whether long or short, it cannot be possessed by a felon. 7. The federal gun laws prohibit possession of "any firearm or ammunition." 18 U.S.C. § 922(g). "Ammunition" is defined as "cartridge cases, primers, bullets, or propellant powder designed for use in any firearm." 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(17)(A). 8. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. 9. 18 U.S.C. §§ 921(a)(20) and (a)(33)(B)(ii) say that "[a]ny conviction which has been expunged, or set aside or for which a person has been pardoned or has had civil rights restored shall not be considered a conviction for purposes of" the federal gun ban. To determine whether someone's civil right to own a gun has been restored, federal courts "look to the law of the jurisdiction of conviction . The dealer also records all information from the Form 4473 into a required "bound-book" called an "Acquisition and Disposition Log.[5] A dealer must keep this on file at least 20 years, and is required to surrender the log to the ATF upon retirement from the firearms business. The ATF is allowed to inspect, as well as request a copy of, the Form 4473 from the dealer during the course of a criminal investigation. In addition, the sale of two or more handguns to a person in a five-day period must be reported to ATF on Form 3310.4. If a person purchases a firearm from a private individual who is not a licensed dealer, the purchaser is not required in most states to complete a Form 4473. Some states (such as California and Colorado) require individual sellers to sell through dealers. These forms are given the same status as a tax return under the Privacy Act of 1974 and cannot be disclosed by the government to private parties or other government officials except in accordance with the Privacy Act. Individual dealers possessing a copy of the form are not subject to the Privacy Act's restrictions on disclosure. In 2016, ATF made several changes to the form, including adding a warning statement that the use of marijuana is illegal under federal law, regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where the transferee/buyer resides. ![]() Page ONE of SIX Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks for firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law only requires licensed dealers to conduct checks. ... Some states' requirements are limited only to handgun purchases. “Warning: Any person who exports a firearm without proper authorization may be fined not more than $1,000,000 and/or imprisoned for not more than 20 years See 22 U.S.C. 2778(c).” Instruction for Question 16 (Formerly Question 18): Clarifies that frames and receivers cannot be transferred to anyone who is not a resident of the State where the transfer is to take place. Firearms Rulings Any person (including any corporation or other legal entity) engaged in the business of performing machining, molding, casting, forging, printing (additive manufacturing) or other manufacturing process to create a firearm frame or receiver, or to make a frame or receiver suitable for use as part of a "weapon … which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive," i.e., a "firearm," must be licensed as a manufacturer under the GCA; identify (mark) any such firearm; and maintain required manufacturer’s records. A business (including an association or society) may not avoid the manufacturing license, marking, and recordkeeping requirements of the GCA by allowing persons to perform manufacturing processes on firearms (including frames or receivers) using machinery or equipment under its dominion and control where that business controls access to, and use of, such machinery or equipment. ATF Ruling 2010-10 is clarified.
A manufacturer licensed and qualified under the GCA and NFA may manufacture and maintain an inventory of machineguns for future sale to Federal, State, or local government agencies without a specific government contract or official request; provided, the machineguns are properly registered, and their subsequent transfer is conditioned upon and restricted to the sale or distribution of such weapons for the official use of Federal, State, or local government agencies. A manufacturer may deliver machineguns it has manufactured to another qualified manufacturer for any manufacturing process; provided, the first manufacturer maintains continuous dominion or control over the machineguns. A manufacturer may transfer machineguns it has manufactured for present or future sale to a Federal, State, or local government agency to another qualified manufacturer for any manufacturing processes or storage; provided, the manufacturer has a specific government contract or official written request documenting that it is an agent of the government agency requesting and authorizing such transfer. ATF Ruling 2004-2 is clarified.
2010-6 - State of Residence (97.66 KB) For the purpose of acquiring firearms under the GCA, a U.S. citizen who temporarily resides in a foreign country, but also demonstrates the intention of making a home in a particular State, is a resident of the State during the time period he or she actually resides in that State. The intention must be demonstrated to a Federal firearms licensee by presenting valid identification documents. 2006-2 - Classification of Devices Exclusively Designed to Increase the Rate of Fire of a Semiautomatic Firearm (67.72 KB) The NFA and GCA definition of machinegun includes a part or parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun. This language includes a device that, when activated by a single pull of the trigger, initiates an automatic firing cycle that continues until the finger is released or the ammunition supply is exhausted. Certain integral devices intended to diminish the report of paintball guns are not “firearm silencers” or “firearm mufflers” under the Gun Control Act of 1968 or the National Firearms Act. 2002-6 - Identification of Firearms, Armor Piercing Ammunition, and Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices (67.75 KB) In accordance with 27 CFR 178.92 and 27 CFR 179.102, identification of firearms, armor piercing ammunition, and large capacity ammunition feeding devices, the terms "conspicuously" and "legibly" as used therein mean, respectively, that the markings are wholly unobstructed from plain view and that the markings contain exclusively Roman letters and Arabic numerals. 2001-5 - Identification of Transferee (17.92 KB) Licensees may accept a combination of valid government-issued documents to satisfy the identification document requirements of the Brady Act under certain conditions. An active duty member of the Armed Forces is a resident of the State in which his or her permanent duty station is located, and may satisfy the identification document requirement by presenting his or her military identification card along with official orders showing the permanent duty station as within the State where the licensed premises are located. 1980-20 - Rifle Bore Tasers as Firearms (23.39 KB) A hand-held device with a hand grip bent at an angle to the bore and having a rifled bore which is designed to expel, by means of an explosive, two electrical contacts (barbs) connected by two wires to a high voltage source within the device is classified as a firearm. ATF Rul. 76-6 is amplified. 1976-15 - Acquisition and Disposition of Pawned Firearms (51.13 KB) Certain reporting and recordkeeping requirements of pawnbrokers are explained. 1975-7 - Small Caliber Penguns (50.38 KB) A small caliber weapon ostensibly designed to expel only tear gas, similar substances, or pyrotechnic signals, which may readily be converted to expel a projectile by means of an explosive, classified as a firearm. Listing of Federal Firearms Licensees (FFLs) - 2016 Federal Firearms License (FFL) Types Type Description 01 Dealer in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices (Includes Gunsmiths) 02 Pawnbroker in Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices 03 Collector of Curios and Relics 06 Manufacturer of Ammunition for Firearms 07 Manufacturer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices 08 Importer of Firearms Other Than Destructive Devices 09 Dealer in Destructive Devices 10 Manufacturer of Destructive Devices 11 Importer of Destructive Devices Firearm forms library ATF has developed an electronic regulations website at designed to make regulations easier to read, understand and navigate. This new interaction format provides additional information that clarifies regulations by providing quick links to definitions, regulatory history, and future proposed changes to the regulations. Current Regulations Title 27 CFR Chapter II, Part 447 — Importation of Arms, Ammunition and Implements of War. Title 27 CFR Chapter II, Part 478 — Commerce in Firearms and Ammunition Title 27 CFR Chapter II, Part 479 — Machine Guns, Destructive Devices, and Certain Other Firearms This is just a SMALL SAMPLE of the stuff one the government websites. Its enough to drive a 'person' insane. Plus, on top of all that, some of you want to increase the regulations to be even stricter. Do a revision and it sets many changes in motion. The Gun Control laws are already complex. If anything, it should be revised to be reader friendly. The six page form has many non-effective superfluous sections. Information is required for things that have no bearing on whether a person is qualified to buy a gun. I think (my opinion), is that everything needs to be rewritten to apply to the conditions present in society now. One thing is sure. People arguing both sides should read up on the reality of gun control. Good luck with that. After posting a small sample of what it pertains to, I just don;t care about the controls and regulations anymore. The only real solution is to make sure gun owners understand the laws and comply with them. But, criminals will get guns no matter what the law says. The issue is not the guns. The issue is the one holding and squeezing the trigger. Sorry about the large post. I did have a reason for posting it. Gun Control already exists and it is extremely complex. only the Arm's owner charateristic is not enough.....but also which kind of Arm he or she had purchase where had purchase it whom can proof it and if the tade is leagal or illegal the family mate's condition any mate had any illlegal record under the federal sucurity law charge area? any family mate having or had pschological deasease record?.....and so on.....but it's page 1 of 6 holping they'll not foget these items..... ![]() |
Total crap if you ask me. Guns done kill people. People kill people
Edited by
Sun 05/06/18 11:34 PM
People kill people. its true, but they use tools and resources to do it, which is why regulations and controls and laws are placed to try to regulate those tools and resources.
bombs dont kill people, technically by the same logic, the people who use the bombs kill people. But we still watch for people buying certain ingredients for bombs. cars dont kill people, technically by the same logic, the person behind the wheel of the car kills, but we still put regulations on people who may be buying cars or driving cars, and on the specifications that cars must meet to be on the road. |
Total crap if you ask me. Guns done kill people. People kill people the truth of the truth......actually there kinds of tools can murdering people harder to being scence than the gun.......for example the knife or the hammer..... cheers ned....finally some one have step on my side..... ![]() |
Total crap if you ask me. Guns done kill people. People kill people the truth of the truth......actually there kinds of tools can murdering people harder to being scence or invetigating than the gun.......for example the knife or the hammer..... cheers ned....finally some one have step on my side..... ![]() |
Silly argument..... lets say we ban every thing....what's next? Rocks? Bats? Toothpicks? Toilets seats?? The left has no rational solition, because the problem is not guns....its bad human beings....can you ban those please??? This because it doesn't matter the tools they use they will always find a way to harm. |
And not to mention the criminals do not operate inside the laws. So all the tougher regulations do is give them an advantage. Also not all assault rifles are fully automatic. It doesn't matter how many times this is said to people who are either uneducated about firearms or afraid of them they don't care |